I am new to Box2d and have a situation where I have two bodies. One is static and the other is dynamic. I want my dynamic body to go down wards and come back and hit the other body along same line. I thought to use prismatic joint after some initial study. I have looked into some example and written a piece of code in onLoadScene(). But nothing is moving. Here is the code:
public Scene onLoadScene()
PrismaticJointDef prismaticJointDef = new PrismaticJointDef();
prismaticJointDef.initialize(bdy_holder, bdy_spring, bdy_holder.getWorldCenter(), new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f));
prismaticJointDef.lowerTranslation = -5.0f;
prismaticJointDef.upperTranslation = 2.5f;
prismaticJointDef.enableLimit = true;
prismaticJointDef.maxMotorForce = 200.0f;
prismaticJointDef.motorSpeed = 10.0f;
prismaticJointDef.enableMotor = true;
prismaticJointDef.collideConnected = true;
prismatic_Joint = (PrismaticJoint)this.mPhysicsWorld.createJoint(prismaticJointDef);
Now I think the bodies should be moving when I run the application, but they are not movng. I am totally new and can't figure out the exact problem. Kindly guide me to the problem, solution and proper example of using this. Thanks.
prismaticJointDef.collideConnected = false;
I want to use the world map in Unity and have been looking at the API of various map services. I need to show a screenshot (a static map with markers) on the screen, and move to the full map view to navigate it after clicking on it.
MapBox managed to display the map with the selected coordinates and add test markers, but that's all I can do with a query like this: https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/streets-v11/static/url-https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mapbox.com%2Fimg%2Frocket.png(-76.9,38.9)/-76.9,38.9,15/1000x1000?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiZGVuZGVhZCIsImEiOiJja2F1dha4egixnnfhmnvtc2u0y3bua2ntin0.GGOyhgN_fEqtPpPc5n6OLg because this request returns a jpg image.
They also have a plugin for Unity, but it's only used in 3d projects and does not allow me to configure the display in 2d.
In MapBox, the mapping I need is implemented using JavaScript for Web and Java for Android. On Android I can do what I need. I can connect to the API on Android, but will I be able to use it in Unity later?
It's the same with Google maps.
Actually, the question is, did someone work with map services in Unity? And how can this be implemented correctly?
I don't know if this is still relevant, but I used Mapbox in Unity (the Mapbox plugin) to create a AR Soundscape by "registering" GameObjects to coordinates and moving them in real-time when the map is moved.
Your problem sounds an awful lot like the one I solved with that.
Basically you provide the Lat/Lon values for your objects and convert them to Unity world space coordinates using the AbstractMap.GeoToWorldPosition() function.
I used a raycast to actually pull that off in-engine, which is quite convenient.
Unity is quite capable of handling 2D projects. You just have to configure it properly and build your project around it.
The following is the class that I use to handle all positioning-related calculations. Maybe it's of some help to you.
namespace TehMightyPotato.Positioning
public class GeoPosition
"Update frequency of position polling. Update every n-th frame. 1 is every frame, 60 is every 60th frame.")]
[Range(1, 60)]
public int positionUpdateFrequency = 1;
[Tooltip("Should the object have a specified altitude?")]
public bool useYOffset = false;
[Tooltip("If useMeterConversion is activated the yOffsets unit is meters, otherwise its unity units.")]
public bool useMeterConversion = false;
[Tooltip("The actual y position of the object in m or unity units depending on useMeterConversion.")]
public float yOffset = 0;
[Tooltip("X is LAT, Y is LON")]public Vector2d geoVector;
[HideInInspector] public float worldRelativeScale;
// Apply the result of this function to your gameobjects transform.position on every frame to keep them on this position.
public Vector3 GetUnityWorldSpaceCoordinates(AbstractMap map)
var worldSpaceCoordinates = map.GeoToWorldPosition(geoVector, false);
if (useYOffset)
worldSpaceCoordinates.y = yOffset;
return worldSpaceCoordinates;
public void UpdateWorldRelativeScale(AbstractMap map)
worldRelativeScale = map.WorldRelativeScale;
public void SetGeoVectorFromRaycast(Vector3 position, AbstractMap map, LayerMask layerMask)
var ray = new Ray(position, Vector3.down);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out var hitInfo, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask))
geoVector = map.WorldToGeoPosition(hitInfo.point);
throw new NullReferenceException("Raycast did not hit the map. Did you turn on map preview?");
public void SetYOffsetFromRaycast(AbstractMap map, Vector3 position, LayerMask layerMask)
// using raycast because of possible y-non-zero maps/ terrain etc.
