I have a rather big number of small bitmaps (100+, size about 40x40) each one have some opaque and some transparent parts and i need to paint them respecting these areas.
Bitmaps are in ARGB format, 888(rgb) plus a 256bit alpha channel, standard like in PNG format.
The only (working) way i found to draw them is the following approach:
create a bitmap (ARGB_8888)
fill the bitmap with the raw data
extract the alpha layer from the bitmap
create a BitmapShader (RGB_565) based on the original bitmap
Create a paint for the bitmap which uses the created shader
Then paint the alpha mask using the paint with the special BitmapShader.
The initialization code is run only once, of course:
void initializeTile( int t ){
// Allocate the bitmap:
Bitmap original_data = Bitmap.createBitmap( tile_w, tile_h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
// Fill with raw data (this is actually native C++ code):
populateBitmap( original_data );
// Get the alpha mask:
tile_mask[ t ] = original_data.extractAlpha();
// Create the bitmap shader:
tile_data = original_data.copy( Bitmap.Config.RGB_565, false);
// Create the shader:
BitmapShader shader = new BitmapShader(tile_data, CLAMP, CLAMP);
// Create the paint:
tile_paint[ t ] = new Paint();
tile_paint[ t ].setDither(true);
tile_paint[ t ].setAntiAlias(true);
tile_paint[ t ].setFilterBitmap(true);
tile_paint[ t ].setShader( shader );
And the paint code is the most simple possible, and it's in the main draw loop:
void paintTile(t){
canvas.drawBitmap( tile_mask[ t ], tile_x[ t], tile_y[ t], tile_paint[ t] );
Now, on phones like the Ideos (Android 2.2) it run smooth and fine, but on other phones like the top-end Samsung Galaxy SII (Android 2.3) it's crappy and slow. This does not make much sense to me...
So, what do you think of this approach? Are there better, faster, ways to achieve the same result?
And, why do you think it's so slow on modern, fast hardware? Is there any ways to improve it?
Ok, after some work i found out a better solution. I cannot answer my own questions, so please do if you know more than me.
But, in case more people needs this, i am posting my new solution, which is much faster albeit a bit more complicated. The key idea is to use the shader approach ONLY during initialization and not for painting.
To do this, i create a new bitmap which will contain the "clipped" bitmap (with all the transparent areas cleared) using the shader approach, then paint that clipped bitmap without any shader in the draw code.
void initializeTile( int t ){
// Allocate the bitmap:
Bitmap original_data = Bitmap.createBitmap( tile_w, tile_h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
// Fill with raw data (this is actually native C++ code):
populateBitmap( original_data );
// Now make a new bitmap to be clipped:
Bitmap clipped_data = Bitmap.createBitmap( tile_w, tile_h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(clipped_data);
Paint clip_paint = new Paint();
clip_paint.setShader( new BitmapShader(original_data, CLAMP, CLAMP));
// Paint the clipped bitmap:
canvas.drawBitmap( tile_mask[ t ], 0, 0, clip_paint );
//Use the clipped bitmap as original bitmap:
tile_data[ t ] = clipped_data;
And also drawing code:
void paintTile(t){
canvas.drawBitmap( tile_data[ t ], tile_x[ t], tile_y[ t], null );
Overall, this is much faster.
Still it's unclear to me WHY Android would not paint my alpha-channelled bitmaps properly without all this mess!
I have an image as bitmap e.g
I want to create mask programmatically from that bitmap like this
I searched online but did not find any solution.
2003 Java Q and A about Masking Images
The question posed on this website seems similar to yours and the answers should help you out. Their code was written in Java back in 2003, but I believe you are asking about something you plan to program in Android Studio from your tags in I am guessing Java. Your question is kind of vague, but maybe this website will be a good starting point. There are longer solutions, with complete code written out, but I'll post one of the solutions listed.
