I am using gooleplaces API. I have a response in json, but the problem is I want to populate listview according to distance. I make the sorted distance arraylist in ascending order using collections.sort(), but how do I sort other lists based on this sorted list to populate my listview correctly?
If you are creating separate lists, then you need to your define method, and if you are using list of single collection, or data structure, you can define your comparator, then call sort on this, list.
Finally I resolve my problem using bubble sort.
if (distanceList.size()>1) // check if the number of orders is larger than 1
for (int i=0; i<distanceList.size()-1; i++) // bubble sort outer loop
for (int j=0; j < distanceList.size()-1-i; j++) {
if (distanceList.get(j)>(distanceList.get(j+1)) )
int temp = distanceList.get(j);
distanceList.set(j,distanceList.get(j+1) );
distanceList.set(j+1, temp);
String temp1 = nameList.get(j);
nameList.set(j,nameList.get(j+1) );
nameList.set(j+1, temp1);
String temp2 = vicinityList.get(j);
vicinityList.set(j,vicinityList.get(j+1) );
vicinityList.set(j+1, temp2);
String temp3 = latList.get(j);
latList.set(j,latList.get(j+1) );
latList.set(j+1, temp3);
String temp4 = longList.get(j);
longList.set(j,longList.get(j+1) );
longList.set(j+1, temp4);
I created a listview that connects to a database. I want to show some of the newest items (maybe 10 newest items) that will add in a random time? How can I accomplish this? This what I have tried:
int i = String.valueOf(mKondisiList));
for(i = 0; i<=5 ; i++ ){
mKondisiList = myDbHelper.getListKondisi();
adapterKondisi = new ListKondisiAdapter(this, mKondisiList);
But this doesn't work.
Sorry but, this code block makes no sense.
int i = String.valueOf(mKondisiList));
for(i = 0; i<=5 ; i++ ){
mKondisiList = myDbHelper.getListKondisi();
adapterKondisi = new ListKondisiAdapter(this, mKondisiList);
To explain what you have did;
you are getting the list from your database
initializing the list adapter
setting adapter to list
then reverse your order of the list (but you are not notifying the adapter)
You are doing this in a loop exactly 5 times.
What you need to do is:
get your list from database
then reverse your order of the list
initialize the list adapter
set adapter to list
I should look like this:
mKondisiList = myDbHelper.getListKondisi();
adapterKondisi = new ListKondisiAdapter(this, mKondisiList);
If you want to show only limited number of items, you can do something like below:
ArrayList<Object> fullList = new ArrayList<>();
fullList = myDbHelper.getListKondisi();
//Add first 10 item to your mKondisiList
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
adapterKondisi = new ListKondisiAdapter(this, mKondisiList);
I am trying to read json array without object name, and pass it to a list.
My json looks like :
"facilites": [
" Air Conditioning",
" Pets Allowed",
" Fitness center",
" Kitchen",
" Internet",
" Sona"
I am trying to retrieve it using the following code -
for (int l = 0; l < chaletFacilities.length(); l++){
String facilities = chaletFacilities.getString(l);
list = new ArrayList<String>();
Inside the main loop I put to my pojo class chalets.setList(list);
The issue is in this line list.add(facilities); it only add the last element. After looping through all, list carry sona only.
Your list should be instantiated outside the loop.
list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int l = 0; l < chaletFacilities.length(); l++){
String facilities = chaletFacilities.getString(l);
An improvement would be directly add string to list instead of capturing it into a string variable like list.add(chaletFacilities.getString(l))
Move initialization of your ArrayList outside of your loop.
Do like this
list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int l = 0; l < chaletFacilities.length(); l++){
What you doing is initializing yourlist again and again and adding the element. So while last iteration the list is getting initialized again and only single element is being added to it.
ArrayList list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int l = 0; l < chaletFacilities.length(); l++){
String facilities = chaletFacilities.getString(l);
You are creating the new list always. So your list size will be 1 with the last value in chaletFacilities array.
Solution: Keep your list initialization outside the for loop as below, and add all the values under the array into single list you created in the top.
list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int l = 0; l < chaletFacilities.length(); l++)
What I'm trying to is making a list which contains series of numbers like [1,2,3,4,5,6...100].
In Java, it is simple using 'range' so I tried to find similar class in android.
Therefore, I found that some classes like Range and Intstream, but I don't know how to use them.
I'll be appreciated if you teach me how can I get my purpose, thanks.
You could write a simple function which would look like this:
public List<Integer> buildList(int maximum) {
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 1; i <= maximum; i++) {
return list;
And a call which produces your desired result would look like this:
List<Integer> list = buildList(100);
If you want an array instead of a list, do this:
int[] array = list.toArray(new int[list.size()]);
int size = 100;
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(size);
for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
Log.i("Value is = ", i+"");
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
You don't need to define the size because ArrayList is dynamically
while in some other language we use list[index] to get the value.
But here we use list.get(index) to do that.
anyone know hot to display random data from database in mysql and display in listview?
i can display all data without random, but i want to displayed it random, anyone can help?
my code :
for (int i = 0; i < response.length() ; i++) {
try {
JSONObject obj = response.getJSONObject(i);
Exercise exercise = new Exercise();
if (obj.getString("KindOf").equals(textKind.getText().toString()) && obj.getString("Type").equals("Strength")) {
} catch (JSONException e) {
If you want to shuffle an ArrayList, you can just use the Collections shuffle method.
FROM excercises
If you want it at DB level.
Create a random number with
Random rand = new Random();
int n = rand.nextInt(exerciseList.size());
Then use the random number as an index to get an item from your exerciseList and add it to a new array if it doesnt exist there yet.
To random ArrayList, you can just use the Collections shuffle method.
Or you can use random function in web service method when you access data from database.
I have an array adapter(string), and would like to convert it to a List<String>, but after a little googling and a few attempts, I am no closer to figuring out how to do this.
I have tried the following;
for(int i = 0; i < adapter./*what?*/; i++){
//get each item and add it to the list
but this doesn't work because there appears to be no adapter.length or adapter.size() method or variable.
I then tried this type of for loop
for (String s: adapter){
//add s to the list
but adapter can't be used in a foreach loop.
Then I did some googling for a method (in Arrays) that converts from an adapter to a list, but found nothing.
What is the best way to do this? Is it even possible?
for(int i = 0; i < adapter.getCount(); i++){
String str = (String)adapter.getItem(i);
Try this
// Note to the clown who attempted to edit this code.
// this is an input parameter to this code.
ArrayAdapter blammo;
List<String> kapow = new LinkedList<String>(); // ArrayList if you prefer.
for (int index = 0; index < blammo.getCount(); ++index)
String value = (String)blammo.getItem(index);
// Option 2: String value = (blammo.getItem(index)).toString();
// kapow is a List<String> that contains each element in the blammo ArrayAdapter.
Use option 2 if the elements of the ArrayAdapter are not Strings.