Maybe similar to the unanswered thread here, but we have an Android application (tested on multiple handsets and multiple Android 2.1+ versions) which needs to listen for and accept connections from a remote bluetooth device. The remote device is a digital pen, but the main point is that the pen is paired with the phone and then sends data via SPP, which uses OBEX, which uses RFComm so all that should be fine.
Currently the application works by allowing the Android device to receive the OBEX payload and then get the app to look in the bluetooth folder to pick up the payload, but we want the application to be able to talk directly to the remote device. Keep in mind the remote connects to the android phone, the phone does not connect to the pen.
Our test code is based on the sample BluetoothChat application available in the Android samples, but essentially adapter.listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord never gets called and the best that we see in the Motorola Defy+ DDMS logs is:
INFO/BtOppRfcommListener(2577): Accepted connectoin from 00:07:CF:55:94:FB
INFO/BtOpp Service(2577): Start Obex Server
DEBUG/Obex ServerSession(2577): Software caused connection abort
This appears to show that the connection is accepted by Android but not made available to the application. The UUID used is the same UUID used in the JME version of the same application and was provided by the pen supplier.
The most common mistake we android developers do while copying BluetoothChat app code is we don't follow the flow of that app.
The common errors while implementing this code, like "Service Discovery Failed", "Software caused connection abort", "Connection aborted by peer", "Unable to start Service Discovery" , "Connection Lost" is the outcome of neglecting the flow.
I have faced all these issues while implementing the BluetoothChat code in my app and the solution was to correct the flow.
For example in my case :
mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
if(this.mChatService == null)
this.mChatService = new BluetoothChatService(this, mHandler);
if ((mChatService != null) && (mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled())) {
// Only if the state is STATE_NONE, do we know that we haven't started already
if (mChatService.getState() == BluetoothChatService.STATE_NONE) {
// Start the Bluetooth chat services
if(mTransferService != null) mTransferService.stop();
// When DeviceListActivity returns with a device to connect
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
if (mChatService.getState() == BluetoothChatService.STATE_NONE) {
// Start the Bluetooth chat services
if(mChatService .getState() != BluetoothChatService.STATE_CONNECTED){
String address = data.getExtras().getString(ViewContactList.EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS);
// Get the BLuetoothDevice object
mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
device = mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(address);
// Attempt to connect to the device
if(messageString.length() > 0)
In simple words, implement the code in such a way both devices are in mState = STATE_LISTEN , before you will call
In our case the only solution we found which could reliably accept Bluetooth OPP data from a remote device was to use the 'hidden' Android API. If you check the Android source, there are additional methods defined which are annotated #hide which excludes them from the exported Android jar and the API docs.
Using these methods should be avoided if possible and are not guaranteed to be consistent across Android versions.
There are two ways to include these in your code:
use reflection
include an additional development JAR at compile time which exposes these methods, but make sure this JAR is not packaged with your application.
We opted for #1 as our requirements were minimal.
Access the Method
Class<?>[] args = new Class[] { int.class };
Method listenMethod = BluetoothAdapter.class.getMethod(listenMethod, args);
Where the method name is one of (in order of preference) listenUsingEncryptedRfcommOn, listenUsingRfcommOn or listenUsingUnencrytptedRfcommOn
Create a server socket
BluetoothAdapter target = *your adapter, probably the default one*;
BluetoothServerSocket sock = (BluetoothServerSocket) (listenMethod.invoke(target, new Object[] { channel }));
Where in our case the OPP channel is 12
Provided you manage to get a BluetoothServerSocket back (exception handling is omitted, your mileage may vary, user discretion advised, no warrantee provided etc etc) you should be able to use it to listen for incoming OPP data.
I have an android app connects to BLE device and communicate together. after connect and bond app to device via BLE, and disconnect it, i receive last received packet and sometimes connect to device failed. see problem steps:
1. connect to ble device from android app.
2. write a characteristic successfully.
3. read a characteristic successfully.(last received data)
4. disconnect from ble device successfully.
5. try to connect app to ble device, i can't and i face below situation; even sometimes i connect but face below situation too:
I get last received data that i read from characteristic for last time.
i can't find solution anywhere, so find solution and put it here, ENJOY!
I wrote this block of code and call it after disconnect:
public void disconnect() {
if (mBluetoothGatt != null && isConnected()) {
mBluetoothGatt = null;
mBluetoothGatt is object from BluetoothGatt Class that implements BluetoothProfile. these classes and interfaces need information about implementation of ble in android app. search the web!
I have written an app that connects to a BLE device. The app works OK on most devices; but some devices (most noticeably Huawei P8 Lite and Nexus 6P) refuse to connect after the Bluetooth adapter has been disabled.
This is the test sequence:
Make sure the app is NOT running.
Slide down from the top, disable BT for a couple of seconds, then re-enable bluetooth.
Start the app. The app automatically connects to a bluetooth address stored in the preferences.
