Trying to load downloaded webpage and images - android

I've downloaded a webpage html and the images inside it. Now, i'm trying to display them to the user. I've tried two different methods, and not sure which is best to use. Both have their issues.
First, I tried a text view with the following code:
TextView content = (TextView)findViewById(;
MyImageGetter mig = new MyImageGetter(this, urlId);
Spanned span = Html.fromHtml(contents, mig, null);
I really like how this works, except two issues. The first, and most difficult is when an article has lots of images, I get OutOfMemory fc's. MyImageGetter code is as follows
public class MyImageGetter implements Html.ImageGetter{
String urlId = null;
Context c = null;
public MyImageGetter(ArticleViewer articleViewer, String urlId2) {
c = articleViewer;
urlId = urlId2;
public Drawable getDrawable(String source) {
String[] brokenUrl = source.split("/");
String imgName = brokenUrl[brokenUrl.length-1];
File image = new File("/data/data/com.that1dev.RibbonReader/Offline/" + urlId + "/" + imgName);
Log.w("MyApp", image.getAbsolutePath());
Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(image.getAbsolutePath());
Drawable d = new BitmapDrawable(c.getResources(), bm);
d.setBounds(0,0, d.getIntrinsicWidth(),d.getIntrinsicHeight());
return d;
The other issue is the textview has different widths based on user choice and device orientation. The images in the view simply get cropped if they are larger than the textview width. However, I believe I can fix that without too much difficultly on my own. I just haven't tried too hard yet since I'm trying to fix the memory issue first. However, any assistance on either would be much appreciated.
The other method I've tried is a webview.
WebView webContent = (WebView)findViewById(;
webContent.loadDataWithBaseURL("", contents[1], "text/html", "utf-8", "");
Unfortunately with this, the background stays white no matter what I try, and is incredibly ugly. I cannot seem to find a work around that works in 3.0 and 4.0.
If I had a choice, I'd really like the TextView method to work, since I preferred the look of it to the way the WebView rendered things.

What you're trying to do here, fundamentally, is change how the web content is rendered - swapping out what the website writer (which might be you, I don't know) wrote the background to be. Anyway HTML doesn't really support transparent backgrounds of the web content, so the only thing I can think of that you might try is to actually edit the web content via JavaScript:
(Replace the above color with the color of your choice) calling that after the WebView loads will clear any background on the HTML, but you'll still have issues when it comes to any nested styling not on the body.
As for your image problem, you're opening all of the images at their default size and keeping them in memory. One of the things that the WebView does for you is to keep decimated (as in shrunk) renderings of the webpage images. If you want to fix your memory footprint, your best bet is to temporarily save the images to disk, and only open them when the user has scrolled to where the image needs to be - which is not going to be easy, by any means, but that's the only way to ensure that you aren't going to overflow your allocated heap space.


