I setup Emma and it used to work for me. Then we had source code changes and now it doesn't generate coverage.ec at all. It does generate coverage.em.
Near the end of testing, it has error messages:
[echo] Downloading coverage file into project directory...
[exec] remote object '/sdcard/coverage.ec' does not exist
/var/lib/jenkins/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools/ant/build.xml:1056: exec returned: 1.
Line 1056 of build.xml is
"{adb}" failonerror="true".
I see that I do have coverage.em on the desktop, which means my code are instrumented.
the command I use under the \test is
ant emma debug install test
This worked for me before. Running code coverage always crashes for me, usually near the end of the unit test, but it'd always get me some coverage. Now it crashes out and doesn't produce coverage.em.
I also tried to access /sdcard/ and it's perfectly accessible and writable.
This has blocked me for days, any input would be much appreciated. I am also new to all this Android, Ant and Emma, so thanks!!
I just cleaned up the environment and ran the command again.Now coverage.em is no longer generated either. Which tells me the source code are not instrumented. But the command I used above should instrument project, its test project, install and start test. I didn't change emma def in build.xml except to change the coverage.ec location to /sdcard/coverage.ec. This is because by default it goes to /data/data, and I don't have permission to access data/data on this phone
I am using r15 of Android SDK, and the default build.xml. I only changed the path to coverage.ec to /sdcard/coverage.ec. To run instrumentation
Go to main_project
$andriod update project -p .
Go to main_prject\test
$android update project -m ../ -p .
To start code code
$ant emma debug install test
It generated main_project-instrumented.apk and test_project-debug.apk. Both are installed and I can see it executes testing.
You have to make a test project with the android command line tools first.
Create Project & Test Project
Assuming your project is stored in D:\AndroidProject and your programming against android API level 8. First you use this command to create the project:
android update project --path ./ --name blabla~ --target android-8 --subprojects
Then create an folder for the test project and navigate into that folder:
mkdir Android_test
cd Android_test
Then create the android test project with the below command
android create test-project --main ../AndroidProject --path ./
Ant building with emma coverage report (with root)
Execute this command (from jenkins select and build step) to get a build done with emma reporting:
ant emma debug install test
Caution : For this to work you have to connect rooted device or emulator, then execute ant command!
Change Build xml file (so no root is required)
If you don't want to root your device an alternative solution is to alter the location of these coverage reports. For this you should modify the build.xml file.
(you should googling about that for more information, briefly explained here)
Open the build.xml -> find the location where the coverage.ec file is stored. In most cases this will be stored in /data/data/com.example.Android/coverage.ec
The problem here is that the /data/data/~~~ path is protected (hence the required root).
anyway~ you can get a coverage.html file in your test project folder/bin. The next steps explain how to change this to save this file on the /sdcardinstead!
You can open your build.xml file and at the last line ~ you can find the command import ~~~ build.xml which means that your build.xml file will import anoother build.xml file.
The other build.xml file is part of the android SDK and is located at ${Android-sdk}/tools/ant/build.xml.
Required changes for build.xml file
We can't change this file (without getting into trouble) so instead copy the complete file to an alternative location or directly into your projects build.xml file.
Don't forget to adapt or change the import statement in your build.xml file whatever you choose to do.
This is what you need to change in that new build.xml file:
Erase the import= ~~build.xml
Erase the first line which is xml=ejkwjkw?e jw ""project = "android_rule" ~~ ~blabla)
and last line /project
update address to /sdcard/coverage.ec
Then, you can get coverage.ec file~
I ran into this issue after updating my SDK to r16: Emma code coverage not working in r15 of tools
and this fixed it for me:
ant all clean emma debug install test
But I am unsure if you have the same problem.
I don't have permission to access data/data on this phone
Is it a non-rooted device? Note that the build says:
WARNING: Code Coverage is currently only supported on the emulator and rooted devices.
Maybe you can't work around this limitation by just changing the location of the coverage file. Does it work on a virtual device?
I am new to Android. I have the entire source code of Android for the imx platform. I would like to build the wpa_supplicant folder present under external folder. Everytime I make a change, instead of building the entire source, I would like to build only the wpa_supplicant folder. I have read that using the 'mm' command I can do it. However, i am not sure where to find the 'mm' command. For when I type #mm external/wpa_supplicant_8, I get the following error message displayed:
The program 'mm' can be found in the following packages:
* mountmanager
* multimail
Try: apt-get install
I am not sure if I need to do an apt-get install or the binary is present somewhere I else. Can someone help me with this? Also, how do I compile only a single application present in external folder? Please help.
Run the build/envsetup.sh script from your root folder:
path/to/android# . ./build/envsetup.sh
Then lunch for your device, and you'll be able to mm as necessary.
Go to Android directory and run $:source ./build/envsetup.sh
'android$:lunch` and select the configuration which you are building.
Now go to the directory where project located and execute mm or 'mma' (to build the dependencies also)
I'm trying to launch phonegap android app in android sdk, but I am receiving an error:
[phonegap] detecting Android SDK environment...
[phonegap] using the local environment
[phonegap] compiling Android...
[error] An error occurred while building the android project.Error executing "ant debug -f "/Users/me/Projects/one/platforms/android/build.xml"":
/Applications/Android/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20131030/sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:932: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/Applications/Android/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20131030/sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:950: null returned: 1
I followed this guide http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.2.0/guide_getting-started_android_index.md.html but it is not working.
What could have caused this?
