APKinspector - Find String from Strings in SideView - Shortcut? - android

Searching for this has become exasperating - failing after three weeks of searching! So I hope one of you can tell me how I can kind of open a string that is shown in the APKInspector's SideView Strings list. Or rather opening the Method/Class it can be found in.
I tried everything that came to mind before starting to search.
If the solution is easy&&I'm too stupid to feel free to punish me.
Otherwise: Thank you so very much in Advance!

Currently there is no link between the strings listed and their source (class, method, etc.), so unfortunately there is no easy solution.
For what it's worth, JEB (https://www.pnfsoftware.com/index.php) does provide this capability. It's a commercial tool, but it's currently maintained much better than the open source alternatives.


Just starting Android Studio, I need guidance

I just decided today that I wanted to make a gallery app for my phone, pretty much just combine several features I like from different apps I've tried into one, perfect app, for me. The problem however is that although I know some java, took Programming 1 & 2 and currently taking AP Computer Science in high school, I have no idea where to begin. I roughly know and even less so understand the layout of Android Studio, but I can get by. I need help finding useful resources online to help me learn or even someone who is able to answer the probably many questions I have. I've watched some youtube videos and tried reading some tutorials but I haven't found anything that clears things up for me. I will ask a few questions now:
1.) I have no idea where to start or what to use to get the app to show images from device storage and micro sd card in a grid view. I have read things about using the RecyclerView to not use as much resources, and also something about Glide for better performance(I think thats what both those do, if I understand correctly) but I have no idea what to do with either or even how to use either.
2.) In the xml design portion I'm not good at navigating everything and understanding what I should use for what. I can make a good design in photoshop or other programs but I'm not sure how to actually take that vision and translate it into working pieces.
3.) Pretty much I just need help and will probably think of more questions as someone tries to answer those.
There are lots of good, free tutorials on the net. For example on the official Android Developer site: https://developer.android.com/training/index.html
- where you can find a lot of useful example code snippets, but there are other sites also - https://www.tutorialspoint.com/android/index.htm . It starts with the very basics and has lots of examples too.
Other non-free tutorials can be found at
udacity.com - Android Developer Nanodegree by Google
To reach data from your device storage or from your micro SD card you have to understand the principle working of content providers.
I do not recommend Recycle View, when you are a beginner, because it is a more complex thing than a List View (or Grid View). Start with these and then upgrade.
Glide is cool thing, because it saves you from a lot of useless coding and easy to use. On their GitHub page you find detailed instructions how to import it to your project - I recommend Gradle - and how to use it.
In my point of view, start reading one of the free sites patiently and than you are going to get answer for your questions, but it is very important to understand the basics.
I hope I helped! Sorry for my bad English, I used it a long time ago.

What's the best site to get thorough help with android app development?

I can't decide where I should take my android coding problems online. There's stackoverflow, but only specific questions seem appropriate whereas I'm really looking for somewhere to get mentoring and where there are patient people happy to take the time to actually look through your code and help you identify problems.
Many forums that seemed like likely subjects look pretty inactive to me or seem to have a ratio of one expert to hundreds of newbies.
So what would you recommend? I'm open to non-android specific sites too (of which their are many I know) if you think they would have what i'm looking for. And any other invlauable resource sites too.
Hope this kind of question is appropriate for stackoverflow, If not, apologies!
(e.g. this answer https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2869338/where-to-start-to-learn-android/2869373#2869373)
Welcome to Stack Overflow Holly!
This is a perfectly fine place to ask questions when you are teaching yourself how to develop software (be it Android or whatever). Here are lots of highly skillful people that enjoy helping people with this. There are however a few expectations when asking questions on Stack Overflow:
First of all, you should read the FAQ to understand few basics on how the site works.
Secondly, the How to Ask page gives you many good hints on how to formulate a good question, some of the important being:
Do your homework: you should search for existing questions that answer what you're looking for - and also don't forget to do a web search as well
Be specific: make sure that people understand exactly what you're asking about, and preferably ask about one thing only in each question - this makes it much easier to answer
And last: don't expect people to do the work for you. We are more than glad to help you out, but if it shows that you ask about something you haven't even tried to figure out yourself, people will not feel encouraged to help you.
John Skeet (famous Stack Overflow user, you'll learn that name soon enough) also has a nice blog post on Writing the perfect question. This is very much recommended to read.
If you only have a short question, or if your question is long and complex with lots of code attached to it, it doesn't matter: Stack Overflow is a great place to gain knowledge (and share knowledge!). So just keep the above points in mind, and I'll think you'll find this to be a nice place :)
If you need tutorials on basic android stuff you can refer

