I am working on one network app, i have problem with tracking those red
marks check box. means that if "Data Enable" is check than
pro-grammatically i know in my App this Data Enable is check or
so like that all Data roaming and Use only 2G networks Also track.
i was lots of try to maintain track this but i can't success, i
really want help.
Thanking you.
There are several ways for this...
You have ConnectivityManager class in android. Did you try using that?
This is available to let you know about the network state of your device.
What you can do?
And you can receive automatic notification of when the connection state changes via the CONNECTIVITY_ACTION broadcast
You can setup your Broadcast receiver and register your application to broadcast an Action
Alernatively you can also work with services depends upto Architecture of your application
I guess any internet connection should be fine for you if you only worried about Internet
Then start your process as you want to. :)
I have made an app, in that I need to check if internet is available then it should work otherwise should give popup.
As I have made whole app I want to avoid writing the internet connectivity check function in each activity or calling it multiple times.
So I am wondering is there an easy way to check internet connectivity of app in whole app by writing it in either Manifest or other way?
Thanks in Advance
In Android, there is a pretty neat resource called Broadcast Receiver. What you need to do is to declare a new class that extends a BroadCast Receiver object and then register in your manifest file for the "specific filter" that you are looking for, and whenever the connectivity goes away, or the network status change the Android SDK will launch an Intent in your app.
Check this question. :
Broadcast receiver for checking internet connection in android app
I want to downloading image from instagram or picasa, during the downloading the network is disconnected. I want it should be start re downloading when the network connected again. downloading start from where the network was gone.
plz give some idea or any reference link.
Register a broadcast for listening to network events. Please check android network events.
This is already solved in many other posts like link
I am going to enter the Samsung 2013 app contest, and one of the requirements is that you use their Chord API http://developer.samsung.com/chord.
I plan on allowing users to send messages to all phones that have my app installed. From what I gathered from the information in the previous link, this means that I will need to have a constantly running background process for users to receive the messages when they are not looking at the app at the time.
I want to know if this is true, and if so, is this viable? I am considering using the method detailed here: Android: keeping a background service alive (preventing process death) if I go ahead with this.
I'm trying to use Samsung Chord too. I thing you don't need to do this. Samsung's API Chord already provides this control.
According Chord's API:
"If a Chord node doesn’t receive a UDP signal within a specified amount of time, it considers the “missing”
node to no longer be part of the network."
And, the only thing you have to do is:
"A node cannot receive a UDP broadcast if it is in LCD-off status. Therefore, if developers want the node to discover other nodes while the application is running, the node’s status should be set to LCD-on. To do this, use Android’s PowerManager.WakeLock."
Best regards,
I have a registered Broad Cast receiver in my app to store USB connected/disconnected state in Shared Preferences. Its working Fine.
Now i wanted to perform a task immediately if USB connected and my application is running. how can i do this?
If my application is not running , i ll perform the task in my first activity based on the Shared Preference value.
Please give some ideas to do this..
I have paste some code which shows how to check for running services here.
If you looking for activity use RunningTaskInfo instead of RunningServicesInfo.
I want to develop an application that disables the Background Data (new feature in Android 1.5) and Auto Sync and then enables GPRS/EDGE connection and vice versa.
I figured out how to enable/disable GPRS/EDGE by changing the APN settings. (weird solution. However; Android developers couldn't think a user may want to disable GPRS/EDGE) But, I couldn't find a way to enable/disable Auto Sync and Background data.
I investigated the Android code and as I understood, the Sync operation is an intent. So, I wanted to reach with putExtra to the intent and trigger the enabling/disabling. But; I couldn't find the correct keyword. Or maybe I was totally wrong.
What is the right way to solve this?
In my HTC dreams, there is a checkbox to disable the auto sync. I can look for the menu arborescence if you wish so you can find what the callback function is in the Android source code. But I am pretty sure auto sync cannot be completely disabled. Unchecking auto sync will prevent sync from being performed on a timed basis, but it will occur everytime you run an app with sync capabilities if any network data connection is available.
Good luck anyway.
There are two ways to get the info you desire.
First, I think you can use the code in android-sources/packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/Utils.java to create an activity that will enlist all the keys of the intent then find the one you want.
The other way is to write a nice mail to the guy who made the Toggle Setting app (http://smartphoneandroid.com/2008/12/28/toggle-setting-perfect-app-for-android-phone.html) since he obviously found a solution to your problem. His email address is written in the app sheet on the android market. I won't write it here, but if you do not have access to real android phone, I can mail it to you on your mail address.
Background data is a secure setting, so cannot be changed by user applications. But bear in mind, it's just a setting - it's not enforced. Apps are meant to read it and respect it but I bet some don't.
To Disable the AutoSynch
To Enable the AutoSynch
Permission you require is
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS" />
setMasterSyncAutomatically() on ContentResolver should do it. Check: general-sync-settings-auto-sync-checkbox-programtically