gps tracking on android - android

I want to make and android gps tracking application that will track other gps devices.
I will write you some of my things that I want but you can tell me if this is possible.
I want to make application in QT ( does QT have libraries for
connecting other gps devices
I want to use google maps ( if that is possible ) - so I can track
Is there any gps locator sdk? So I can buy device and connect it.
Can gps device send me some more information like fuel usage? For example I can make device that will read fuel usage and send me some sort of information to my server.
I need server for that? So I can only pay for some hosting? and maybe make php scripts that will handle me data?
That's probbably it, please respond so I can really see what is possible from all that.
Thank you.

1) While there a way to run Qt apps on Android (, I expect it to be a world of pain, as is usually the case with ported frameworks. Plus, very few people are doing what you want to do, so the developer community is probably non-existent (so it would be hard to get help when you get stuck). I would go with "native" for Android Java code and libraries.
The rest of your questions assume you using Qt. If you go native, of course, you can use the Maps SDK, the Android location stuff, etc.

1) I don't know what QT is. I'm assuming it's an app builder of some sort. Don't like 'em. Can't do any cool stuff with them. (That's a personal opinion. Ignore it if you want.)
2) There's no problem using maps in an Android app. See the add on library.
3) Most phones have GPS built in. Why buy an external one?
4) The GPS built in just provides your current location. Stand alone GPS units that can provide fuel information are querying an external database. I don't think they will share. Interfacing to their device for commercial use is very illegal. You could do it only if you are the only one ever going to use it.
5) The Google add ons library has a USB api. If you can design a device, you can talk to it. See 4 about fuel information.
You are going to have to learn how to program an app using Google Maps with GPS, learn the USB api, and find a device that you can electronically understand and can communicate via USB. Then you need to find a site that will allow you to interface with their fuel price database. (There's no way you can personally gather fuel prices nationally in a timely manner.)
You need to refine your specs after you program a basic Maps app that uses GPS. Then at least look at the USP api. Also, if you are looking into building your own electronics device, Google 'Arduino'. (Research USB interfaces with it. Out of the box, it uses an RS232 serial interface.)


How to use custom Google Assistant commands without "Let's talk to" and without IFTTT

I know this is broad question but I've spent counless hours searching for the right solution. Google provides at least 15 different types of Google Assistant connections all of them are different and I don't know which one to use for my project. The project is pretty simple - I would like to call dynamic url with parameters (webhook to my home server) from mobile Google Assistant.Example - I would say to my Android mobile phone
> Ok, Google set the TV volume to 50
and the assistant would call
where 'tv', 'volume' and '50' are the dynamic parameters (not static) so I could also call
> Ok, Google set the TV channel to 132
I just want a link or a name of the Google dev console that I can use. I don't want to waste another several hours just to find out that another Google package is not suitable for my project. Have anyone done something similar?
I know that I could achieve something similar with "Ok, Google let's talk to ...." but that is not my case.
There's no one-click mechanism to do this directly in Assistant. The smart home platform allows you to configure a service that would capture commands such as Channel and Volume and let you handle those commands in the way you want, using a cloud backend and optionally the Local Home SDK.
This may be a bit more work than you want, and you may want to consider existing smart home platforms which may handle some of the backend work such as which does have an Assistant integration already, though I'm less sure of whether it may work in your use case.
It's hard to answer your question without knowing your constraints. Are you a developer? Are you looking to make a commercial app? For non-commercial use you can use the Google Assistant Service to create custom commands that do whatever you want (including call your API). As a benefit, you don't have to say "hey Google" before your command.
Also, it would help to know why you can't use IFTTT, given that it seems to do exactly what you're asking for.

How to use NFC (HCE/Tag/Peer-Peer) or any other way to communicate between ios 11+ and android API 23+, its 2018 hasn't there been any upgrades?

