I have a custom ListView class (subclassed from ListView) and I need it to add a small padding to the bottom of the final view element so that it is not overlapped by a small bar that I have across the bottom of the screen. I only want to do this when the child views grow past the visible region of the listview. I am trying to use this code to achieve this:
protected void onLayout (boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);
// If there are hidden listview items we need to add a small padding to the last one so that it
// partially hidden by the bottom sliding drawer handle
if (this.getLastVisiblePosition() - this.getFirstVisiblePosition() + 1 > this.getCount()) {
LinearLayout v2 = (LinearLayout) this.getChildAt(this.getCount() - 1);
v2.setPadding(v2.getPaddingLeft(), v2.getPaddingTop(), v2.getPaddingRight(),
v2.getPaddingBottom() + 5);
However, the values returned by getLastVisiblePostion(), getFirstVisiblePostion() and getCount() do not reflect what the adapter holds yet. I am assuming this is because the Adapter has not yet notified the ListView of the data, but I cannot figure out where the ListView would actually know about the data and thus have the correct values. This code is being run when the Activity is being loaded.
At what point in the rendering process will I have access to this data? I should also say that I use an AsyncTask to load the data from a database and then create the Adapter in there and add it to the list view. Is there an event I can use within the ListView that will fire when the adapter adds data/causes the listview to render the new items?
I'm not sure if it's the best solution, but I know that in one of the branches of a pull-to-refresh implementation for Android, the height of the list is compared against the total height of all the list items. From what you're saying, it sounds like that's the same information you're looking for in order to determine whether to apply extra padding or not.
The relevant parts of the implementation are in the following three methods:
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (mHeight == -1) { // do it only once
mHeight = getHeight(); // getHeight only returns useful data after first onDraw()
* Adapts the height of the footer view.
private void adaptFooterHeight() {
int itemHeight = getTotalItemHeight();
int footerAndHeaderSize = mFooterView.getHeight()
+ (mRefreshViewHeight - mRefreshOriginalTopPadding);
int actualItemsSize = itemHeight - footerAndHeaderSize;
if (mHeight < actualItemsSize) {
} else {
int h = mHeight - actualItemsSize;
* Calculates the combined height of all items in the adapter.
* Modified from http://iserveandroid.blogspot.com/2011/06/how-to-calculate-lsitviews-total.html
* #return
private int getTotalItemHeight() {
ListAdapter adapter = getAdapter();
int listviewElementsheight = 0;
for(int i =0; i < adapter.getCount(); i++) {
View mView = adapter.getView(i, null, this);
mView.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED),
MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));
listviewElementsheight+= mView.getMeasuredHeight();
return listviewElementsheight;
The full source code can be found here on GitHub.
I had a similar issue when getFirstVisiblePosition() returned number greater than getCount().
Fixed it by calling listView.setAdapter(listView.getAdapter()).
Months ago I successfully wrote code to resize a gridView to fit the amount of rows required of it each time a new table of data was to be loaded. I've just noticed that this is no longer working and I have no idea why. All that has changed as far as I can tell is that I've upgraded the SDK. Below is the code that used to dynamically resize the gridView.
* create a resizable gridView by utilizing the onLayoutChanged system method
* #param items an arrayList containing the items to be read into each cell
public void createGridView(ArrayList<String> items)
Log.d(TAG, "createGridView(): ");
gridView.setAdapter(new GridAdapter(items));
gridView.addOnLayoutChangeListener(new View.OnLayoutChangeListener(){
public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {
Log.d(TAG, "onLayoutChange(): ");
currentGridHeight = gridView.getHeight();
if (singleGridHeight == 0){
singleGridHeight = currentGridHeight/currentGridRows;
// fix for nestedScrollView automatically scrolling to the bottom after swipe
nestedScrollView.scrollTo(0, 0);
* re-sizes the height of the gridView based on the amount of rows to be added
* #param gridView
* #param items
* #param columns
private static void resizeGridView(GridView gridView, int items, int columns) {
Log.d(TAG, "resizeGridView(): ");
ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = gridView.getLayoutParams();
params.height = singleGridHeight * items;
// gridView adapter
private static final class GridAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
final ArrayList<String> mItems;
final int mCount;
* Default constructor
* #param items to fill data to
private GridAdapter(final ArrayList<String> items) {
// create arrayList full of data called "items"
// ..