var ray = new Ray(position, Vector3.down);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out var hitInfo, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask))
var worldSpaceDistance = Vector3.Distance(position, hitInfo.point);
if (useMeterConversion)
yOffset = worldSpaceDistance * worldRelativeScale;
yOffset = worldSpaceDistance;
throw new NullReferenceException("Could not find map below. Is map preview turned on?");
Getting HTML text from back-end, used uilabel for dynamic height with autolayout in uitableview, i am removing html tags, it is affecting the performance while scrolling and while opening the app it is taking more time.
Now i tried with uiwebview, tried code
dynamicWebview.delegate = self;
dynamicWebview.scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
dynamicWebview.scrollView.scrollEnabled = false;
heightConstraint.constant = dynamicWebview.scrollView.contentSize.height;
[dynamicWebview loadHTMLString:[syntable valueForKey:#"extraDesc"] baseURL:nil];
and in webviewdidfinishload
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)aWebView {
CGRect frame = aWebView.frame;
frame.size.height = 1;
aWebView.frame = frame;
CGSize fittingSize = [aWebView sizeThatFits:CGSizeZero];
frame.size = fittingSize;
aWebView.frame = frame;
but in this i am facing the dynamic height problem for the uiwebview and for the row height too, it is going out of the rowheight, after reloading the cell its getting fit. After trying this i am thinking uilabel only will be the best to acheive what am i trying.
I tried RTLabel and TTTAttributedLabel RTLabel is supporting html tags but unable to use it in IB, TTTAttributedLabel is supporting IB but not the HTML Tags
In android to achieve this they are using a library called html-textview it is dynamically adjusting and handling the html tags too.
Is there any other Objective c way to do that, if not; what should i use.
Edit: i have tried NSAttributedString too like below, this also affecting the performance much.
NSString *extraDesc = [syntable valueForKey:#"extraDesc"];
NSAttributedString *attributedString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithData:[extraDesc dataUsingEncoding:NSUnicodeStringEncoding] options:#{ NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType } documentAttributes:nil error:nil];
splittext.attributedText = attributedString;
try this
NSAttributedString *attributedString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithData:[htmlString dataUsingEncoding:NSUnicodeStringEncoding] options:#{ NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType } documentAttributes:nil error:nil];
self.htmlLabel.attributedText = attributedString;
I have recently been modifying Grafika's TextureMovieEncoder to create a recording of what I displayed onscreen: two Sprite2ds which are overlapping. Using the CameraCaptureActivity example as a reference point, I effectively ported what I created for my rendering thread into the TextureMovieEncoder but the output is jagged lines across the screen. I think I understand what's wrong, but I don't know how to fix it:
Some code:
private void prepareEncoder(EGLContext sharedContext, int width, int height, int bitRate,
File outputFile) {
try {
mVideoEncoder = new VideoEncoderCore(width, height, bitRate, outputFile);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
mEglCore = new EglCore(sharedContext, EglCore.FLAG_RECORDABLE);
mInputWindowSurface = new WindowSurface(mEglCore, mVideoEncoder.getInputSurface(), true);
textureProgram = new Texture2dProgram(Texture2dProgram.ProgramType.TEXTURE_EXT);
backgroundDrawable = new Drawable2d(Drawable2d.Prefab.RECTANGLE);
backgroundRect = new Sprite2d(backgroundDrawable);
frontDrawable = new Drawable2d(Drawable2d.Prefab.RECTANGLE);
frontRect = new Sprite2d(frontDrawable);
private void handleFrameAvailable(Transform transform, long timestampNanos) {
if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "handleFrameAvailable tr=" + transform);
backgroundRect.draw(textureProgram, transform.movieMatrix);
frontRect.draw(textureProgram, transform.cameraMatrix);
I think the problem comes down to my lack of understanding of how to establish the right projection onto the WindowSurface for the VideoEncoder. In the Grafika example, FullFrameRect is used, which is easier since you can just use the identity matrix to stretch a given texture to the surface area. However, since I want to create the overlapping effect, I needed to use Sprite2d. Is the problem the shared EGLContext? Do I need to create a new one so that I can set the viewport to match the WindowSurface size? A bit lost on where to go from here.
