webservices to access joomla website - android

I want to write an app which can be installed on iphone or Android and communicate the website with Joomla installed on it. I understand that Joomla is a CMS to handle front end and database.
My question is, for the iphone app to communicate the website database, do I have to write plugins for Joomla, or do I have to create a seperate engine which communicated database directly?

You can use Joomla API or you can implement whatever you want with PHP code that you'll build yourself, which is actually creating your own "API". for example, you can write a php that will be hosted on the same server as Joomla which will call the DB and list the names and emails of all the users (from jos_users) - this is pretty easy to implement on the server's side, and you can implement a call to this PHP on the client side (phone) which will send a request and parse the response and display it.


How to use nodejs and express.js to create an android chat app?

I am learning node.js & express right now and I am following a course but I wonder how to use it in a mobile app (android).
I want to create an android chat app using flutter and node.js with express.js and MySQL but the course, for example, returns a response of HTML pages.
I want to use it like a database and a server for a basic chat app.
Am I on the right way?
Yes you are in the right way. All this functionality remains the same even if you are creating a android app.only what changes is that you dont send response with HTML pages and instead of that you return JSON data in your api's. Your code does all the functionality the same way and insert into Database also the same way but instead of rendering html pages you send response in JSON and hanlde that response in the client side code in your case the flutter app.
You can use MySQL as a database of any chat app for learning purposes, for that you have to set up the server with node.js(express) and define routes accordingly for creating chats(single chat or group chats may be public channels). Furthermore, you can make use of sockets with socket.io for creating chatrooms and check the online/offline status of chat members.

Mobile app - Node js or ASP.net Web API

I'm going to develop mobile app , currently in Android, later it may change to all OS. The back end is "MS SQL Server".
Confusion is with Server side , whether to use Node js or ASP.net web API??
What the app does is - It will validate for the authenticate user and allows to Read/Write their data.
Main characteristics should be performance,scalability and accessible from all OS.
Have idea to achieve the above in two ways.
1.Using Node js, Mongo Db and tool which export/import data from MS sql server to mongo db.
2.Using ASP.Net Web API - Referring this
Please suggest which one is the best way to achieve.Thanks.
As you are using SQL Server as backend, I will suggest you to go with 2nd approach (Using Web API). It will be easy to meet all your requirements.
Here I confused with the need of mongo db in Approach 1 : You can directly connect to SQL Server from Node.js.

Connect web app to mysql database

I have a web application on Android and iOS which uses html and javascript for the project. I now have local values and app works fine. now I want to use a mysql database for my inputs, are there any good tutorial or sample codes on how to do that.
I'll appreciate if you can help me with this.
For web app and mysql communication need a scripting language like php and for database you need a database like mysql there is simple tutorial fo mysql connectivity
You need to choose a language that will operate server side to manage the database of your web app, e.g. you could use PHP as a language and MYSQL as a database software (it's free and awesome), for examples you could use http://php.net/ and search how to use specific mysql commands in PHP, or use a framework like CodeIgniter which has built in functions for database management and you can view some of them here https://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/database/active_record.html, but make sure you use the whole user guide on how to use it and how to set up your database configuration properly!
EDIT. If you don't want to use PHP for the actual app then you can use it server side, i.e. use it as part of a server file which connect to database, handle data, send it back, then send it back to your remote app where you can handle it with Javascript.

How to connect android to python web services and MySQL database

I'm new to Android and to web services in general.
This is what i gotta do: My company has a back end website(for the client to monitor the sales) that's used to manage/monitor sales on some stores and it connects to a MySQL db to store data about sales and users(usernames and passwords).
What I want to do is to get data from that database and to add (sync operations) new rows, all of this from my android app.
I googled this many times and it came up with some similar projects but using another languages.
I would like to see some code samples if possible and some how-to theory, what theory should I follow when developing this, how and what ways of communicating between android and python web services and from the web services to the MySQL database.
Thank you in advance.
You will need a working API, that allows you to communicate to the web service from the android application. I would read into how to write an API and how to build a RESTful service using JSON as a way of communicating between server and android app. There are alternatives to JSON, but JSON is better suited for Android than perhaps AJAX and soap is being used less and less. (Can ajax call be done in Android? It can but has limitations)
(I could only post two full hyper links as i don't have enough reputation yet to do so, you may have to remove the spaces)
www .restapitutorial. com/lessons/whatisrest.html/
htt p:// www.r evillweb.co m/article s/why-use-j son/
You may want to check out restjee. It allows you to define and implement RESTful data access APIs without having to write any server side code. Works with just about any database.

how to make android app fetch content from dedicated internet page?

I am planning to create a small review app in android that fetches movie reviews from a webserver/page. So how should i design the online component? The online part need not be visible through browsers, but available to the app. So, basically how should i put the data on the server? Json or simple web page or database tables?
In my opinion the best approach to achieve this is to create some (REST or not) web service and as an output format use json.
architecture like this: mobile_app <---> web service <---> database
You could also have some other program which for example will be creating some json file on ftp server.
If you have webpage already in created in php, python, ruby etc you can create some API for your mobie app. For example you have some page with movie reviews with your-domain/reviews.html URL
you can create similar endpoint for your mobile app with you-domain/reviews.json which will gives you some json dedicated for your mobile.

