I have a Service, which is foreground. It is locally bound to one (or more) activity, so the activity and the service runs in the same process. There might be some time during which the activity is not displayed (typical music player use case).
If service and activity are in the same process, the memory for the activity can't be repossessed by operating system, unless the service too is terminated? The answer seems yes to me, according to this article
If the last is true, should I create two separate process:
To be nice to the system/other apps?
to be more confident my service will not be killed?
Or, it is not a big deal to have the activity sticking around together with the service?
I have a Service, which is foreground. It is locally bound to one (or more) activity, so the activity and the service runs in the same process. There might be some time during which the activity is not displayed (typical music player use case).
A "typical music player use case" would not use bindService() IMHO. A foreground service would not use bindService() IMHO. At minimum, in addition to bindService() for activity->service communication, you would need startService(), so that after you unbindService() (e.g., user presses BACK), the service can stay running.
If service and activity are in the same process, the memory for the activity can't be repossessed by operating system, unless the service too is terminated?
The memory for the activity is never "repossessed by the operating system", except by terminating your entire process. Unfortunately, this is not entirely clear from the documentation.
If the user pressed BACK to exit the activity, or you otherwise call finish() on the activity, the activity should be garbage-collected, assuming nothing is causing it to hang around (e.g., referred to by a static data member).
should I create two separate process
Absolutely not.
Just trying to clarify my understanding of how an IntentService is managed by the OS once terminating states have been reached. By terminating, I mean when the current activity is destroyed or the app process is killed, as per the following documentation:
Given the comment
Also, an IntentService isn't affected by most user interface lifecycle events, so it continues to run in circumstances that would shut down an AsyncTask
at https://developer.android.com/training/run-background-service/create-service;
I feel as if:
1) A started IntentService is unaffected by the activity lifecycle. Is this correct?
2) If (1) is true, will it continue to run indefinitely even after a terminating state is reached, up to some point that it either stops itself or the OS decides to stop it?
In my particular situation, I'm using an IntentService during app startup to query APIs, grab content, and then add a new (landing) Page to the Xamarin.Forms navigation stack (this would be equivalent to starting a new activity).
This leads me to my next question...
3) What happens if the app is already in a terminated state when it comes time to the IntentService creating a new Activity? Surely the Activity can't be added to the navigation stack as it no longer exists once the app is terminated?
Yes, a started IntentService is unaffected by the Activity Lifecycle. Actually, all Services outside of bound Services are unaffected by the Activity Lifecycle.
An IntentService will continue until it reaches completion of it's work, the application is destroyed, or if the System decides to kill the Service due to the changes in the Android 8.0 background Service rules.
Your use of terminated state is too broad... If the Application is already terminated, then nothing will happen because the IntentService would have been terminated already too. If it's the Activity that launched the IntentService that was terminated, then nothing happens, since by default, an IntentService has nothing to do with Activities, even if it's the one that started it.
For the last question, it really depends on how you choose to communicate the result of IntentService to an Activity.
If you're using a BroadcastReceiver, then nothing will happen because an IntentService will fire the broadcast without any problems, but the Activity won't be able to receive the results since it's terminated.
But if you're simply creating a new Activity, then you can simply use startActivity() with the result data added to the Intent. Though, I doubt the user will be happy to see an Activity suddenly open on the screen when they're no longer in your app. Starting a new Activity has nothing to do with a previous Activity, since any instance of a Context can start an Activity.
Honestly, based on your question, it sounds like you're very concerned with an IntentService and it's connection with the Activity that started it. If that's the case, you really shouldn't be using an IntentService, since that's not really it's purpose. It's not meant to have a connection with an Activity. It's simply meant to do work and finish.
Instead, a bound Service would be a better option since it has a direct connection with the Activity that started it.
I am finishing my current activity using finish(). This is calling onPause automatically. I want to finish activity without onPause being called. My activity is running a song service so i want song to stop when app is in background but dont want it to stop when user goes from one activity into another in my app. I cant do stopService and startService in between activities because then there is a momentary lag in between the sounds.
A Service is an application component that can perform long-running operations in the background and does not provide a user interface
google docs
The background Service is agnostic of which Activity is running or any discontinuity between them.
The two types, "bound" and "started" are supposed to have different persistence characteristics but in practice (not stress testing) I find the bound Service does not clobbered for lack of system memory and is much easier to implement (despite tutorials claiming otherwise). It uses some IPC abstraction that appears as though it is being directly invoked from the Activity. The same can't be said of the "started" variety (unless it is also bound) which is IMO a closer approximation to the traditional service I would associate with web-servers (or anything that is already going to be experiencing not insignificant delays- such as due to network transmission).
