ERROR: Failure processing PNG image in Android - android

I have saved my images in res/drawable folder but still it is giving me this error on console
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] libpng error: Not a PNG file
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] ERROR: Failure processing PNG image D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\drawable-ldpi\ic_launcher.png
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] libpng error: Not a PNG file
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] ERROR: Failure processing PNG image D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\drawable-mdpi\ic_launcher.png
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\aboutus.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/about').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\autofare.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/auto').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\busroutes.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/bus').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\busroutes.xml:63: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/right').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\busroutes.xml:72: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/cancel').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\firstscreenactivity.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/mumbai1').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\listviewofwesternavailabletrains.xml:8: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/cell3').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\main.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/first').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\mumbaihelpline.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/helpline').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\selectambulance.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/ambu').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\selectedwesterntraindetails.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/list6').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\selecthospital.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/hospital').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\selectservicelistview.xml:7: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/cell1').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\selecttrainline.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/curv').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\taxifare.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/taxi').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\westernavailabletrains.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/list5').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\westernavailabletrains.xml:18: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/cell3').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\youareatcentral.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/local').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\youareatcentral.xml:70: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/right').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\youareatcentral.xml:79: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/cancel').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\youareatharbour.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/local').
[2012-04-28 18:36:46 - Local] D:\Android2_worksapce\Local\res\layout\youareatharbour.xml:69: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/right').
I have saved the images (in png format) in resources, but it is giving me an error stating that it's not png file. Can anyone help me out?

One Easy but time consuming solution...
Try opening your png in mspaint and do save As. this issue will resolve..
i dont know why we need to do this.. but somehow its working for me...

Check this link for reference
Android does support 24-bit and 32-bit,
but it has some problem with ADOBE PHOTOSHOP's PNG files.
So the solution is to open in MS Paint and save again as Kalpesh Patel said.
Hope this may help you

This is because of any jpg file is mistakenly converted to a png file. If you have added any images in drawable folder (asset folder) then make sure that all images extension should be png means do not change extension jpg to png. If you want to convert jpg to png then use online tool or editor to convert.
The issue is if image is not converted properly to PNG then when you run then it will give this error.
Solution: 1st do you added any images recently in a drawable folder? if yes then check all images extension should proper (i mean do not forcefully add png extension).
2nd if you not sure which image extension is not proper then you should have to edit all png images in the editor or online tool and save again into png file by this issue will get solved for sure.
I have spend 3 hours on this to figure out and i come up with this solution. It was my mistake i have edited jpg image to png but it is not properly converted to png so thats why it was giving me error. After i pick that image and properly converted to png file then it work for me!


Failed to re-package resources. building error from Unity

I'm trying to build my first android project from Unity..
CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources.
..\tools_r25.2.3-windows\build-tools\27.0.3\aapt.exe package
--auto-add-overlay -v -f -m -J "gen" -M "AndroidManifest.xml" -S "res" -I "../tools_r25.2.3-windows\platforms\android-23\android.jar" -F bin/resources.ap_
stderr[ AndroidManifest.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that
matches the given name (at 'theme' with value
AndroidManifest.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches
the given name (at 'icon' with value '#drawable/app_icon').
AndroidManifest.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches
the given name (at 'label' with value '#string/app_name').
AndroidManifest.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches
the given name (at 'banner' with value '#drawable/app_banner').
AndroidManifest.xml:5: error: Error: No resource found that matches
the given name (at 'label' with value '#string/app_name').
] stdout[ Configurations: (default)
Files: AndroidManifest.xml
Src: () AndroidManifest.xml
I'm aware of the fact that I'm not the first to have a similar error, yet I've not bean able to fix this yet and would appreciate any help.

