I have a Android Actionscript project that I am trying to incorporate sound in, but having a problem that I cannot figure out. I have the sound file in the same directory as my class file and my .xfl file. I am trying to start the music file as soon as the application starts via class reference, but am getting the same error everytime:
Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error.
at playAudio()[C:\pathtoerror\playAudio.as:9]
at networkScores/frame1()[networkScores::frame1:7]
Here is my class file:
import flash.media.Sound;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.media.SoundChannel;
public class playAudio extends Sound
public var music:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("mathHomeSong.mp3"));
public var sc:SoundChannel;
public var num:int;
public function playAudio(controlNum:int)
num = controlNum;
if(num == 1)
sc = music.play();
else if(num == 2)
Here is my call from the timeline:
import playAudio;
var playMusic:playAudio = new playAudio(1);
Just figured this out, I had to put a link to the mp3 file in my server, instead of putting it in my directory.
Sorry about the confusion
I posted too soon. I just figured out my question, figures. Ok, so what I did not do is post this file on my server and with the URLRequest(""); I had to put a link to my file on my server, not linki
The answer to this question is that I forgot to add this music file to a server and then link it via hyper link. For example http://mysite.com/audio.file
Sorry about this
I am trying to build an augmented reality app and in that app i want some prefabs to load dynamically. So that with some 3d model prefabs on unity store i created myasset.unity3d . I am using WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload to download that unity3d file and using it.
When i am debugging in my laptop the file is downloading and i am using it as i want but when i add build in and try it on android phone download is not happening.
The code i am using to download is
IEnumerator DownloadAndCache() {
while (!Caching.ready)
yield return null;
string bundleURL = "http://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/cf-export/sofa.unity3d";
www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload (bundleURL, 1);
yield return www;
Debug.Log (www.assetBundle);
AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle;
So please help me .
i also tried other way of doing it but still i did not succeed
IEnumerator Start () {
WWW www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload (BundleURL, 1);
yield return www;
AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle;
AssetBundleRequest request = bundle.LoadAssetAsync (AssetName, typeof(GameObject));
yield return request;
GameObject obj = request.asset as GameObject;
Instantiate (obj);
The above two methods are working in when testing in unity IDE but if i build using android and install it in android device its not working. I gave internet access to app while building
I printed the error using a text in mobile and please check the screen shot attached below
the first error text is www (variable for downloading) and second is www.error ( actual error). i did not get what that error meant. So please help me
the issue is asset bundle version is not sync with app version. So while making asset bundle i added small code which made my code working. To make Asset bundle my code is
using UnityEditor;
public class CreateAssetBundles
[MenuItem ("Assets/Build AssetBundles")]
static void BuildAllAssetBundles ()
BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles ("Assets/AssetBundles", BuildAssetBundleOptions.None, BuildTarget.Android);
To use AssetBuundle for Mobile platform:
While creating AssetBundle it must be platform specific. For Android use following Script to create AssetBundle. put it inside "Editor"
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
public class ExportAssetBundles : Editor {
[MenuItem("Assets/Build AssetBundle")]
static void ExportResource()
string path = "Assets/AssetBundle/myAssetBundle.unity3d";
Object[] selection = Selection.GetFiltered(typeof(Object), SelectionMode.DeepAssets);
BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(Selection.activeObject, selection, path,
| BuildAssetBundleOptions.CompleteAssets,BuildTarget.Android);
Then Create folder "AssetBundle" inside Asset
When you create Assetbundle the AssetBundle.unity3d file will store inside this folder
Now you need to use Created Assetbundle at runtime. For this,
Write a script AssetBundleAugmenter
public class AssetBundleAugmenter : MonoBehaviour {
public string AssetName;
public int Version;
private GameObject mBundleInstance = null;
private bool mAttached = false;
void Start() {
// Update is called once per frame
IEnumerator DownloadAndCache() {
yield return null;
//you can use remote URL like: www.arprabhu.com/assetBundle OR Local URL
// example URL of file on PC filesystem (Windows)
// string bundleURL = "file:///D:/Unity/AssetBundles/MyAssetBundle.unity3d";
// example URL of file on Android device SD-card
string bundleURL = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("/mnt/sdcard/filepath.txt");
Debug.Log ("Asset Loaded");
using (WWW www = WWW .LoadFromCacheOrDownload(bundleURL, Version)) {
yield return www;
if (www .error != null)
throw new UnityException("WWW Download had an error: " + www .error);
AssetBundle bundle = www .assetBundle;
if (AssetName == "")
// Unload the AssetBundles compressed contents to conserve memory
Attach this Script to Empty GameObject in your Scene
Congrats!, you are ready to go.
