I want to show two Dialogs (default) at the same time, no matter if second one is shown then previous lost its focus but should remain on the Screen. I tried by many ways such as:
1) Creating two Alert Dialogs
2) Creating one Alert Dialog and other one Activity as a Dialog
but i never achieved my desired task. Image is shown below that just describes how i want to show such Dialogs (default) and layout would be same as to the Default dialog but here i just describe how should the dialogs be laid out.
It's not possible to show two dialogs at the same time in the same activity.
If you do want something that looks like a second dialog, I suggest you create a layout inside the first dialog that is hidden until you make some selection.
When I switch from Activity to AppCompatActivity in Android development, the dialog box seems to have a UI issue.
Here's how the dialog buttons look like using Activity:
Here's how the dialog buttons look like using AppCompatActivity:
Crop Photo is the Positive button, Full Photo is the neutral button, and the cancel buttons looks out of place. Can this be fixed or do I overlook anything?
I have also tried using import android.support.v7.app.AlertDialog or the default android AlertDialog, both result is the same.
This is how material design works. The affirmative action (the positive button) is always placed on the right, then on the left of it is the dismissive action.
Technically the guideline says that "Dialogs should not include more than two actions.", but it is fine if it doesn't leave the dialog in an indeterminate state. However, you may want to create your own dialog layout with a list instead of relying simply on the action buttons if you think the look-and-feel is bad.
I have two alert dialogs. Whenever app opens, the first dialog is shown. After some time, the second dialog is shown. But here problem is recently created dialog(second one) is in front. But I want the fist created dialog is in front and second one is behind the first one.
The problem with the dialog box is that you can not display two dialog box at a same time. You must hide first dialog box in order to display second one.
You can only display one dialog at the time, but you can "work around" this. When you are about to display your second dialog, you hide your first dialog, but your application remembers that the first dialog was open, so when you hide your second dialog you displays the first dialog again. In reality this will go so fast so the user is fooled that the dialog is layered over eachother(if they have the same dimensions).
But you cannot display a dialog on top of another dialog.
You can display first dialog in front :
When you are calling to display second one at that time call first dialog again so, that is in from view of your screen.
Let me know you understand this or not.. otherwise i will provide code for it..
You cant make two dialog active at same time either one should active and the other should inactive.In your case if you want the second should come background of fist then you have to call first dialog from the second.
I am using a dialog themed activity in android to show a popup from a application context. The dialog has a transparent theme, but the issue is that I want the underlying activity to have focus and not the popup though the popup must be visble. How do I achieve this in android?
I think you would have to use a Fragment and just make it look like a popup dialog.
You can not switch focus between activities. There's only one activity "on focus" at the time, and is the one that is being displayed at that point. The transparent background doesn't mean you can access the activity below.
If i don't get it wrong, you want to be able to interact with the activity's controls while having a "Dialog" on the screen. Any sort of Dialog class from Android will not help, since they take the focus away. Not really sure about PopupWindow, but i'm guessing will be the same thing as the documentation says "that appears on top of the current activity."
You are going to have to create a custom dialog using a RelativeLayout/FrameLayout within your activity.
I want to show a dialog (kind of splash screen) when my application is opened. Therefore I put a create and show dialog into onCreate(). The dialog opens indeed but first, the empty activity (white background) is shown.
There must be a possibility to prevent that empty screen to be shown? A lot of apps have a behaviour like that. I would like to have the dialog as the actual first screen to be shown to the user.
it would be better if we have code to see tasks taking time as per general solution
Android SplashScreen
Show spinning wheel dialog while loading data on Android
When my app is first run, I would like to have a welcome message displayed in a dialog box. Then the user can click next at the bottom, and the box stays but a new layout is displayed where the user can input information.
How would I go about this? It would also be great if I was able to add an animation between the two layouts, the second one sliding in from the right for example. Is this possible?
I was thinking I may be able to use