High resolution screen shot in Android

Is there any way to get a high resolution screen shot of a certain view in an activity.
I want to convert html content of my webview to PDF. For that I tried to take screen shot of the webview content and then converted it to PDF using itext. The resulted PDF is not in much more clarity.
My code:
protected void takeimg() {
Picture picture = mWebView.capturePicture();
Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(picture.getWidth(), picture.getHeight(),
Canvas c = new Canvas(b);
// byte[] bt = b.getNinePatchChunk();
// Bitmap b;
// View v1 = mWebView.getRootView();
// v1.setDrawingCacheEnabled(true);
// b = Bitmap.createBitmap(v1.getDrawingCache());
// v1.setDrawingCacheEnabled(false);
FileOutputStream fos = null;
try {
File root = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),
if (!root.exists()) {
String sdcardhtmlpath = root.getPath().toString() + "/"
+ "temp_1.png";
fos = new FileOutputStream(sdcardhtmlpath);
// fos = openFileOutput("samsp_1.jpg", MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE);
if (fos != null) {
b.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, fos);
// fos.write(bt);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("takeimg", e.toString());
protected void pdfimg() {
Document mydoc = new Document(PageSize.A3);
try {
File root = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),
if (!root.exists()) {
String sdcardhtmlpath = root.getPath().toString() + "/";
mydoc.setMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
PdfWriter.getInstance(mydoc, new FileOutputStream(sdcardhtmlpath
+ PDFfilename));;
Image image1 = Image.getInstance(sdcardhtmlpath + "temp_1.jpg");
// mydoc.newPage();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("pdi name", e.toString());
Update: See Edit 3 for an answer to op's original question
There are two options:
Use a library to convert the HTML to PDF. This is by far the best option, since it will (probably) preserve text as vectors.
Get a high resolution render of the HTML and save it as a PNG (not PDF surely!).
For HTML to PDF, wkhtmltopdf looks like a good option, but it relies on Qt which you can't really use on Android. There are some other libraries but I doubt they do the PDF rendering very well.
For getting a high-res webview, you could try creating your own WebView and calling onMeasure(...) and onLayout(...) and pass appropriate parameters so the view is really big. Then call onDraw(myOwnCanvas) and the webview will draw itself to your canvas, which can be backed by a Bitmap using Canvas.setBitmap().
You can probably copy the state into the new WebView using something like
Orrr it may even be possible to use the same WebView, just temporarily resize it to be large, onDraw() it to your canvas, and resize it back again. That's getting very hacky though!
You might run into memory issues if you make it too big.
Edit 1
I thought of a third, exactly-what-you-want option, but it's kind of hardcore. You can create a custom Canvas, that writes to a PDF. In fact, it is almost easy, because underlying Canvas is Skia, which actually includes a PDF backend. Unfortunately you don't get access to it on Android, so you'll basically have to build your own copy of it on Android (there are instructions), and duplicate/override all the Canvas methods to point to your Skia instead of Androids. Note that there is a tempting Picture.writeToStream() method which serializes the Skia data, but unfortunately this format is not forwards or backwards compatible so if you use it your code will probably only work on a few versions of Android.
I'll update if/when I have fully working code.
Edit 2
Actually it is impossible to make your own "intercepting" Canvas. I started doing it and went through the tedious process of serializing all function calls. A few you can't do because they are hidden, but those didn't look important. But right at the end I came to serializing Path only to discover that it is write-only. That seems like a killer to me, so the only option is to interpret the result of Picture.writeToStream(). Fortunately there are only two versions of that format in use, and they are nearly identical.
Edit 3 - Really simple way to get a high resolution Bitmap of a view
Ok, it turns out just getting a high res bitmap of a view (which can be the entire app) is trivial. Here is how to get double resolution. Obviously all the bitmaps look a bit crap, but the text is rendered at full resolution:
View window = activity.getWindow().getDecorView()
Canvas bitmapCanvas = new Canvas();
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(window.getWidth()*2, window.getHeight()*2, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
bitmapCanvas.scale(2.0f, 2.0f);
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 0, myOutputStream);
Works like a charm. I've now given up on getting a PDF screenshot with vector text. It's certainly possible, but very difficult. Instead I am working on getting a high-res PSD where each draw operation is a separate layer, which should be much easier.
Edit 4
Woa this is getting a bit long, but success! I've generated an .xcf (GIMP) and PDF where each layer is a different canvas drawing operation. It's not quite as fine-grained as I was expecting, but still, pretty useful!
Actually my code just outputs full-size PNGs and I used "Open as layers..." and "Autocrop layer" in GIMP to make these files, but of course you can do that in code if you like. I think I will turn this into a blog post.
Download the GIMP or Photoshop demo file (rendered at 3x resolution).
When you capture the view, just screen bound will capture ( due to control weight and android render pipeline ).
Capturing screenshot for converting to PDF is tricky way. I think two way is more reasonable solutions.
Solution #1
Write a parser ( it's simple ) to convert webview content ( that is HTML ) to iText format.
You can refer to this article for more information.
Also to write a parser you can use REGEX and provide your own methods like parseTable, parseImage, ...
Solution #2 Internet Required
Provide a URL ( or webservice ) to convert HTML to PDF using PHP or C# that has a lot of nice libraries. Next you can send download link to the Client ( Android Device ).
So you can also dynamically add some Tags, Banners, ... to the PDF from server side.
Screen Shot is nothing but picture of your device display which usually depend upon your phone absolute pixels, if your phone is 480x800 screen shot will be same and generally applicable for all scenarios.
Sure, Use this:
Bitmap bitmap;
View v1 = MyView.getRootView();
bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(v1.getDrawingCache());
Here MyView is the View you need a screenshot of.

