I am developing a chat application. And i want to have pop up window with smileys in it so that when user clicks on one of smileys it will be inserted to edit text box.
Does anyone know sample code for it?
I wanted code for both pop up window and code to embbed smileys in an application.
(same as in case of yahoo which has smileys.how to code for it and how to store them in database and all)
Take a look at the PopupWindow. You'll want to use it in similar fashion to this tutorial here: http://www.mobilemancer.com/2011/01/08/popup-window-in-android/.
I would populate it with your drawable images, and then attach to each image you create a onClickListener that would insert the smiley into whatever text window your using.
I'm not an Android expert, and I'm still learning myself, but this is one approach I would investigate.
I want to add images in a text field/text form field in flutter. Whenever the user clicks the first button in the bottom navigation bar, the app will ask to pick an image and the image will display in the text field.
Like this:-
How Can I add one? (I am not talking about emoji)
You can use RichTextEditor using rich_text_view plugin to support stylized text. Another option here is by using flutter_markdown to render images from Markdown.
I'm working on an android app , we need a custom dialog box to input some settings once in a while . This custom dialog box need to be hard to find so only some users can find it , like a onLongClick somewhere .
Any Ideas ?
Just think out of the box, what android users are not familiar of something that is not user friendly, the LongClick action every android users do long clicks so do something like a swipe up or down on a button or image be creative :)
I want to create a custom keyboard like below, where the icon will be there in suggestions, on clicking that will open a separate view in the key I attached screens, I don't know how to start
And also there should be a edit text in it.
I should be able to enter text in both places
is custom keyboard sample, You can get the idea about how to start
I am trying to implement a group-like thing in my app. So I was trying to create the "Create Group" view. It is really simple - Just 2 EditTexts and one button for confirmation. And a ListView showing the suggested users based on what you type.
But for the second EditText, I am trying to implement something like the one in Facebook Messenger and Hangouts: It is like an EditText but it has custom views in it (not just plain text) listing the users which you added.
I found someone who asked a similar question here: How do I achieve a Facebook Messenger/ Google Hangouts like layout to preview selected items in search bar on ANDROID?
But I have no idea how to use the class in the answer.
Could anyone help? Thank you!
Pretty new to android so excuse me if this is a really obvious question.
Say my application has a bunch of TextViews, each one showing the attributes of a certain product (name, price, etc). I have a button next to each of these TextViews labeled "modify".
How do I make it so that when I press the modify button next to a certain attribute, a popup window with a space to enter text into comes up so that the user can enter text into this box and then have the actual attribute listing on the original page change? Actually I just need a push in the right direction with creating this popup text field... not sure if there is already some built in functionality for this or if not, what would be the best way to create this kind of thing.
Why not have the modify button set TextEdit.setEnabled(true); and then change focus with TextEdit.setFocus? Note that both of these are inherited from view
If you really want a dialog you might want to looking into the AlertDialog.Builder. I know you can use it with buttons and radio buttons, but I'm not sure you can get it to work with a TextView.
Use a code like this for the input popup: Android dialog input text
In the positive button handler, set your edittext content programmatically like this:
As simple as that. The only difference with a standard GUI framework is that you don't retrieve the value as a result of the popup function. Instead, you must provide an action handler.