Try checking your androidManifest.xml for the permission to connect to external servers.
Then, if everything seems alright and still doesn't work, my advice is to download the Device Console plugin for the Unity Editor, which is a really nice way to access the internal Android Debugger.
Or if you're truly brave: use logcat within the terminal...
I'd like to know if it's possible to play a youtube video inside an AIR app using AS3 code.
It seems that youtube API is deprecated...
If anybody knows a way or a good tutorial.
I've tried this code :
var wt:uint;
var ht:uint ;
var webview:StageWebView ;
var rect:Rectangle;
var url:String;
url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFupHx5G44s";
wt = this.stage.stageWidth;
ht = this.stage.stageHeight;
webview = new StageWebView();
rect = new Rectangle(0,300,wt,ht/2);
webview.stage = this.stage;
webview.viewPort = rect;
But it's loading the all page of youtube (youtube video + the recommended videos..) with a scroller on the right.
I'd like to load only the video (not all the youtube page).
Edit :
I'd like to load only the video (not all the youtube page).
Use this link format :
url = "https://www.youtube.com/v/hFupHx5G44s";
for example, choose a format like below :
https://www.youtube.com/v/hFupHx5G44s - use the /v/ to get a SWF version
https://www.youtube.com/embed/hFupHx5G44s - use the /embed/ to get a HTML5 version
It's for an ANDROID AIR app.
You should have mentioned that detail in the question. You could try adding
//////////# End of Edit
Why not use stageWebView to load the embed (HTML5) player as web page?
The YouTube AS3 API being deprecated likely means you cannot create your own user interface or use features like search. You can re-create the search function easily though (load "search results" source into String and extract links by parsing the source code).
Anyways, I just tried this code below and it worked for an AIR Desktop App.Maybe you can use it as a starting point...
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.system.*;
public class Youtube_AIR_code extends MovieClip
public var YT_Loader : Loader;
public var my_VIDEO_ID : String = "hFupHx5G44s"; //# the YouTube ID
public function Youtube_AIR_code ()
YT_Loader = new Loader();
YT_Loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, YT_Ready );
YT_Loader.load( new URLRequest("http://www.youtube.com/v/" + my_VIDEO_ID) );
function YT_Ready (e:Event) : void
trace("YouTube SWF :: [status] :: Loading Completed");
//# Wait for Youtube Player to initialise
YT_Loader.content.addEventListener("onReady", on_YT_PlayerLoaded );
private function on_YT_PlayerLoaded (e:Event) : void
//# Check Original Width/Height - Scale it proportionally
trace( "YT_Loader content Width : " + YT_Loader.content.width );
trace( "YT_Loader content Height : " + YT_Loader.content.height );
//# Testing changed size and position
YT_Loader.width = 320; YT_Loader.height = 240;
YT_Loader.x = 30; YT_Loader.y = 100;
addChild(YT_Loader); //# can add to stage only
} //# End Public Class
} //# End Package
Have you seen the Video Player ANE from My Flash Labs?
Why is my flash-based video player on android always crash after a few hours of play?
I'm writing a flash-based Android App. The only thing that native android part do using webview to load a flash swf. The swf acted as the container for all module (which all written in flash as3). One of the module is a simple video module which loop play a set of video playlist forever.
