I have application titles fragment and contents fragment on the screen. When the user clicks on the item in titles fragment the according fragment is created and inserted to a frame and the selected title is highlighted in titles fragment.
Transaction is done with fragment.addToBackStack(), so when the user clicks the BACK key, the previous fragment is restored and inserted in the frame.
What is the best solution to restore view state when transaction manager restores fragments?
The problem is that I should highlight previous fragment name in titles fragment and I should know what fragment it is. I resolved it by storing view state in my own stack: when fragment is created and restoring on changing transaction backstack using transaction manager listener.
But this doesn't seem like the correct solution.
Before the answer, next time remember to add your code. Chances are my answer will not help you as much as it could because I don't really know your code.
This is old but anyway, IF I understand your question (and app architecture) correctly, it sounds like a case for interfacing.
add this interface as a member to the content fragment:
public class ContentFragment extends Fragment{
public interface onFragmentTitleHighlighted{
public void highLightTitle(String title);
and have the title fragment implement it. Make sure to equip your content fragments with the title fragmnet, and add a call to highLightTitle(String title); in the content fragment's onCreateView(...) call. This way whenever a new content fragmnet is being added the title will be highlighted.
Is there a way to know which Fragment is currently displayed in a given <fragment> container of an Activity without keeping track of all the changes via the onAttachFragment callback?
Is it even possible to know which fragments are displayed when fragment transactions can take place when the user presses the back key? In this latter case, i.e. when a Fragment is re-displayed due to a back, the onAttach is not called.
In my experience, the only way to know for sure which fragment is being displayed is to keep track of that carefully yourself.
For example, you could make a variable in your Activity:
Fragment mCurrentDisplayedFragment;
and then whenever the user requests a different fragment do:
mCurrentFragment = (Fragment) userRequestedFragment;
fragmentManager.replace(container, mCurrentFragment, tag);
Then, whenever you needed to do things to the currently displayed fragment, you could triage it by try/catching a cast or with instanceof.
You could also handle the back pressed behavior by overriding that method in the activity:
public void onBackPressed() {
int stackSize = fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount();
// This counts up from the bottom so the most recent fragment is the biggest number/size
backFragId = fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryAt(stackSize);
// Get a handle on the fragment that is about to be popped
mCurrentFragment = fragmentManager.findFragmentById(backFragId);
Also, are you sure that onAttach is not called when a fragment is popped off the stack? I seem to remember that it will be, and you can call through the interface created there (if you have one and the activity implements it) to register the fragment as the current fragment in the activity at the time.
But to directly answer your question, there isn't a built in way to just know what fragment is currently displayed (and there could be more than one!). The implementation details of that are up to you. Hopefully I've given you some ideas of how it could be handled though. You might also find the FragmentManager documentation helpful.
Each time when you add/replace fragment to the container, use tag for it:
FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
ft.add(R.id.container, fragment, tag).commit();
then you can find out the fragment is current visible or not:
Fragment fg = getFragmentManger().findFragmentByTag(tag);
//fg is the current visible fragment
Hope this help!
First of all I'm sorry if this explanation seems unclear, I'm new to Android.
I have a ViewPager in main activity showing fragments added dynamically by user. Fragments are created initially on activity start up and are added to ViewPager via Adapter i.e. adapter simply returns proper fragment and as I understand correctly fragment's content is created at this time when ViewPager 'retrieves' a fragment first time.
The problem is when main activity gets restored after orientation changing all fragments are resurrected as well and when Adapter tries to return newly created by user Fragment method createView() is no longer called and it fails with NullPointerException. It seems ViewPager retains fragments attached to it initially and doesn't call createView() for newly added ones for the same position.
I have a feeling I'm missing vital point on the Fragment lifecycle. I wouldn't like to change the design. My main question is what the correct way is to return a Fragment added to ViewPage after activity is restored? Is there any way to locate recently attached fragments?
