How to do hit test on a rotated image in Android? - android

I am trying to do hit test on a rotated image object drawn on the canvas in surface view.
When image is not rotate we can directly use left, top , width and height as boundaries to check whether the point lies within image rectangle. But how to do it when the object is rotated to some angle?
I am using: canvas.rotate(angle, pivotX ,pivotY); to draw the rotated image.
I could not get the rotated left and top of the image object. I tried to take original left and top of the image and when i tap on the screen i rotate the touch point back with same angle using:
angledTouchX = (float) (eventX * Math.cos(-objectAngle) - eventY * Math.sin(-objectAngle));
angledTouchY = (float) (eventY * Math.sin(-objectAngle) + eventX * Math.cos(-objectAngle));
It does not work because it rotates the point wrt (0,0), but i want it wrt center of the image object.

Was working on similar problem. In my case, I want to do a hottest between touchpoint and rotated and scaled view. So I transform touch point co-ordinate system according to view's rotation and check if its inside non-rotated view boundary or not.
Get touch point in screen co-ordinate system which received from event.getRawX() and event.getRawY()
Target view location in screen location which received from
int location[] = new int[2];
int viewX = location[0];
int viewY = location[1];
Create vector as if view origin is the space origin
float[] vec = new float[2];
vec[0] = event.getRawX() - viewX;
vec[1] = event.getRawY() - viewY;
Rotate the vector
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.setRotate(-1 * view.getRotation());
Change rotated vector to screen space
vec[0] = vec[0] + viewX;
vec[1] = vec[1] + viewY;
Check if rotated touch co-ordinate is in view unrotated boundary
if(( vec[0] > viewX
&& vec[0] < (viewX + (view.getWidth() * view.getScaleX()) ))
&&( vec[1] > viewY
&& vec[1] < (viewY + (view.getHeight() * view.getScaleY()) ))){
isPointInTextView = true;
} else {
isPointInTextView = false;

You need to work with it mathematically. the best way to do is before you rotating the canvas change the position by width/2, height/2. Then apply rotation, finally move back to the previous location by width/2, height/2. Then your picture will be always rotated from the center. But still after rotating your new image will have a new size which fits as a rectagle align to screen sides.


Center of the view after rotation or scale

I am trying to find the center of a view. For non-rotated view the value is correct, but for rotated view it's not correct as the centre(0,0) is rotating. In the case of scaling the width and height is keep constant even after zooming
I am using the following formula to calculate the center.
int[] location = new int[2];
int xLocation = location[0] + childView.getWidth() / 2;
int yLocation = location[1] + childView.getHeight() / 2
from getGlobalVisibleRect i get the rect of visible part only
This method will return you Rect(considering rotation and scale) within its parent view

