How can I automatically scale my OpenGL ES 2.0 window? - android

I'm writing an Android and iOS engine in C++ and currently focusing on Android with the NDK.
I'd like to render to a viewport of a smaller size (say 600x360) and automatically upscale this to the native rez (say 800x480.) Currently the smaller viewport displays in a lower corner of my screen with black regions.
My problem is I don't know of a simple way to do this transparently using the NDK. There is a GLSurfaceview.setScaleX (and Y) function in API level 11, which would be perfect, but doesn't exist in API level 9, which I am targeting. Another bad solution is to render to a FBO and blit that to the screen as a final step.
I am considering simply story a scaling matrix and asking the user of the engine (for now just me) to always multiply vertices by this when drawing to the screen. This would be similar to using glPushMatrix.
I searched for a while and couldn't find a good solution. Does anyone know how to help?

What you can do is get the SurfaceHolder from GLSurfaceView, GLSurfaceView.getHolder() and then set the resolution you desire by calling SurfaceHolder.setFixedSize(width, height).
In my case the GLSurfaceView has a FrameLayout root which fills the screen, I am not sure if thats required - I have it because I add other elements on top - but if you set the size and it doesnt fill the screen then you know what's missing!
Using a FrameBuffer is also a valid way and you could draw some cool effects with it as well, the way above is just faster when the only thing you want to do is scale the rendering down (or possibly up? I haven't tried).


Simulating FOV changes in VR for Google-Cardboard with Unity

I am working on my first VR project, in which I am displaying satellite data inside of a sphere. The camera/observer is placed in the middle of the sphere and "looks up" at the satellite data, which is rendered in all directions. I am doing this under Unity 2021 using the latest Cardboard SDK and running it on a Pixel-3 on Android 12. After some tinkering, I managed to get the scene to render, but the observer is MUCH too close to the scene. I am aware that the FOV is fixed by the device, but is seems to me that I should be able to scale the scene to "zoom out". However, nothing I have tried works, including the following;
Simply changing the size of the sphere (which is just a single "flip-normalled" object)
Changing the camera parameters (Note: I now understand that these have zero effect in VR, as the device sets the FOV).
Placing the camera object, embedded in an XRRig prefab in my case, inside an arbitrary "GameObject" and re-scaling the object (as specified here)
As in 3, but placing every object inside the GameObject
None of these have any effect on the eventual scene as built on the device. I am at a loss. Surely what I am attempting is possible? I really just want a tiny observer, i.e. to make the "sky" seem much farther away. Any/all help appreciated.
Perhaps you should make the satellites, or the images, smaller when rendering them to the sphere. Just scaling the sphere itself will probably just make everything larger, or smaller, to match the size of the sphere.

Displaying full-screen background in OpenGL

My Android app needs to display a full-screen bitmap as a background, then on top of that display some dynamic 3D graphics using OpenGL ES (either 1.1. or 2.0 - not decided yet). The background image is a snapshot of a WebView component in the same app, so its dimensions already fit the screen perfectly.
I'm new to OpenGL, but I know that the regular way to display a bitmap involve scaling it into a POT texture (glTexImage2D), configuring the matrices, creating some vertices for the rectangle and displaying that with glDrawArrays. Seems to be a lot of extra work (with loss of quality when down-scaling the image to POT size) when all that's needed is just to draw a bitmap to the screen, in 1:1 scale.
The "desktop" GL has glDrawPixels(), which seems to do exactly what's needed in this situation, but that's apparently missing in GLES. Is there any way to copy pixels to the screen buffer in GLES, circumventing the 3D pipeline? Or is there any way to draw OpenGL graphics on top of a "flat" background drawn by regular Android means? Or making a translucent GLView (there is RSTextureView for Renderscript-based display, but I couldn't find an equivalent for GL)?
but I know that the regular way to display a bitmap involve scaling it into a POT texture (glTexImage2D)
Then your knowledge is outdated. Modern OpenGL (version 2 and later) are fine with arbitrary image dimensions for their textures.
The "desktop" GL has glDrawPixels(), which seems to do exactly what's needed in this situation, but that's apparently missing in GLES.
Well, modern "desktop" OpenGL, namely version 3 core and later don't have glDrawPixels either.
However appealing this function is/was, it offers only poor performance and has so many caveats, that it's rarely used, whenever it's use can be avoided.
Just upload your unscaled image into a texture, disable mipmapping and draw it onto a fullscreen quad.

