Proguard and Netty on Android - android

Basically I am trying the same as this guy: How can I tell proguard to assume a package is not used? but am not able to add any comments.
I keep getting warnings like this:
Warning: org.jboss.netty.logging.Slf4JLogger: can't find referenced class org.slf4j.Logger
Basically, org.jboss.netty.logging.Slf4JLogger is referencing third party library class org.slf4j.Logger which is not part of my project. org.jboss.netty.logging.Slf4JLogger is not used either.
So I try to tell proguard not to load/use org.jboss.netty.logging.Slf4JLogger as proposed by Eric Lafortune but constantly fail in doing so.
I added -injars libs/netty-3.3.1.Final.jar(!**Slf4JLogger) or -injars libs/netty-3.3.1.Final.jar(!**Slf4JLogger.class) but this does not seem to do anything. Even
-injars libs/netty-3.3.1.Final.jar("!whatever is in here") yields the same results so I assume this option does not do anything...
How can I tell Proguard to not consider several specific classes in the netty.jar?

Using the latest ADT (18.0) which fixes some problems with ProGuard integration (as compared to ADT 16.00), I was able to successfully run my Netty based app with the following additional ProGuard Settings:
# Get rid of warnings about unreachable but unused classes referred to by Netty
-dontwarn org.jboss.netty.**
# Needed by commons logging
-keep class org.apache.commons.logging.* {*;}
#Some Factory that seemed to be pruned
-keep class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater {*;}
-keep class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterImpl{*;}
#Some important internal fields that where removed
-keep class{volatile <fields>;}
#A Factory which has a static factory implementation selector which is pruned
-keep class org.jboss.netty.util.internal.QueueFactory{static <fields>;}
#Some fields whose names need to be maintained because they are accessed using inflection
-keepclassmembernames class org.jboss.netty.util.internal.**{*;}
My conclusions about why a specific line is needed may not be 100% precise and this is definitly not the must tuned solutions but at least it works. Feel free to edit if you think you can improve this.


Evernote Android SDK library throws java.lang.VerifyError under R8

Facing notorious java.lang.VerifyError. Initially problem showed up in Fabric. Was able to reproduce (with identical stacktrace) once set minifyEnabled true for debug build.
Caused by java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class void failed to verify: void [0x6] 'this' argument 'Reference: org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase' not instance of 'Reference: org.apache.http.client.methods.AbstractExecutionAwareRequest'
void failed to verify: void [0x7F] 'this' argument 'Reference: org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient' not instance of 'Reference: org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient' (declaration of '' appears in base.apk)
at + 85(
I see that typically java.lang.VerifyError issues are recognized as related to difference between code to compile and run against.
This is not the case since code runs just fine when minification is disabled.
The way I see this can be helped is making another rule, but I am failing to understand which classes need to be kept from this error details.
We are already doing
-keep class com.evernote.** { *; }
-keep interface com.evernote.** { *; }
-keep class org.apache.http.** { *; }
-keep interface org.apache.http.** { *; }
... and those classes don't get modified in any way. I've checked it using -printusage ./full-r8-config.txt instruction and checking the output. Classes mentioned in error details do not show up there.
UPDATE 1 day later:
Really strange thing going on here.
So far I have a verified backup plan: switching back to proguard fixes issue.
But in case if I want to stay with R8, here comes:
using -dontshrink, -dontoptimize and -dontobfuscate (all three at once) does no impact;
forcing specific apache.http version dependency does no impact;
I've checked mapping: neither Evernore SDK, nor Apache http classes don't get obfuscated;
issue pertains when app executed on api22 device (emulator, actually);
I was able to debug code once I had -dontobfuscate set. All goes well until Evernote's ClientFactory#createUserStoreClient decides to instantiate TEvernoteHttpClient - the moment program execution touches latter class's constructor - exception thrown.
It looks like it is all good to go, but this verifier fails.
Later update:
Issue filed as a bug for R8: Please feel free to star it if facing similar situation (all code is in place but VerifyError is thrown)
Try to write below proguard rules.
-dontwarn org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64

Enabling Proguard effecting the appPerformane

I'm getting the "No Class Def Found Exception" for the ToolBar in some kitkat devices like Samsung, ALTP etc. As per the below link(bug reported to google) #138 - asking the app to use old library classes, if the latest library is not supported is the only solution. I added these lines in my fix this issue.
# Allow obfuscation of**
# to avoid problem on Samsung 4.2.2 devices with appcompat v21
# see
-keep class !**,** {*;}
I have fee in the xml format and proguard was not able to identify these classes,so added the below line too:
-keepclassmembers class * { *;}`
these are the only 2 changes i added extra. But after enabling proguard, my app performance is drastically reduced. It's taking lot of time to load pages and videos. This was not the case earlier. What might be the reason for this and how can I fix this issue. Is there any alternative for solving "NoClassDefFound Error".
Thanks in Advance..
Use this to solve your problem,
-keep class !**,** {*;}
I have already answered for this issue,

New Admob, Proguard, and Android 2.3

I'm integrating the new AdMob into my apps. The documentation states API 9 or above is required. Now here's the problem:
In debug mode, AdMob works fine on any supported devices. When I apply Proguard, devices running API-9 stop showing the ads, whereas more recent APIs still show the ads correctly. On API-9, the following shows up in Logcat:
11-08 00:32:03.523: W/Ads(24719): Could not get info for ad overlay.
Given that the problem only appears after Proguard, I assume this is due to a support class that is getting obfuscated. Unfortunately, AdMob's integration guide includes no instructions for Proguard, and my searching efforts have only yielded some suggestions like this which haven't fixed the issue. Currently, my Proguard config is as follows:
-keep class**
-keep class**
-keep public class**
Anything else I need to add to it to fix the problem?
I am not to sure but try this:
-keep public class**