// ..
// resizing the gridView based on the number of rows
currentGridRows = items.size();
// if this isn't the very first gridView then resize it to fit the rows
if (currentGridHeight != 0){
When the gridView is first created (the very first table loaded) I get the measurement of the height of the gridView and divide it by the number of rows in order to determine the height required per row. When I load subsequent gridViews I resize them by multiplying this height by the number of rows.
This is no longer working. Subsequent gridViews are still roughly only big enough to hold one row.
Any ideas?
EDIT: It appears that it is calculating the singleRowHeight as 9dp when in fact each row requires about 64dp.
Try to use RecyclerView with LayoutManager like this:
recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(context, columnsCount));
Actually I don't know how it properly called - overlay, parallax or slideUP, whatever, I have an Activity called "cafe details" which presents a Container(LinearLayout) with header information (name, min price, delivery time min e.t.c) and other container (ViewPager) which contains a ExpandableListView with something information (menus&dishes) and all I want to do is slide up my Viewpager when scrolls listview to scpecific Y position to cover(or overlay) header information.
A similar effect (but with parallax that I don't need to use) looks like this
I can detect when user scrolling listview down or up but how I can move container with ViewPager to overlay other container? Please give me ideas, regards.
I have tried a huge number of ways how to implement it and all of them unfortunately are not suitable. So now I have come to next variant - add scroll listener to ListView, calculate scrollY position of view and then based on that move the viewpager on y axis by calling setTranslationY();
Here is some code
1) ViewPager's fragment
mListView.setOnScrollListener(new AbsListView.OnScrollListener() {
public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView absListView, int i) {
public void onScroll(AbsListView absListView, int i, int i1, int i2) {
if (getActivity() != null) {
((MainActivity) getActivity()).resizePagerContainer(absListView);
2) MainActivity
//object fields
int previousPos;
private float minTranslation;
private float minHeight;
<--------somewhere in onCreate
minTranslation = - (llVendorDescHeaders.getMeasuredHeight()+llVendorDescNote.getMeasuredHeight());
//llVendorDescHeaders is linearLayout with headers that should be hidden
//lVendorDescNote is a textView on green background;
minHeight = llVendorDescriptionPagerContainer.getMeasuredHeight();
//llVendorDescriptionPagerContainer is a container which contains ViewPager
public void resizePagerContainer(AbsListView absListView){
final int scrollY = getScrollY(absListView);
if (scrollY != previousPos) {
final float translationY = Math.max(-scrollY, minTranslation);
previousPos = scrollY;
private int getScrollY(AbsListView view) {
View child = view.getChildAt(0);
if (child == null) {
return 0;
int firstVisiblePosition = view.getFirstVisiblePosition();
int top = child.getTop();
return -top + firstVisiblePosition * child.getHeight() ;
This simple solution unfortunately has a problem - it is blinking and twitching (I don't know how to call it right) when scrolls slowly. So instead setTranslationY() I've used an objectAnimator:
public void resizePagerContainer(AbsListView absListView){
ObjectAnimator moveAnim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(llVendorDescriptionPagerContainer, "translationY", translationY);
I don't like this solution because 1) anyway it does resize viewpager with delay, not instantly 2) I don't think that is good idea to create many ObjectAnimator's objects every time when I scroll my listView.
Need your help and fresh ideas. Regards.
I'm assuming that you are scrolling the top header (the ImageView is a child of the header) based on the scrollY of the ListView/ScrollView, as shown below:
float translationY = Math.max(-scrollY, mMinHeaderTranslation);
mTopImage.setTranslationY(-translationY / 3); // For parallax effect
If you want to stick the header/image to a certain dimension and continue the scrolling without moving it anymore, then you can change the value of mMinHeaderTranslation to achieve that effect.
//change this value to increase the dimension of header stuck on the top
int tabHeight = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.tab_height);
mHeaderHeight = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.header_height);
mMinHeaderTranslation = -mHeaderHeight + tabHeight;
The code snippets above are in reference to my demo but I think it's still general enough for you.
If you're interested you can check out my demo
Have you tried CoordinatorLayout from this new android's design support library? It looks like it's what you need. Check this video from 3:40 or this blog post.
I am trying to make the background of a ListView scroll with the ListView. I am basing my approach on this class in Shelves, but while in Shelves everything has the same height, I can't make the same guarantee.
