How can i make some image analyzing using android API ? - android

How can i make some loop that run on all the pixels on the image that i got from the camera ?
I want to be able to scan all the pixels and according to the RGB of some pixel i need to make some decision about the next activity that my application will make.

I know some android or java image libraries, maybe you can find what you want in one.
Android image filter
Android image filtering
Jhlabs pure java and Android
I think you can use some C++ libraries too, like:


Is it possible to copy individual image processing function out from opencv library?

My android app uses only two image processing functions in the OpenCV library - Gaussian blur and Adaptive Threshold.
The beta testers of my app all feel that it would be better if they don't need to download the seperate app, the OpenCV Manager before they can use my app. I could include the OpenCV library inside my app but my app would increase in size by 50Mb which is not very great..
Is it possible just to extract these two functions out? Or is there java source codes which could perform adaptive threshold on a Bitmap out there that can be used?
Thanks in advance!

Image Editing Library for Android

I have a basic requirement for a simple image editing app for android.
After displaying the image the user must be able to set alpha of the image , choose
brightness , set contrast.
For achieving this task i have tried the following libraries :-
2. Android Image Filtering
3. Aviary SDK
For JJIL i am facing problem importing the projects.
For Android Image Filtering , there isnt much documentation available.
Using Aviary i can achieve this but it has the aviary logo and using this SDK the user can
choose get more features options and navigate to aviary app in app store.
Which is the better way of doing this ? shall i use a library or i should use native android color class ?
Thanks in advance
Use GPUImage if you want to use OpenGL (fastest I know)
You can use Image Effect Pro which uses pure Java ( relatively slower) image processing.
You can also try Fast Image Processing Library (OpenGL based)
You can read more about Image Processing stuffs from here and here
We at have released an image editing SDK for Android as part of our PhotoEditorSDK product suite. It includes all the functions you mentions and is easily customizable
You can find a demo application here. You can use the library for free in your open source projects, but there is a license fee for commercial applications.

Image/text recognition for android

An application I want to implement must use camera to recognize a complex entity consisting of an image and some text. Depending on the text different scenarios must be triggered.
What are my options ? openCV ?
Android NDK and OpenCV
It's available here
The android package contains prebuilt opencv's libraries, so you dont have to build it from source which is very nice. Also, they have lots of examples of how to use opencv camera or android camera to do color/image recognition.

Cross platform image processing library

I'm attempting to find an image processing library that can add filters and things of this nature. Something like ImageMagick (which I have tried, but couldn't get png support and other issues specifically with Android).
The main requirement is that it produces the same images given the same filters in iOS, linux and Android.
Have a look to android package graphics. It contains all that you need to perform image transformation and filters and there are a lot of example on the web.

Android NDK and rendering to live wallpapers

I'm just looking around for starting learning NDK, with one particular project in mind:
I want to continually render a changing bitmap from NDK side to be able to show it in a live wallpaper.
(hence I'm not talking about rendering to OpenGL texture here, but about rendering to a Bitmap)
I googled a bit and found out that there's an option to directly manipulate a Bitmap pixels. But I also found that documentation says that this feature is avaiable only since Android 2.2.
And I'd like to support 2.1 in my live wallpaper.
On the other hand I found several projects that do similar stuff - render something from ndk and show it in live wallpaper. And they work on 2.1. Examples are: wonderful Video Live Wallpaper, and I think Shake Them All Live Wallpaper does the same kind of stuff.
So the question is - am I missing some other way to do continuous rendering to LW other than direct manipulation of Bitmap data?
Or some other thing I got wrong? :)
As far as I know, the other projects that do rendering with the NDK and use jnigraphics prior to 2.2 actually include that library in the project and load it as a 3-rd party library.
See the description of PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY in android-ndk-r5b/docs/ANDROID-MK.html for more information on how to do that.
You can find jnigraphics in:
Of course, I don't know if it's actually permissible to redistribute part of the NDK (maybe someone else can weigh in on this), but apparently the only holdup with using jnigraphics prior to Android 2.2 is simply the fact that it's not present in earlier releases.
Hope that helps.

