i'm having a problem on android ICS (version 4) and broadcastReceiver . please help:
i'm trying to listen to a simple intent of network connectivity change . i've tried the next tutorial (with the broadcastReceiver defined in the manifest alone - the first part of the website ) :
on ICS , it doesn't capture any intent , and on any other version it works just fine .
can anyone please tell me what's wrong? do i need to add a new intent filter other than the one that listens to CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE ?
has google blocked listening to such intents on ICS ? are there any other new rules for ICS that have changed ?
i think that other broadcastReceivers also won't work on ICS using the manifest .
The sample code shown in that link may work, but it needs an activity. On Android 3.1+, an application is installed in a "stopped" state. While in that state, no BroadcastReceiver will work, until the user manually launches an activity from the application. The application will return to this "stopped" state if the user force-stops the application from Settings.
So, add an activity to your project, launch it once, and then see if your receiver works.
Originally, it received the BootComplete Action and tried to start automatically when the app completes booting. However, while checking because startActivity did not work, I found out that context.startActivity executed by the Action received from BoradcastReceiver does not work.
Intent startIntent = new Intent(context.getApplicationContext(),MainActivity.class);
It's a very simple code that I can't explain, but it gets Received, but the app doesn't start. The existing apps seem to work without problems. It feels like a ghost.
There is a log like this, but I don't know what the problem is.
D/BootReceiver: BootRecived
D/ZLA: Setting app side flag to false due to ActivityStarter-Normal Launch
Please add the following permission to manifest and ask for user permission once when the app opened the first time by calling
startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION)); somewhere in your app :
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>
if you are targeting/running on Android 10 then it isn't possible to startActivity, thats Android new policy (check out HERE)
now docs suggest to show Notification and user may pick it and this will start your Activity (or may remove it and your app won't start)
my goal is show an activity in every where(even lock screen) on a specific time.
i could in previous android versions until Oreo do this work , but after Oreo Google change the methods, "if you want to display a view on lockScreen use "Activity.this.setShowWhenLocked(true);" :Google says. then i have to create an activity and only use a service wasn't enough.
My Solution : i use AlarmManger to run a service in background on a specific time, that service start my activity(my goal).
Problem : in previous versions android until Oreo , i don't have problem. app works fine . even that time i close my app from recent app , or phone locked. but in Oreo and newer when app works when it is in foreground.
point : in my intent i use this flag :FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
question : how to run a specific activity from a background service even when app is close or phone locked, in Oreo and newer version?
You can't achieve this desired result using background service instead you must consider Foreground service for this task. Here you can find further details about Foreground Services in Android. docs reference
Hope this will help you.
Pardon, but the question here is how to run an activity or a task even when the app is closed. Foreground service will exist as long as the user is interacting with the app or there is a persistent notification showing the task progress, this isn't a case here.
I'd strongly recommend you to go for the workmanager to perform background task. There is a brilliant codelab on the same here :
and read the docs here :
in addition that works i done previous, i understood MIUI in Xiaomi prevent from displaying pop-up window that comes from back ground , then i got its permission and solved problem, now i can see my view anywhere i want. here is a brief for whom that want :
Permissins :
1.Overlay window
2.pop-up window from background(in Xiaomi and probably Other Chinese Phone UI)
Levels :
set a alarm from Activity with Calendar & PendingIntent in AlarmManger to run my Service in a specific time
when i computed my values in Service then Intent to ActivityViewer, in this step i add FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK to my intent(according to google docs in android Pie you have to add this flag to your intent for this usage).
In my ActivityViewer according to google docs , I use Activity.setWhenLock() method to show my view even in lock screen and use TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY for Oreo and newer , and use TYPE_TOAST for version 6 until Oreo , and use TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR for before 6 , in setLayoutParams for setType.
I use this code for getting pop-up window from background permissin in Xiaomi :
Intent intent = new Intent("miui.intent.action.APP_PERM_EDITOR");
intent.putExtra("extra_pkgname", getPackageName());
My application contains a BOOT_COMPLETED receiver like described in other threads here. It works perfectly until I changed my app into a system application. Now the Receiver does not trigger the event anymore.
Any ideas for this issue? I'm using Android Kitkat 4.4.2 on a Radxa Rock Pro. Compiled my own image to register the app as system application.
we need more detail to help you, post the code and the manifest, also debug log, in other hand you must use Log.i(TAG, "onReceive."); to know if the problem is in onReceive() or when trying to run the service class.
I am new in android and I have develop an application in android but the issue is when i install it on my device it shows me 2 icons one is working and other one says that receipt organizer has been stopped unexpectedly.Kindly let me know how i can get out of this rid ?Is it some kind of code error or problem in the manifest or properties ?Also one more question now my api level is set to 18 if i set it to previous version then the functionality will not get disturbed right ?So let me know if any one can help.
Look at your manifest file. Your manifest file should have only one activity that has the LAUNCHER in the intent filter.
Choose your main activity (which should have this intent filter), and delete the intent filters from the other activity. after that, you should see only one application icon.
I'm triying to start a android service in android 4.0 when the device is booting, in boot time, but it's imposible , I had be used many codes, copy and paste. I had used code from here, stackoverflow of others examples and questions , but for me is imposible. I'm using android 4.0.1 in a table Acer Iconia A501. I put my code here. Somebody Can it try this code??? this is the page :This page please, it is easy
You need to register a broadcast receiver for the intent that is broadcast on startup. There is ZERO doubt that this is what you need to do.
See: BroadcastReceiver not receiving BOOT_COMPLETED
You need to do the same. Register a broadcast receiver and first make sure that you are catching the BOOT_COMPLETED event. Then its just a matter of doing a startService.
The problem is most likely in the Manifest. Check that you have exactly the right name for everything. Note the . in names like .MyBroadcastReceiver These are important. Missing just one thing will cause a problem.
Both the Receiver and Service definition must be perfect. Also check logcat and tell us what errors are there.