If the fragment already exists, it will be re-used. However the state of the fragment will not. You should take a look at http://developer.android.com/training/basics/activity-lifecycle/recreating.html for more information.
In particular you should look at overriding onSavedInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState as a method to repopulate the field that is generating that nullpointerexception
To determine if an instance of a fragment has already been created you can use 'findFragmentByTag' like so:
String fragmentTag = MyFramgment.getClass().getName();
MyFragment frag = getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(fragmentTag);
if(frag == null)
frag = new MyFragment();
Whatever ends up being referenced in 'frag', show this to the user.
I have 2 fragments which are called from the action bar of an activity. Both are gridviews, the first one displays applications with a dedicated adapter, and the second one displays a file list with another adapter. My problem is that when I launch a file then when I back to my activity I switch from one fragment to another, when I come back to the previous one, its content disappears. And when I rotate tablet I have the some problem, because my Fragment restart so for this I think that removing fragment give the possibility to create a new Fragment up to date. How can I save and reload data in my fragment.
How can I manage to update the content of the first fragment while coming back from the second one ? And how to remove fragment after the rotation in order to recreate the Action with new Fragment? I asked this questions but I don't have any responses. the code is given below
If your data is just strings or integers, you can make use of shared preferences to store and retrieve data.
Solution to your first problem -how to save fragment state
Use setRetainInstance(true) in you fragments onCreate() *it prevents your fragment from destroying and hence recreating.
Add your fragment to back stack
declare your adapter globally in fragment and resuse it when you get back.
when, you get back to fragment its onCreateView() method will be called directly. hence initialize your adapter in onCreate() method and use it in onCreateView().
Solution to your second problem -how to update fragment content
For this you can use interface. create interface in your second fragment and implement it in your first fragment. prefer this doc for this,
I am trying to write a file manager for android as an university project. My idea is to use fragments in it to create a tabbed vew for it with a viewpager. Practically, the first view you get when you load the app is a path selection fragment, where you have sdcard, music, etc. That fragment contains a listview of said folders. When I click on an item, i want another fragment to be added to the pager, and that works fine. But I also want the current fragment to be replaced with a grid view of the "clicked" folder. That doesn't work. I use an arraylist of File[] to store files in each folder i selected. I also added methods inside the fragment adapter to add and replace fragments in my fragment arraylist. Tried with transaction and with my list, the list is correctly updated but the view is not. The following code is the method inside my fragment adapter to replace a fragment. It is called inside an onItemclicklistenr set to my listview:
public void replaceFragment(SherlockFragment newFragment, int pos) {
SherlockFragment old=fragments.get(pos);
fragments.set(pos, newFragment);
I read several answers about this issue, tried almost everything, nothing seems to work. Any help would be apreciated.
I found an horrible solution. After updating the fragment list (without fragmenttransaction) I re-set the adapter for the view pager and restore the current Item. This way I force the fragments layouts to be built. Not beautiful, but whatever. This is the interface that gets called onclick:
public void onPathSelected(int position) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.d("positioninsideintfc", Integer.toString(position));
int current=mPager.getCurrentItem();
root=(File) filepaths.get(position);
Gridfragment newfrag=Gridfragment.newInstance(current);
mAdapter.replaceFragment(newfrag, current);
You should learn your Activity to speak the language your frament use. In general your Activity should implement Interface which then your fragments will use for communication. So in your case, when user tap the list item, the fragment with listview shall tell its parent Actity (using said interface) something like "user clicked on this". And your parent activity should do the rest, replacing/adding fragments. Your fragment, like in OOP, shall be not aware of existence of other fragments.
I have a main TabActivity which has two tabs, A and B (for now). Tab A loads a FragmentActivity (code given below) which just conatains a FrameLayout, so I can load my Fragments for that specific Tab in it.
The first Fragment has some TextViews and one ListView. Data is pulled from a web service. When I click on an ListView's item, I load that item's detail in another Fragment (this also comes from a web service) and replace the current Fragment (with ListView and other controls) with another detail fragment.