Where to find Android Development Homework Problems

Ok so I am starting off with android development and I have found a bunch of useful tutorials so I am set there. What I am looking for is a resource that provides homework style problems to do and has the answers downloadable so I can check my solution against the "official" solution.
So for example instead of the notepad tutorial it would be: "Build an application that you can create, edit, delete notes, ...etc.". Ideally the "official" solution would have some explanation as to why they built it the way they did. (so a tutorial at the tail end)
Anyone know of any resources that provide their tutorials in this format?
Okay, here's one: build me an app that allows the user to make, modify, and store notes. The 'official' answer is the Notepad app in the 9th level of the api. (Note that this is different from the notepad tutorial).
The point is that asking questions is easy, the harder part is actually making a program that does the job. And #Roflecoptr is right, at this level it can be implemented very differently. But if you want that mindset, you can write your own 'homework' easily. Just think up a few things you want that are simple, build it, does it do what you want well? Then you pass.
Despite for very trivial problems I dont think this is possible, because there are way to much possible implementation possibilites so that you can't compare your solution to the "official" solution.
But why do you need something like that? If you want to learn to program on Android, you can just follow some tutorials you've already found and then modify them, adapt them to your needs. When you get more used to the development of Android apps you can just get some ideas on tutorials/android development sites and then implement your own solution. There is plenty of help available here on SO and on other development sites, which will help you if you really get stuck.
You could always go to the Android Samples page, and without looking at their implementations, do your own and compare. The samples page is here:

Android language pack

I want to create language pack for android. How can I do this. If anyone knows how or where to find info about this topic please share your knowledge. I'd appreciate any pointers to the right direction.
Perhaps start by looking at the Locales in Android?
Apparently it's not possible to make languages packs for Android without contributing to the Android Open Source Project. It seems a few people have the same question as you. If you're interested in a specific Android app, that's dependent on the flexibility of the app itself. Sorry for the original, rather lacking, answer.

Quick access to Android for a third person

Recently I was asked if I could help someone to get quick-started to android programming.
What would you suggest to tell this person?
Would you explain everything by hand or just refer to external links?
Which ressources would you recommend?
This whole issue should not take too much time...assuming 2-3 hours
Once my access to this issue was "Professional android application development".
Java basics are already preconditioned, so there's no need to explain ANYTHING.
For avoiding any misconceptions: This shall be just a quick start, no reference or something like this, so I just need some keywords and a hint how deeply go through it.
In my opinion, everything you really need is here: http://developer.android.com/index.html
All the downloads are easily accessible, the API reference is there, and the Dev guide is pretty well done.
This page has a getting started "Hello World" type tutorial that should work for your quick start: http://developer.android.com/guide/tutorials/hello-world.html
As far as your 2-3 hours goes. I would walk them through the hello world tutorial first as it gives a quick and dirty overview of the most important basics such as getting a project created and a virtual device up and running to test with. It will also start getting into installing and debugging.
That shouldn't take up all of your time so you may want to go into some basics of building a UI and concepts like Activities and Intents. Pointing out the API reference would be great at this point as well. I suspect that most of that 2-3 hours would be up if you get into any sort of detail on these.
Well you already mentioned a book in your question, so I would like to throw out http://commonsware.com/Android/ .
I've been working on an Android project for school, and I still have A LOT to learn, I dont think you can cover much in 2-3 hours. But anyway, with the above book, you can find an example that is similar to what your trying to accomplish(or go over), then look through the source code and what-not.
Aside from the Android Dev. website, the $40 collection of ebooks is the single best resource I have found to date other than Google searched or examples specific to my project.
Sorry if this doesnt really help your cause, but I figured it was worth pointing out.

