What does it take to create a private Android application download server.
Or, at least, is there any documentation about the application loading process for Android?
Doesn't really take anything.
If you want you can put the APK (Android application) files in a public Dropbox if you like and distribute the urls. Similarly you could put the files on a web server. Just think of them as files in the same way you can download pdf files in your Android browser.
You need to have the "unknown sources" box ticked in Settings..Applications
Add file to server and create a download link for that file (plain html) . Add MIME TYPE of APK to your server . Now just browse the link ... And Enjoy !!!
We are working on an android app that generates PDFs based on app contents on users' request. We are providing an option to launch an email agent and attach the generate PDF, but we also want the user be able to view the document later at any time. On android, there are no stock file explorer, so our first thought was to show on the stock Downloads app's file list. We've tried the following two methods but without luck.
We firstly tried to save the PDF to the default download folder (given by calling Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS)) and invoke media scanner, but the file doesn't show up in the Downloads app's list. It's shown in Adobe Acrobat's local document list though.
After some research, it seems that the Downloads app would only show files that downloaded though DownloadManager, so we tried to generate the PDF in a temporary directory and call DownloadManager to download it, but, somehow expected, it complains that we can only download via HTTP(S), so this approach isn't working as well.
Is there any other solution?
well if you have to provide access to the document without any file explorer app, i think your approach is correct it to allow to store it in the Download lists. To achive this you can use Nanohttpd in your application to host your pdf document and then invoke the DownloadManager download action using HTTP(S) to your webapp (you will have to create a small webapp to handle the download request) hosted on localhost server.
I got a website hosted by Parse.com and it has its own tool to upload files.
I want to know if is there any way for me to send files from android app. I have my data shared with my android app, and it would be great if I can send images to the web site.
You should use the Android-Library of Parse.com.
It makes it very easy for you to connect your Android App to the Parse backend.
If you look at the docs, there is a section about uploading and downloading files.
I've never tried it but I think this will allow you to upload your images to the backend.
There is also a JavaScript library to connect your website (client side) to the parse backend.
Again, if you look at the docs, there is a section about uploading and downloading files.
You should be able to use the JavaScript library to access the previously uploaded app-images.
The basic flow would look like this:
Android App -> Android Parse Library -> Parse Back End
Parse Back End -> JavaScript Parse Library -> Website
Keep in mind: This is all hypothetical since I haven't tried it.
You can use Es explorer https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.estrongs.android.pop Install this application and then select network option in that select ftp . Then connect to your ftp server using your credential. then copy paste thats it
I'm building an app which is supposed to download (and later on) display an html file.
I don't need to worry about supporting files like CSS/JS.
I enqueue the file via its URL (eg. http://www.noodle.com/index.html) to the Android Donwload Manager but the download always fails.
Any ideas how to get the file? Or how to convince the Manager to download it properly?
You can make use of HTTPClient provided by Android to use it
More details on how to save that to file is available at
How do I use the Simple HTTP client in Android?
I am trying to find a way to get http-url of downloaded file in android. Is there anyway to do it ?
I have looked around DownloadManager, but it seems not appropriate for this scenario.
e.g. if we open browser with link : http://www.xyz.com/myapp.apk?param1=abc
and now after downloading and installing apk.
In same application (when it starts) I need to get -> param1=abc.
Any kind of help will be appreciated!
Personnaly, I think that the downloaded url is not stored in the .apk file. The apk file is a portable file and can be downloaded from different url addresses and the web browser will not add a metadata to the apk file.
In my web site i make link likeDOWNLOAD. And when i open this site on my Android phone and click on link, standart browser opens txt file. I want to download file and not open.
What i may to do for that?
I think you need to set MIME type set on your server setting.
By default, the text.txt is linked with a viewer hence if will download and open.
Secondly, it would be stored in downloads folder on your sdcard.