Android Canvas Off Screen Drawing Performance

I'm developing an Android game using Canvas element. I have many graphic elements (sprites) drawn on a large game map. These elements are drawn by standard graphics functions like drawLine, drawPath, drawArc etc.
It's not hard to test if they are in screen or not. So, if they are out of the screen, i may skip their drawing routines completely. But even this has a CPU cost. I wonder if Android Graphics Library can do this faster than I can?
In short, should I try to draw everything even if they are completely out of the screen coordinates believing Android Graphics Library would take care of them and not spend much CPU trying to draw them or should I check their drawing area rectangle myself and if they are completely out of screen, skip the drawing routines? Which is the proper way? Which one is supposed to be faster?
p.s: I'm targeting Android v2.1 and above.
From a not-entirely-scientific test I did drawing Bitmaps tiled across a greater area than the screen, I found that checking beforehand if the Bitmap was onscreen doesn't seem to make a considerable different.
In one test I set a Rect to the screen size and set another Rect to the position of the Bitmap and checked Rect.intersects() before drawing. In the other test I just drew the Bitmap. After 300-ish draws there wasn't a visible trend - some went one way, others went another. I tried the 300-draw test every frame, and the variation from frame to frame was much greater than difference between checked and unchecked drawing.
From that I think it's safe to say Android checks bounds in its native code, or you'd expect a considerable difference. I'd share the code of my test, but I think it makes sense for you to do your own test in the context of your situation. It's possible points behave differently than Bitmaps, or some other feature of your paint or canvas changes things.
Hope that help you (or another to stumble across this thread as I did with the same question).

How to set my view in OpenGL ES 2.0 to show exactly the right number of coordinates

I'm writing a simple 2D game for Android with a 300x200 play area with coords running from (0,0 to 299,199). I'd want this area to fill the screen as best as possible while maintaining its aspect ratio. e.g. if the GL view fills the full 800x480 of a device I could scale the area by 2.4x to 720x480 leaving 40 pixels of space either side.
I don't expect many devices would exactly scale in both dimensions so the code has to cope with a gap either in the horizontal or vertical.
So the question is how do I do this. My play area is 2D so I can use an orthgraphic projection. I just don't understand what values I need to plug in to set this up. I also suspect that because ES 2.0 has a heavy reliance on shaders that I might need to propagate some kind of scaling matrix to a vector shader to ensure objects are rendered to the right size.
Does anyone know of a good tutorial which perhaps talks in terms that make sense for my needs? Most tutorials I've seen seem content to dump a cube or square into the middle of the screen rather than rendering an area of exact dimensions.
These problem should be easy using the old and familiar Opengl functions, like glViewport and glProjection. GLM offers that for enviroments like Opengl ES, have a look

Rotating all OpenGL output

External requirements --- you have to hate them...
I have an OpenGL ES game, which uses EGL and OpenGL ES to draw on the screen. I don't have source to this; it's supplied as a binary blob. I'm implementing the interface layer that mediates between the game's calls to EGL and OpenGL and the platform's implementation.
It works fine. But I now have the unexpected external requirement that I need to be able to rotate the entire game's output 90 degrees.
Can anyone suggest any good (easy, fast) ways to do this? Off the top of my head, I can think of:
insert the appropriate transformation into the game's projection matrix. This seems to me to be the fastest solution; but I don't think I have enough knowledge of the game's manipulation of the projection matrix to do this reliably. Plus it'll confuse the game if it uses any OpenGL calls to access the screen which don't go through the projection matrix. (glReadPixels(), for example.)
give the game a rendering context to an off-screen buffer; it renders there, and then when the game calls eglSwapBuffers() I copy the result onto the screen. Render-to-texture would help here. Problems: this will affect performance as I'm effectively doing two drawing passes instead of one; and render-to-texture isn't standardised in OpenGL ES. (My target platform, Android, doesn't even reliably support shared contexts.)
render into the colour buffer, then use glReadPixels() to copy the data out and do a software rotate onto the screen. Problems: dead slow, and I have no control of the size of the buffer (i.e. if the screen is 640x480 and we're drawing 90° rotated, I really want to give the game a 480x640 colour buffer).
Game-specific hacks aren't an option here because I need to be able to swap out the game binary with another one; this has to be a generic fix. Changing the game isn't an option because we don't have control of the game source code.
Any suggestions? Other than the non-technical one of trying to persuade the requirement to go away?
What is the issue with you have to use glRotate along the z axis ??
Approach 1 is the way to go.
Pixel operations are heavy and it is possible, that you could be messing up with the aspect ratio, etc etc.
The steps which go into drawing are
1. Set the transformation matrix (the model/ projection)
If landscape, apply the glRotate
2. Set the view port (this might change each time you rotate the screen)
if landscape - set a b as height/widht respectively
if landscape - set b a as height/widht respectively
3. Draw the matrix
When you rotate the screen, the objects are rendered again. So glRotate is the best way to go.