Possible to create subfolders in drawable folder in Android Studio? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Can the Android drawable directory contain subdirectories?
(22 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Is it possible to create subfolder structures inside main res folders, especially in drawable folder using Gradle?
I have attempted this so far
sourceSets {
main {
res.srcDirs = [
When I rebuild the project however I get this Gradle build error message something like this:
Error:(39, 23) No resource found that matches the given name (at 'icon' with value '#drawable/app_icon').
Error:(40, 24) No resource found that matches the given name (at 'label' with value '#string/app_name').
Error:(42, 24) No resource found that matches the given name (at 'theme' with value '#style/AppTheme').
Error:(45, 28) No resource found that matches the given name (at 'label' with value '#string/app_name').
Error:(50, 28) No resource found that matches the given name (at 'label' with value '#string/app_name').
Error:(55, 28) No resource found that matches the given name (at 'label' with value '#string/app_name').
Error:(73, 28) No resource found that matches the given name (at 'label' with value '#string/app_name').
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'. Failed to run command:
/Users/adrian/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140702/sdk/build-tools/android-4.4W/aapt package -f --no-crunch -I /Users/adrian/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140702/sdk/platforms/android-19/android.jar -M /Users/adrian/Development/alstom_framework/app/build/intermediates/manifests/debug/AndroidManifest.xml -S /Users/adrian/Development/alstom_framework/app/build/intermediates/res/debug -A /Users/adrian/Development/alstom_framework/app/build/intermediates/assets/debug -m -J /Users/adrian/Development/alstom_framework/app/build/generated/source/r/debug -F /Users/adrian/Development/alstom_framework/app/build/intermediates/libs/app-debug.ap_ --debug-mode --custom-package com.hiddenltd.framework -0 apk --output-text-symbols /Users/adrian/Development/alstom_framework/app/build/intermediates/symbols/debug
Error Code:
/Users/adrian/Development/alstom_framework/app/build/intermediates/manifests/debug/AndroidManifest.xml:35: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'icon' with value '#drawable/app_icon').
/Users/adrian/Development/alstom_framework/app/build/intermediates/manifests/debug/AndroidManifest.xml:35: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'label' with value '#string/app_name').
/Users/adrian/Development/alstom_framework/app/build/intermediates/manifests/debug/AndroidManifest.xml:35: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'theme' with value '#style/AppTheme').
/Users/adrian/Development/alstom_framework/app/build/intermediates/manifests/debug/AndroidManifest.xml:43: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'label' with value '#string/app_name').
/Users/adrian/Development/alstom_framework/app/build/intermediates/manifests/debug/AndroidManifest.xml:48: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'label' with value '#string/app_name').
/Users/adrian/Development/alstom_framework/app/build/intermediates/manifests/debug/AndroidManifest.xml:52: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'label' with value '#string/app_name').
/Users/adrian/Development/alstom_framework/app/build/intermediates/manifests/debug/AndroidManifest.xml:70: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'label' with value '#string/app_name').
This means to me that the gradle sees only the res folders specified by me in app.gradle file ? Therefore I added the rest of it to the app.gradle and same error occurs...
Can anyone help please ....
No, Android expects all the files to be in a single directory, and does not allow subfolders to be used.
Most apps use a naming convention in place of subfolders, so in your example you might end up with a list of files:

Google play-service resources error

I updated my SDK yesterday and after restarting eclipse all my projects which are using google services are broken. They only show me a red "!".
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support
\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:24: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.ActionBar'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:28: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:32: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.ActionBar.Solid'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:36: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar.Solid'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:40: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar.Solid.Inverse'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:122: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.ActionButton'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:125: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.Light.ActionButton'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:129: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.ActionButton.CloseMode'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:133: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.Light.ActionButton.CloseMode'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:137: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.ActionButton.Overflow'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:141: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.Light.ActionButton.Overflow'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:44: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.ActionBar.TabBar'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:48: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar.TabBar'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:52: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar.TabBar.Inverse'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:56: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.ActionBar.TabView'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:60: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar.TabView'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:64: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar.TabView.Inverse'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:68: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.ActionBar.TabText'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:72: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar.TabText'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:76: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar.TabText.Inverse'.
[2014-06-27 10:35:38 - BaseGameUtils] C:\Program Files\Android_ADT\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:80: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.Light.ActionMode.Inverse'.
That is what console says to me. I don't know whats the problem. I setup a new workspace, linked libraries completely new to my projects and to BaseGameUtils, but the errors wouldn't be fixed.
I even tried Eclipse Juno, Luna and ADT... It seems to be impossible to get my code working.
I really run out of ideas.
In the manifest there is a target version 13. Use it then below the Android manifest of a library.
In manifest file,
android:targetSdkVersion="13" />