You are most likely also getting the line
invalid resource directory name:
right before the error codes, so open up terminal and enter the following:
rm -fR $(find . -type d -name crunch|xargs)
I just had to cd into the platforms/android dir and run ant clean and it fixed this issue for me.
had the same issue. something that can help is to read ant log as recommend here
to do so run ant -logfile //antLogFile.txt release -f ./AppMain/build.xml
or in the folder itself. i.e : platforms\android run ant -logfile ./antLogFile.txt release
My issue was a file with Hebrew characters on its name..
Hi Sorry for the late answer
An alternative to other solutions possibly OS-X Specific but i was having the same issue and none of the solutions for me worked however the mention of assets made me go back and scour over my build logs and i noted this:
[aapt] /Users/rowdoggnz/Development/cordova/surveyapp/platforms/android/assets/www/lib/fa/Icon
[aapt] : error: Invalid filename. Unable to add.
This was the cause of my error which shared the same error code and line references as the original poster.
OS-X seems to generate ghost icon files for some reason which are not visible in finder due to being hidden, i used an app called "Invisiblix" to view my project folder and removed all of the 'Icon' files and my app would build fine.
I'm guessing the iOS build naturally ignores these Icon files however Ant doesn't.
Hope this helps someone.
If you have more than one project and you are using the same assets eg: images, ant will fail to build. You can use ant clean to remove the cache from other projects and avoid this issue as suggested in this post crunch/resource packaging with aapt in ant build uses cache from other projects
Nevertheless, In my case I just have one project with many images, some of them were called with the same name, but with different letter case. Ant's build process is case-insensitive, so those images were duplicated, being error cause.
My particular fix was to rename or eliminate one of the images to allow cordova build my project.
I was having this issue in OSX using Ionic framework. This was my fix:
I ran this on the command line in the project root folder:
find . -name Icon -exec rm {} \;
What the above does descend through the whole project to search for files name Icon. Upon finding them they are deleted.
After this I ran my build process and all was good again.
Make sure you have installed the prerequisites correctly.
I am trying to set up a CI build server for an Android app project and its JUnit test project. I've generated the appropriate build.xml files for both app and test projects.
Both projects build and execute fine under Eclipse.
However, when I try to do ant debug on the test project without having first built both projects with Eclipse, I get several [javac] errors saying error: cannot find symbol which refer to classes in the app project.
I think this is a difference between the classpath that Eclipse sees and the classpath that Ant is using...
How do I tell Ant where to find the app classes?
It seems the Android default build.xml defines all the targets, so I was wondering how to insert the appropriate reference in the app project's build.xml... rather than having to start the build file from scratch.
Tried exporting the Ant build file from Eclipse; that fails to build either project.
What seems to work is to re-run:
android update test-project -m ../../app_project/ -p .
within the test project.
The only change it made was to create an ant.properties file with one non-comment line:
And now it all works swimmingly outside of Eclipse!
I'm trying to build an app (let's call it android-app) with a dependency on an SDK (let's call it sdk) via Ant. Eclipse is not installed on this computer (for reasoning, it's a CI box with Jenkins).
Both projects are in two completely separate directories side by side. android-app is in the directory ~/.jenkins/jobs/android-app/workspace and sdk is in the directory ~/.jenkins/jobs/sdk/workspace.
Let's assume both projects are "vanilla" and have not been built with Ant before. I cd to the ../android-app/workspace directory and run android update project -p . --library ~/.jenkins/jobs/sdk/workspace which passes. I then cd to the ../sdk/workspace directory and run android update project -p . which also passes.
At this point I cd back to the ../android-app/workspace directory and run ant clean build. It fails with the error:
/path/to/sdk/workspace resolve to a path with no project.properties file for
project /path/to/android-app/workspace
... where /path/to is the full path to the directories. I simplified it here.
If I cd to the sdk workspace and open project.properties, I receive the following:
# ProGuard
# Project target.
It does exist. So do all of these files:
So, why is this failing? What am I doing wrong? I tried to provide as many details as possible. Please let me know if I can provide anything additional.
Well, I encounter this problem too.
I use strace to find out what the hell is going on and found that the path you specified in project.properties will be appended with your current folder path as its prefix.
For example,
/home/myfolder/project > ant debug
And the library you specified in project.properties is /path/to/library
Then, the path will become
Just to fill in the answer gap here, my Java version was completely off. I'm super embarrassed.
I am running the standard ant script build.xml which gets created when you run the android create project command. In order to verify my local.properties is set correctly, I added a task at the beginning of the build.xml script to run the command:
android update project -p .
I now get the following message each time I run the ant script, which clobbers my build.xml file and creates a proguard.cfg file!
File build.xml is too old and needs to be updated
So, I moved the ant script to a different file that won't get clobbered.
Is there a way to run the command android update project -p . that doesn't clobber build.xml and create proguard.cfg?
I think this is a bug. I have registered a new bug with Google here:
If anyone else thinks it's a bug, then please star it and perhaps contribute your thoughts.
Workaround for this. Add the following code in build.xml.
<!-- The following will prevent for 'android' tool to overwrite this file.
(until sdk r12)
(since sdk r13 FIXME)
With the piece of comment, 'android update project' will not complaint or overwrite the build.xml.
As of now, there might be chance for changes in r13.
sdk r13 not yet released
it's based on aosp/master branch
updateProject() in package com.android.sdklib.internal.project.ProjectCreator determine to update the build.xml or not.
(The code from sdkmanager/libs/sdklib/src/com/android/sdklib/internal/project/ProjectCreator.java)
The build.xml generated by android has the following comment:
****** IMPORTANT ******
In all cases you must update the value of version-tag below to read 'custom' instead of an integer,
in order to avoid having your file be overridden by tools such as "android update project"
so, it looks like Atham is right.