The following code will produce a truely model dialog box, with close button. Truely model means, when you click on the area other than dialog box, the dialog box will remain active and will not close.
AlertDialog alert = builder
.setPositiveButton(context.getResources().getString(R.string.about_close), null)
The following will produce a dialog box without close button. When you click on the area other than dialog box, the dialog box will be closed.
AlertDialog alert = builder
Is there any way I can have a truely model dialog, without button?
I think it is better to make a custom alert-dialogbox. For more help check this
I wanna change only default alert dialog backgound but i didn'tfind anything usefull. I don't wanna change custom alert dialog them. I did it . The only thing i want to change default alert dialog background color. How can i change alert dialog backgroudn that is not created by me ?
In short on run time permissions dialog, you can't customize it.
When your app calls requestPermissions(), the system shows a standard dialog box to the user. Your app cannot configure or alter that dialog box. If you need to provide any information or explanation to the user, you should do that before you call requestPermissions(), as described in Explain why the app needs permissions.’
If you want to change the background of alertdialog, use belwo code:
Add this line and you will able to change the background color of alert dialog.
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(MainActivity.this);
builder.setTitle("Say Hello!");
builder.setMessage("Are you want to do this?");
AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();;
You want to change runtime permission request dialog colors I suppose. You can't customize those alert dialogs. They are default.
Take a look into this answer:
How can I customize permission dialog in Android?
I have alertdialog builder which shows multiChoiceItems, there are many items so all options are not visible and scrollable list is created but scroll bar hides after some seconds. How can I make it visible all the time?
I'm not using custom builder. I know this method but how can I use it setScrollbarFadingEnabled(false)?
You can't do this to a AlertDialog builder. However it is possible to do it to AlertDialog.
Get the AlertDialog from your builder.
AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();
Then you have to show your dialog before you manipulate it.;
Now the methods are available and won't throw errors. Note: You can style your positive and negative buttons here too.
Suppose you have an AlertDialog with two buttons A and B. I have found that on some devices and some versions of android, if you touch any area of the screen around the dialog, the AlertDialog disappears. On other devices you are forced to select either A or B, so there is no way I can allow the user to cancel the action without adding a third ('Cancel') option to the AlertDialog. Is there any way to determine programmatically whether the third option is required?
You can control it with dialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(true);
For more information :
How to dismiss the dialog with click on outside of the dialog?
Dialog dialog = new Dialog(context)
i want to show dialog (not alert dialog) but i don't want dialog show modal.
How to set dialog to show modal or not?
this is my code
Dialog dialog = new Dialog(CategoryList.this);
you can use PopupWindow instead, and setOutsideTouchable(true).
or try this
My problem is when dialog box is showing at that time may i click outside the dialog box, at that time my dialog box is dismissed automatically. What can i do. Please send answers with code. Thanks.
Hi this line is used to dismiss dialog Box.
This line is is used for does not dismiss dialog Box.