I'd like to try the ActionBarSherlock library, but no matter what I try either my project gets the red exclamation point, or sherlock gets the red exclamation point, or sherlock gets errors, or I get "[2011-11-09 18:59:29 - Library-ActionBarSherlock] AndroidManifest.xml file missing!", etc...
I constantly open, close, clean, "fix project properties". I've tried it on the app i actually want to use it on and ive tried it with a brand new project with nothing else in the workspace but the library.
I really don't know what to try or what I'm doing wrong to make it seem so finicky.
for example, right now sherlock has a red x with the missing manifest error and my project has a red exclamation point and when i go to build path the error is "actionbarsherlock.jar - ...(missing)".
I've looked many place including here, here, here, and here.
Fixed. Following note made by Gintautas Miliauskas Dec 10 '10 at 15:46 on this web page. So basically copy the source to a folder outside the Eclipse workspace, Create Android Project from Existing Source with the source being the library folder. This clears the missing AndroidManifest.xml error. After than the project can be moved to the workspace through Right Click > Refactor > Move
Having fixed the missing AndroidManifest.xml file - now getting erorrs :
The type ActionMenuItem must implement the inherited abstract method MenuItem.expandActionView()ActionMenuItem.java
/ActionBarSherlock/src/com/actionbarsherlock/internal/view/menu line 11 Java Problem
Loads of these errors. Will start to look into them. Also Cannot instantiate the type MenuItemWrapper ActionBarWrapper.java. These went away after changing ActionBarSherlock to switch from Android 4.0 to Android 3.2.
Make sure that when you bring in the project, your target API is 3.2. It will not work with any other target API. I recently struggled with this exact problem
I had the same problem when I first tried installing ActionBarSherlock.
My solution was to
Completely remove all ActionBarSherlock files/folder
Update Eclipse (Help -> Check for updates)
Re-download ActionBarSherlock
Unpack it to a folder outside my Eclipse workspace.
Do the File -> New Android Project -> from existing source, using com_actionbarsherlock as the project name (first time I used ActionBarSherlock).
Change my app project to target API version 15
Import com.actionbarsherlock.app.SherlockFragmentActivity etc.
If you are having trouble importing Sherlock library to ecliple and getting missing manifest and other files then I have a simple workaround.
I am not sure why this is happening. But now I am able to solve this on all my machines.
Basically we are going to import same project using Android import and then eclipse import.
Add project to Eclipse by going to File >> New Project >> Android Project
Select existing project from existing source and select the folder Your-Sherlock-Project-Path/library, continue and hit Finish.
You will get errors, missing Manifest and more ...
Now go to File >> Import and select import existing file system Select the same folder from step 2. Make sure your into folder is from Step 2
Tick overwrite all files.
That is it .... Thanks :P
Im trying to create an Android project on Eclipse but as soon as i create it, errors appear on the project name.
I dont know whats wrong since I havent written anything myself yet. When when im on the final step of the project creation window (the activity section), I click finish and it takes like 5 seconds and the project name appears on the left, in the project explorer but the window doesnt close.
Heres what it looks like:
Here's the result of the Problems tab:
When you have errors like R cannot be resolved to a variable most of the times you have to solve problems in your Resources, for example you can see the folder \res has a red cross, solve that problems first.
Do the below changes and I guess it should work.
Update ADT & SDK.
Remove gen folder , and create it again .
Do a clean-project.
Right click the project and choose android-tools -> fix-project-properties .
Right click the project and choose properties -> java-build-path -> order-and-export. make sure the order is :
Android private libraries
Android dependencies
Your library project's if needed
Make sure all files in the res folder's subfolders have names that are ok : only lowercase letters, digits and underscore ("_") .
Always make sure the targetSdk is pointed to the latest API (currently 18) , and set it in the project.properties file
If above doesn't work then try next method 2 given below:
The step to solve the issues is easy. You just mouse point to your project folder (Example: SampleAndroid), then right click and now choose “Build Project”. Your all project will rebuild.
Once rebuild complete, you can see that the error icon was disappear on the MainActivity.java code. Now you can run your application in Emulator.
Maybe try "Project->clean" in order to rebuild.
First of all check the Problems tab that will you show you what may cause this. Also clean your project as it might solve some issues.
I also faced the same problem and solved it by deleting appcompatv4 file from libs folder. Try it, it might help to you.
I have this problem, finally,I solved this by opening my SDK manager → download Android support in Extras,you can try.
check your Android support is installed, and then you can build a new project without errors.
I'm a newbie with both android and eclipse, so if you can help me, please don't assume that I know very much.
I have downloaded kankan.wheel and I'm trying to run the demos. I built the demo project in eclipse, using Android project from existing code. The project compiles without error, but crashes with a NoClassdefFoundError exception when I try to run it. The main menu comes up, but when I press a button to run a demo, the app crashes. I posted a screenshot of the the error message in context at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24746182/except.png
I have added the wheel.jar file to the assets folder, and placed it on the build path. I've also checked wheel.jar in Order and Export. (This makes no sense to me, but I see this suggested in answer to similar questions.)
What have I done wrong, or failed to do?
Is there some reason why eclipse wouldn't just build a runnable project?
This is an update after trying the suggestion people have made. I still can't get it to work, so I'm afraid that I'm overlooking something so obvious that no one's thinking to tell me. Here is what I did.
I downloaded and unrarer a rar file with the wheel library and a wheel-demo project.
I created the wheel-demo project in eclipse, using new android project from existing cde.
