nook tablet sdk and android sdk - android

I was taking a look at the nook developer site on and noticed that their claim is:
The NOOK Tablet SDK contains the following components:
Android Virtual Device (AVD) Emulator
Android Debug Bridge (ADB)
configuration settings
I was wondering if that means that everything else is exactly the same as the android sdk except the emulator plugin and the adb settings?

You are correct - it is similar to the LG, Sony, Motorola SDK add-ons that are loaded as part of the official Android SDK.
The current links are below (but note that these seem to change quite often and are correct as of Jan 2012 - register and check with NOOK regularly).
[NOOK Tablet, API 10]
[NOOK Color, API 8]
Once installed via android sdk manager (use Tools >> Manage Add-on Sites ), it should automagically update ADB drivers on Linux/Mac Osx and have emulators available via AVD.
You can run "android update adb" in order to get ADB functioning. I havent tested in Windows but this should be similar.

Do you mean the emulator or the device itself? The emulator is an approximation of the real hardware, but I don't think it includes all of the real software and configuration.
The emulator operates closely to a normal AVD, but with a different skin and different setup for Nook-specifics (e.g. /media is available to write). However, some operations will appear to work in the emulator but cause a failure on a real device (or at least the QA testing). Some of the Nook-specific workarounds won't work on the emulator (e.g. calling the Nook intent for wallpaper manager or the Nook store).


Delphi IDE does not show Android devices as build targets

I'm using Delphi 11.1 / 11.2 within a VirtualBox (Host OS: Ubuntu). OS within the VirtualBox is Win11. My Problem: None of the USB attached Android devices are shown as build targets in the IDE project pane. On Windows 10 / Delphi 10.4 (also within VirtualBox) this worked perfectly.
I have tried the following:
Activated USB debugging on all devices
VirtualBox USB device settings forward all devices to the VM, Windows explorer allows browsing all the device file systems correctly
Samsung USB driver is installed
Google USB Driver from Android SDK is installed
adb devices lists all my devices from within the VM correctly
Running Delphi IDE from an elevated cmdln has no effect
I have a Samsung phone, Asus tablet and a CipherLab Android scanner device.
I have 3 commercial apps, and I am on a dead end now. There is very little (mostly outdated) content on that topic on Embt sites. All the guides point you to one of the above bullet points, but didn't help me.
As I'm working on X-platform projects, I post this on the Firemokey category. One could say it's more an IDE thing.
[EDIT1]: Using the context menu "Refresh" has no effect
[EDIT2]: adb devices lists all Android devices while Delphi IDE doesn't, added screenshot
Thank you for any help.

Problems installing own app on Android Smartwatch

First off my devices and software:
Smartphone: Samsung Galaxy S5 (Android 4.4.2)
Smartwatch: Motorola Moto 360 First generation (Android 6.0.1)
Development software: Android Studio 3.1.3
Operating system: Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit.
I was able to install my own app on my Smartphone.
The only thing I did was generating an APK file, copying it to the sd card of my phone
and installing it.
(The phone was connected via USB.)
I had to change the minimum sdk to 19 (target sdk = 27).
Now I tried to do the same with my 2nd app (which is just for the watch).
Unfortunately, I haven't had success yet.
When I copy the app to my phone, I can't start it -> Parsing error.
The problem is that I can't set the minimum sdk to lower than 23.
After reading a lot on the Internet I tried out a completely different way.
For both devices I enabled the dev mode and turned on USB debugging + Bluetooth USB debugging.
Additionally I went to Windows 7 system settings and added the path of Android.
Right now, I'm able to type in commands like "adb devices" in cmd.exe
Sadly, I can't connect to my watch.
In on YT tutorial they say, "adb forward tcp:6666 localabstract:/adb-hub".
Whenever I try this, I receive the error message: "error: unknown host service"
Also another hint didn't work:
adb forward -remove tcp:4444
adb forward tcp:4444localabstract:/adb-hub
adb connect
As you can see, both ways don't lead to success.
Do you have any suggestion how I can install my app on my watch?
I don't prefer any specific way, the main point is that it works.
Thanks for any help!
P.S. If you need further details, please let me know.
Have you tried it with another phone? Have you installed the needed dependencies for target sdks below 23? It seems you need API21 for android wear.
See example here