I've considered memory leak, but after printing memory usage (using flash's System.totalMemory), the result is always around 12MB to 14MB (which seems normal for two videos). I've test the flash using both webview and other third party swf player for android (such as "Swf Player" and "Smart SWF Player"), all results in crash after a few hours.
The as3 code is simple and I can't see any possible cause for this. Here is my main class:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.media.Video;
import flash.net.NetConnection;
import flash.net.NetStream;
import flash.events.NetStatusEvent;
public class simpleVid extends MovieClip {
private var video:Video;
private var nc:NetConnection;
private var ns:NetStream;
private var uri:Array = new Array("vid1.flv", "vid2.flv");
private var counter:int = 0;
public function simpleVid() {
// constructor code
nc = new NetConnection();
ns = new NetStream(nc);
video = new Video();
ns.client = {onMetaData:videoReady, NetStatusEvent:onStatusEvent};
ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onStatusEvent);
counter = counter % 2;
public function videoReady(item:Object){
video.width = 1280;
video.height = 720;
public function onStatusEvent(event:NetStatusEvent):void{
if (event.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop") {
counter = counter % 2;
Is there is anything I missed or I did wrong in this code?
Thanks in advance.
The problem "mysteriously" disappeared after I switch to AIR instead of flash.
No code is changed, I only changed the release setting from Flash player to air for android.
Now it can run continuously for several days without problem.
What is the easiest way to get the title of a single YouTube video in Android? I'm using the Android YouTube API to play video's but they don't return a title cause it only supports playback options. The only thing I need is to display the title of the video, I obviously have the video ID itself but I don't have a clue where to start.
Things I looked at:
YouTube Data API
JSOUP(I can see the tag but don't know how to get it)
For some reason I find it hard to understand how to use them and this seems like a really simple action to me. I'm curious if there is an easier option or if there is someone who can help me get on the right track with this.
You can use this code for this purpose.
public class SimpleYouTubeHelper {
public static String getTitleQuietly(String youtubeUrl) {
try {
if (youtubeUrl != null) {
URL embededURL = new URL("http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=" +
youtubeUrl + "&format=json"
return new JSONObject(IOUtils.toString(embededURL)).getString("title");
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
Thank you #Castiblanco
To those who are lazy to find the jars and imports
import java.net.URL;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.json.JSONObject;
I have a simple button that plays a small MP3 file, looping it 30 times. The MP3 is streamed from a server (urlMP3).
I can see on my Galaxy S2 that it accesses the server for each of the 30 loops. Is it downloading the MP3 each time it loops or downloading once and playing from the phone's memory?
//Button 'audioYes' to play audio loop x 30
var soundLoop:Sound = new Sound();
var soundChannel:SoundChannel;
var soundLoopUrl:URLRequest = new URLRequest(urlMP3);
audioYes.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, f2_MouseClickHandler);
function f2_MouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
soundLoop.play(0, 30);
If it is downloading each time, what would be a good way to download it once and then play? Thanks for your help.
Edit: Sep 1 2012
I've created a simple flash file and added the following provided by #Rytis. I'm getting an error from the last line, this.mySound.play "Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference." What do I do with that?
import flash.media.Sound;
import flash.net.URLLoader;
import flash.display.Loader;
var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
var myurlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
myurlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, this.onSoundLoadComplete)
myurlLoader.load(new URLRequest("01.mp3"))
function onSoundLoadComplete(event:Event):void{
this.mySound = URLLoader(event.target).data as Sound;
Short answer - download sound and store it to variable before playing it.
package {
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.media.Sound;
import flash.net.URLLoader;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
public class SoundLoadTest {
protected var sound : Sound;
public function SoundLoadTest () {
var urlLoader : URLLoader = new URLLoader();
urlLoader.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, this.onSoundLoadComplete )
urlLoader.load( new URLRequest( "path/to/sound.file" ) )
protected function onSoundLoadComplete ( event : Event) : void {
// save loaded sound to a class field
this.sound = URLLoader( event.target ).data as Sound;
// start playing sound
this.sound.play( 0, 30 );