I have read really a lot of posts about this topic, however nothing works for me (or doesn't have the effect I wish).
I have a an application, that after logging in starts a background Service (implementation of the Service class). This service syncs itself with a Server and if a new order comes, it creates a notification.
So far, everything works great, I have the notification and the Toast message. However, I would like to have a dialog, that notifies the user about the new order.
As I understood, you can start an activity from within the service, which displays the dialog. This works, but the activity starts on top of the current activity stack and displays the dialog. I have an activity with no view attached and it correctly displays the dialog, however, on a black background.
What I want is to display the dialog on the current activity, causing the actual background(the running activity) to fade and display the dialog.
Is this somehow possible?
We can show dialog from service only if it is a system alert dialog. So, set TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT window layout parameter to Dialog as follows:
But, it needs SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission. So, don't forget to add this permissin in Manifest file.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>
Better option to show dialog is to start activity as one of the below ways.
Start Activity with Dialog Theme (android:theme="#android:style/Theme.Dialog") -(or)
Start Translucent Activity and show Dialog in it.
Note: You should add Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK to intent
I highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend that you DON'T do this (it goes against Android design and UI guidelines). Notifications are the preferred way to accomplish what you are doing (which it sounds as if you have already accomplished).
That being said, if you must do it, I would recommend just using a Dialog themed activity. That way you don't have to start up a separate dialog. Please see http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/themes.html#ApplyATheme for how to do this.
you can start by learning on how to create an activity that looks like a dialog (no title bar, transparent background, "floating" effect, etc.)
and no, you can't just start a dialog without an activty
No, you can't hijack activity that is not "yours" and command it to show dialog.
Your approach of starting your own activity is the classic one.
You cannot show a dialog. But you can go the alernative way by inflating your customized view so that you can show a dialog on the screen whenver certain conditions are met.
Since I read showing Alert Dialog on Service may damage on other program , I want to know is there difference between showing Alert Dialog directly like this:
AlertDialog alertDialog = builder.create();
And showing through specific activity?
I want something like communication application's popup (e.g. Line Messenger,..)
which of ways do you recommend?
You can start a Transparent activity from your service which shows the dialog within itself.
First create the "transparent" activity and set its theme like this in the Manifest
<activity android:name=".MyPopUpActivity" android:theme="#android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen"/>
Set the background of this activity to a transparent colour of your choice.
From your service, start this activity. Make sure to pass whatever data needed to show the Dialog.
Once the activity is launched, use a DialogFragment to show the dialog. Using DialogFragment is the recommended way to display dialogs in android.
I haven't tested this approach myself but I am pretty sure it will do the trick for you.
Let me know if it works for you
I want to show an Alert Dialog such that it stays on screen even if I go back to previous activity just after showing an alert dialog. Is is possible?
I tried using applicationContext but it does not work.
I don't think so, and I believe this would be a bad user experience. Perhaps you should re-think the design.
You cant do that , because a dialog is attached with a single window context , if window changes the dialog memory will be leaked and it will automatically close the dialog .You can make a same effect by showing the same dialog in both screens .However you will definitely see the transition of dialog with activity .
You can create an activity and give it a dialog theme. That way you dont have to worry about the context. It doesnt make a difference to the user also as it looks just like a dialog.
But I agree with AndyRes, It would be a bad user experience.
I have read really a lot of posts about this topic, however nothing works for me (or doesn't have the effect I wish).
I have a an application, that after logging in starts a background Service (implementation of the Service class). This service syncs itself with a Server and if a new order comes, it creates a notification.
So far, everything works great, I have the notification and the Toast message. However, I would like to have a dialog, that notifies the user about the new order.
As I understood, you can start an activity from within the service, which displays the dialog. This works, but the activity starts on top of the current activity stack and displays the dialog. I have an activity with no view attached and it correctly displays the dialog, however, on a black background.
What I want is to display the dialog on the current activity, causing the actual background(the running activity) to fade and display the dialog.
Is this somehow possible?
We can show dialog from service only if it is a system alert dialog. So, set TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT window layout parameter to Dialog as follows:
But, it needs SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission. So, don't forget to add this permissin in Manifest file.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>
Better option to show dialog is to start activity as one of the below ways.
Start Activity with Dialog Theme (android:theme="#android:style/Theme.Dialog") -(or)
Start Translucent Activity and show Dialog in it.
Note: You should add Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK to intent
I highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend that you DON'T do this (it goes against Android design and UI guidelines). Notifications are the preferred way to accomplish what you are doing (which it sounds as if you have already accomplished).
That being said, if you must do it, I would recommend just using a Dialog themed activity. That way you don't have to start up a separate dialog. Please see http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/themes.html#ApplyATheme for how to do this.
you can start by learning on how to create an activity that looks like a dialog (no title bar, transparent background, "floating" effect, etc.)
and no, you can't just start a dialog without an activty
No, you can't hijack activity that is not "yours" and command it to show dialog.
Your approach of starting your own activity is the classic one.
You cannot show a dialog. But you can go the alernative way by inflating your customized view so that you can show a dialog on the screen whenver certain conditions are met.
I am creating application that alert dialog when battery level is less than 10%.
It is displaying fine.
But I want that,
When dialog is displayed, then current activity should be resumed and not paused, if dialog is there.
But, When dialog is displaying, current application goes in background(i.e. paused).
I am displaying dialog from service, that implemented broadcast receiver for battery level. Hence, If any activity on top, then it should not be paused.(it can be any thing like game, normal activity or audio app on top)
Hence, Give me solution please.
Thanks in advance.
The solution for this is to show a Toast from you service like this, instead of dialog . You can also customize your toast for better appearance [see how]
I am uploading/downloading some data in my application using AsyncTask. What I want is that, when the AsyncTask is running, the whole screen should get dimmed/disabled and a ProgressBar would be shown in the middle of the screen as long as the task is running.
Something like this
Any ideas / suggestions are most welcome.
Really need to implement it in my application!
the default "Dialog" theme does just that. You can do this
launch a new activity with the Dialog theme
the xml of that activity must have no background image/colour
show your dialog in the new activity
finish the activity, when the dialog is dismissed acc to your program logic
in the picture the dialogue is a Dialogue Activity. You can search on Goolge how to implement dialogue Activity :)