Wait for connect. This is where nothing happens on Huawei phones, but other phones, such as Samsung, works like a charm.
Verify from another phone the device is advertising and you can
connect to it.
This is the code I use to connect:
private final Runnable mBeginConnectRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
synchronized (GattConnection.this) {
if (mBluetoothAdapter != null && mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) {
try {
mBluetoothDevice = mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(mAddress);
mGatt = mBluetoothDevice.connectGatt(mContext, mBackgroundConnect, mGattCallback);
final boolean connectSuccess = mGatt.connect();
Log.d(TAG, String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "mGatt.connect(%s, %s) %s",
mBackgroundConnect ? "background[slow]" : "foreground[fast]",
connectSuccess ? "success" : "failed"));
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "Create connection failed: " + ex.getMessage());
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "Can't create connection. Adapter is disabled");
All calls are posted via a Handler to the main thread. I can see it waits for a connect, gives up after 30 seconds at which I call BluetoothGatt.close() on the object and nulls it. It's like nothing is out there.
After some time, later in the day, it works again.
Help is highly appreciated :-)
Update September 14, 2018: After great explanation from Emil I've updated our app and as such don't have this problem on the Nexus. I've noticed the Huawei P8 Lite continues to scan in the background and it seems there is nothing you can do to stop it.
To demonstrate the problems I've made a very simple and clean app that exercise the Bluetooth LE functionality on a phone and used it to demonstrate this problem and also the P8 is broken. The app is available here:
Source is available here:
I hope I over time can extend this app to make it a test vehicle for Android documenting all the stange behavior from Android and collect it in a database. In case you are interested in contributing, don't hesitate to drop me a mail on
The Android Bluetooth stack has a design flaw in its API. When you connect to a specific device by Bluetooth Device Address, there is no way to tell if you mean a Public address or Random address.
If you start to connect to a device with autoConnect=false which is not bonded and has not recently been seen in a Scan, it will assume you mean a Public address. So if you try to connect to a device having a static random address, it will fail.
To be sure you connect with the correct address type if the device is not bonded, you MUST perform a scan first, find the device and THEN start the connection attempt.
I'm slightly familiar with BLE and I am facing some problem with an inherited code. So the app works like that:
With BLE enabled the app scans for devices
The app displays the devices found
The user selects the device to pair with
The app pairs with the device
The problem I'm facing is that after pairing several times (it varies) the phone is not able to discover devices, hence blocking the user to pair.
I'm using GattServer to connect with the client device, and I'm reseting the services as below:
public void resetBluetoothGattServer() {
Log.i(TAG," resetBluetoothGattServer: bluetoothGattServer: "+ bluetoothGattServer);
if (bluetoothGattServer != null) {
Log.i(TAG," resetBluetoothGattServer: clearing services on bluetooth Gatt Server");
Log.i(TAG," resetBluetoothGattServer: closing bluetoothGattServer");
bluetoothGattServer = openGattServer();
Restarting the phone, turning bluetooth off and then back on, and uninstalling and installing the app won't fix the problem. The only solution is to clear the cache from the Bluetooth Share app on the android apps manager.
This post How to programmatically force bluetooth low energy service discovery on Android without using cache adresses to a similar problem but since we are not using BluetoothGatt to connect it's no a suitable solution. Neither will be to refactor the whole inherited code.
I'm asking you if there is a way to clear the cache programmatically using BluetoothGattServer.
One solution - solve this issue using reflection.
private void refreshDeviceCache(BluetoothGatt gatt) {
try {
Method localMethod = gatt.getClass().getMethod("refresh");
if(localMethod != null) {
} catch(Exception localException) {
Log.d("Exception", localException.toString());
Note : I am not recommended this way
I'm trying to connect to a specific device using my Android APP, until now what I was able to do is get the paired items doing this :
BluetoothAdapter bluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
Set < BluetoothDevice > pairedDevices = bluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices();
if (pairedDevices.size() > 0) {
for (BluetoothDevice device: pairedDevices) {
Where I get the MAC and the Device name of all of my paired devices. The thing that I would like to do is when I select one it connects to the Bluetooth device.
On a Samsung S4 when I turn on the Bluetooth it popups a Dialog whitch contains all of my paired devices and when I click on anyone it connects (I've i'm able to ...) so basically I want to do this, since now I've been getting the paired devices (I don't know if it's the best way to get that but it does) and then when user click on anyone it connects to the device.
It's something like this question but it's unfortunately unanswered.
It's impossible to give you an example within this format, so I have provided you
with a good sample and helpful links to help you understand the sample.
I recommend you follow the steps I have provided and then, when you have
specific problems, you can bring it here, with the code snippet you are having
difficulty with.