Android libpng ERROR: Failure processing PNG image - maven-plugin

Compiling my project with android-maven-plugin gave me the following png error. Eclipse with android-m2e compiles and deploys without a problem onto my tablet. Is this an issue with the aapt command and libpng?
[INFO] /Users/foo/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/aapt [package, -f, -M,
/Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/AndroidManifest.xml, -S, /Users/foo/source/app/abc-
android/res, -S, /Users/foo/source/app/abc-
android/target/unpack/apklibs/, --auto-add-overlay,
-A, /Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/target/generated-sources/combined-assets/assets, -I,
/Users/foo/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-15/android.jar, -F,
/Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/target/abc-android-0.1-SNAPSHOT.ap_, --debug-mode]
[INFO] libpng error: Not a PNG file
[INFO] ERROR: Failure processing PNG image /Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/res/drawable-hdpi/login_full_screen.png
[INFO] /Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/res/layout/achievement_grid_item.xml:7: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '#drawable/achievement_3_in_arow').
[INFO] /Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/res/layout/achievement_grid_item_post_class.xml:6: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '#drawable/achievement_3_in_arow').
[INFO] /Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/res/layout/ant_fragment.xml:8: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/distance_bg').
[INFO] /Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/res/layout/ant_fragment.xml:89: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/cadence_bg').
[INFO] /Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/res/layout/ant_fragment.xml:168: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '#drawable/heat_arrow_narrow_full_both').
[INFO] /Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/res/layout/ant_fragment.xml:198: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '#drawable/avg_max_separator').
[INFO] /Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/res/layout/ant_fragment.xml:231: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/power_bg').
[INFO] /Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/res/layout/ant_fragment.xml:318: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '#drawable/total_effort_bg').
[INFO] /Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/res/layout/ant_fragment.xml:350: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '#drawable/heat_arrow_wide_full_both').
[INFO] /Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/res/layout/ant_fragment.xml:380: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '#drawable/avg_max_separator').
[INFO] /Users/foo/source/app/abc-android/res/layout/ant_fragment.xml:415: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/resistance_bg').
Open the png file in MS Paint and re save it as png file. It will convert the png to 32-bit format. Since Android supports both 24-bit and 32-bit png's , it makes me think there is something with Adobe Photoshop generated png's which Android does not like.
Refer : Canvas & Drawables

Android drawables eclipse error

I've a problem with my project. Eclipse gives me this mistakes
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] libpng error: Not a PNG file
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] ERROR: Failure processing PNG image C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\drawable\icon.png
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\layout\main.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/background').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\layout\main.xml:47: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawableLeft' with value '#drawable/address').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\layout\main.xml:57: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawableLeft' with value '#drawable/web').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\layout\main.xml:64: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawableLeft' with value '#drawable/phone').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\layout\main.xml:72: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawableLeft' with value '#drawable/fax').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\layout\main.xml:80: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawableLeft' with value '#drawable/email').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\layout\main.xml:91: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/back_burc').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\layout\main.xml:126: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '#drawable/back_burc').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\layout\main.xml:175: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawableLeft' with value '#drawable/play_btn').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\layout\main.xml:184: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawableLeft' with value '#drawable/play_btn').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\layout\main.xml:194: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawableLeft' with value '#drawable/play_btn').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\layout\main.xml:205: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawableLeft' with value '#drawable/play_btn').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\drawable\tab_about.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '#drawable/about_burc').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\drawable\tab_about.xml:7: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '#drawable/about_burc').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\drawable\tab_freq.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '#drawable/freq_burc').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\drawable\tab_freq.xml:7: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '#drawable/freq_burc').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\drawable\tab_live.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '#drawable/play_burc').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\drawable\tab_live.xml:7: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '#drawable/play_burc').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\drawable\tab_programm.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '#drawable/prog_burc').
[2011-07-20 10:34:21 - BurcFM] C:\Users\muhammed\workspace\BurcFM\res\drawable\tab_programm.xml:7: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '#drawable/prog_burc').
it's seems like it can't find the drawables, but there are all in drawable folder, I don't know what's wrong, I just deleted a background and put a new one instead, after that it start giving this error.
Ensure your icon.png is either 24 or 32 bit. Android doesn't handle 8 bit PNGs.
Oh.For images, give the Image name without the extension. Worked for me. Maybe for any file.
chk your style.xml there you must be define your style and you must have icon.png files in your specific layout folder. may be your error will be solved.