Android: load only detail of large image

I'm working on a project that needs to use a large image as a map. The image is about 95MB and has a resolution of 12100 x 8000 pixels.
I don't need the whole image at once, I just need a detail of 1000 x 1000 Pixel (it's not always the same detail, just grabbing the same part is not a solution I can use). So I can't just sample it down with the BitmapOptions.
I looked around and found the idea to create a FileInputStream (the image is on the SD-Card) and then I can just load the detail with decodeStream(InputStream is, Rect outPadding, BitmapFactory.Options opts). That way I wouldn't load the whole thing into the memory. I tried it, but it's just crashing when I try to load the image. Here's my code:
FileInputStream stream = null;
try {
stream = new FileInputStream(path);
} catch(Exception e) {
Rect rect = new Rect(a,b,c,d);
return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(stream, rect, null);
When I try to load the image, the activity closes and LogCat tells me java.lang.outOfMemoryError. Why does it crash? I thought with the stream it should work on the image "on-the-fly", but the only explication I have for the Error is the it trys to load the hole image into the memory. Does anybody have an idea how I can load the detail out of the image, or why this idea doesn't work?
It crashed because all these 95M are sucked into memory for processing. This call will not ignore parts of the stream - it will put the whole thing to memory and then try to manipulate it. The only solution you can have is to have some sort of server side code that does the same sort of manipulation or if you don't want to do it on server - provide thumbnails of your large image. And I would strongly advise against pulling whole 95M at any time anyways
Does BitmapRegionDecoder not help (I realise its level 10)?

display huge Images in Android

I'm intending to display very large Images in Android. My first solution - to supply them as pdf - fails because not every handheld got a pdf-viewer preinstalled, and I don't want to require the users to install one.
So I have a png now (width = 3998px height=2827px) that I want to display. I downloaded this image to test how it would be displayed the gallery. It was quite painful. It seems that the galery renders this picture only once, and if I Zoom in, I cannot read the text at all.
So I wrote a testActivity which simply has an ImageView nested in a LinearLayout. I put the image into the drawable and set it as ImageView's image-source.
Unforunately the app crashes immediatly, due to an "
ERROR/AndroidRuntime(8906): Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget"
I didn't expect that ONE single Image can be too large forVM's memory. I played a little bit around, set ImageViews size to 3998 & 2827px , put the Image to sdCard and read it manually with a fileInputStream.
To my big surprise it now shows my image, but if I turn my Nexus S horizontal I get the same OutOfMemoryError as before.
Can somewone point me the main difference between recieving a Bitmap through a FileInputStream or to set it as ImageView's source.
Also I'm not able to scroll comfortable with two parent scrollViews
I searching for a simple solution to display ONE large image at a time with the ability to scroll horizontal and vertical while able to zoom in and out.
here is a sample of the image I want to display
I know it's an old post but I spent a lot of time on this problem, so here's my solution.
I wanted to display a 2000×3000 picture but I got out of memory or the image was too large to be displayed.
To begin, I get the dimensions of the picture:
o = new BitmapFactory.Options();
pictures = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new FileInputStream(f), null, o);
Then I cut it up into four parts and displayed them with four ImageViews.
I tried to load the full picture and cut it into four (using BitmapFactory.create(bitmap,int,int,int,int)) but got out of memory again.
So I decided to use some BitMapRegionDecoder:
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
ImageView iv = new ImageView(this);
InputStream istream = null;
try {
istream = this.getContentResolver().openInputStream(Uri.fromFile(f));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
BitmapRegionDecoder decoder = null;
try {
decoder = BitmapRegionDecoder.newInstance(istream, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
int nw = (j*width/k);
int nh = (i*height/k);
Bitmap bMap = decoder.decodeRegion(new Rect(nw,nh, (nw+width/k),(nh+height/k)), null);
This worked.
I know its an old question but I used TileView to do exactly this:
Try to use this one:
A custom image view for Android, designed for photo galleries and
displaying huge images (e.g. maps and building plans) without
OutOfMemoryErrors. Includes pinch to zoom, panning, rotation and
animation support, and allows easy extension so you can add your own
overlays and touch event detection.
You can use this "easy to integerate" source of WorldMap application:
This uses a huge image of a world map, and uses cache to display a map.
To integerate, I just copied all the java files (5 i guess) and used the surfaceView in my layout file. Then I went through the small OnCreate() method of and used the code in my activity (with sligh alteration, depending on my personal use).
This post is a good demo for zooming a picture using multi touch gestures. It uses Matrix to zoom as well as pan a picture.
To handle scaling etc and using full resolution, You can use MapView of OSM (open street map) and provide it with your tiles (instead of the map). Check this:
We have to follow following steps to remove out of memory exception while loading huge images:
1. Read Bitmap Dimensions and Type
2. Load a Scaled down version into memory
Android Developer's Guide defines how we achieve these.
here is the link

