I have an Android app that I am currently developing. I have created icons (.png) and placed them in the /res/drawable-hdpi (and ldpi & mdpi) folders. In my manifest I have
<application android:icon="#+drawable/icon" android:label="#string/app_name">
my icons are all named icon.png.
I have compiled the source and when I run it on the emulator, the icon shows up in the desktop launcher. But when I copy the apk to my actual phone, the desktop launcher shows the default package icon rather than my custom icon. Although, funny enough when I am actually installing the app, the package manager does show the icon. But once it is installed, the icon does not show.
How do I make my application icon show up as the launcher icon?
remove the "+" in "#+drawable/icon"
I had the same problem, and I never used the "+" in the manifest.
Rebooting&wiping emulator or restarting Eclipse did not work for me.
I simply solved renaming all the icon.png files to something different (e.g. iconq.png).
I just had the same issue. I renamed my icon to launch_icon and restarted Eclipse. Not sure which one did the trick but it worked after that
It's possible to have different icons set for different components (ie Activity and Service). Make sure that you have the icon only defined for the application element, and nothing else. This will guarantee that all components will have a the same icon, the one defined in the application.
For some reason it was the ROM I had on my phone (it was a gingerbread MIUI ROM). I put a new ROM on my phone today and it works fine. Strange.
I had a similar problem. I am running a custom rom (Cyanogen mod 7), and my solution was to simply reboot my device. After that, the icon appeared.
Make sure that the Intent of your Launcher Activity is named MAIN
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
Moreover, add the icon to your Drawable folders and then refer it in the application block of Manifest.
android:theme="#style/AppTheme" >
In my case, I was testing in a Nexus 5X device with the Android Nougat and the icon was correct, but in the emulator on the same android version but with the Pixel Launcher, the default icon were shown.
I saw that in my case I forgot to replace the android:roundIcon property in the manifest to use the new one.
Round Icon Resources
Apps can now define circular launcher icons, which are used on devices that support them. When a launcher requests an app icon, the framework returns either android:icon or android:roundIcon, depending on the device build configuration. Because of this, apps should make sure to define both android:icon and android:roundIcon resources when responding to launcher intents. You can use Image Asset Studio to design round icons.
You should make sure to test your app on devices that support the new
circular icons, to see how your circular app icons look and how they
are displayed. One way to test your resources is to run the Android
emulator and use a Google APIs Emulator System targeting API level 25.
You can also test your icons by installing your app on a Google Pixel
For more information about designing app launcher icons, see the
Material Design guidelines.
I have a samsung phone and a Motorolla phone. On my Samsung phone my propgrammed and set custom app icon is used and displayed. On my Motorolla this is not the case. Instead the default android logo remains. Any clue why this is?
follow these steps :
1) add app icon in mipmap folder with different sizes
2) In Menifest.xml set android:icon="#mipmap/app_icon" and android:roundIcon="#mipmap/app_icon"
^ Make sure you have added android:roundIcon="#mipmap/ic_launcher_round" in manifest file
I have added a new Image Asset to my build, tested it on virtual and physical devices, then pushed as a Beta to the Play Store. Everything is checking out on my end, but one of my testers is saying that the app icon is not showing up!? He's using a Google Pixel phone running Android 8.0. Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Android Oreo requires few versions of your icon, and you have to create adaptive icon
1. Select app folder from your project
2. Select File → New → Image Asset
3. On "Foreground Layer" choose the path of your image and resize in order to get the proper aspect for the icon
4. On “Background Layer" use the provided background color
5. Click on Finish and mipmap icons are created in different sizes
In your manifest file do the following changes
Source: How to create adaptive icons for android
I noticed that the Samsung apps have a specific shape; for example, the Gallery, Camera, Phone, Messages and Internet app icons below.
Is there a way to specify an icon for Samsung devices only? Something similar to how the new Google Pixel uses the android:roundIcon attribute in the manifest?
I tried looking for something in the Samsung Developer documentation, but there does not seem to be anything on the topic.
The devices do have a way of recognizing the Samsung apps, considering the Icons with backgrounds setting [Settings > Display > Icon backgrounds] enables a similarly shaped background for all other apps. For example, the Google Play Store icon below.
But I am unsure if this is a publicly-available option.
This question would be inconsequential if Samsung adopts Android Oreo's new adaptive icons; but as far as I know they haven't yet.
You can disable TouchWiz to surround your application icon in a rounded square frame by setting
<meta-data android:name="com.samsung.android.icon_container.has_icon_container" android:value="true"/>
to your AndroidManifest.xml
To detected if you are running in a Samsung device is easy:
android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER == "samsung"
More info here
So after you have defined that you are running in a Samsung device, you could change your app to change the app icon programatically when running in Samsung devices. But unfortunately android doesn't provide a way of doing it.
There are some work arounds to change de app icon, you can check here, here and here
If you really need to change your icon, you can try the workarouds, but if is just to keep in standard with the non-standard samsung icons, them I would not do it ;)
Hi i have a problem with my app icon. The icon is displayed correctly on the actionBar of the Emulator but for some reasons it doesn't display normally on my device. Unfortunately I don't have another device models for testing.
Screenshots are attched below
To change the app icon I just changed the drawable on the manifest, is this correct ?
I tried the app on different android version (Emulator). the result is good but not on the physical phone.
Can it be related to the ROM ? On the phone I have the MIUI ROM.
Checkout the size of your icon image. It should be small in size.
I upload an app in play store.Now i got a comment that it shows default android icon in some devices (galaxy s4,nexus 5 )instead of app icon.I placed app icon in drawable-ldpi,drawable-mdpi,drawable-hdpi,drawable-xhpdi and drawable-tvdpi. Default android icon is present outside resource folder as ic_launcher-web. While testing it showed the app icon itself in galaxy s4.But when it downloaded from play store it is showing default app icon.What I should do to correct this problem?
Since app icon has very little impact on the system performance, I recommend that you to put a 256*256 icon in the default /res/drawable/ resource folder.
I had the same problem and the issue was with app icon resource.
I had defined an adaptive icon in a mipmap-anydpi-v26 folder. Both for standard and round resources. For other devices I had standard launcher icon in respective mipmap-<density-qualifier>. And in AndroidManifest.xml
The default icon was displayed on Devices that had lower version of Android than 26 but launcher supported roundIcon. Cause this resource was not existing for this devices. Add ic_launcher_roundresource for all densities solved the problem
You need to put the app icon in drawable-xxhdpi and drawable-xxxhdpi too.
Reference: http://developer.android.com/design/style/iconography.html