One of the Solutions posted on that forum is this:
//get the image pixel
int imgPixel = image.getRGB(x,y);
//get the mask pixel
int maskPixel = mask.getRGB(x,y);
//now, get rid of everything but the blue channel
//and shift the blue channel into the alpha channels sample space.
maskPixel = (maskPixel &0xFF)<<24
//now, merge img and mask pixels and copy them back to the image
I found a solution to my problem i solved my problem by tinting my bitmap using PorterDuffColorFilter in a following way.
public Bitmap tintBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int color) {
Paint paint = new Paint();
paint.setColorFilter(new PorterDuffColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN));
Bitmap bitmapResult = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmapResult);
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, paint);
return bitmapResult;
Simply put, I have a Bitmap resource that is 1800 x 1800 pix due to the detail I need. I create a canvas from the Bitmap and then draw on it. After drawing is complete, It's attached to an ImageView. It works fine on devices with large Heaps but on small devices, it crashes. The Bitmap needs to be the same size for all devices when added to the canvas because the coordinates that I draw to are precise locations on the Bitmap.
Here is my code
initialBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.VeryLargeBitmap);
mutableBitmap = initialBitmap.copy(Bitmap.Config.RGB_565, true);
canvas = new Canvas(mutableBitmap);
....draw stuff here
canvas.drawLine(x, y, x2, y2, paint);
I'm sure there is a better way. I have looked into OpenGL but have not tried it yet. It looks to complex for what I'm trying to accomplish.
BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options();
o.inMutable = true;
initialBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.VeryLargeBitmap, o);
Doing this should remove the need to copy the bitmap to an immutable one. When you're done with it (saved to file or ready for a new one) do this:
initialBitmap = null;
To remove any reference to it (NOTE: recycle may not be necessary but I like it "to make sure").
Special note is that creating a Bitmap is CPU intensive so it'd be best to decode it in a thread and start drawing when it's ready. You should never create a Bitmap in an onDraw or draw method.
I have a bitmap size 500x500. And on this bitmap I have coordinates to 2 regions.
one region is at X=10, Y=10, size 10x10
second region is at X=400, Y=400, size 10x10
What would be the best way to swap those two regions in the bitmap.
You can do it trough Canvas.
Something like:
Bitmap swapped = Bitmap.createBitmap(origin.getWidth(), origin.getHeight(), origin.getConfig());
Canvas drawer = new Canvas(swapped);
drawer.drawBitmap(origin, new Rect(0,0,100,100), new Rect(100,100,100,100), paint);
drawer.drawBitmap(origin, new Rect(100,100,100,100), new Rect(0,0,100,100), paint);
At that point your 'swapped' Bitmap will have the origin pieces drawed in different regions.
For more see the Canvas documentation:
http://developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/Canvas.html#drawBitmap(android.graphics.Bitmap, android.graphics.Matrix, android.graphics.Paint)
Hm, a simple "cruel" approach can do the work:
Load the bitmap in an 2-dimensional array and swap your cells.
It will take roughly around: 500x500x4 bytes which is a bit less than a 1 mega-byte of memory, which is nothing for android phones nowdays since app have at least 8/16 mgb of ram at their use.(on weaker phones)
Also the operations will be quite fast, even if you do a bunch of processing of the bit maps, such as resizing and so on.....
If you wont best performance you can use native code, there are some libraries for processing bitmaps that are quite memory and cpu efficient.
The best way would be the same as switching any type of data:
make a temporary bitmap to hold area1 data and put there the data.
put area2 data into area1.
put the temporary bitmap data into area2 , and recycle the temporary bitmap.
Here's a sample code that I've written. It's not tested, but should work:
Bitmap origin=...;
Rect r1=...,r2=... ; //assumption: both rectangles are of the same size
//copy from region1 to temp bitmap
Bitmap temp= Bitmap.createBitmap(origin,r1.left,r1.top,r1.width(),r1.height());
//copy from region2 into region1
Canvas canvas=new Canvas(origin);
canvas.drawBitmap(origin, r2, r1, new Paint());
//copy from temp bitmap to region2
canvas.drawBitmap(temp, new Rect(0,0,r2.width(),r2.height()), r2, paint);
An alternative way (which might be better in terms of speed and/or memory) would be to use int array instead of a new bitmap object, but I think this method is easy to understand.