Best way to draw a path traveled

I'm making a application to track a veicle based in GPS coordinates.
I created a SurfaceView to draw the field, vehicle and the path (route) for him.
The result looked like this:
The black dots represent the coming of GPS coordinates, and blue rectangles would be the area covered by the path traveled. (the width of the path is configurable)
The way I'm drawing with blue rectangles (this is my question) which are the area covered by the path traveled. (the width of the path is configurable)
With that I need to overcome some situation.
I need to calculate the field's rotation angle so that the path always get left behind. (completed)
I need to calculate the angle of rotation of each rectangle so they are facing towards the vehicle. (completed)
In the future I will need:
Detect when the vehicle passes twice in the same place. (based on the path traveled)
Calculate the area (m²) all traveled by the vehicle.
I would like some tips for draw this path.
My code:
public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
Log.d(getClass().getSimpleName(), "draw");;
// translate canvas to vehicle positon
canvas.translate((float) center.cartesian(0), (float) center.cartesian(1));
float fieldRotation = 0;
if (trackerHistory.size() > 1) {
Before drawing the way, only takes the last position and finds the angle of rotation of the field.
Vector lastPosition = new Vector(convertToTerrainCoordinates(lastPoint));
Vector preLastPosition = new Vector(convertToTerrainCoordinates(preLastPoint));
float shift = (float) lastPosition.distanceTo(preLastPosition);
Having the last coordinate as a triangle, 'preLastCoord' saves the values of the legs, while 'shift' is the hypotenuse
// If the Y offset is negative, then the opposite side is the Y displacement
if (preLastPosition.cartesian(1) < 0) {
// dividing the opposite side by hipetenusa, we have the sine of the angle that must be rotated.
double sin = preLastPosition.cartesian(1) / shift;
// when Y is negative, it is necessary to add or subtract 90 degrees depending on the value of X
// The "Math.asin()" calculates the radian arc to the sine previously calculated.
// And the "Math.toDegress()" converts degrees to radians from 0 to 360.
if (preLastPosition.cartesian(0) < 0) {
fieldRotation = (float) (Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(sin)) - 90d);
} else {
fieldRotation = (float) (Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(sin))) + 90d);
// if not, the opposite side is the X offset
else {
// dividing the opposite side by hipetenusa have the sine of the angle that must be rotated.
double senAngulo = preLastPosition.cartesian(0) / shift;
// The "Math.asin()" calculates the radian arc to the sine previously calculated.
// And the "Math.toDegress()" converts degrees to radians from 0 to 360.
fieldRotation = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(senAngulo));
final float dpiTrackerWidth = Navigator.meterToDpi(trackerWidth); // width of rect
final Path positionHistory = new Path(); // to draw the route
final Path circle = new Path(); // to draw the positions
Iterate the historical positions and draw the path
for (int i = 1; i < trackerHistory.size(); i++) {
Vector currentPosition = new Vector(convertToTerrainCoordinates(trackerHistory.get(i))); // vector with X and Y position
Vector lastPosition = new Vector(convertToTerrainCoordinates(trackerHistory.get(i - 1))); // vector with X and Y position
circle.addCircle((float) currentPosition.cartesian(0), (float) currentPosition.cartesian(1), 3, Path.Direction.CW);
circle.addCircle((float) lastPosition.cartesian(0), (float) lastPosition.cartesian(1), 3, Path.Direction.CW);
if (isInsideOfScreen(currentPosition.cartesian(0), currentPosition.cartesian(1)) ||
isInsideOfScreen(lastPosition.cartesian(0), lastPosition.cartesian(1))) {
Calcule degree by triangle sides
float shift = (float) currentPosition.distanceTo(lastPosition);
Vector dif = lastPosition.minus(currentPosition);
float sin = (float) (dif.cartesian(0) / shift);
float degress = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(sin));
Create a Rect to draw displacement between two coordinates
RectF rect = new RectF();
rect.left = (float) (currentPosition.cartesian(0) - (dpiTrackerWidth / 2));
rect.right = rect.left + dpiTrackerWidth; = (float) currentPosition.cartesian(1);
rect.bottom = - shift;
Path p = new Path();
Matrix m = new Matrix();
p.addRect(rect, Path.Direction.CCW);
m.postRotate(-degress, (float) currentPosition.cartesian(0), (float) currentPosition.cartesian(1));
// rotates the map to make the route down.
canvas.drawPath(positionHistory, paint);
canvas.drawPath(circle, paint2);
My goal is to have something like this application: (but only in 2D for now)
To clarify a bit more my doubts:
I do not have much experience about it. I would like a better way to draw the path. With rectangles it was not very good. Note that the curves are some empty spaces.
Another point is the rotation of rectangles, I'm rotating them at the time of drawing. I believe this will make it difficult to detect overlaps
I believe I need math help for the rotation of objects and overlapping detection. And it also helps to draw the path of a filled shape.
After some research time, I came to a successful outcome. I will comment on my thoughts and how was the solution.
As I explained in question, along the way I have the coordinates traveled by the vehicle, and also a setting for the width of the path should be drawn.
Using LibGDX library is ready a number of features, such as the implementation of a "orthographic camera" to work with positioning, rotation, etc.
With LibGDX I converted GPS coordinates on my side points to the road traveled. Like this:
The next challenge was to fill the path traveled. First I tried using rectangles, but the result was as shown in my question.
So the solution was to trace triangles using the side of the path as vertices. Like this:
Then simply fill in the triangles. Like this:
Finally, using Stencil, I set up OpenGL to highlight overlaps. Like this:
Other issues fixed:
To calculate the covered area, simply calculate the area of existing triangles along the path.
To detect overlapping, just check if the current position of the vehicle is within a triangle.
Thanks to:
AlexWien for the attention and for their time.
Conner Anderson by videos of LibGDX
And a special thanks to Luis Eduardo for knowledge, helped me a lot.
The sample source code.
Usually such a path is drawn using a "path" method from the graphics lib.
In that lib you can create a polyline, and give a line width.
You further specify how corners are filled. (BEVEL_JOIN, MITTER_JOIN)
The main question is wheter the path is drawn while driving or afterwords.
Afterwords is no problem.
To draw while driving might be a bit tricky to avoid to redraw the path each second.
When using the Path with moveTo and lineTo to create a polyline, then you can set a line width, and the graphics lib will do that all for you.
Then there will be no gaps, since it is a poly line.

how to get bounds of a scaled view?