I have an activity like so:
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ListView listView = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.listView);
List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();
for(int i=0; i < 100; ++i) {
items.add("Hello " + i);
CustomArrayAdapter adapter = new CustomArrayAdapter(this, items);
Where CustomArrayAdapter is:
public class CustomArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<String> {
private List<Integer> mHeights;
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
What I want to do is populate mHeights in the adapter with heights of the rows of the view.
My main attempt was to do this, in getView():
if(row.getMeasuredHeight() == 0) {
MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY),
MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY));
mHeights.set(position, row.getMeasuredHeight());
I've tried several ways to do this, but I can't get anything to work.
In getView, if I call getHeight() I get a return value of 0, while if I call getMeasuredHeight(), I get something non-zero but not the real height. If I scroll down and then up again (taking one of the rows out of view) getHeight() == getMeasuredHeight() and both have the correct value. If I just update mHeights in getView as I go (by saying mHeights.set(position, row.getHeight()); it works - but only after I've scrolled to the bottom of the ListView. I've tried calling row.measure() within the getView method, but this still causes getHeight() to be 0 the first time it is run.
My question is this: how do I calculate and populate mHeights with the correct heights of the rows of the ListView? I've seen some similar questions, but they don't appear to be what I'm looking for. The ViewTreeObserver method seems promising, but I can't figure out how to force calls to getView() from it (alternately, to iterate the rows of the ListView). Calling adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() causes an infinite (although non-blocking) loop.
Get Actual Height of View
how to get height of the item in a listview?
This is related to my previous question on the subject, which seems to have missed the point: ListView distance from top of the list
I figured out how to do this. It's was a bit tricky, but it works.
The subtlety was getting layout parameters when they are known. As I learned, getView() is returning the view for the initial time, so of course it can't have a height yet - the parent doesn't know about the row yet (since getView()'s job is to inflate it), so we need a callback.
What might that callback be? It turns out, as best I can tell it's the OnLayoutChangeListener() for the row's view. So in getView() in my custom ArrayAdapter, I added a callback for onLayoutChanged like so:
row.addOnLayoutChangeListener(new View.OnLayoutChangeListener() {
public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right,
int bottom, int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {
Log.d("CustomArrayAdapter", "onLayoutChange(" + position + "): height " + (bottom - top));
mHeights.set(position, (bottom - top));
if(position > 0) {
mDistances.set(position, bottom - top + mDistances.get(position-1) + ((ListView)parent).getDividerHeight());
holderRef.distanceFromTop = mDistances.get(position);
Log.d("CustomArrayAdapter", "New height for " + position + " is " + mHeights.get(position) + " Distance: " + mDistances.get(position));
Here, row is the view to be returned by getView() in the adapter, mHeights is a list of the height of each element of the ListView, and mDistances is a list of the distance from the top of the list view in pixels - the real thing that I wanted to calculate (that is, if you laid out the entire list view end to end, how far from the top element i would be from the top). All of these are stored within the custom ArrayAdapter. These lists are initialized to zeroes.
Adding this callback allowed me to calculate the height of the view.
My goal was to have a ListView that has a background that scrolls with the list. If anyone is interested, I put the code up on GitHub if anyone would like to review it: https://github.com/mdkess/TexturedListView
This SO answer should work for developers who also want to support API level < 11.
Basically, instead of adding a View.onLayoutChnageListener to your view, you can set a OnGlobalLayoutListener on your view's ViewTreeObserver.
I have a ListView, which contains more elements then I can display at one time.Now I want to get Index off all Elements, which are full visible ( -> excluding those that are only partially visible).
At this moment I use getFirstVisiblePosition() & getLastVisiblePosition() into an for-loop to iterate them, but these method is not accurate as I want to.
Is there any better solution?
A ListView keeps its rows organized in a top-down list, which you can access with getChildAt(). So what you want is quite simple. Let's get the first and last Views, then check if they are completely visible or not:
// getTop() and getBottom() are relative to the ListView,
// so if getTop() is negative, it is not fully visible
int first = 0;
if(listView.getChildAt(first).getTop() < 0)
int last = listView.getChildCount() - 1;
if(listView.getChildAt(last).getBottom() > listView.getHeight())
// Now loop through your rows
for( ; first <= last; first++) {
// Do something
View row = listView.getChildAt(first);
Now I want to get Index off all Elements, which are full visible
I'm not certain what that sentence means. If the code above isn't the index you wanted you can use:
int first = listView.getFirstVisiblePosition();
if(listView.getChildAt(0).getTop() < 0)
To have an index that is relative to your adapter (i.e. adapter.getItem(first).)