I added a libs folder to my project, and copied wheel.jar into it.
I right-clicked on the wheel-demo project in Project Explorer, and chose java build path.
I clicked on "Add external jar" and navigated to wheel.jar.
I went to "Order and Export" and checked wheel.jar.
I had several errors. In the .java file for each activity (except the main activity), I got an error on the line
import kankan.wheel.R;
I commented this line out.
Also, since wheel.jar apparently doesn't specify a minimum API level, I got a error, but I just put a minimum sdk level of 8 in the manifest. I was then able to build the project without error. Still, the main screen comes up, but the app crashes as before when I press a button for any activity.
Can you see anything I've left out or done wrong?
Try to place your jar file to the 'libs' folder at the project root
I was never able to get it to work with the rar file. Here is what worked;
svn checkout http://android-wheel.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ android-wheel-read-only
import wheel project into eclipse
fix the android:targetSdkVersion version in the manifest to get rid of the "unable to resolve target android-7" error
build the wheel project as a library
import wheel-demo project into eclipse
fix the skdVersion in the manifest
change "import android.wheel.R" to "import android.wheel.demo.R" in all the source files where it occurs.
build the wheel-demo project
I may have left out a minor detail or two.
Dang. I'm sorry for asking so many different questions here. So, I have an android project that I imported into my workspace. Then, after fixing any build path errors and stuff, I went to export it. When I first imported it, it was automatically name "MainActivity". So, I tried to export it but I get the error "There is no android project named MainActivity. I checked and the folder is in my workspace. I searched but couldn't find a working answer. I guess eclipse sees this code as something else. I'm almost positive when I imported it I selected to import exisiting android application project...
You are trying to run your Library Project, if the project is not libraryRight Click on the Project >> Properties >> Android >> In the right Panel Scroll down >> Uncheck isLibrary
Eclipse probably sees your project as a library instead of an Android project.
Check your project.properties file (you'll find it as the very last file in your project in Package Explorer on the left). If at the bottom you see the line:
Just get rid of it, or try setting it to false. It should normally solve the problem.
It is probably you had set your project as library.
Try to change the setting at Project > Properties > Android > Library and UNCHECK Is Library
I am trying to run a project but there is a red exclamation mark over the project name. When checked in Problems, its throwing an error "project is missing required library". The library is pointed to android.jar located in some path. When checked in package explorer, I found the android.jar in Android 2.3.1 folder structure of project in package explorer. The android.jar located in Android 2.3.1 folder is pointing to some other path. Is the build error occurring due to the difference in paths for android.jar files? I have imported the project.So, how should I modify the path which is shown in the problems window? I am newbie to android and so pls help me.
The easiest way to resolve this common problem is to re-associate your project with an SDK version. You do this by opening project properties, clicking on Android, select a different SDK version to that which is currently selected (if one is selected at all), click okay, and then repeat the process to switch back to the desired SDK version, if desired.
I tried Phillip's answer and it didn't work in my case. Another place to look is opening project properties and clicking on "Java Build Path" -- if your project used some external JARs, check to make sure the links haven't been broken. If they have, reimport them again and remove the missing ones.
Import your library through the option: File/ Import... / Android / Existing Android Code Into Workspace, and not by creating a New Project and referencing the other (if you did this way).
I had this same problem and solved that way. As example, there is a PDF which demonstrates how to import other projects [Look at the page 28] (The material are in Portuguese)
I created a Hello world app but get this strange error:
The project cannot be built until the build path errors are resolved
I haven't changed the project, jut created it and tried to run it.
to avoid that annoying problem i have 3 solutions that worked for me.
Solution 1)
delete your generated R.java file
inside your gen/ folder
Solution 2)
a)Delete your project from Eclipse
(i said ONLY from Eclipse, uncheck option: Delete project
contents on disk)
b) import your project to Eclipse:
file > Import > Existing Projects into
Workspace (Look for your project
previously deleted from Eclipse) >
Solution 3)
make Solution 1 then Solution 2
It is either a spurious message you can solve by forcing Eclipse to recompute its library paths
I found the resolution for this at Scott D. Strader's blog.
To summarize the solution I only needed to add a library to my project and then remove it to force Eclipse to perform the necessary actions to resolve the problem. I would post the detailed steps here but I don't want to steal his content.
The resolution was to force a resave of the selected projects (and their .classpath files):
Open the project properties
Select Java Build Path > Libraries
Add a new, arbitrary library (to be deleted later) > OK
Wait for the workspace to refresh (or force a refresh of the project)
The error(s) will go away
Remove the dummy library
Note: as the OP mentions, a simple restart of the IDE can be enough.
Or you actually miss one critical library like a JRE library:
I needed to add the JRE library to the project for it to run. Not sure if this was due to the updated version or something else…. Any way this fixed the issue:
Project > Properties
Java Build Path
Libraries tab
Click add library
Select JRE System Library
Sounds like you are missing an import or a jar. In your project in the project explorer there should be a red x on the file icon that contains the error.
In addition to the listed answers, there is one other scenario I've seen this error appear when using the sample projects included with the Android SDK. For some reason, the generated R.java file can be invalid or corrupt. You can get around it by expanding the "gen" folder in the Package Explorer and deleting the R.java file. It will immediately get regenerated and the error goes away.
Right click on your project, choose "Build Path", "Configure Build Path" -> and choose Android 2.2, or that target you specified when you created your project
I have had similar issues. for me simply closing the emulator and re-running the project works