To achieve this, I am using android-support-v4.jar library to use Fragments as they were preferred.
Tab A's FragmentActivity's XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:orientation="vertical" >
Tab A's FragmentActivity Java code:
public class UpdatesFragmentActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
IUpdateNotifier {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//Load Initial Fragment into FrameLayout
//I am adding this Fragment to BackStack
Fragment newFragment = new UpdatesFragment();
FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
ft.add(R.id.updates_frame, newFragment);
//This is an Interface method which I call with the clicked "FEED" object to load its detail in another Fragment
public void onFeedSelected(Feed feed) {
// Instantiate a new fragment.
Fragment newFragment = new FeedDetailFragment(feed);
// Add the fragment to the activity, pushing this transaction
// on to the back stack.
FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
ft.replace(R.id.updates_frame, newFragment);
//This is another Interface Method which I call when the user presses "BACK".
//I am trying to load the previously loaded Fragment, which I added to BackStack.
//But this causes reconstruction of the previously loaded fragment. LIST in this case
//which call the web service. I DONT WANT TO CALL SERVICE AGAIN.
public void onBackPressed() {
FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
if (fm.getBackStackEntryCount() > 0) {
I have created an interface IUpdateNotifier, which contains two methods:
public void onFeedSelected(Feed feed);
public void onBackPressed();
Parent UpdatesFragmentActivity implements these methods. I call these methods from children Fragments upon following actions.
I call onFeedSelected(Feed feed) from the Fragment which has a ListView. I send the clicked feed item to parent FragmentActivity, so it loads another Fragment which would contain that feed detail.
I call onBackPressed() from the second feed detail Fragment when the user presses a button that is supposed to bring back the first fragment which contained ListView with other controls. As you can see, I try to call FragmentManager's popBackStack() method to bring back that first Fragment...
But the first Fragment gets refreshed and loads all the data from web service.
Actually I cannot get and store data only once nor the updates are frequent on some time intervals. The user can update the list when he wants. Initially, the list loads the top 10 items from the service, and then user can click the "More" button at the end of list if he wants to load more items.
It will load the next 10 items and so on. But I think I can store the retrieved ArrayList in some variable in UpdatesFragmentActivity and then just reassign that ArrayList to the list's adapter instead of loading the data from service, but I don't know how to make Fragment not to call service again.
I want it to behave like when I click on tab 2 and then on tab 1 again. It simply shows the loaded data as if was hidden and does not call the service.
How can I achieve this?
Your design pattern is flawed due to a poor separation of concerns. The updating of data should be decoupled from the UI, therfore when a user goes back to the previous Fragment it should have nothing to do with loading data from a web service.
There are a couple of easy fixes but I do not know what will work best as you have given little context to the problem.
First option would be to introduce a Splash Screen on start up. This Activity would make use of an AsyncTask to download the data you need from the web service. This works well if you only want the data to be downloaded once during the runtime of the app. You would make sure not to add this Activity to the history so when back is pressed from the next activity, the app would then exit.
Another option, which I have used in many apps and the one I prefer, is the use of Alarms via the AlarmManager. You can set a periodic updates at specific time intervals, the AlarmManager even helps you to the point where it contains enumerations of time. The Alarm will trigger a broadcast receiver which will execute your custom code, that will download the data you need from the web service and store it.
There is a tutorial on this approach, which can be found here http://android.arnodenhond.com/tutorials/alarm-notification.
Finally; you should not need to pop the back stack to get around this problem, although you might be doing this for entirely different reasons but it is hard to tell without more info.
Your question is not clear enough, ask more simple and precise questions... And as you say above
popBackStack does not load the last fragment, it's commonly used to pop the entire stack :
fragmentManager.popBackStack(null, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);
before loading another fragment
replace() Or add()
That's all i can think about with that question
Good luck