how can we implement CAN Application Layer(CAL) protocol in iphone/android - android

I need to interface a device which is supporting CANBus ,So for communication with that I need to follow CAL,So can any one help that ho can I implement
CAN Application Layer(CAL) protocol in iphone/android .
Please help i am not getting any way to solve it

"I need to interface a device which is supporting CANBus ,So for
communication with that I need to follow CAL"
The second part of that statement doesn't follow necessarily from the first. There are plenty of devices and systems that communicate via a CAN bus that don't use a formal higher level application framework.
First, you need to be able to communicate with the can bus from your application. Your mentioning iphones suggests you'll be targeting consumer handsets, none of which will have a CAN interface. So you need to incorporate some adapter hardware (there are usb adapters, and android at least has usb hardware access baked into the SDK).
If you do then also need to communicate with components that implement a higher level application framework like CANopen on top of the CAN layer, your options are:
Get your hands on the specification from whatever group maintains
it, and implement it in your language and framework of choice. This is likely a substantial effort.
Purchase or find an open source implementation. If you purchase the source code for a C implementation, you can compile it into a shared library for your target architecture, and, using android as an example, write a native wrapper for that shared library using the Android NDK to expose it to your java code. If you could purchase the source code for a java implementation, you might be able to port it so that it works natively on android.
Then you need to glue the data layer together with the application layer, and this will likely be custom development no matter what.

You need the hardware to support it. I've found Gwentech's GT1026 to work well for can bus to android, but it only works on Android using USB.


Using TLS in Android

I'm developing an Android application that communicates with my device(ARM based device with bluetooth module) via bluetooth using TLS(TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256).
What I considered: from Android. Problem is that ephemeral(ECDHE) encryption keys are starting from API 20 but I need API 11. I didn't find a way to add suite. It seems that this library is strongly related to android version. API versions and overview
Bouncycastle(spongycastle) I didn't find a way to use it without creating a socket. I need something like in/out streams so I could use it not with the network connection. Also I didn't find TLS/SSL at all.
Implementing everything by myself. I could take all algorithms from selected suite and implement protocol by myself but I don't know what I don't know and I'm afraid to screw up security. I don't know if it's a good practice to do such a thing(may be it's high level enough so it's not very dangerous to implement it by myself)
My question is: which libraries could you recommend for TLS? Is it a good way to implement the protocol(not algorithms) by myself?

Xamarin comonality layer for Android/iOS/WinPhone

Xamarin / Mono-touch lets you leverage any native code / APIs on the target platform. . But is there a commonality layer, so that things like accelerometer, camera and so forth can be written using the same code?
There are multiple libraires designed to be used across different platforms (available through the component store):
Xamarin.Mobile to access device capabilities
Xamarin.Auth to authenticate users on OAuth
Xamarin.Social to access social networks
and then all the projects targeting PCL and available via nugget:
That should get you started. Oh, one more thing. If you use HttpClient, have a look at ModernHttpClient (component store)
The API provides this abstraction layer to access features that are typically provided on all supported platforms.
I have added some device abstraction in my libraries. Currently Battery (level and charger status) and Accelerometer are abstracted to static classes that are 100% identical interface between iOS, Android & WP8. As time permits I will add more, including GPS.
To use serializer in PCL libraries I have created a common interface so you can use non-PCL's as well. Some of the best performing (de)serializers are not available as PCL and some aren't available on iOS at all but a common interface allows one to pick the best per platform. Some performance test results are posted on Xamarin forums:

Building Peer to Peer photo sharing on Android

I am planning to do a project on Peer to Peer photo sharing on Android. My professor wants me to do that using some language other than Java or C/C++. Is any of Erlang, Haskell, Ocaml,
Scala, Go helpful to build an android app with following functionality?
Ability to design a GUI for android to view the pictures to be shared
Support for socket communications to transfer the pictures?
Since Android relies heavily on Java, Scala would be a good choice here. Scala makes interoperating with Java code easy and runs on the JVM. On top of this, it is a nice functional language with an interesting type system, so it will be a good learning experience. (So will your other languages, but Scala is probably easier to use on Android.)
Check out Scala Programming for Android, which describes how you can make Android applications in Scala.
You can compile and execute Go programs on Android (or ARM in general), but you can't actually use the Android libraries. So, writing services or GUI applications for Android in Go is currently not that easy. I am not sure about the other languages, but I think Erlang, Haskell, Ocaml, etc. have similar problems (if they even provide an ARM compiler).
Therefore it's probably best to focus on a JVM based language. Most of the examples and other applications are written in Java, but Scala is also able to access all those APIs. So, I would either use Java or Scala.
There's also this JVM-based functional, dynamic, lisp-like language Clojure, which some people seem to like a lot. It should be possible to use it to write Android Apps.
Well, in my view, it depends on what you want to really use the language for as regards your project. Photo Sharing: are you planning on using Web based tools for the client, i.e. JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery Mobile (, sencha Touch (, Phone Gap (,Titanium Appcelerator OR you want to use native stuff like Java, J2ME, e.t.c. Then if its web based (which would make things easier in my view), the language you are referring to in this case would be on the Server side. So in my view if you just need the language to web-serve photos and stuff, then it would not matter which one you use: really depends on your liking. I am pretty sure that Erlang, Scala, Java and the others all have capability for developing great web services. However, the conditions you put as below:
1) Ability to design a GUI for android to view the pictures to be shared 2) Support for socket communications to transfer the pictures?
Suggest that you were referring to a Front-End technology to use. You cannot use Erlang to create GUIs on Android, if i am right, you may not also be able to use Haskell and OcamL as well because these technologies cannot run on the device. For GUIs on Android, you can only use Java, OR you can use Widget Technologies like Opera Widgets OR you use Web based stuff like i mentioned above. However, you should know that using JavaScript Libraries, HTML5, CSS3, e.t.c. is the quickest and more manageable way of developing Apps on any Device. I even wonder why you are talking of Socket Communications !! Am i getting you right ? you want to develop a Photo Sharing App which transfers Photos over raw Socket Communications ? Well, i am NOT sure how many apps out there for Android are doing raw Socket stuff, but i am pretty sure that many ( are using HTTP Protocol, as in Web Services. Consider looking into web services than raw Sockets. I am pretty sure that even apps developed using native Java, uses HTTP (Web Services like SOAP) to communicate with a remote Server, be it weather apps, location-based stuff e.t.c. Otherwise i guess you should concentrate on Java, for now.

controling network communication

I need to develop an Android application that sets up connection via WiFi with computer and then sends packets with data. Jowever, I need to control send packets, not only theirs data but also headers, there should be possible to modify any field in their header as well. In windows in it is possible with use of winpcap and jpcap, and I wonder if sth similar I may find on Android. Is there any ready API that will help with my problem?
There's no API available to a Java/Dalvik app on Android which would allow you to do that.
Android is a Linux system, though. So you could try to find/write one or two Linux applications to support your effort - or use JNI.
Bottomline: Native code will definitely be necessary to achieve what you want, no way to do this in Java alone.

What are the key differences between Android, iOS and Blackberry OS?

What are the key differences between Android, iOS and Blackberry OS in terms of level of accessibility by application developers (i.e. access to the video input, sound input, phone functionalities, to which extent, etc.)?
PS: Assume latest version of each OS.
EDIT: Can someone turn this into a wiki so we can compile answers from people that don"t necessarily have experience in all 3 plaforms.
I'm not familiar with BlackBerry, but on Android and iOS you can access just about anything. Until recently iOS had some restrictions about camera access (see this), but I belive those have been solved. Because Android is open-source, you can theoretically go as deep as you want as far as accessing the hardware, but you may or may not be able to get any deeper through the standard Android API than you can through the iOS API.
On Android, you can do a lot more to override default functionality. For example, you can create your own launcher screen or phone application. The iOS approval process wouldn't allow these kinds of applications.
API hardware access really isn't an issue on either platform, the bigger concern is overriding default software (almost never possible in iOS) and what types of applications iOS allows.
Each platform has its own nice and bad parts. I have been working on both Android and BB. I wish I could take only nice parts from both to create a platform of a dev dream! :)
For instance, I could take these features from BB:
The greates feature I like in BB is the simplicity of the application architecture - you can always count on your main UIApplication instance - OS never kills it.
Also I do like the simplicity the Dialog class provides - it is very easy to implement business logic related to user choice - while Dialog screen is shown the code execution just stops and waits for user input.
From Android I'd take the following:
Network communication. On BB this is a real nightmare (BES, BIS, WIFI, Direct TCP without APN, Direct TCP with APN, WAP, WAP2, Unite - who's next? :)).
For file manipulations you just use a native/usual Java API.
Nice looking UI components are available right out of the box.
I should add I'm not happy with GPS related stuff on both platforms, however maybe it is due to GPS hardware limitations rather than API creators.
BlackBerry is a pain, once I made a project for it (the JDE version was 4.7 back then) and it didn't had an ArrayList. WTF?