Turns out the functionality of the code above was fine. The problem was the interaction between the TextureEncoder and the calling parent.
I was initializing the member variables backTextureId and frontTextureId after prepareEncoder and it was therefore recording garbage data into the output.
My enemy script is linked to a prefab and being instantiated by my main script.
It kills enemies in a random order (I am jumping on them and some are not dying, not what I want).
(what I am trying to achieve is an enemy to die when I jump on its head and play a death animation.
So from this enemy script I call the other script jump <-- which is linked to my player script and get the jump Boolean value. Could the processing of jump be to slow? I need help
I tried everything)
it works but only on certain enemies any ideas why? Thanks community.
Can anyone help me find a better method?
Could someone help me maybe find if the Players y => an amount to change jump var on the enemy
Just had a perfect run, whats wrong with this its working then not then it is partly working
If I add audio, it doesn't work.
#pragma strict
var enemy : GameObject;
var speed : float = 1.0;
var enemanim : Animator;
var isdying : boolean = false;
private var other : main;
var playerhit: boolean = false;
function Start () {
other = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent("main");
this.transform.position.x = 8.325;
this.transform.position.y = -1.3;
enemanim = GetComponent(Animator);
function OnCollisionEnter2D(coll: Collision2D) {
function Update () {
if(other.jumped === true && playerhit==true){ *****the jumped i need
function FixedUpdate(){
this.transform.Translate(Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * speed * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0));
this.rigidbody2D.velocity = Vector2(-5,0);
if(other.jumped === true && playerhit==true)
Is wrong.
It should be:
if(other.jumped == true && playerhit==true)
All 3 languages used by Unity, C#, UnityScript, and Boo, are compiled into the same IL byte code at the end. However, there are cases where UnityScript has some overhead as Unity does things in the background. One of these is that it does wrapping of access to members of built-in struct-properties like transform.position.
I prefer C#, I think it is better.
I'm working on a cocos2d-x project and got stuck. I want to call a function, delay and than call the same function again. I'm using cocos2d-x 2.2.5. and developing for Android.
This is what I got so far:
CCArray *arr = CCArray::create();
CCFiniteTimeAction *fun1 = CCCallFuncO::create(this, callfuncO_selector(GameLayer::animateFlip), arr);
CCDelayTime *delay = CCDelayTime::create(1.0);
pSprite->runAction(CCSequence::create(fun1, delay, fun1, NULL));
The method I want to call:
void GameLayer::animateFlip(CCObject *pSObj, CCObject *pGObj){
CCSprite *pSprite = (CCSprite *) pSObj;
CCLabelTTF *pGetal = (CCLabelTTF *) pSObj;
The function is in the same class and requires two arguments. I've tried putting both arguments (CCSprite and CCLabelTTF) in an array, but it crashes on runtime...
When I call the function just like this no errors occur:
this->animateFlip(sprite1, getal1);
Anyone any idea?
Thanks for your answers, I've created a struct for my buttons like Joachim suggested, which has the sprite and the label in it. All the buttons are put in an array. I also added the functions animateFlip and showFlip to it. AnimateFlip works fine and I'm able to call the function from the gamelayer for each indevidial button.
void GameLayer::ccTouchesBegan(cocos2d::CCSet *pTouches, cocos2d::CCEvent *pEvent)
CCTouch *touch = (CCTouch *)pTouches->anyObject();
CCPoint location = touch->getLocationInView();
location = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(location);
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++){
The struct:
struct Button
cocos2d::CCSprite *sprite;
cocos2d::CCLabelTTF *getal;
int getalINT;
void showFlip();
void animateFlip();
But as rule number one in programming tells us, where one problem is solved, two shall arise, I've stumbled upon a new problem:
void Button::showFlip()
CCFiniteTimeAction *fun1 = CCCallFunc::create(this, callfunc_selector(Button::animateFlip));
CCFiniteTimeAction *fun1 = CCCallFunc::create(this, callfunc_selector(Button::animateFlip));
CCDelayTime *delay = CCDelayTime::create(1.0f);
this->runAction(CCSequence::create(fun1, delay, fun2, NULL));
The CCCallFunc::create() request a context (I guess?), which is usually 'this', but 'this' in my struct point to Button. How can I get the context of the gamelayer?
Thanks again!