I am trying to convert an json string returned from a web service to local class object on android.
but got error: java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
the string returned is:
the code I am using is:
String result= convertStreamToString(instream);
try {
JSONArray responseObject = new JSONArray(result);
} catch (JSONException e) {
if I manually assign above returned string to a String variable, the convert is successful, no idea how is that. please help.
How to parse more then one JSON which each ending with null character(through socket TCP/IP).
As you can see the above response which has 2 JSON's each ending with null character...I can easily parse the single JSON but unable to parse more then one JSON..
It would be great if any one suggest any solutions!!
You can split the json string using the �� and loop through the array:
String s = "{\"ObjectID\":\"UHJvY1dpcmVsZXNzTXNn\",\"DeviceCode\":\"RUNEOjI=\",\"ActiveInputNames\":\"Q2hlY2sgaW4gRmFpbA==\",\"DeviceInputNo\":\"999999\",\"Activation\":false,\"Reset\":true,\"LocationID\":\"\",\"LocationGroupText\":\"\",\"ProtocolText\":\"\",\"CallBackNo\":\"OTE5MTgyNTcyMjQ5\"}��{\"ObjectID\":\"VFBpbmdPYmplY3Q=\"}��";
String[] array = s.split("��");
for (String string: array){
try {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(string);
//do what ever you want with this
} catch (JSONException e) {
I need to get the value of idinside studentarray. The response I get is,
"response": {
"student": [
"id": "125745",
"module": 3,
"status": 1
I tried using following code,
String userId = null;
try {
JSONObject object = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(response).nextValue();
userId= object.getString("id");
} catch (JSONException e) {
But it doesn't work. How do I retrieve id?
You are almost there, just you need to do this:
JSONArray students = object.getJSONArray("student");
JSONObject student = students.getJSONObject(0);
userId= student.getString("id");
Because the id value is placed in a JSONObject, then inside a JSONArray at index 0, then it is again placed inside a JSONObject.
Also don't forget to handle exceptions, the code above, is just for your understanding.
Hope that helps!!
Your value is placed in json array. So, you need to retrieve response object using getJSONObject and then get student json array via getJSONArray. Then you will be able to iterate through student objects. There is no way to magically get id from json.
Alternatively, you can map your json to Java objects using Gson, for example.
Try this :
Let all of the json is called
String serverResponse = "Response from the server";
try {
JSONObject object = new JSONObject(serverResponse);
String userId = object.getJSONObject("response").getJSONArray("student").getJSONObject(0).getString("id");
catch (JSONException e) {
Hope this helps.
Assuming jsonObject is a reference to your root json, you can get id of the first student:
JSONObject response = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("response");
JSONArray students = (JSONArray) response.get("student");
int id = (int) ((JSONObject)students.get(0)).get("id");
I have a problem with JSON
I get a json since https://proxyepn-test.epnbn.net/wsapi/epn
But when I want to display a single data eg "name".
The console displays:
org.json.JSONException: No value for Name
org.json.JSONException: Value status at 0 of the type java.lang.String can not be converted to JSONObject
Can you help me ?
here is my code :
String test2 = test.execute(restURL).get().toString();
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(test2);
String data = obj.getString("data");
String pageName = obj.getJSONObject("data").getString("Name");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
} catch (JSONException e) {
Try below:
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(test2);
JSONObject data = obj.getJSONObject("data");
Iterator<String> iterator = data.keys();
String key = iterator.next();
String Name = data.getString(key);
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(test2);
JSONObject data=obj.getJSONobject("data");
JSONObject ob1=obj.getJSONobject("1");
String pageName = ob1.getString("Name");
You have to parse your next level of JSONObject (labeled as "1","2","3".. from response).
It seems like issue in Json response structure you shared. why cann't it be array inside "data"?
Then you can easily read data as JSONArray with those objects as ("1","2","3"..) array item.
Android JSON parsing of multiple JSONObjects inside JSONObject
This is part of an AsyncTask that calls a web service that returns a JSON result. As you can see I hard coded the actual JSON return object. This was pulled directly from the error I got that specified it could not create the JSON object from the string object I was passing in, which is the variable result. That error occured when it hit new JSONObject(result) in the ParseResults method. Why would hard coding the exact string work but not the string being passed in?