First things first, I am writing this question after researching quite a bit.
Broader View of the issue
In this day and age, we require a more reliable way to perform peer-to-peer communication, preferably using technologies like NFC.
I mean we are in the year 2018 and I cannot believe that there isn't reliable means to communicate peer-peer between and ios and an android. I am talking about offline, close proximity/range communication, which can open up a new world of possibilities for mobile apps. Many of the apps we use to communicate with other devices require one or more of internet, login, credentials/authentication, etc. I am making this effort because most of the readers/users/developers do not actually know what has changed in 2018, so if anythings changed, I would love to hear it!
IOS has very weak NFC support, functionality-wise..?
IOS doesn't support Android Beam.
Not enough members are bothered to fix this or are helpless.
IOS doesn't support non-ios Bluetooth connection? (Doubt it/Tried but failed)
What I need
Efficient cross platform solution for communication between two different mobile devices preferably offline.
A way to send and receive money other than Apple Pay/GPay/Samsung Pay/iMessage/AndroidMessages, such as over NFC/Bluetooth preferably offline mutually, but connected to internet independently.
A way to automatically send data when two devices (different platforms and within ios) are in close proximity, without the need to login or register or any other steps. At least a way to trigger something upon nearing one device from the other, like NFC basically.
What I have
Working android application that uses android Beam to send and receive ndef messages, which is easy to do, between two android devices. So we can make the payment happen here in this case.
Questions arise when we try to proceed with android -> ios or vice versa.
I have read a lot of related questions where the answer is outright NO. However, am not taking time to write this question to be told it's not possible. I want the crowd here on stack overflow to help me find a way to workaround this situation. I know it is a lot to ask, but I feel this invention or discovery will help man app developers stuck in this same zone. This question should be answerable by someone who is ideally in the Fintech domain, and is an IOS developer or mobile developer, with working knowledge of card emulation, secure element, ios 11+ or ios 12 development, NFC, NFC tags, etc.
Can we use the secure element and NFC Tag with ios 12 or ios 11+ libraries to simulate this required functionality?
Does any third-party library get close to having the ios/iphone act like a NFC writer?
Can we simulate NFC writer for ios?
Can I simulate a tag on android device, have the iphone read it(do not want the apple pay popup somehow) and then follow through the next workflow via the internet? For example, if I had a sender and receiver (payments), since android supports a lot more than ios, can I simulate something on android so that either the apple pay thinks am a terminal of sorts and pays me electronically (securely of course), or at the least can I read apple pay credentials of sorts and simulate a terminal and accept a payment from ios on android?
Something on these lines, I know its not very clear, though I am trying to be clear and simple.
Suggested by others and why it is not a great solution:
WebRTC - Needs internet
alljoyn - Need only 2 device not 2+ and no need for server or client setup.
Relay Server not quite sure is offline or works
android-ios-peer-to-peer-architecture question talks a lot about it as well!
developing-mobile-p2p-payment-apps question, which seems to be relevant has NO answer.
why-android-ios11-cannot-communicate-via-nfc question talks about React Native. I for one have looked at PhoneGap and Nativescript which just have the same level of support for ios. In short, it won't work.
Any I left out, in short no solution.
//Due to the fact that there is no solution, I feel even more motivated to post this question. I feel we should come together as one and fight for this right. I mean usually seemingly impossible questions are answered here, so I figured you guys could take this as a challenge. The challenge would be to find a legal loophole, an ethical approach, nothing unethical of sorts. So let me know if we can arrive at any positive conclusion! Thank you for being patient.
//I have read the rules and "do not ask" section, so I would just request moderators to check if there *can* be any answer before you flag it or take it down, by which I mean we just need one correct answer, and it can come from anyone or anywhere.
I am pleased to reveal that there has been demand for this and Google has released Nearby API as early as 2016. This is the way to move forward. This is a device independent API.
Please checkout Monzo Bank's Nearby Pay
Google and others claim it works with Ios as well.
It has been around since 2-3 years, which means there should be good support and documentation, though I might be wrong.
I hope this answer paves the way for others in my position! Good Luck!

is there any way to prevent illegitimate locations on android/ios?

