I have an issue with SQLite on android. Right now, I'm pulling a JSON object from a server, parsing it, and putting each sub-object in a Table with things such as the Name, Row_ID, unique ID, etc. using this code:
public void fillTable(Object[] detailedList){
for(int i=0;i<detailedList.length;++i){
Log.w("MyApp", "Creating Entry: " + Integer.toString(i));
String[] article = (String[]) detailedList[i];
createEntry(article[0], article[1], article[2], article[3], article[4], article[5]);
createEntry does what it sounds like. It takes 6 strings, and uses cv.put to make an entry. No problems.
When I try to order them however, via:
public String[] getAllTitles(int m){
Log.w("MyApp", "getTitle1");
Log.w("MyApp", "getTitle2");
Cursor c = ourDatabase.query(DATABASE_TABLENAME, columns, null, null, null, null, KEY_TIME);
Log.w("MyApp", "getTitle3");
String title[] = new String[m];
Log.w("MyApp", "getTitle4");
int i = 0;
int rowTitle = c.getColumnIndex(KEY_TITLE);
Log.w("MyApp", "getTitle5");
title[i++] = c.getString(rowTitle);
Log.w("MyApp", "getTitle " + Integer.toString(i));
return title;
Each entry actually has many duplicates. I'm assuming as many duplicates as times I have synced. Is there any way to manually call the onUpgrade method, which drops the table and creates a new one, or a better way to clear out duplicates?
Secondary question, is there any way to order by reverse? I'm ordering by time now, and the oldest added entries are first (smallest number). Is there a reverse to that?
If you don't want duplicates in one column then create that column with the UNIQUE keyword. Your database will then check that you don't insert duplicates and you can even specify what should happen in that case. I guess this would be good for you:
CREATE TABLE mytable (
If you insert something into that table that already exists it will delete the row that already has that item and inserts your new row then. That also means that the replaced row gets a new _id (because _id is set to automatically grow - you must not insert that id yourself or it will not work)
Your second question: you can specify the direction of the order of if you append ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). You want DESC probably.
Cursor c = ourDatabase.query(DATABASE_TABLENAME, columns, null, null, null, null, KEY_TIME + " DESC");
I'm trying to select some data from database and I have two slices of code to do it:
cursor = builder.query(db,
new String[]{"col1", "col2", "col3"},
"id = ?", new String[]{getSID(db)}, null, null, null);
cursor = builder.query(db,
new String[]{"col1", "col2", "col3"},
"id = " + getSID(db), null, null, null, null);
The difference between them is that first one seems to be more correct according to documentation, but it also doesn't work - cursor is empty. Instead of the second one - I'm getting all data I need.
So I tried to execute different SQL queries on my PC with a copy of database and that's what I've got:
SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM SomeTables WHERE (id = '42')
This one doesn't work (and this query obviously equals to query, generated by first code sample)
SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM SomeTables WHERE (id = 42)
And this one works fine (equals to query from second code sample).
As I know, SQLite should perform type cast automatically, but something went wrong and I don't know why. Do you have any ideas about how first code sample can be fixed? (Or, perhaps, database?)
If it matters, here's simplified CREATE script of the table with id field:
CREATE TABLE SomeTable ( ID PRIMARY KEY, col1, col2, [...] )
UPD: And, by the way, getSID(db) returns String Object.
That query parameters can only be strings is a horrible design error in the Android database API.
Despite what the documentation says, you should use parameters only for actual string values; integer values can be safely embedded directly into the SQL string. (For blobs, you must use a function that accepts ContentValues.)
Please note that while SQLite uses dynamic typing, values of different types do not compare equal in most cases (SELECT 42='42'; returns 0).
There are some cases where SQLite does automatically convert values due to type affinity (in your case, this would happen if you declared the id column as INTEGER), but this is rather counterintuitive, so it should not be relied upon.
According to SQLite documentation,
Any column in an SQLite version 3 database, except an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column, may be used to store a value of any storage class.
In context of my case, that means that we can't be sure what data type will be stored in columns. If you can control and convert data types when they're putting into database - you can convert id values to TEXT when adding data to database and use selectionArgs easily. But it's not an answer for my question, because I have to deal with database content as is.
