Android 4 ICS is supposed to have virtual menu, home and back buttons at the bottom. I don't see this in the emulator. Do I have to do something to enable that?
today Google solve this problem, you need to update the emulator to the rev16 version and Android ics system image 2.
Xavier Ducrohet post this on Google+ today.
Try to set the AVD resolution to WXGA720. Read about it somewhere and it and now the AVD shows the nav buttons.
I am a newbie of Android programming, and I am using the latest version of Android Studio on a Mac.
My problem is with the emulator, in particular, the tablet emulators (Pixel C, Nexus 9, and 10) which is giving me a hard time understanding why any click I do on the emulator display is displaced up (on the y axis) a great number of pixels. For example, if I click the Chrome icon present on the home screen, in reality, the emulator is taking the click about 100-150 pixels up that location! Why's that?
I have no problems with all phone emulators. This issue appears only with tablets. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for any possible solutions to this problem.
All the best,
Ok, I solved this problem by unchecking the option Launch in a tool window" inside Preferences > Tools > Emulator.
It appears that making the emulator run inside a window is buggy and gives this click-location issue.
I can't change the graphics to software as I'm sure this is the fix for my AVD not launching.
The option is greyed out (see screenshot). Has anyone has experience with this? I couldn't find anyone who had the same issue.
I'm running the latest version of Android Studio on Ubuntu 17.04.
Actually, this problem seems to be limited to devices with Play Store available, so Nexus 5X and Nexus 5 images will be forced to use Automatic Graphics, but all other devices allow you to choose either Automatic, Hardware or Software graphics.
edit: I've just tested this today and it seems to no longer be the case. At least on MacOS with Android Studio 3.3.2, I can now make a Nexus 5X image with Play Store and Hardware Graphics. I'll do more testing at home later, on Windows and Linux to see if it's related to OS or graphics drivers.
I also think it's related to whether the Playstore is contained or not, but I cannot explain why.
Dielson Sales already gave the answer which worked for me - unfortunately only in a comment to this answer. I just thought it's worth to make a "real" answer out of it:
Edit the config.ini file of the AVD. Under Linux it's located under /home/<user>/.android/avd/<AVD-name>/config.ini
(in my case <AVD-name> is Nexus_5X_API_29.avd).
In a text editor change the lines
either to
or to
This setting remains even if opened in the Android Virtual Device Manager of Android Studio. It's just not editable there.
I also tried this, which I found in another AVD:
But this is then changed to "no" / "off" by the Android Virtual Device Manager.
I didn't look any further so far. hw.gpu.mode=off worked for me. Otherwise my whole Kubuntu hangs (using the Nouveau driver, not the NVidia driver)
Seems like the problem was with the choosen VM. If I choose a Nexus 4, it runs just fine.
I am little late on this thread but following are my findings and solution. I am using Ubunut 18.04 and faced the same issue. The solution is to edit AVD and under Emulated Performance, change the grpahics to Software. The problem was that this option was disabled for me. I was unable to change graphics drop down.
I did some more research and found that while creating AVD if you choose default/existing device definition on first screen, you will not be able to edit graphics drop down.
The solution is to create a "New Hardward Profile" while creating AVD and use your new profile. Now, you will be able to edit "Grahics" drop down.
Hope this helps....
It seems all emulators with Play Store cannot emulated performance. I am using AS 4.0
Open Android Virtual Device Manager Android Studio, change VMHeap to 512, RAM to 4096 MB. Then restart Android Studio.
I think It's just a bug!
Solved the issue by selecting any virtual device had the option enabled and after finishing the installation I just clicked on edit and reselected the device I wanted and the option was still enabled.
Click on edit button from here.
Then change the device to the one you want.
For those who are still searching for solutions on how to make it work with an image containing google play store: install / update your GPU drivers solves the problem. On my Ubuntu 20 this was the issue.