How to Set Background Image from asset folder in android?

I am facing problem while setting the backGround Image of LinearLayout from asset folder.
String filePath="file:///android_asset/images/test.png";
Drawable d = Drawable.createFromPath(filePath);
Can someone help me out.
First you create a Drawable object from the asset file:
Drawable d = Drawable.createFromStream(getAssets().open(path_in_assets), null);
and then set it to some View that only supports Drawables as a background.
As far as I'm aware, you cannot access assets directly like you are trying to. You'll need to use the AssetManager class to get at your data if you want to store it as an asset. Here's a pretty decent blog post explaining a bit about resources and assets, though the official documentation is also a good resource, of course.
I'll also add, though, that things like background images are typically best stored in res/drawable and accessed using the R.drawable.* style (the blog post linked above also discusses this) whenever possible. It's not really clear why you need to do it this way from your provided code sample, though, so I suppose that's ultimately your call.
EDIT: added create image from InputStream...
I had the similar problem using ImageButton. I figured it out by loading bitmap from assets and using it as image for ImageButton. Probably not a good approach, but is working and solved my problem - unability to have subfolders in drawable dir and not allowed characters in file names.
(Yes, I can use prefix instead of subdir, and rename files to match the pattern (lowercase only and numbers) and I probably will do it later.)
InputStream is = null;
try {
is = this.getResources().getAssets().open("Images/Fruits/Apple.png");
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.w("EL", e);
Bitmap image = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
ImageButton ib2 = (ImageButton) findViewById(;
ib2.setImageBitmap( image);

Set image / background source dynamically

is there any possibility to set background image dynamically?!
I try to explain what I mean.
String picVariable = getPictureFromServer();
ImageView image = (ImageView)v.findViewById(;
// I know, that doesn't work, but that's the way I looking for
Thank you in advance,
I also read this article. It would suggested in one answer, to use java reflection to get a field of the R class by name. But I've never used reflextion before. An example would be very helpfull
Sometimes I should take a bit more time for searching :)
I found the answer reading this article, and it works fine for me:
// The server says, it should be *.png
String picName = getPictureFromServer();
picName = picName.replace(".png", "");
Resources r = getResources();
int picId = r.getIdentifier(picName, "drawable", "com.mypackage.myapp");
ImageView image = (ImageView)v.findViewById(;
ImageView does not have any background, but for other widget (like Button), you should use setBackgroundResource(int).
Sorry, I am not sure I read the question correctly... maybe your problem is just that you are trying to use it with a Widget that does not use background ?

