How can I write a regular expression for this in android? - android

I am having a string(number) with special characters. I want to search for a sub-string(comprising of digits only) & also I want to detect the starting index & ending index of matching sub-string in the string.
For example: main string: (+91)-1231212 1231
Sub-string to search: 1212
Currently I am using the following code to do this but in place of 1212,it searched for 12312. For other cases, it works fine.
String sss0 = "1212";
String sss1 = "(+91)-1231212 1231";
sss0 = sss0.replaceAll("[^\\d]","");
String ptn = "" + sss0.charAt(0);
for(int jj=0; jj<sss0.length()-1; jj++){
ptn += "[^" + sss0.charAt(jj) + sss0.charAt(jj+1) + "]*?" + sss0.charAt(jj+1);
System.out.println("ptn: " + ptn);
Pattern p300 = Pattern.compile(ptn);
Matcher m300 = p300.matcher(sss1);
System.out.println("start, stop: " + m300.start() + "," + (m300.end()-1 ));
System.out.println("substring: " + sss1.substring(m300.start(), m300.end()));
Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Try this :
int start = sss1.indexOf(sss0);
if(start != -1) {
System.out.println("Start : " + start);
System.out.println("End : " + start.length()); //maybe add +1 here depending on what you mean by end index.
You can also put this in a loop to find all occurences of the substring.

pattern = ""
foreach char c in sss0:
pattern += c + "[^0-9]*"
found_substring = match(pattern, sss1)
the idea being to intersperse the literal characters you're looking for with the pattern that you're willing to skip over.