Can't enable Proguard on Android project containing jsch lib

I am trying to use Proguard to obfuscate my Android app which makes use of the library jsch-1.50.jar for uploading files to an SFTP server.
When I do an export from Eclipse, I get warnings "can't reference class" and nothing is produced. I have tried all manner of options to tell Proguard to ignore the jsch classes, but it's not making any difference and therefore I wonder if I am misunderstanding how this works. I am not too worried about the optimisation, but I would like the code obfuscated.
I have setup the proguard-properties as follows:
-keep class com.jcraft.jsch.jce.*
-keep class * extends com.jcraft.jsch.KeyExchange
-keep class com.jcraft.jsch.**
-keep class com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream
-keep class com.jcraft.jsch.Compression
-keep class org.ietf.jgss.*
-libraryjars /libs/jsch-0.1.50.jar
The project-properties file contains an entry for "proguard.config=proguard-project.txt".
The output from the export with duplicates removed:-
Warning: com.jcraft.jsch.jcraft.Compression: can't find referenced class com.jcraft.jzlib.ZStream
Warning: com.jcraft.jsch.jgss.GSSContextKrb5: can't find referenced class org.ietf.jgss.Oid
Warning: com.jcraft.jsch.jgss.GSSContextKrb5: can't find referenced class org.ietf.jgss.GSSManager
Warning: com.jcraft.jsch.jgss.GSSContextKrb5: can't find referenced class org.ietf.jgss.GSSException
Warning: com.jcraft.jsch.jgss.GSSContextKrb5: can't find referenced class org.ietf.jgss.GSSContext
Warning: com.jcraft.jsch.jgss.GSSContextKrb5: can't find referenced class org.ietf.jgss.MessageProp
Warning: there were 44 unresolved references to classes or interfaces.
You may need to specify additional library jars (using '-libraryjars').
Error: Please correct the above warnings first.
Would very much appreciate any pointers.
After a bit more investigation, I found the following...
I had forgotten to include jzlib-1.1.1.jar in the project with the corresponding
-libraryjars /libs/jzlib-1.1.1.jar
entry in the proguard-properties.txt.
Also to ignore the warning regards references to "class org.ietf.jgss", I tried the suggested method of excluding the referencing class
-libraryjars /libs/jsch-0.1.50.jar(!com.jcraft.jsch.jgss/GSSContextKrb5.class)
but that didn't help. In the end, I went with :-
-dontwarn org.ietf.jgss.**

How to set up ProGuard for Amazon IAP?

I'm trying to set up a basic ProGuard with Amazon IAP integrated. However when I'm trying to export my APK, I got the following errors:
[2012-06-17 10:59:44 - sc] Proguard returned with error code 1. See console
[2012-06-17 10:59:44 - sc] Unexpected error while performing partial evaluation:
[2012-06-17 10:59:44 - sc] Class = [com/amazon/inapp/purchasing/KiwiResponseHandler$PurchaseResponseHandlerRunnable]
[2012-06-17 10:59:44 - sc] Method = [run()V]
[2012-06-17 10:59:44 - sc] Exception = [java.lang.IllegalArgumentException] (Can't find common super class of [java/lang/String] (with 4 known super classes) and [com/amazon/inapp/purchasing/KiwiPurchaseResponseCommandTask] (with 1 known super classes))
[2012-06-17 10:59:44 - sc] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't find common super class of [java/lang/String] (with 4 known super classes) and [com/amazon/inapp/purchasing/KiwiPurchaseResponseCommandTask] (with 1 known super classes)
[2012-06-17 10:59:44 - sc] at proguard.evaluation.value.ReferenceValue.generalize(
[2012-06-17 10:59:44 - sc] at proguard.evaluation.value.IdentifiedReferenceValue.generalize(
[2012-06-17 10:59:44 - sc] at proguard.evaluation.value.ReferenceValue.generalize(
I have the default ProGuard configuration file, and I have already added the:
-keep class** {*;}
-keepattributes *Annotation*
lines to it. What went wrong?
There is some fishy stuff with the recommended config of Amazon.
1) -dontwarn is hiding a deeper underlying issue, where some Amazon specific libraries are not present, but referenced so that proguard will try some wired optimization which likely causes the above mentioned stacktrace.
2) -dontoptimize is disabling all optimizations, which is defenitivly wrong, because it is most probably just one specific optimization which is causing this issue, and proguards optimizations are removing alot of dead and unused code from your app and its libraries, so it shrinks the total dex size.
I guess fixing 1) is the real solution. This could be eventually achieved by extracting Amazons system libs from a device and make them present (as a provided lib) while building
the app.
For 2) you can try:
-keep class** {
-optimizations !code/allocation/variable
which solved the issue for me.
Per Amazon's SDK Docs, here are the lines you should include:
Preventing Obfuscation of In-App Purchasing API
When incorporating the In-App Purchasing API into your library, you will need to specify classes to 'keep' and not obfuscate. Add the following lines anywhere in your proguard.cfg file.
-keep class** {*;}
-keepattributes *Annotation*
In addition, you will also need to skip Proguard's optimization step.
Note: Make sure to remove any other flags dealing with optimization, or any flag that may conflict with the above settings.
In addition, you will also need to lower the number of optimization passes to 1, or skip proguard's optimization step.
-optimizationpasses 1