I'm thinking about developing an app for android or ios, but the whole purpose of the app is a game based on locations, like foursquare. the problem is that the game would be very unfair if people could spoof their locations with fake ones, and I was wondering if there is any way to make sure that the locations they give me are where they actually are.
Is this possible in any way, or will I just have to trust the user that they are using their real gps location, and not a hacked software to change it?
Thanks in advance
There is no general code/API solution for iOS and Android.
One thing that makes this difficult is that, even if the device API guaranteed accurate location, Android devices can be "rooted" and iOS devices can be "jailbroken" allowing the end user to modify the API implementation.

What can't you do with an HTML5/Javascript mobile app that you can do with a native mobile app?

I have just started researching creating mobile apps and from what I understand one big advantage of using HTML5/Javascript is that you can write one application that works with both Android and iOS.
I have also read that one of the drawbacks is that there are certain things that you can't do with HTML5/Javascript that you can with a native mobile app.
Is what I stated above correct? What will I not be able to do if I decide to go the HTML5/Javascript route?
While both native and web have their own positives and negatives, the one main advantage that native apps had over web apps was "Offline Access"
However that is now changing as HTML5 has support fo Offline Web Applications.
Some things for iOS:
Background audio/sound effects
Address book
Leverage CoreGraphics & OpenGL for advanced drawing
Camera access
Limited Calendar Access
It all depends on what you are going to do. If your app needs GPS, the accelerometer, or is very graphics intensive, then a native app is the only way to go.
Otherwise, I would go with something like Sencha Touch for your app for a couple reasons. First off, if you release an update with a HTML5 app, you don't need to force everyone to download it, it will update automatically. Also, as you mentioned, you only need to write one application for all mobile platforms, which expands the potential user base. Lastly, I think the internet on phones is getting fast enough to support internet applications very well, and this is only going to improve in the days to come.
Basically, it all depends on the specific needs of the application. Personally, I would go with HTML5 whenever possible, due to the mobility it gives you with platforms.
I think we can separate this into two lists...
What can be done on a mobile device that is not possible in HTML5:
Push Notifications
Advanced Graphics (3d, OpenGL)
File Uploads (possible on Android but not iOS)
Connect to Address Book
Connect to Calendar
What can be done in HTML5 but is easier or implemented better on mobile devices:
Camera Access
Offline Use
Device Location Services
Speed / Slickness of UI (hard to quantify, but apps typically still feel nicer when native)
(Please note the date this was answered on, this landscape could be quite different in 6-12 months or more.)
In theory not much, if you use titanium.
Unlimited Extensibility
Titanium’s plug-in architecture allows you code modules in Objective-C or Java to
extend your mobile app with custom native functionality and then call those
modules using Javascript in Titanium.
Though i have never used Titanium and dont know how well this works. I would stick with native development anyhow ... for now.

Morphing PHP driven site functionality into an Android App?

I'm completely new to Android DEV.
I want to make an app for a client that sells music, the idea is that it will be an alternate front end to the PHP site but will use some of the phone functionality such as locality etc.
Could anyone recommend the best approach to this? Would I look at developing via the Android SDK or via Flex/Flash? Is it possible to use php connections to retrieve dynamic data via android?
Any advice very gratefully received.
Your best bet would be developing your app using Android SDK as you can use all the available native features. From a Flex perspective, you have a limited set of existing android API functionality that is supported.
As long as your PHP backend supports all your HTTP requests, you are good with both Flex as well as Android way.
Hope it helped.
I highly recommend you check out jQuery touch. It is a simple UI, but you get features like access to location (I believe through the html5 geolocation api (if they allow you to know their location)) and the list layout would work perfectly for purchasing music.
Obviously this is just my opinion. The Android API can be a little overwhelming at times but you will obviously have the most control over the phone and hardware, but jQuery touch keeps it simple.

