buttons within spinner items - android

I have a created a spinner for my application in android. How can I add a small button (or clickable image) at each item in which when you click on it, it takes you down one items in the spinner? Kinda of like "get me the next item " button without having to expand the whole list.
Thank you very much
An example is, I have my spinner
item 1_______arrowDown
item 2_______arrowDown
item 3_______arrowDown
So when you click on item 1, then this is the selected item. But when you click on arrowDown of item1, it chooses item2 as the selected value. If you click on arrowDown of item 2 then it chooses item 3 as the selected value. arrowDown can be a button or clickable image.

set DropDown resource of spinner to a xml file add button in that file


Hiding more than one view in spinner list in a recyclerview

I am trying to generate spinner list in a recyclerview, where there is a fixed string list for the spinner adapter. I want show in my app something like this-
when first-time spinner item is clicked in the recyclerview it will show the full list. Then if the user selects a value for the first row's spinner item in the recyclerview and then click the second row's spinner item in the recyclerview user will not see the first row's selected spinner item in the second rows vice versa for third row's of the recyclerview. Here I have attached screenshots.

Issue with ListView selected item color

I've created a list view which shows some data. When the user clicks on a specific item, its color should change.
This works, except that every 10th item changes color, not just the item clicked.
try add in your activity
this shloud make your selction single not multiaple selction

How to set background colour for listview selected item

Working fine when we use selector. but this is temporary. if focus change of list item then selected color also change. But i want different. When we click on list view item then that particular item color change. After that we can move another items of list view. When we click another item. then again this particular selected item want to set color, and last colored list item release from color

How to show graphically selecting an item after a button is clicked from listview in android?

I have list view which lists out items and I have disabled the touch on selection too. I have a button - when I click on next the second item in the list is selected but there is no graphical way to show that the second item is selected?
Is there a way to do so?

Selecting the currently selected item in a spinner

I have a spinner widget that only has one item by default, "Create new..."
My problem is if there is only one item in the spinner list, it's already selected, so clicking on it again doesn't trigger anything.
Is there any way to detect when an item is re-selected?

