I’m using a database helper to update a table with one row and two fields, I have the following code that that sends two phone numbers through.
dbHelper.updateNumbers(newSmsNumber, newVoiceNumber);
and the following method in the helper.
public void updateNumbers(String newSmsNumber, String newVoiceNumber) {
//Update code here
Can anyone show me the code I need to add in the method to update the two fields in the database.
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put("SMS", newSmsNumber);
cv.put("Voice", newVoiceNumber);
db.update("[table name]", cv, "ID=?", new String[]{Integer.toString(id)});
There are some gaps to fill up though, the table name, and how you identify the entry you want to update (I put a "ID" field there in that example)
Did not run that code, did not really check, but that should give you an idea.
I'm trying to update a table in SQLite android. I have a column called 'quantity' which stores qty of some items, say item1, item2 ...
Now when I purchase item1, I'd definitely want to 'add' the purchased qty to an existing qty of item1.
I searched the web but couldn't find a solution, hence asking this.
My simple code's below:
// This method is used to 'UPDATE' the table 'stock'.
// This method will be used by two fragments,
// 'sale' and 'purchase' fragments.
public int updateData(String cigaretteName,int quantity, int cost, int totalCost) {
// Accessing the database with writable functionality so it can be updated.
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
// Creating content values object to put the new values in existing rows with old values.
ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();
contentValues.put(StockEntry.COLUMN_QUANTITY, (StockEntry.COLUMN_QUANTITY + quantity));
contentValues.put(StockEntry.COLUMN_COST, cost);
contentValues.put(StockEntry.COLUMN_TOTAL_COST, totalCost);
// Which row to update, based on the cigarette name.
String selection = StockEntry.COLUMN_CIGARETTES_NAME + " LIKE ?";
String[] selectionArgs = {cigaretteName};
// Updating the table with the new values and then returning the number of rows affected.
return db.update(StockEntry.TABLE_NAME, contentValues, selection, selectionArgs);
This isn't working at all, now it doesn't even update the column/row.
contentValues.put(StockEntry.COLUMN_QUANTITY, (StockEntry.COLUMN_QUANTITY + quantity));
Do help guys!
I would suggest simple approach to overcome these kind of SQLite related issues.
Use SQLite Manager which is plugin for FireFox browser
Download from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sqlite-manager/
Create your dummy database there
Perform your CRUD operations here
Once everything working fine in SQLite Manager then use same query inside your project.
Above way will save your development time as well as testing.
I have a database with multiple tables. One of these tables (sport) is where i have to put a static list of object, each one with an _id, name, logo and an int. The _id will be used by other tables to do some queries (eg. select from "table X" where sport_id = _id), so it shouldn't change overtime (is there a way to update all the reference to this _id if it will change?).
Where should i put the code (i think it will be a simple list of db.insertSport()) to make it add this row only one time (and check if the row number grow, to add the new ones)?
There won't be much row, 50 at the best.
I think I would make a method in the dbHelper to insert that data, then call that method immediately upon app start. I'm making a couple of assumptions here... first that you are shipping this static info with the app and when you want to add more info you will be shipping a new version.
You could store the data as a text file in your assets folder and then read the file in execute a batch insert in the method.
If you set it up right (use insertWithOnConflict and the CONFLICT_IGNORE flag in the method) it will only add the new rows (if any) each time so you can run it every time the app starts and not worry about duplicate data or crashes for constraint violations.
If you only want it to run the once and then again when there is additional info, put a version number in the text file and check that against the previous one (which you can store in SharedPreferences).
Example of using insertWithOnConflict:
public long createItem(String yourdata) {
ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues();
initialValues.put(YOUR_COLUMN, yourdata);
return mDb.insertWithOnConflict(YOUR_TABLE, null, initialValues,
You can read up on the SQLiteDatabase class (which has the constants and methods) here
I am new to android and i have just learned how to use the database and i have a couple of questions:
How can we apply keys on the data in the database in android just like we give in Oracle database? Is it possible? If no please tell me why.
When i am deleting the first row in a database (Whose id is '1') the below rows id's are not coming in serial number i.e., id for the second row (Now first row) is '2' why not '1'.
Thank you
ok, from first,
"How can we apply keys on the data in the database in android just like we give in Oracle database? Is it possible? If no please tell me why."
Ans - We can apply the all rule which one applies to a any other database, like oracle, mysql etc... So you can have both concept of primary key and foreign key in Android's SQLite database.
2.When i am deleting the first row in a database (Whose id is '1') the below rows id's are not coming in serial number i.e., id for the second row (Now first row) is '2' why not '1'?
Ans : as per the database rules whenever you delete any records from row then its key is remains same, its not changed and whatever data after that records are also has a same key or ID so whenever you want to access that data the ID or key remain same.
EDIT: and If you want to modify that key or ID you can use UPDATE query for that.
EDIT: update(String table, ContentValues values, String whereClause, String[] whereArgs)
Updating Values
To execute an update statement, we have two ways:
1. To execute db.execSQL
2. To execute db.update method:
public int UpdateEmp(Employee emp)
SQLiteDatabase db=this.getWritableDatabase();
ContentValues cv=new ContentValues();
cv.put(colName, emp.getName());
cv.put(colAge, emp.getAge());
cv.put(colDept, emp.getDept());
return db.update(employeeTable, cv, colID+"=?",
new String []{String.valueOf(emp.getID())});
The update method has the following parameters:
1. String Table: The table to update a value in
2. ContentValues cv: The content values object that has the new values
3. String where clause: The WHERE clause to specify which record to update
4. String[] args: The arguments of the WHERE clause
Convenience method for updating rows in the database.
Hope you will understand it.
I want to update a value in a specific column in a specific row in my SQLite database. What type of SQLite call should I make? Can I use rawQuery() to do this or should I use the update() method. What would the call be for these?
The one I have right now is this:
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("c_uploaded", "true");
String where = new String("WHERE c_created_at = ?");
String[] created = new String[] {"Tuesday"};
db.update("TABLE", values, where , created);
So I want to update the c_uploaded column to true where the c_created column is tuesday
Does this make sense or is there a better what to do this?
Appreciate the help.
Here is the documentation for SQLiteDatabase, and here is a good tutorial on how to use it.
As far as the answer to which method you should use, its up to you. If you have a simple update then .rawQuery() may be easiest. If there are a lot of values, then .update() would probably be easier.
i created a database with 6 columns and i have a create and update method in my class that takes 6 parameters/arguments which represent these columns. my problem is that, anytime i try to update or create the database without using all 6 arguments (setting some to null), i get an error "constraint failed". this is most particular with the update method.
any ideas how i can get around this? because sometimes i don't want to fill all columns. I have removed the "text not null" constraint when creating the database. Thank you.
You're going to want to use the ContentValues to achieve this. Heres a quick demo.
My function
public boolean updateStuff(int id,ContentValues args) {
return mDb.update(TableName, args, _id_col + "=" + id, null) > 0;
And to call it. Note you can put as many ContentValues as you need
ContentValues initValues = new ContentValues();
mDB is a SQLiteDatabase