Sending message to a friend on facebook Android - android

I am developing an application which is able to let a user send a message to a friend on facebook. I have looked at Facebook API, Hackbook folder. I used the following code, but it did not work. It seems to ask me to implement a new dialog for it.
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("caption", app_name);
params.putString("picture", picture);
dialog(MyClass.this, "send", params, new UpdateStatusListener());
Any help is very appreciated !

Check this Snippet for Posting on Friend's wall :
parameters.putString("message", "Text is lame. Listen up:");
parameters.putString("target_id", "XXXXX"); // target Id in which you need to Post
parameters.putString("method", "stream.publish");
String response = authenticatedFacebook.request(parameters);
Log.v("response", response);
catch(Exception e){}


android post only message on facebook wall

Now, I know that it's common question, but since "message" parameter is not valid, I wonder how to post just message to my facebook wall?
I use this:
public void postOnWall(Facebook mFacebook) {
Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
parameters.putString("caption", "Caption");
parameters.putString("description", "Description");
mFacebook.dialog(this, "feed", params, new PostDialogListener());
catch(Exception e){}
I always get empty form without any title or content. I tried all params from facebook sdk docs but still no results.
UPD: when I say empty I mean this:
Why is the message parameter invalid? If you want to only post a message on your wall its should simply be just a matter of doing the following:
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("message", "test message on my wall");
mAsyncRunner.request("feed", params, "POST", new PostDialogListener(), null);
Please see below link of Stack overflow's answer for how to integrate facebook into your android application and if u have any query regarding that then tell me.
Post status on Facebook

posting on the facebook app page

I'm able to post to a users wall using android application. but i have another request to post to a specific app page (which is created for the same app). But i couldn't find any resource regarding this...
can anyone help how to archive this...
So far to share on users wall this piece of code is working..
private void postOnFB(byte[] data) {
try {
Log.v("postImage", "in");
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("description", "Play this awesome bible game..");
params.putByteArray("picture", data);
params.putString("message", facebookPostingMessage
+ "\n");
mAsyncFacebookRunner.request("me/photos", params, "POST",
new SampleUploadListener(), null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do nothing only to catch exception
Please can some one help me on this...
You can post to the app page's wall by issuing an HTTP POST request to the app page's feed connection:
That is, you code should read
mAsyncFacebookRunner.request(APP_PAGE_ID + "/feed", params, "POST",
new SampleUploadListener(), null);
Note that its the app's page id you post to, not the app id.

Send a image file to a particular friend in my friends list

i am doing a sample Facebook application in that i post a image file to a particular friend in my friends list, if any one having the solution...
Here is the code..i put the stream.publish method inside the request works well..
protected void postToWall(String temp2) {
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("message", _messageInput.getText().toString()"some text Here);
params.putString("caption", "{*actor*} just posted a secret message.");
params.putString("description","A secret message is waiting for you. Click the link to decode it.");
params.putString("name", "A Secret Message For You");
params.putString("link", "");
**mAsyncRunner.request(((temp2 == null) ? "me" : temp2) + "/feed",
params, "POST", new WallPostRequestListener(),stream.publish);**

Android: Facebook API to post

I am using Faccebook android API ( to post the messages on facebook.
Facebook mFacebook = new Facebook(Constants.APP_ID);
AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner = new AsyncFacebookRunner(mFacebook);
Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
parameters.putString("message", "this is a test post");// the message to post to the wall
mFacebook.dialog(this, "stream.publish", parameters, new SampleDialogListener());
Everything is working fine. I'm able to login and post the message, but after login, it is displaying a intermediate dialog, "Publish story" with a text box with my post msg, "this is a test post" that is editable by the user, but i want to post the messages immediately after login without having this intermediate post screen.
Can anybody help me how to achieve this.
This is how you do it:
Bundle bundle = new Bundle(3);
bundle.putString("message", "Hello!");
mFacebook.request("me/feed", bundle, "POST");

Facebook post on Friends wall in Android

I would like to post a picture to my friend's wall.
But I logged in to my account say, but now I want to post on to any of my friend wall.
I am having all my friends id and Name.
Is it possible to Post a picture in friends wall by logged to my account? If so how is it possible?
Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
JSONObject attachment = new JSONObject();
try {
attachment.put("message", "Messages");
attachment.put("name", "Get utellit to send messages like this!");
attachment.put("href", link);
} catch (JSONException e) {
parameters.putString("attachment", attachment.toString());
parameters.putString("message", "Text is lame. Listen up:");
parameters.putString("target_id", "XXXXX"); // target Id in which you need to Post
parameters.putString("method", "stream.publish");
String response = authenticatedFacebook.request(parameters);
Log.v("response", response);
catch(Exception e){}
The Facebook SDK in general, as well as the one for Android, allows you to do so. See the example code here.