I recommend you use download this sample code:
If you haven't already, it's good to study this:
This is a good tutorial and they have many tutorials:
You will need the following permissions in your manifest:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/>
This is one intent that is advisable to use, to check to see if BT is enabled:
if (!mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) {
android.content.Intent enableIntent = new android.content.Intent(
startActivityForResult(enableIntent, REQUEST_ENABLE_BT);
and to make your device discoverable to other devices:
if (mBluetoothAdapter.getScanMode() !=
android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE_DISCOVERABLE) {
android.content.Intent discoverableIntent =
new android.content.Intent(
300); // You are able to set how long it is discoverable.
As I mentioned in my answer here:
You can avoid using an intent to search for paired devices. When
connecting to a device that is not paired, a notification will pop up
asking to pair the devices. Once paired this message should not show
again for these devices, the connection should be automatic (according
to how you have written your program).
I use an intent to enable bluetooth, and to make my device
discoverable, I then set up my code to connect, and press a button to
connect. In your case, you will need to ensure your accessories are
discoverable also. In my case I use a unique UUID, and both devices
must recognise this to connect. This can only be used if you are
programming both devices, whether both are android or one android and
one other device type.
You will need to understand how to use sockets, this is how the devices communicate.
I recommend studying these two links:
Sockets are used to set up connections between devices. There will be a server socket and device sockets (determined by many factors, the programmer, the actual devices). The server socket listens for incoming connections, when a connection is accepted the devices connect, each with a simple socket.
I am not sure how much you know about threading.
The connection needs to be managed with threads:
The connection between the devices is managed on threads separate from the User
Interface thread. This is to prevent the phone from locking up while it is
setting up, seeking and making a BT connection.
For instance:
AcceptThread - the thread that listens for a connection and accepts the connection (via the serversocket). This thread can run for an extended time waiting for a device to connect with.
ConnectThread - the thread that the device connecting to the server uses to connect to the serversocket.
ConnectedThread - this is the thread that manages the connection between both sockets.
Let me know if this helps you.
My understanding is that the SDP is a list of UUIDs that other devices can fetch.
According to this PDF from MIT, "A more general way to think of
SDP is as an information database." Does this mean I can add multiple values to SDP? Since Android has BluetoothDevice.fetchUuidsWithSdp(), how do I set the UUIDs of a device?
Also, what does each section of an UUID mean? UUIDs look like 00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB, but what information does this convey?
An UUID identifies a service that is available on a particular device. So if you call BluetoothDevice.fetchUUidsWithSdp() your BroadcastReceiver will receive the relevant Intent ACTION_UUID containing the device and the service UUID.
The bluetooth specification defines some common UUIDs.
If you don't want to connect to one of these well known services but intent to implement your own bluetooth application, then you have to just generate your own UUID (use uuidgen from a unix console or an online generator) that identifies your application/service.
You can create an UUID instance in java like this UUID uuid = UUID.fromString("785da8ea-1220-11e5-9493-1697f925ec7b");.
So if you create the server side for your bluetooth application on Android you typically do this
BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
BluetoothServerSocket serverSocket = adapter.listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord("YourHumanReadableServiceName", uuid);
And this is where you "set" your UUID. The Android bluetooth API creates the SDP-entry consisting of YOUR application's UUID and name for you. Other devices can now retrieve this entry. Androids bluetooth stack will now associate a bluetooth channel to your BluetoothServerSocket. If you want to connect to this ServerSocket, the connecting side usually connects doing this:
// you will most likely already have this instance from a discovery or paired device list
BluetoothDevice serverDevice = adapter.getRemoteDevice(bluetoothMacAddress);
// connect to your ServerSocket using the uuid
BluetoothSocket socket = serverDevice.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(uuid);
Android will again do the heavy lifting for you: It checks the SDP-Records on the remote device, looks up the bluetooth channel that corresponds to your service's UUID and connects using this information.
There is a common code snippet spooking around here on SO that advices you to use "reflection" to get to a hidden API looking similar to this code:
try {
// this is the way to go
socket = device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(uuid);
socket.connect( );
} catch ( IOException exception ) {
// don't do that! You will bypass SDP and things will go sideways.
Method m = device.getClass().getMethod("createRfcommSocket", new Class[] {int.class});
socket = (BluetoothSocket) m.invoke(device, 1);
Most people try this and it "just works" in their dev environment but you should know what you do using this. You actively bypass the SDP lookup that retrieves the right bluetooth channel to be used with your service and you will end up connecting to channel 1. If you have more than one Service running on the device, things WILL go sideways in this cases and you will end up in debugging hell ;-)
I developed a small middleware called Blaubot to create small networks using bluetooth/wifi/nfc and experienced all sorts of problems on the devices I used to test with (12 models). It was often the case that the bluetooth stack was not fully functional anymore in cases where it got some load or after many connects/disconnects (which you usually will have, if you are developing your app). In these cases the device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(uuid) would occasionally fail and only turning the bluetooth adapter off and on again helped to bring the bluetooth adapters back to life (in some cases only after a full power cycle). If this happens and you use the reflection method, you will probably not have much fun with bluetooth.
But if you know this and keep concurrent calls to the BluetoothAdapter within bounds, bluetooth connections and the adapters will be pretty stable.