The way I would do this is I would extend whatever view your are passing in getView of the ListView adapter and override the methods onAttachedToWindow and onDetachedToWindow to keep track of the indexes that are visible.
Try onScrollListner and you can able to use getFirstVisiblePosition and getLastVisiblePosition.
This this link, it contain similar type of problem. I suppose you got your answer there..,.
The above code is somewhat correct. If you need to find the completely visible location of view use below code
public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
View v = null;
if (scrollState == 0) {
int first =0;
if (view.getChildAt(first).getTop() < 0)
int last = list.getChildCount() - 1;
if (list.getChildAt(last).getBottom() > list
// Now loop through your rows
for ( ; first <= last; first++) {
// Do something
View row = view.getChildAt(first);
// postion for your row............
int i=list.getPositionForView(row);
// set the margin.
I want to scroll the a ListView in Android by number of pixels. For example I want to scroll the list 10 pixels down (so that the first item on the list has its top 10 pixel rows hidden).
I thought the obviously visible scrollBy or scrollTo methods on ListView would do the job, but they don't, instead they scroll the whole list wrongly (In fact, the getScrollY always return zero even though I have scrolled the list using my finger.)
What I'm doing is I'm capturing Trackball events and I want to scroll the listview smoothly according to the motion of the trackball.
The supported way to scroll a ListView widget is:
However since you mentioned specifically that you would like to offset the view vertically, you must call:
mListView.setSelectionFromTop(position, yOffset);
Note that you can also use smoothScrollByOffset(yOffset). However it is only supported on API >= 11
If you look at the source for the scrollListBy() method added in api 19 you will see that you can use the package scoped trackMotionScroll method.
public class FutureListView {
private final ListView mView;
public FutureListView(ListView view) {
mView = view;
* Scrolls the list items within the view by a specified number of pixels.
* #param y the amount of pixels to scroll by vertically
public void scrollListBy(int y) {
} else {
// scrollListBy just calls trackMotionScroll
trackMotionScroll(-y, -y);
private void trackMotionScroll(int deltaY, int incrementalDeltaY) {
try {
Method method = AbsListView.class.getDeclaredMethod("trackMotionScroll", int.class, int.class);
method.invoke(mView, deltaY, incrementalDeltaY);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
Here is some code from my ListView subclass. It can easily be adapted so it can be used in Activity code.
getListItemsHeight() returns the total pixel height of the list, and fills an array with vertical pixel offsets of each item. While this information is valid, getListScrollY() returns the current vertical pixel scroll position, and scrollListToY() scrolls the list to pixel position.
If the size or the content of the list changes, getListItemsHeight() has to be called again.
private int m_nItemCount;
private int[] m_nItemOffY;
private int getListItemsHeight()
ListAdapter adapter = getAdapter();
m_nItemCount = adapter.getCount();
int height = 0;
int i;
m_nItemOffY = new int[m_nItemCount];
for(i = 0; i< m_nItemCount; ++i){
View view = adapter.getView(i, null, this);
view.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED),
MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));
m_nItemOffY[i] = height;
height += view.getMeasuredHeight();
return height;
private int getListScrollY()
int pos, nScrollY, nItemY;
View view;
pos = getFirstVisiblePosition();
view = getChildAt(0);
nItemY = view.getTop();
nScrollY = m_nItemOffY[pos] - nItemY;
return nScrollY;
private void scrollListToY(int nScrollY)
int i, off;
for(i = 0; i < m_nItemCount; ++i){
off = m_nItemOffY[i] - nScrollY;
if(off >= 0){
setSelectionFromTop(i, off);
For now, ListViewCompat is probably a better solution.
android.support.v4.widget.ListViewCompat.scrollListBy(#NonNull ListView listView, int y)
if you want to move by pixels then u can use this
public void scrollBy(ListView l, int px){
l.setSelectionFromTop(l.getFirstVisiblePosition(),l.getChildAt(0).getTop() - px);
this works for even ones with massive headers