android Broadcastreceiver issue - android

Im developing an application,which blocks all outgoing calls and then after blocking that call ,another new call is initiated to a predefined number...
My problem is that,when i block the call using a broadcastreceiver,the second call which i programmatically initiate is also getting blocked...
Is any method to unregister the broadcast after blocking the first call,or any other method or technique???
This is my broadcastreceiver which i implemented for my app...
public class CallListenerActivity extends BroadcastReceiver {
Uri uri;
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
if(bundle == null)
String phonenumber = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER);
String info = "Detect Calls sample application\nOutgoing number: " + phonenumber;
Toast.makeText(context, info, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
String phoneNumber = "5556";
Uri uri = Uri.fromParts("tel", phoneNumber, null);
Intent callIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL, uri);

You could try starting your original (CallListenerActivity? The one which registered the broadcast receiver) activity again using a flag stored as extra in the intent.
Evaluate the intent in your activity and unregister the broadcast receiver if you see the flag in the extras. Then start the the call activity as shown in your example code.

You can use store a check when you are initiating a call and after the completion of the call mark it. For this this check you can use SharedPreference.


Using setresult() to pass data to activity

I'm developing a program in Android Studio to connect to a specific BLE device. I'm using setresult() to return the BLE device name etc once the BLE device is discovered. Unfortunately, setresult() is giving an error:
Error:(201, 25) error: method setResult in class BroadcastReceiver cannot be applied to given types;
required: int,String,Bundle,found: int,Intent, reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
Why is there an error and how do I resolve it?
private final BroadcastReceiver bleServiceReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent sintent) {
final String action = sintent.getAction();
if (MldpBluetoothService.ACTION_BLE_SCAN_RESULT.equals(action)) { //Service has sent a scan result
Log.d(TAG, "Scan scan result received");
final BleDevice device = new BleDevice(sintent.getStringExtra(MldpBluetoothService.INTENT_EXTRA_SERVICE_ADDRESS), sintent.getStringExtra(MldpBluetoothService.INTENT_EXTRA_SERVICE_NAME)); //Create new item to hold name and address
if(device.getName() != null) {
if (device.getName().contains("Prodigy")) { //+++++ Added by Chris
bleDeviceListAdapter.addDevice(device); //+++++ if Prodigy add to the device to list adapter that displays a list on the screen
bleDeviceListAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); //+++++ Refresh the list on the screen
scanStopHandler.removeCallbacks(stopScan); //Stop the scan timeout handler from calling the runnable to stop the scan
final Intent intent = new Intent(); //Create Intent to return information to the MldpTerminalActivity that started this activity
intent.putExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_SCAN_AUTO_CONNECT, alwaysConnectCheckBox.isChecked()); //Add to the Intent whether to automatically connect next time
intent.putExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_SCAN_NAME, device.getName()); //Add BLE device name to the intent
intent.putExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_SCAN_ADDRESS, device.getAddress()); //Add BLE device address to the intent
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, intent); //Return an intent to the calling activity with the selected BLE name and address
As your code is placed in broadcastReceiver, you are using the setResult() for BroadcastReceiver.
If this broadcastReceiver is in your activity, please try
If it is outside your activity, you may need to keep the activity reference in broadcastReceiver for calling

Information from BroadcastReceiver to specific Activity via external class

I have "ComposeActivity" which calls the "SendSMS" method after onClick, which than calls metod in SMS class. I had also registered two BroadcastReceiver: SmsDeliveredReceiver and SmsSentReceiver, similar to: How can I inform ComposeActivity, that sms was succesfullly sent, and that activity can clean some EditText's, and maybe show crouton with information that sms was sent or not(and why)? My codes:
If you have receivers to handle when the SMS messages are sent or not sent. You could modify the onReceive of both of the receivers to send and intent to the ComposeActivity by creating an intent and calling intent.setComponent to specify where the intent should go. with some data that tells the ComposeActivity the result of trying to send the message.
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent arg1) {
Intent i = new Intent(action);
i.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.mypackage.compose","ComposeActivity"));
switch (getResultCode()) {
case Activity.RESULT_OK:
Log.d(getClass().getSimpleName(), "SMS delivered");
intent.setAction("com.mypackage.compose.SMS_SENT"); // String you define to match the intent-filter of ComposeActivity.
case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED:
Log.d(getClass().getSimpleName(), "SMS not delivered");
intent.setAction("com.mypackage.compose.SMS_FAILED"); // String you define to match the intent-filter of ComposeActivity.
startActivity(intent); // you may not necessarily have to call startActivity but call whatever method you need to to deliver the intent.
At that point it should just be matter of addind an intent-filter and a receiver to your compose activity either via the manifest or programatically. Your call. The strings I used were made up but you could pick an exiting intent action string or declare strings that you use in the intent filter. Again up to you. May also be helpful to look at questions about sending explicit intents to components like Android explicit intent with target component
or looking at the android docs.
Ok, after 5 hours of trying, I've already solved this:
in BroadcastReceiver in onReceive:
Intent intent = new Intent();
in Activity:
public BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String action = intent.getAction();
if (action.equals("SOMEACTION")) {
Log.d(TAG, "Sent");
and in onCreate Activity I registered BroadcastReceiver:
registerReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter("SOMEACTION"));
Thats all...