Here's the alternative:
Bitmap origin=...;
Rect r1=...,r2=... ; //assumption: both rectangles are of the same size
//copy from region1 to temp pixels
int[] pixels=new int[r1.width()*r1.height()];
origin.getPixels ( pixels, 0, origin.getWidth(), r1.left, r1.top, r1.width(), r1.height());
//copy from region2 into region1
Canvas canvas=new Canvas(origin);
canvas.drawBitmap(origin, r2, r1, new Paint());
//copy from temp pixels to region2
origin.setPixels (pixels, 0, origin.getWidth(), r2.left, r2.top, r2.width(), r2.height());
I hope I didn't make any mistakes here, since I haven't tested it.
I'm trying to port an emulator that i have written in java to android. Things have been going nicely, I was able to port most of my codes with minor changes however due to how emulation works, I need to render image at pixel level.
As for desktop java I use
int[] pixelsA = ((DataBufferInt) src.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
which allow me to get the reference to the pixel buffer and update it on the fly(minimize object creations)
Currently this is what my emulator for android does for every frame
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
buffer = Bitmap.createBitmap(pixelsA, 256, 192, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);
canvas.drawBitmap(buffer, 0, 0, null);
pixelsA is an array int[], pixelsA contains all the colour informations, so every frame it will have to create a bitmap object by doing
buffer = Bitmap.createBitmap(pixelsA, 256, 192, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);
which I believe is quite expensive and slow.
Is there any way to draw pixels efficiently with canvas?
One quite low-level method, but working fine for me (with native code):
Create Bitmap object, as big as your visible screen.
Also create a View object and implement onDraw method.
Then in native code you'd load libjnigraphics.so native library, lookup functions AndroidBitmap_lockPixels and AndroidBitmap_unlockPixels.
These functions are defined in Android source in bitmap.h.
Then you'd call lock/unlock on a bitmap, receiving address to raw pixels. You must interpret RGB format of pixels accordingly to what it really is (16-bit 565 or 32-bit 8888).
After changing content of the bitmap, you want to present this on screen.
Call View.invalidate() on your View. In its onDraw, blit your bitmap into given Canvas.
This method is very low level and dependent on actual implementation of Android, however it's very fast, you may get 60fps no problem.
bitmap.h is part of Android NDK since platform version 8, so this IS official way to do this from Android 2.2.
You can use the drawBitmap method that avoids creating a Bitmap each time, or even as a last resort, draw the pixels one by one with drawPoint.
Don't recreate the bitmap every single time. Try something like this:
Bitmap buffer = null;
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
if(buffer == null) buffer = Bitmap.createBitmap(256, 192, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);
canvas.drawBitmap(buffer, 0, 0, null);
EDIT: as pointed out, you need to update the pixel buffer. And the bitmap must be mutable for that to happen.
if pixelsA is already an array of pixels (which is what I would infer from your statement about containing colors) then you can just render them directly without converting with:
canvas.drawBitmap(pixelsA, 0, 256, 0, 0, 256, 192, false, null);
I have to scan a Data Matrix written on something like this.
The code is white/light gray but the background reflects different colors, depending on the position of the camera(angle), light.
Where would be the right place to edit the image captured in Android Zxing?
Is there any possible adjustment to make the image black on white before processing?
Any idea would be great.
Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(500, 500, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);
Canvas c = new Canvas(bm);
Paint paint = new Paint();
ColorMatrix cm = new ColorMatrix();
ColorMatrixColorFilter f = new ColorMatrixColorFilter(cm);
int xo = (w-500)/2;
int yo = (h-500)/2;
c.drawBitmap(bmp, -xo, -yo, paint);
Also have a look at this class:
Maybe you are using by default the GlobalHistogramBinarizer, which is faster but doesn't work so good with gradients.
It seems that you need some image processing before recognition. Previous answer suggest histogram bianrizer, which is sensitive to background intensity changes. Sauvola filter is known to have good tolerance to background changes ( and gradients), but has higher processing time.
( Implemented in our OCR Project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/javaocr/ , and you can see it in action
in this application: https://market.android.com/details?id=de.pribluda.android.ocrcall&feature=search_result )