So, possible solutions:
a) embed integer values in selection string without wrapping them into ':
cursor = builder.query(db,
new String[]{"col1", "col2", "col3"},
"id = " + getSID(db), null, null, null, null);
b) cast values from selectionArgs: CAST(? as INTEGER) or CAST(id AS TEXT). I think, converting column to TEXT is better solution, because right operand is always TEXT, but the left one can be anything. So:
cursor = builder.query(db,
new String[]{"col1", "col2", "col3"},
"CAST(id AS TEXT) = ?",
new String[]{getSID(db)}, null, null, null);
You need to convert your int id into string before passing to your query because the parameter array is of type string. For example:
cursor = builder.query(db, new String[]{"col1", "col2", "col3"},
"id = ?", new String[]{String.valueOf(getSID(db))}, null, null, null);
The reason why it works in second type of query is because you are appending the integer value with string which automatically converts the int into String. For example:
int i = 10;
String s = i + ""; //now 10 is in string
How should i get most recent added record from database, where COL_2 should == param that I pass into it.
I can get all records where COL_2 is equal to param with this code, but I need only recent one
public Cursor getRowsLast(String param) {
SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase();
String[] COLS = new String[]{DatabaseHelper.COL_1,DatabaseHelper.COL_2, DatabaseHelper.COL_3,DatabaseHelper.COL_4};
String where = param;
Cursor c = db.query(true, DatabaseHelper.TABLE_NAME, COLS, DatabaseHelper.COL_2 + " = '" + where + "'", null, null, null, null, null);
if(c != null){
return c;
The most reliable way to get the most recent row in a table is to have a column defined in the table for the time of insert/update. Make sure this value is accurate at the time of insert/update, and create an index on it. You can then sort (descending) on this column to determine which one is the most recent - it will be the first row.
As the automatically generated ID values increase with every insert, the row with the highest ID will be the one that was inserted most recently. So add an 'order by _id desc' and the first row will be the most recently inserted one.
Note - this does not cover updates. If you need the row most recently inserted or updated, you'll have to use an additional timestamp column like Doug Stevenson suggested.
I have two tables atm, users and notes. I am trying to retrieve data that belongs to the user. So all data to list must be owned by the original user and shown only to him. I have made my table in Databasehelper.
I have made a new class that controls the notes table. In listNotes() I want to loop through the cursor row and get all data owned by the user. Am I quering it correctly?
// Listing all notes
public Cursor listNotes() {
Cursor c = db.query(help.NOTE_TABLE, new String[]{help.COLUMN_TITLE,help.COLUMN_BODY, help.COLUMN_DATE}, null, null, null, null, null);
if (c != null) {
return c;
I then want to display the cursor data collected in a listview
public void populateList(){
Cursor cursor = control.listNotes();
//Mapping the fields cursor to text views
String[] fields = new String[]{help.COLUMN_TITLE,help.COLUMN_BODY, help.COLUMN_DATE};
int [] text = new int[] {R.id.item_title,R.id.item_body, R.id.item_date};
adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(getActivity(),R.layout.list_layout,cursor, fields, text,0);
//Calling list object instance
listView = (ListView) getView().findViewById(android.R.id.list);
You aren't creating the NOTE_TABLE right.
You miss a space and a comma here
It has to be
There are two issues here:
One is you have missed a comma (after the Timestamp as specified in an earlier answer).
The other error you have is when using a SimpleCursorAdapter, you need to ensure that the Projection string array includes something to index the rows uniquely and this must be an integer column named as "_id". SQLite already has a feature built in for this and provides a column named "_id" for this purpose (however you can have your own integer column which you can rename to _id). To solve this, change your projection string array to something like:
new String[] {"ROW_ID AS _id", help.COLUMN_TITLE,help.COLUMN_BODY, help.COLUMN_DATE}
I guess the NullPointerException stems from this (but without the stacktrace I don't know for sure).
I have a database that is being filled by user defined EditTexts. None of the edit texts should allow empty fields. I know that I can check for this with a couple simple if-statements: if myEditText.getText().toString().equals("") // display error. However I would perfer to use this opportunity to brush up on my SQLite and error catching (as demonstrated in my add method). How would I go about altering the columns in the table below to NOT NULL and generating/catching an error when a user attempts to add/update with empty fields?
