I am working on android device policies, i am able to implement wipe data, force lock using sample given at below link
http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/admin/device-admin.html. I am not able understand how to wipe, force lock, change pwd Remotly from server. I spent lot of time in searching to get information but i am not suceed. Please give any information to implement policies Remotely.
Thanks in advance.
I've googled around a bit today as well, and I've come up with the following solution:
First, write a device administrator app, like the one referenced in the link you provided.
Then you will have to implement some technique so that you can push messages from a server to the android client. As of Android 2.2, you can use C2DM (Cloud to device messaging) provided by Google, I guess it isn't to hard to configure and get going. If you do not want to use this, there is the option to use some other kind of messaging framework, that allows you to push data, like XMPP or MQTT. The facebook messenger app for iOS uses MQTT, so that can't be all bad. It will however require more work setting up, than C2DM for example.
Finally you will have to push some kind of message from your server to the client via the method you chose and let your device administrator app listen to these messages and respond with the correct action, depending on message. So you can decide on your own what the messages will look like and contain.
There is also the option of using Exchange, but I do not know how that works.
So that is basically what I found out from my little research, I'd love to hear other ideas from someone else as well.
I'm still fairly new to Android coding. I've made lots of use of the Log.d() function in my code to display lots of handy logging messages to the logcat console within the Android Studio environment, when I run the app with the device connected to the computer (or on an emulator).
Now I'd like to be able to get debug information from a user when the app is running on their device, hopefully showing the same Log.d() messages that I see in the logcat console within Android Studio.
I've done some searching but can't seem to find a straightforward guide as to how this is achieved.
You have to use a web server. First send the content of logd() to your server and then check them on your server. However, you may want to test your own apps instead of asking users to test. Google developer console has a place to show some debug information if your app crashed when users are using them.
You can use a webserver, file-backed logger, or any other way of saving/submitting data on the fly.
Most people will recommend either some form of integrated web service like HockeyApp, etc., but you can get it done just by sending a plain old text file if needed. FYI, not best practice, but it gets the job done.
Is it possible to create a listener to get a message from whatsApp in android?
I mean like you have a broadcastReceiver to listen to incoming SMS in android...
Is any API is needed for that thing, or is it legal thing to do or I need to get any permission from whatsApp?
Whatsapp did not publish any official APIs.
There's this open source API for communicating with whatsapp, it's not official and might stop working if Whatsapp update their protocols.
Regarding the legality of using this or other non-official API, it depends on the service agreement that you agreed to with Whatsapp. Read it and see if they frown upon using their communication protocols with clients other than theirs. My guess would be they do not allow it.
UPDATE: This GitHub repository seems to have been taken offline due to legal threats.
It is possible, an example of an Android app that does this is Snowball - basic notification manager that can access WhatsApp message content. I'm not quite sure on how that works, but research Snowball to get more information on how it works.
It is also possible without Android, the source repository on GitHub has been taken down and put back up a few times due to legal threats.
If you do, however, manage to connect to WhatsApp's servers to access incoming and outgoing messages with a desktop app and you don't hide it well, your account will be blocked. WhatsApp notices accounts that send messages faster than it would take for a normal person to send - easy to notice because a human takes time to type, try delaying messages by a random number of seconds to try and hide this. Also note that WhatsApp's terms of service state that you may not run any automated system using the service, i.e. any external app. You may not use the service to advertise or spam (raises red flags pretty fast and gets your account blocked).
There is also another library written in Python which you can use write custom application.
It also has terminal client and you run it in interactive mode and also supports group messaging.
There are lots of issues to fix.However you should not be abusive with whatsapp service.Don't use it to spam users.This is reverse engineered library and therefore unofficial.
Here the link:-yowsup
I don't know if this is even possible, couldn't find anything usefull on the internet.
I wanted to make an app, that me and some of my friends could send a message trough "my app" and that everyone who has that app, receive the message, without using a phone number.
So basically, same as WhatsApp GroupConversation, but then without using a phone number.
Is this even possible?
If it is possible, could you put me on the right track to start with.
Hope I am clear enough, if not, tell me :)
This just pops up in my head (didn't look on internet yet), but what I want, is a kind of a shoutbox.
This is possible, in fact WhatsApp does not use your phone number for this at all.
You simply provide your phone number to asure a unique ID and proof that you are indeed in possession of this phone with the validation SMS.
From there on, your phone number isn't even used anymore.
You can go 2 ways with this;
Create a simple webservice with a database on which you just save and request messages. Maybe make a little difference between get all or get latest message. Anyone, hooking into the group, can just fetch the same data. With the use of GCM push notifications, you can make this pretty instant.
Use XMPP, which is a chat protocol kinda all the chats use. Whatsapp, Google talk, FB messenger... This will provide you with instant messaging just like any other chat app or program you know.
Option 2 is by far the best in final functionality, but be warned that XMPP is quite complex and error prone.
You can look into the asmack and asmackx libraries for Android, which will give you the basic functionality with ease. Going a bit deeper, you'll have to dig into the protocol and really get to know it though.
ps. For both you'll need your own server, however with asmack(x) you are also allowed to use Google's Talk servers for free. Communication will go through your Gmail account. Basically with this you just make your own version of Google Talk.
It is possible by implementing server-client architecture. Your app will use a common database for all the users. whenever an user install your app, he will achieve an unique user ID. if anyone uninstall it, his id will be destroyed. You can track the users from those ID in database. You don't need phone numbers.
What is the easiest way to implement a simple app which does two things:
receive push notifications (new messages in user's inbox),
open a page on my website in a webview or web browser.
It would be best if the solution was portable among iOS, Android and possibly other mobile systems like Windows Phone and BlackBerry 10, but I'm happy with separate solutions, if it's the only way to do it.
I suggest that, checking out Parse apis for this task.
There are solutions like http://xtify.com/ or http://urbanairship.com/products/push-notifications/ that provide an all in one package across platforms but I don't know the quality of service or which one would be right for you, some research on your part will be necessary if you choose this path.
Or you could implement it yourself but it will require your own server. The server would notify both Androids C2DM And Apple Push Service at the same time. You will have to implement the client side on each.
For iPhone here's a good tutorial for setting it up http://www.raywenderlich.com/3443/apple-push-notification-services-tutorial-part-12
For Android http://www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidCloudToDeviceMessaging/article.html
You register your app with both services then sends the push keys to your server. With the keys the server can then notify both platforms respective push services to send a notification .
I can't really help with the server setup stuff as its not my area of expertise but this is how we implement push notifications for the apps my company makes.
I'd recommend a Phonegap (Cordova) app and UrbanAirship for the notifications. You can get a free account with that. It's relatively easy to implement too.
As for the browser, I'm not sure exactly what you want it for. Could you elaborate and I'll post a response.
I am trying to write an app that will have a web interface for business owners who can select a specific Android mobile app user via querying a database and then have either the website or database(a little unsure about how this would work) push information to the queried user's phone to create a notification for them via the app.
I have never created an app like this and the connection between the website, the database, and the mobile app on a user's phone are all a mystery to me. I've searched the Android developer website and cannot find anything that will accurately explain how to do this, and have also Google'd the topic without much luck.
All I ask is for someone to point me in the right direction to place the pieces together, any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Your solution will almost certainly involve Google Cloud Messaging.
Implementing GCM will involve a server in which all devices are registered with a central service. So you are half way there once you have GCM implemented. Well perhaps more so, almost everything you mentioned is basically just GCM.
For this you can use PHP programming to interact with the website.
Refer Android App interaction with Web
and also
Android App Development and Web Server Interactions
These links will be useful.Good luck..