I'm working on mac os - after i upgrade my os my emulator stoped working and one of the solution was to change the graphic settings from hardware to software - since i couldn't - came here ---> turns out Android Emulator HAXM on macOS High Sierra is left out from security reasons
follow this link :
This question already has answers here:
Android emulator - Screen rotation
(5 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
If I open a browser in emulator and press Ctrl+F11 or F9 or Ctrl+F11, the screen rotates but browser doesn't.
To test I downloaded a native app and installed it on my emulator and phone both. The app catches the rotation of phone but on emulator similar thing happened.
I googled it and read few posts on Stackoverflow, I found that its a bug in Emulator of particular version.
But which version of emulator runs it fine?
I simply downloaded the adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702 and I have eclipse(juno) with it. Eclipse has Andoird SDK Manager inside it, which helped me to chose the latest APIs, SDK tools etc. I downloaded those, what did I miss that doesn't support rotation.
I also read that if I if uncheck Hardware keyboard Present then it would work but it didn't.
I also tried by uncheck Host GPU, no luck.
Finally I was told that need to specify in AndroidManifest.xml that I want to support both landscapeand portrait both. But I have not created any android project in eclipse I simply created a device and now checking its rotation with its own browser and by installing a apk file from internet.
Are there any concrete steps/tested way that work out screen rotation on android emulator?
But which version of emulator runs it fine?
4.3 (API Level 18) and below.
Are there any concrete steps/tested way that work out screen rotation on android emulator?
Download an emulator image for Android 4.3 (API Level 18) or below, create an emulator from it, and use that. You will find emulator images in your SDK Manager:
In the above screenshot, you will see API Level 17 and 18 emulator images towards the bottom of the picture.
Your problem can be solved by changing one setting as given below:
Open Menu
Goto Settings
Goto Accessibility
Check the check box for "Auto-rotate screen".
This may solve your issue.
Android Emulator Icon in windows 7 does not show in TaskBar..see my Image...
I tried but cant get solution only this found
But cant Solve problem ...
According the link you posted it appears to be a known bug. Most likely the only solution is to wait for the next version of the ADK Tools to be released by Google.
But after all, it is just a missing icon and doesn't affect the ability to develop using the emulator.
I would like to convert/adapt my application to Android 4.0.
To do so I plan to use the ActionBar on devices that support it.
All Android version >= 3.0 do so. Furthermore devices that do not have a hardware menu button seem to show an "menu" button on the actionbar automatically.
When I test my application on the emulator using API level 13 this does work as expected...
... but somehow I'm not able to setup the emulator to behave the same way while emulating a phone on API level 14 (Android 4.0).
When I try to set "Hardware Back/Home keys" to false there are no buttons at all (not on the screen and not keypad provided by the emulator).
I have seen on some screenshots and videos from the "Galaxy Nexus" that it is showing an "menu" button on the ActionBar as well ... like Honeycomb tablets do it, but I'm somehow not successful to do the same with the emulator which makes it a bit more complicated to understand how my UI will work on Andoid 4.0 phones.
Here is an image that is showing the On-Screen back and home buttons I would like to see in the emulator:
It seems the issue was fixed with the latest update of the SDK (R16).
Just update your SDK and ADT to R16 and create a new emulator using the updated Android 4.0 system image.
The soft keys showed up for me when I set hw.mainKeys to no:
Open $HOME/.android/avd/YOURS.avd/config.ini
Set hw.mainKeys=no
(This was covered in a deleted answer; don't know why it was deleted.)
When you create new emulator there is grid Hardware, and there you can add options Hardware home and back buttons and Hardware keyboard. So, create new emulator and look at your "Galaxy Nexus" :)
Unfortunately you can't change this properties for existing emulator.
After upgrading to R16 I could only get the on-screen buttons to appear if I created an emulator using the WXGA720 resolution.
Here is my complete config.ini file:
Hopefully this helps someone.
If your application includes functionality that would respond to a menu button, the menu button will be added to the black bottom bar.
If you are having trouble seeing this in the emulator, you can do a bit of a workaround by setting it to a tablet resolution (I use 1280x800) and observing your menu button behavior there, as it should be the same as on the phone version.