Android SpannableStringBuilder for multiple Patterns

I have different screens for different entities which are Products, Rooms, Posts, and, Users.
All of them have distinct ID which I use to open the particular screen to try to load the data from the ID parameter passed on the relevant screen/activity via the APIs.
The mechanism I thought for Products,Rooms,and Posts in particular are that on Notifications Screen and alike, I want to send coded or tagged string; like below for Products for example:
You have bid on <p244 24LED Lampshade />
And to match the above I have a regular expression:
Here's a sample string:
String dummyText = "Hi #dan we product test <p1337 product />" +
"\n how about <r123 Room name/> is a nice room" +
"\n what <t234 this post details more about it/> but you should " +
"\n #poprocks woah one #sad";
It seems to work fine with single use of the product/post/room, but it messes up with more instances of the coded/tagged string.
But like I stated, with multiple instances like the following test:
String dummyText = "Hi #dan we product test <p1337 product /> and were more happy with <p53 car/> " +
"\n eh <r123 Room name/> is a nice room and <r233 dans house/> sucked while <r123 fun time/> was ok " +
// "\n what <t234 this post details more about it/> but you should " +
"\n <t234 view this as well/>" +
"\n #poprocks woah one #sad";
It messes up:
Here's my entire code process:
String dummyText = "Hi #dan we product test <p1337 product /> and were more happy with <p53 car/> " +
"\n eh <r123 Room name/> is a nice room and <r233 dans house/> sucked while <r123 fun time/> was ok " +
// "\n what <t234 this post details more about it/> but you should " +
"\n <t234 view this as well/>" +
"\n #poprocks woah one #sad";
List<Pattern> patternsList = new ArrayList<>();
patternsList.add(Pattern.compile(REGEX_NOTI_ROOMS)); //0
patternsList.add(Pattern.compile(REGEX_NOTI_PRODUCTS)); //1
patternsList.add(Pattern.compile(REGEX_NOTI_TWEETS)); //2
patternsList.add(Pattern.compile(REGEX_NOTI_MENTION)); //3
patternsList.add(Pattern.compile(REGEX_ARABIC_N_NUM_HASHTAG)); //4
holder.row_noti_messageTV.setText(makeSpannable(dummyText, patternsList));
holder.row_noti_messageTV.setMovementMethod(new PkMovementMethod());
Where the relevant regex are:
public static final String REGEX_NOTI_ROOMS ="<r([0-9]*)\\s(.*?)\\/>(\\s|$)";
public static final String REGEX_NOTI_PRODUCTS ="<p([0-9]*)\\s(.*?)\\/>(\\s|$)";
public static final String REGEX_NOTI_TWEETS ="<t([0-9]*)\\s(.*?)\\/>(\\s|$)";
public static final String REGEX_ARABIC_N_NUM_HASHTAG ="#(\\w*[0-9a-zA-Zء-ي٠-٩]+\\w*[0-9a-zA-Zء-ي٠-٩])";
public static final String REGEX_NOTI_MENTION ="(?:^|\\s|$|[.])#[\\p{L}0-9_]*";
And my makeSpannable method is:
public SpannableStringBuilder makeSpannable(String rawText, List<Pattern> listofPatterns) {
// StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
SpannableStringBuilder spannable = new SpannableStringBuilder(rawText);
for(int i=0; i<listofPatterns.size(); i++)
Matcher matcher = null;
if(i==0) //init only
matcher = listofPatterns.get(i).matcher(rawText);
matcher = listofPatterns.get(i).matcher(spannable);
while (matcher.find()) {
showLogMessage("jsonParse", "hit on iteration" + i + " group == " +;
if(i==3 || i == 4)
try {
String abbr =;
showLogMessage("jsonParse", "loop[3 | 4 are normal] == " + i + " group(0) == " + abbr);
int start = matcher.start();
int end = matcher.end();
NotificationSpan ourSpan = new NotificationSpan(Color.BLUE, Color.RED, Color.TRANSPARENT, new IdTitleStore(abbr, abbr, abbr), NotificationAdapter.this);
spannable.setSpan(ourSpan, start, end, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
} catch (Exception e) {
else if(i<=2) {
try {
String orgGroup =;
// get the match
String abbr =;
showLogMessage("jsonParse", "loop == " + i + " group2 == " + abbr);
int startPoint = matcher.start();
int endPoint = matcher.end();
NotificationSpan ourSpan = new NotificationSpan(Color.RED, Color.BLUE, Color.TRANSPARENT, new IdTitleStore(, abbr, orgGroup), NotificationAdapter.this);
Spannable spanText = new SpannableString(abbr);
ourSpan, 0, abbr.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE
spannable.replace(startPoint, endPoint, spanText);
} catch (Exception e) {
return spannable;
Note: NotificationSpan is a custom span I use to store the group(1) as it has the ID and from group(0) I can deduce on click whether it may be a Post, Product, or a Room entity to open it.
Any feedback shall be appreciated, even if it can point me towards the right direction. Like if my approach in itself is fundamentally wrong or something, please do let me know.
EDIT: Someone pointed out at comments to remove the redundant (\s|$) from the Regular Expressions, and it did seemingly nothing
Logs for the dummyString I tested:
String dummyText = "Hi #dan we product test <p1337 product /> and were more happy with <p53 car/> " +
"\n eh <r123 Room name/> is a nice room and <r233 dans house/> sucked while <r123 fun time/> was ok " +
"\n what <t233 this post details more about it/> but you should " +
"\n <t234 view this as well/>" +
"\n #poprocks woah one #sad";
E/jsonParse: hit on iteration0 group(0) == <r123 Room name/>
E/jsonParse: hit on iteration0 group(0) == <r233 dans house/>
E/jsonParse: hit on iteration0 group(0) == <r123 fun time/>
E/jsonParse: hit on iteration1 group(0) == <p1337 product />
E/jsonParse: hit on iteration1 group(0) == <p53 car/>
E/jsonParse: hit on iteration2 group(0) == <t234 view this as well/>
E/jsonParse: hit on iteration3 group(0) == #dan
E/jsonParse: hit on iteration4 group(0) == #poprocks
E/jsonParse: hit on iteration4 group(0) == #sad
It is also weird that the first instance is not detected by the matcher at all.
"\n what <t234 this post details more about it/> but you should "
It may entirely be possible that something is wrong with the logic itself of the Multiple Patterns being matched inside loops, but I really can't seem to figure it out. Appreciate the comment though!
EDIT EDIT*: I think I finally understand what the problem was/is. Adding dot after the replace method it gave me two suggestions, notify() and notifyAll(), which got me wondering this is indeed multi-thread based operation (sort of obvious to others but yeah!). So the multiple loop was in fact the issue.
Since replacing a call updates the span itself, the inner loop (while mathcer.find()) did not have the latest span on the matcher, it had different/previous one, which would've worked fine if there were only one instance found, but since in case of multiple the start and end were way off and hence some unintended stuff was happening. Followings the updated code, I did keep the (\s|$) just in case a Product/Post/Room is the end of the string so it does match and not remain blank.
public SpannableStringBuilder makeSpannable(String rawText, List<Pattern> listofPatterns) {
SpannableStringBuilder spannable = new SpannableStringBuilder(rawText);
Matcher matcher = null;
for(int i=0; i<listofPatterns.size(); i++)
matcher = listofPatterns.get(i).matcher(spannable.toString());
while (matcher.find()) {
showLogMessage("jsonParse", "hit on iteration" + i + " group == " +;
if(i<=2) {
try {
String orgGroup =;
// get the match
String abbr =;
showLogMessage("jsonParse", "span txt of iteration " + i + " going to be group2 == " + abbr);
int startPoint = matcher.start();
int endPoint = matcher.end();
NotificationSpan ourSpan = new NotificationSpan(Color.RED, Color.BLUE, Color.TRANSPARENT, new IdTitleStore(, abbr, orgGroup), NotificationAdapter.this);
Spannable spanText = new SpannableString(abbr);
ourSpan, 0, abbr.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE
spannable.replace(startPoint, endPoint-1, spanText);
matcher = listofPatterns.get(i).matcher(spannable);
} catch (Exception e) {
else {
try {
String abbr =;
showLogMessage("jsonParse", "span txt of iteration " + i + " going to be group(0) == " + abbr);
int start = matcher.start();
int end = matcher.end();
NotificationSpan ourSpan = new NotificationSpan(Color.BLUE, Color.RED, Color.TRANSPARENT, new IdTitleStore(abbr, abbr, abbr), NotificationAdapter.this);
spannable.setSpan(ourSpan, start, end, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
} catch (Exception e) {
return spannable;
Additional note: I think it'd be better if I explain why I've divided the loop into two parts to begin-with as well. The reason is simple, first 3 of my REGEX I 100% know for sure have group(2) elements, which I have implemented the click ID mechanism of. The last two are normal hashtag and mention ones which don't have group(2).
Here's the final working look, hope I don't face any performance issues:

How to replace the word in the string by using replace in Android?

I want to replace one word in the String by using substring. But it seen didn't work.
for example: The string is 0000 , and I want to replace the first word from 0 to 1.
It should be 1000. but it doesn't.
The code is like the following
String WorkStatus = "0000";
if(WorkStatus.substring(0, 1).matches("0"))
WorkStatus.substring(0, 1).replace("0", "1");
Log.d(TAG, "WorkStatus.substring(0, 1) = " + WorkStatus.substring(0, 1) + "\n");
Log.d(TAG, "WorkStatus = " + WorkStatus + "\n");
It didn't work , the string always show 0000. And what I want is "1000"
Do I missing something ?
use this
String WorkStatus = "0000";
//You use matches, while you might as well use equals
if (WorkStatus.substring(0, 1).equals("0")) {
//reassign workstatus to workstatus where the first entry is a '1' + the last three chars "000"
WorkStatus = WorkStatus.substring(0, 1).replace("0", "1") + WorkStatus.substring(1, WorkStatus.length());
Log.d(TAG, "WorkStatus.substring(0, 1) = " + WorkStatus.substring(0, 1) + "\n");
Log.d(TAG, "WorkStatus = " + WorkStatus + "\n");
You didnt assign the modified string to WorkStatus
Another possibility is converting the string to a char[] and replacing the index, instead of working with substrings.
String WorkStatus = "0000";
char[] chars = WorkStatus.toCharArray();
if (chars[0] == '0') {
chars[0] = '1';
WorkStatus = new String(chars);
If you want other chars to become 1 instead of zero, alter the chars[0] into chars[index], where index is the index you want to change from 0 to 1
Or, even easier, use a StringBuilder:
int yourIndex = 2; //your index which you want to check for 0 and change to 1
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("0000");
if (sb.charAt(yourIndex) == '0')
sb.setCharAt(yourIndex, '1');
WorkStatus = sb.toString();
method replace has a return value of the string after replaced
you shuold resign the result to the String
WorkStatus=WorkStatus.substring(0, 1).replace("0", "1")+ WorkStatus.substring(1, WorkStatus.length();
if you asign it to a new variable like the below code, you can get what you needed.
String newWorkStatus=WorkStatus.substring(0, 1).replace("0", "1")+WorkStatus.substring(1);
Log.d("LOG", "WorkStatus.substring(0, 1) = " + WorkStatus.substring(0, 1) + "\n");
Log.d("LOG", "WorkStatus = " + WorkStatus + "\n");
Log.d("LOG", "New WorkStatus = " + newWorkStatus + "\n");
WorkStatus.substring(0, 1).replace("0", "1"); returns 1, you should use StringBuilder instead of String.
My solution:
StringBuilder WorkStatus = new StringBuilder("0000");
int pos = WorkStatus.indexOf("0", 0);
if (pos != -1) {
WorkStatus.replace(pos, pos + 1, "1");