I want my android app to start when a phone receives a call and to get the incoming phone number

I want my android app to start when a phone receives a call and to get the incoming phone number, i what to be able to put button on the screen of the incoming call and before that to be able to get the number calling, it would be of much help i anyone can refer me to some examples or materials. thx
You can setup a broadcastlistener in your AndroidManifet.xml You must setup your intent to listen for android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE
Then you get the phone state from the intent with intent.getExtraString(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE) . If it's OFFHOOK or RINGING then a call has come in and you can get the phone number from the intent with intent.getExtraString(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_INCOMING_NUMBER)
This will toast and log the incomming number...
public class CallReceiveD extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
if (extras != null) {
String state = extras.getString(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE);
Log.w("DEBUG", state);
if (state.equals(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE_RINGING)) {
String phoneNumber = extras
Toast toast= Toast.makeText(context,phoneNumber, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);;
Log.w("DEBUG", phoneNumber);
dont forget the manifest file
< receiver
< action android:name="android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE" />

Passing Data from Broadcast Receiver to another Activity

Hi I've been having an issue with Broadcast Receivers and passing information to another activity. I'm trying to create an application that will capture incoming SMS messages, look for a website in the text, then pop up an Alert Dialog box asking if the user wants to go to the website.
public class TextReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver{
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
// .. other code that
// sets received SMS into message
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context,
"Received Text: " + message.getMessageBody(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);;
So that code works fine, receive a text it pops up a toast with the message. The toast is useless but it shows the receiver works. But I want to communicate with an activity to show an Alert Dialog and start up a webView. I already programmed the code that will take a string search for the website and open the webView. Is it possible to get the string from the broadcast receiver and do something like this?:
public class ReceiveText extends Activity{
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Somehow pass the string from the receiver into this activity,
//stored in variable messages
// is that possible?
public class findOpen(string messages){
// do stuff ... open site if OK
So basically I just want to pass a string from a Broadcast Receiver to another activity that will use that string. The rest of the code is basically in place all I need is that string... I'm new to this and Java and any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
Instantiate a BroadcastReceiver in the activity you want to get your data to, for example:
private BroadcastReceiver mServiceReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver(){
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
//Extract your data - better to use constants...
String IncomingSms=intent.getStringExtra("incomingSms");//
String phoneNumber=intent.getStringExtra("incomingPhoneNumber");
Unregister your receiver on onPause():
protected void onPause() {
try {
if(mServiceReceiver != null){
} catch (Exception e) {
Register it on onResume():
protected void onResume() {
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
registerReceiver(mServiceReceiver , filter);
Broadcast your data from the service via an Intent, for Example:
Intent i = new Intent("android.intent.action.SmsReceiver").putExtra("incomingSms", message);
i.putExtra("incomingPhoneNumber", phoneNumber);
and that's it! goodLuck!
If you have your activity named ReceiveText, then in your BroadcastReceiver, you should do the following:
Intent i = new Intent(context, ReceiveText.class);
i.putExtra("message", message.getMessageBody());
Then, in your activity, you will need to getExtra as so:
Intent intent = getIntent();
String message = intent.getStringExtra("message");
And then you will use message as you need.
If you simply want the ReceiveText activity to show the message as a dialog, declare <activity android:theme="#android:style/Theme.Dialog" /> in your manifest for ReceiveText and then set the message to a textview in the activity.
EDIT: This restarts your activity. this answer is likely a better solution for most people.
We can send the data from onReceive to another activity using LocalBroadcastManager.
It means you are again broadcasting the data using the context
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Log.d("Broadcast", "wifi ConnectivityReceiver");
Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
Intent intent = new Intent("broadCastName");
// Data you need to pass to another activity
intent .putExtra("message", extras.getString(Config.MESSAGE_KEY));
context.sendBroadcast(intent );

How to track android phone call after dial the call button and before ringing in Android application

I want to track the phone call information after dialing the call button and before ringing.Means before going call to the person whom I want to call, I want to a notification in my application.
public class CallReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
// Try to read the phone number from previous receivers.
String phoneNumber = getResultData();
if (phoneNumber == null) {
// We could not find any previous data. Use the original phone number in this case.
phoneNumber = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER);
You can retrieve this from a Broadcast in response to ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL:
Register a BroadcastReceiver with an ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL intent filter. You can also read this Android Developers blog post regarding some details on the subject.