(Lecture over) I see you are calling finish(). You need some way to shut down the Service from your Activity. Just make sure to branch aways from doing so when not intended. Code would be helpful but I can assure you this is how media players work.
I am wondering what is the best way to keep a service running while the application is running (may be in background) and then the service stopping when the application has ended (the application in this case has completely stopped, not in the background).
Another sub-question is: How to stop a service when application stops?
I realize one solution is to use BoundServices but is this the best way or good enough?
For example if an activity binds a service and then the system kills the activity and brings
it alive again then how will the service behave? Or are there other issues I am not aware of?
What would be the best way to implement this? Thanks.
Check out http://developer.android.com/guide/components/bound-services.html.
A bound service is the server in a client-server interface. A bound service allows components (such as activities) to bind to the service, send requests, receive responses, and even perform interprocess communication (IPC). A bound service typically lives only while it serves another application component and does not run in the background indefinitely.
You have two options to start the service:
1. bindService() to activity
2. startForeground() and bind while it runs
Option 1 will only run as long as the activity is in view and the runnable active. (example use would be to use service to download a file)
Option 2 will run as long as the application is running (even when the activity is in the background) This option requires that your service be listed in the notification bar.
You can have a service stop itself by calling stopSelf(int) (I dont think this works if a activity is currently bound) or you can call stopService() from an activity.
As for the system killing the activity question.... Without knowing what your service will be handling its hard to give advice on how to handle this situation. For the most part a service running in the foreground will be the last resource the system will try to reclaim. If the system kills the activity the services onDestory method will be called where you should do some clean up so that the next time it starts you can continue in a safe manor.
I have a simple android program containing one activity and one service.
I am starting the service from the activity by calling: startService()
The service should continue running when I close my activity as I started it by calling startService. What I am noticing is that when I close the activity the service is killed then started again after short time.
Is that a normal behavior in android?
If it is normal, is there any way to enforce keeping the exact service running?
Thank you very much
How are you "closing" the Activity? There's no need to kill an Activity once you're finished using it, and the Service should keep running even if your Activity is in the background.
Service.onDestroy() is called before the system destroys your Service. However, I am inclined to believe that you have a different problem, since it's unusual for a Service to be killed unless your device is very low on memory.
I have an Android app, in which Activities fire long running operations that run in the background. These operations interact with the Activities when done. I'm developing a component that handles the Activity/Long-Running-Task coupling, taking care of activities being destroyed and recreated.
Right now that component is implemented as an Android service. The activities call bindService and use the resulting IBinder to start and track tasks. I decided against using startService, because I prefer the richer API possible through a Java interface.
Now the problem. Activity A start ups, binds to the service and calls serviceApi.runTask(...). Activity A is then destroyed (because the user flips the phone, for instance) and recreated as Activity A'. A' then binds again to the service, announces its existence and everything should be running nicely.
Except that my Service gets destroyed. When Activity A is destroyed, it unbinds from the service. Android sees there are no more clients, and kills the service. When Activity A' is created, the service is created again, and I lose everything the old service had.
The only solution I can see is using a singleton for the service. And then it doesn't really have to be an Android service, just an instance that's accessible to everyone. Is that frowned upon in Android? Is there a better design that fits this problem?
Editted: Even if I call startService and then bind to it, nothing guarantees that the service instance will exist as long as the application is running. Android can kill sticky services if resources are low. Killing the service will cause the application to malfunction, and I can't have that.
Even if I call startService and then bind to it, nothing guarantees that the service instance will exist as long as the application is running.
Android can kill sticky services if resources are low.
Also correct. All "sticky" means is that Android might restart the service.
Killing the service will cause the application to malfunction, and I can't have that.
It is impossible to create a service that is guaranteed to run forever. For starters, users can get rid of your service whenever they want, because users detest developers who have pointless services that run forever. Writing everlasting services is necessary only in very few cases; otherwise, it's just sloppy programming.
The only solution I can see is using a singleton for the service. And then it doesn't really have to be an Android service, just an instance that's accessible to everyone. Is that frowned upon in Android?
Singletons (a.k.a., static data members) will go away when the process is terminated. The process will be terminated eventually, particularly if there are no active services and none of your activities is in the foreground..
Call startService and in onStartCommand return START_STICKY. It should keep the service going.
You may also want to look into foreground services:
http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Service.html#startForeground(int, android.app.Notification)
Yo have to create persistent service. Refer to this manual.
In a few words - don't call bindService, call startService.