Delete characters in string until /r/n

I have long string that at some part has
some text + "PHOTO;ENCODING=BASE64;TYPE=JPEG:" + some characters that generate randomly + /r/n...
I am wondering how can I delete part from
so I will be left only with
some text + /r/n ?
my code so far:
if (string.contains("PHOTO;ENCODING=BASE64;TYPE=JPEG:") {
string = string.replace("PHOTO;ENCODING=BASE64;TYPE=JPEG:", "");
but this obviously would not replace my random generated chars, only "PHOTO;ENCODING=BASE64;TYPE=JPEG:".
How do I "loop through" string from "PHOTO;ENCODING=BASE64;TYPE=JPEG:" untill /r/n ?
final String input = "some text + PHOTO;ENCODING=BASE64;TYPE=JPEG: + some characters that generate randomly + /r/n"
final int index = input.indexOf("PHOTO;ENCODING=BASE64;TYPE=JPEG:");
if (index != -1)
final String result = input.subString(0, index) + System.getProperty("line.separator")
why dont you try following
1) Get the index of "PHOTO;ENCODING=BASE64;TYPE=JPEG:". and call it idx
2)If idx != -1 then take substring of original string using str.subString(0,idx) and call it newStr
3)return newStr+(str.endsWith("\r\n")?"\r\n":"")

How can I create Android logcat entries that provide a link to source code in Eclipse? [duplicate]

Is there any way to access automatically any Log in Logcat by a double click ?
Actually, when there is an error crashing my Android Application, I can double click on the line saying for instance
at com.myapp.mypackage$Class.function(
And by Double-clicking on this line, I am automatically redirected to the related line of my code.
But, when I try to generate the same line in another Log, example :
Log.e("TAG", "at com.myapp.mypackage$Class.function(");
The Double-Click doesn't work anymore ...
Any ideas ?
If you want to create a log in logcat that can be clicked and go to your line use the following method to create it:
public static void showLogCat(String tag, String msg) {
StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElement = Thread.currentThread()
int currentIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < stackTraceElement.length; i++) {
if (stackTraceElement[i].getMethodName().compareTo("showLogCat") == 0)
currentIndex = i + 1;
String fullClassName = stackTraceElement[currentIndex].getClassName();
String className = fullClassName.substring(fullClassName
.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
String methodName = stackTraceElement[currentIndex].getMethodName();
String lineNumber = String
Log.i(tag, msg);
Log.i(tag + " position", "at " + fullClassName + "." + methodName + "("
+ className + ".java:" + lineNumber + ")");
If you don't mind the clutter in your log, you can easily just add a new Exception() to the log message
Log.e("TAG", "Looky here see", new Exception());

How to retrieve a specified data from a File?

I'm storing this data in a .dat file:
data = date + ": " + y + "L/100KM "+ " " + value1 + "dt "+ value2 + "KM\n";
Every line has different values of date,y,value1 and value2.
I want to retrieve variable value1 of every line. How to browse the file and extract this variable of all lines. I'm stucking in this problem in my project. Thanks for helping.
EDIT: Example:
I have this 3 datas stored in the file:
11/09: 5.8L/100KM 20dt 250KM
12/09: 6.4L/100KM 60dt 600KM
13/09: 7.5L/100KM 50dt 543KM
In that case, i want to retrieve 20dt, 60dt and 50dt.
Here's one suggestion using regular expressions:
String line = "12/09: 6.4L/100KM 60dt 600KM";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)dt");
Matcher m = p.matcher(line);
if (m.find())
System.out.println(; // prints 60
If you have several lines to iterate over, you'd use for instance a new BufferedReader(new FileReader("youfile.dat")) and do something like
String line;
while ((line = br.nextLine()) != null) {
Matcher m = p.matcher(line);
if (m.find())
You could also just use line.split(" ") and select the 3:rd element:
String line = "12/09: 6.4L/100KM 60dt 600KM";
String dtVal = line.split(" ")[2];
// Optional: Remove the "dt" part.
dtVal = dtVal.substring(0, dtVal.length() - 2);