My database table:
db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE inventory (category TEXT, itemNum TEXT, quantity INTEGER, price REAL, image INTEGER, UNIQUE(category, itemNum) ON CONFLICT FAIL);");
My add method:
... fill ContentValues values
db.getWritableDatabase().insertWithOnConflict(DatabaseHelper.TABLE_NAME, DatabaseHelper.CATEGORY, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_FAIL);
catch(SQLiteConstraintException e)
.makeText(MyActivity.this, etItemNum.getText().toString() + " already exists in " + catSpinner.getSelectedItem().toString() +". Consider using Update.",Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
My update method:
... fill ContentValues values
String[] args = {catSpinner.getSelectedItem().toString(), etItemNum.getText().toString()};
int rowsAffected = db.getWritableDatabase().update(DatabaseHelper.TABLE_NAME, values, DatabaseHelper.CATEGORY + "=? AND " + DatabaseHelper.ITEM_NUMBER + "=?" , args);
I did a little digging and came up with this:
db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE inventory (category TEXT NOT NULL, itemNum TEXT NOT NULL, quantity INTEGER NOT NULL, price REAL NOT NULL, image INTEGER NOT NULL, UNIQUE(category, itemNum) ON CONFLICT FAIL);");
Is this what I am looking for? If so, how can I use this to my advantage (see above)?
I am not sure if you can actually Alter Column Definition for table. I know you can Alter Table itself, like adding new Column to Table. You might need little trick to modify your database if there is lot of data in it that you want to preserve.
One way to it to create new table and try copying data to new table and afterwards remove old table and rename new Table. It's not most efficient way to do it but it'll get the job done though.
Here you go
CREATE TABLE inventory (category TEXT not null, itemNum TEXT not null, quantity INTEGER not null, price REAL not null, image INTEGER not null, UNIQUE(category, itemNum) ON CONFLICT FAIL);
Try this
CREATE TABLE inventory (category TEXT not null ON CONFLICT FAIL, itemNum TEXT not null ON CONFLICT FAIL, quantity INTEGER not null ON CONFLICT FAIL, price REAL not null ON CONFLICT FAIL, image INTEGER not null ON CONFLICT FAIL, UNIQUE(category, itemNum) ON CONFLICT FAIL);
All you need to do is set the columns to NOT NULL.
Then use
insertWithOnConflict(String table, String nullColumnHack, ContentValues initialValues, int conflictAlgorithm)
updateWithOnConflict(String table, ContentValues values, String whereClause, String[] whereArgs, int conflictAlgorithm)`
There are several constants you can use for the conflictAlgorithm, depending on exactly what you want to happen. If you want to simply not enter the data into the table, CONFLICT_IGNORE will do the trick. If you want a return code letting you know so you can act on it (let the user know) then you might want CONFLICT_FAIL.
See this for further information.
Hope this helps.
I am upgrading my database to add another column. What I am trying to do is (after the column is added in onUpgrade) this method is called from the main activity for each table (3 were upgraded). The method is supposed to replace all of the blanks in the new column with "1".
The code runs fine, stepping through, boolean test is true every time but when I open the table to view the data, the entire column is blank. The weird part is, my rowId numbers are incrementing every time. It starts out with 3 rows with rowIds of 1,2,3 respectively. After my code runs once, they now have rowIds of 4,5,6 respectively.
Can anyone help me out? KEY_ROWID is just my auto rowId number. KEY_MODE is just "mode" for column title. If I run through debugging it, the three rows I have show up in the code (it runs through the while loop 3 times).
public void checkBlanks(String table) {
Cursor cursor = mDb.query(table, new String[] {KEY_ROWID, KEY_MODE}, null, null, null, null, null);
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
int modeCol = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(KEY_MODE);
if (cursor.isNull(modeCol)) {
int rowId = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(KEY_ROWID));
ContentValues args = new ContentValues();
args.put(KEY_MODE, 1); // replace the blank space with a "1"
boolean test = mDb.update(table, args, KEY_ROWID + "=" + rowId, null) > 0;
Instead of manually looping through the rows, why don't you just leverage the power of SQL and update ALL of the rows in one call? E.g.
mDb.execSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + KEY_MODE + " = 1;");
Since it's so simple, you can do this right in your onUpgrade() method.
You could have done that much easier:
1.) During onUpgrade(): "add column newcolumn default 1". This would add a new column with all newcolumns containing 1.
2.) onUpgrade() is already run: update table set newcolumn=1: Without a WHERE clause the whole table is affected.
There's not need to walk thru all rows.
What you want to do requires an SELECT...FOR UPDATE OF/UPDATE...WHERE CURRENT OF. I didn't do that with SQLite, so I don't know if this is supported.
In your situation (onUpgrade is already run) use 2.)