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
try {
result = "{\"Response\":{\"ReturnCode\":200,\"ReturnMessage\":\"Information Successfully Retrieved\",\"ReturnData\":null,\"ReturnClass\":{\"PRO_ID\":\"11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111\",\"PRO_FirstName\":\"SILVER\",\"PRO_LastName\":\"HIYO\"},\"FriendlyErrorMessage\":null}}";
JSONObject jsonObject = new ApiMethods().ParseResult(result);
ParseResults method snippet.
public JSONObject ParseResult(String result) throws JSONException
JSONObject returnedObject = new JSONObject();
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(result);
Also below, as i stated in a comment to another user, is the return statement that is returning the data. This is being returned from a .NET MVC application. I added in the UTF8 when that was mentioned and still get the same error.
return Json(data: new { Response = returnValue }, contentType: "application/json", contentEncoding: System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, behavior: JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
And the entire error message:
org.json.JSONException: Value {"Response":{"ReturnCode":200,"ReturnMessage":"Information Successfully Retrieved","ReturnData":null,"ReturnClass":{"PRO_ID":"11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111","PRO_FirstName":"Silver","PRO_LastName":"HIYO"},"FriendlyErrorMessage":null}} of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject
Seems like your hardcoded json object is not a valid json object. This may be the reason why it throws exception. Check validitiy of json object here first.
type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject
This means "Use getString() for String"
getJSONObject() may cause this error.
class Response {
String returnMessage;
Response response;
response.returnMessage= "msg";
JSONObjct obj;
obj = response.getJSONObject("ReturnMessage"); // cannot be converted
It maybe a encoding problem. Browser (and source editor) may have converted the result string encoding.
Q: ... I am storing items for the JSON data as Strings which is resulting in some odd character appearing
A: new String(jo.getString("name").getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8");
Android JSON CharSet UTF-8 problems
Hard coded JSON string is valid. If you want to try, replace (\") with (") and paste it to the checker.
"Response": {
"ReturnCode": 200,
"ReturnMessage": "Information Successfully Retrieved",
"ReturnData": null,
"ReturnClass": {
"PRO_ID": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
"PRO_FirstName": "SILVER",
"PRO_LastName": "HIYO"
"FriendlyErrorMessage": null
JSON object is like a structure (or class)
It looks like this.
class Response {
int ReturnCode = 200;
String ReturnMessage = "Information Successfully Retrieved";
Sample code.
protected void onPostExecute(String result)
JSONObject jsonObject;
JSONObject response;
int returnCode;
String returnMessage;
//JSONObject returnMessage;
result = "{\"Response\":{\"ReturnCode\":200,\"ReturnMessage\":\"Information Successfully Retrieved\",\"ReturnData\":null,\"ReturnClass\":{\"PRO_ID\":\"11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111\",\"PRO_FirstName\":\"SILVER\",\"PRO_LastName\":\"HIYO\"},\"FriendlyErrorMessage\":null}}";
jsonObject = new JSONObject(result);
response = jsonObject.getJSONObject("Response");
returnCode = response.getInt("ReturnCode");
returnMessage = response.getString("ReturnMessage");
//returnMessage = response.getJSONObject("ReturnMessage"); // This may cause same error
catch (JSONException e)
Use this site to validate your json string
"status": "ERROR",
"msg_content": "Your old password was entered incorrectly. Please enter it again.",
"code": "400",
"msg_title": "Sorry. Error in processing your request"
if (str.startsWith("Bad Request"))
textview.setText(" ");
How to print inside the textview to display the msg_content using json
You need to parse json using JSON object.
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(str);
Then find string from JSON object whatever you want.
if (obj.has("msg_content")) {
String value = obj.getString("msg_content");
You will need to create a JSONObject and pass it the string as a parameter.
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(str);
Then to find a key in the JSONObject just call, always check if the JSONObject has that key before trying to retrieve it.
if (obj.has("status"){
String status = obj.getString("status");
if (obj.has("msg_content"){
String content = obj.getString("msg_content");
JsonReader is implemented in API 11. If you want to use it in GingerBread or below try this
Use following Code for extracting Information from JSON Objects:
try {
Iterator keys = jsonObject.keys();
while (keys.hasNext()) {
String key = (String) keys.next();
} catch (JSONException e) {
Also, if u have JSON as String, u can populate an object using following code:
try {
jsonObject = new JSONObject(theJsonString);
} catch (JSONException e1) {
I'm quite new to JSON but I would create a JsonReader and parse the JSON as per here