Android Studio not showing connected physical device

I am using the latest version of Android Studio(2.1.2) at the time of writing this post . The problem that I am experiencing is that the ADB instance used by Android Studio doesn't seem to be able to find my Galaxy Core Prime device (SM-G361F, stock Android version - 5.1.1). It can connect to an emulator just fine.
What I had tried (most of these multiple times):
enabling/disabling developer options
enabling/disabling USB debugging
revoking USB debugging authorization
changing MTP to PTP and vice versa (my device doesn't allow deselecting both options, one must be chosen)
reinstalling the drivers
powering on and off both the phone and the PC
installing Samsung's Smart Switch software
using different USB ports
trying out different Android Studio versions (x86 and x64 with the latest respective JDKs)
This is what it looks like in Android Studio:
I had installed the official Samsung's USB drivers from here.
This is what the Device Manager is showing (Windows 7 64-bit SP1):
Afterwards, I've also tried installing the Universal USB drivers from here.
This is what firing up its installation of ADB looks like:
It has obviously successfully found the device.
My device also politely prompted me to allow the PC to connect to it using a generated RSA key which never happened with Android Studio.
The only thing I've not tried is installing Samsung's Kies software.
I really don't know what is the problem here.
Maybe I should just give up and instead use the emulator but it is a damn shame not to be able to debug on an actual physical device, if you ask me.
Thank you in advance.
Android in general does not support all phones for a debug connection. I have a samsung s6 and for me that works. I don't know about the Core Prime though. However, in most cases(in my experience):
The phone does not support the connection
You did not install all the required files in terms of the android SDK you might have not gotten the latest update that supports more phones
The OS is not supported - Mainly caused because Samsung and a lot of other brands insist on having their own updates. And some times they - on purpose or by accident - forget to support USB debugging for developers.
My tablet did not support the USB debugging connection untill it reached android 6.
The cable is a charge-only cable (yes, those exist for some reason). Try with a different cable
You don't have the necessary drivers. Make sure they're installed
It might be circumstantial that your phone model does not support the connection for some reason, but it is really hard to tell. The only way to get proper help is to contact Samsung customer support, but in my experience it is just a waste of time. They don't know their own products. If you try with another device it might work.
After some continued tinkering I managed to get Android Studio to recognize my device. All I did was adding the path to the ClockworkMod's ADB .exe to the PATH environment variable. That seems to have done the trick as Android Studio now allows me to run the application on my device even though it is still running its own instance of ADB (located in the platform-tools folder).
It might be completely unrelated but I'm not considering undoing the modification made to the environment variable.
Here is the proof:

Google Glass unknown for Eclipse(Android Device Chooser)

I know there are a few threads regarding the the connectivity between Google Glasses and Eclipse on Windows 7> but I think mine it's a bit different unfortunately.
I followed this threads:
Eclipse & adb Not Recognizing Glass as Running Android Device
Unable to connect to Google Glass on Windows 7 (using ADT)
but unfortunately non helped me 100%.
Even though I followed the steps from the threads, when I go to eclipse and try to run the sample Compass application it shows in the Android Device Chooser(Run configurations) in the target section as unknown.
I must mention that:
enabled debugging on the glasses (several times)
In the Device Manager(Windows 7) it appears as Android Composite ADV Interface, under SAMSUNG Android Phone(?? on the threads they say that should be Android Devices; anyways it appears as ADV Interface)
Reboot system
SDK: GoogleUSB Driver(version 10)
What am I missing here? Thanks a lot for every tip! ;)
Have you tried ./adb devices ? what do you see when you do that?
Did you confirm that your computer is a trusted device on Glass?

qt for android doesn't find my physical device

I'm trying to write android applications with Qt5.1. I installed everything according to these instructions and I wrote my application and built it successfully. My problem is that when I click run on android version, instead of running the application on the device that I have connected or even asking whether I want to use the virtual device or physical device ( like eclipse does ) it just opens ADV.
I know I have connected my device properly because I can run applications I write with eclipse on my device. But not with Qt.
Can anybody help me?
Just in case you need to know I'm using the latest version of ndk and for sdk I'm using the one that comes with adt's latest version. If any other information I should provide please let me know.
thank you
I have had this problem as well, your device is not corresponding with the QT run settings. When you press run (probably in QT Creator?) it will search for devices which allow the application to run on.
There are a few possibilities when it comes to this:
Your device is not set up correctly:
run "adb start-server" and then "adb devices" in your command prompt. Does it say it found 1 device with status: "device"? If not your device probably doesn't have USB debugging enabled (you can enable this in the dev settings on your device).
You are building in the wrong mode:
Make sure you are creating a program for ARM (ARM GCC 4.7 QT 5.1 for example).
Deploying for the wrong API level:
Are you running the program on a device that supports API level 17 ? If not you can change these settings (API Level) in your QT project settings.
You don't have the recent API level installed:
Start the android sdk manager and download + install the new API's.
It worked for me after performing these steps, should you have any other difficulties feel free to ask!
If these steps did not work check if your android sdk is located in a location with write permission.