It seems that setScaleX or setScaleY don't actually change left,top,right,bottom properties. getX and getY remain unchanged too.
So if I scale a view whats the easiest way to get 4 corner coordinates of the newly scaled view?
I tried getHitRect but that doesn't give me the right answer. I am trying to avoid manually calculating the new bounds based on existing transformations (rotation and scale with pivots factored in).
After exploring the view api, it looks like there is no direct API method that does this.
However you can easily get the new points by grabbing the transform matrix of the view and using that to get the new bounds.
Something like this:
Matrix m = view.getMatrix();
Rect bbox = new Rect();
If you want to operate on (x,y) coordiantes directly there is a matrix.mapPoints that will achieve the same result.
I believe if you get the width and height and multiply it by the scales, you'll get the scaled width and height.
int scaledWidth = getWidth() * getScaleX();
int scaledHeight = getHeight() * getScaleY();
int newLeft = getLeft() + (scaledWidth / 2);
int newRight = newLeft + scaledWidth;
int newTop = getTop() + (scaledHeight / 2);
int newBottom = newTop + scaledHeight;
This is assuming that you scaled with a pivot x and y at the center of the view. Things gets far more complicated if you have pivots in strange areas.

How to draw a dot on the zoomable bitmap by taking x, y coordinates form its image view

Please help me
I'm developing an android application to display a pinch zoom-able and drag-able bit map in a image view(Image view's boundaries are same as device screen size). I'm only zooming the bit map and show it in the image view
What I want is
When click a place on the device screen get that X an Y positions and draw a dot exactly in the place where I clicked on the bitmap
Its like marking your location on the bit map
Here is a descriptive image (Sorry I couldn't upload it to here because i have low reputation)
as the image displays i want to get the x2, y2 positions of image view and draw the red dot in x1,y1 position on the bit map
It will be very help full for me if you can give me some codes or advice
thank you
I have gone through same problem and got resolved.
try this,
*Get touch points x, y *
int x = (int) event.getX();
int y = (int) event.getY();
2. Calculate inverse matrix
// calculate inverse matrix
Matrix inverse = new Matrix();
3. Get your ImageView matrix
4. Map your co-ordinates to actual image
// map touch point from ImageView to image
float[] touchPoint = new float[] { event.getX(), event.getY() };
*4. Get your actual x, y of image *
x = (int) touchPoint[0];
y = (int) touchPoint[1];
In order to catch the coordinates of the touch, use the onTouch event of the imageView:
public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent me) {
int x = me.getX();
int y = me.getY();
yourbitmap.setPixel(x + dx, y + dy, COLOR.RED);
return true;
where dx, dy is the displacement of the bitmap in the imageView.
The values of dx and dy depend on your settings of the imageview, which you have set yourself. If the bitmap is always centered and not screen-filling, dy= (imageview_height - bitmap_height) / 2 and dx= (imageview_width - bitmap_width) / 2. If the image is scaled to fit in the imageview, you have to determine the scale factor. You can read about those computations here.

How to add sprites at specific part of screen AndEngine

I use this method to add a Sprite to the screen randomly.
private void addFace() {
Random rand = new Random();
float x = (int) mCamera.getHeight() + mBallTextureRegion.getHeight();
float minY = mBallTextureRegion.getHeight();
float maxY = (int)(mCamera.getWidth() - mBallTextureRegion.getWidth());
float rangeY = maxY - minY;
float y = rand.nextInt((int)rangeY) + minY;
Log.e("Faces: ", "Face" + this.mFaceCount);
Sprite face = null;
Body body = null;
The only problem is i would like for the sprites to be added at the top of the screen(which is the camera) but instead they are added on the side of the screen.
Any suggestions on how to do this?
First of all, the (x,y) coordinates of an entity are on it's top left. So, minY should be 0, or you could just do:
float y = rand.nextFloat(maxY);
You don't need all of these (int) casts, you can delete them.
In order to make to position random, get a random X too:
float maxX = this.mCamera.getWidth() - this.mBallTextureRegion.getWidth();
float x = rand.nextFloat(maxX);
This should work.
On the android screen, the origin of the coordinate system is in the upper left corner.
So if you want something to always spawn at the top of the screen, then Y will need to be 0. Always. the X value can be anything from 0 to the width, randomly. This will place the object at the top, and randomly in the X (left-right) direction

