Horizontal view switching like in the official Google plus app - android

Anyone have a code sample of horizontal view switching like in the official Google plus app. Im mean were you switch between Nearby - Circles - Incomming in the Stream view.

What you're talking about is ViewPager.
It requires this Android compatibility library.
I recommend looking into Jake Wharton's library and then taking a look at Mark Allison's examples of styling it.

Maybe this can help you http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2011/08/horizontal-view-swiping-with-viewpager.html

You can also use a ActionBar Sherlock Library for this


Android official alphabet fast scroll view

Is there an Android official alphabet fast scroll view? If yes, how to use it?
And I find some third party lib like MaterialScrollBar, but I prefer official version if it exists.
Any help is very appreciated.
What a pity, there is no such thing untill now. However, there are some useful classes such as:AlphabetIndexer in case you want to implement yourself from official components like NestedScrollView, RecyclerView

Android - What is the standard way to implement the tab now?

I'm a newbie of Android. I have searched for hours but I see many different approaches and many is deprecated.
I know this question is silly, but I really need someone's help.
What is the standard way that most developers do when they want to implement the tab, please give some informations.
The Android Design Support Library adds TabLayout, providing a tab implementation that matches the material design guidelines for tabs. A complete walkthrough of how to implement Tabs and ViewPager can be found in this video.

Is there any UI library in Android ,similar to the UI view of , iOS HealthBook/Passbook app

I have to implement UI in Android similar to iOS HealthBook/Passbook app as below.
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0HkWgmeIlc
blog URL: http://loumiranda.com/2014/03/17/will-healthbookpassbook-be-a-new-ui-paradigm-in-ios-8/
I have searched but couldn't find any related libraries. I looked into expandable listviews and cards,
but I want them to be stacked one on one.
Are there any such libraries?
Can I achieve this in any other way?
Any suggestions and links will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
there is not direct library by which you can make it , you have to use custom layout .

Documentation for CardView and RecyclerView

I am trying out these new UIs from Android L, did not have much issue in implementing the static views but I could not find the relevant documentations for these two views, such as how to call methods to add or remove items from RecyclerView(using RecyclerView.Adapter or LinearLayoutManager), how to configure behaviours for CardView.
I assume the documentation should be here at the reference page for Android API 20 but I could not find any.
Thanks for everyone.
Now CardView and RecyclerView are documented here, after official release of Android 5.0 Lollipop.
At the present time, RecyclerView and CardView are part of the "L" Developer Preview, whose documentation is not integrated into the main JavaDocs.
That being said, the documentation is just JavaDocs, and so you will also need to use your favorite search engine to turn up the blog posts and the like that try to fill in the documentation gaps.
What CommonsWare said, with the addition of a popular blog post going into the concepts, along with code examples:
This is probably what you're looking for:
It's obviously not the official one (Google had one online a few days ago, but they removed it for some reason), but this is pretty accurate. The links there aren't broken, and it's pretty reliable.
Can't seem to find a CardView API document anywhere.

Is there an official Android section View?

List sections are used quite a lot in Android through out Google's own applications and in some of the framework's features as well, i.e. preferences.
This made me wonder if there is an offical section View available in Android? If so, it seems to be hidden.
Here's a picture from the Android Design site that shows what I'm talking about:
This made me wonder if there is an offical section View available in Android?
No, sorry. There are plenty of libraries for this, and you can probably grab some code out of AOSP for it as well, but there is nothing in the SDK for it. Just because the design folk think it is a good idea does not mean that we actually have code in the SDK to leverage such ideas.

