Android .dcm file association - android

Does anyone know an Application which opens a dcm file when it is clicked on in say a file manager? I need to be able to load a dcm from a http url into an app that displays a dicom image.

I found one app with name Droid Dicom Viewer in some posts about .DCM file.
I found this link to get details about Droid Dicom Viewer.
ADIView - Android DICOM Image Viewer


Display pdf file within app

I have pdf file download in my device on known location. I want to display it within my application. I tried several pdf viewer libraries like: <--- This is deprecated. <--- Does not display pdf properly. I mean it has several issues while loading pdf. <--- So far best I could find over the internet.
But none of the above work on hyperlinks to navigate to certain header within the file.
I know i can display pdf file in Google drive viewer, but I don't want that.
So anyone can suggest me relevant pdf viewer library in android which I can plug in my project?
Use google doc viewer to view pdf without any external library.
String pdf = "";
webview.loadUrl("" + pdf);

opening an image through google drives url

I am using google drive to open various pdf and .doc files through my android app in a webview all seems ok but when i try to open an image of png or jpg i get an error.
"Whoops there was a problem displaying this image."
here is a test you can run in a browser to get the same error
image link
is it even possible to open images like this or should i be using an installed app?

how to display .jpg image in android?

I am using .net web services and I am having list of folders and files. I am successful in retrieving list of files(.jpg Image, .pdf, .TIF) but can anybody let me know how we can open .jpg, .pdf, .tif or other files format which I am getting from web services. Is there any specific code to open particular format or we can use path (/) to open that particular file?
if you need to download and display an image, check my answer on this post, that is probably what you are looking for. Common extensions for displaying images in Android are .png and .jpeg, you will not be able to show a .pdf file using an ImageView. You can also use the method mentioned in my answer inside an AsyncTask to perform the download in background and then update your UI thread

Android browser downloading images automatically

When I visit my site from android (Froyo 2.2) browser and when i click to view image it start to automatically download that image instead of displaying the image in browser.
How can I display my images in browser instead of downloading them?
My browser is set up to load images in settings and I can view pictures on other sites without downloading them to my sd card or phone memory.
If your site when you click on the image send you directly to the image file then that's probably why the android browser tries to download it since he understands it as file. Maybe you should try to display the image in an html file.
For example when you click on an image, it could direct you to an html file with a parameter of the image name. Then inside that html you can have a javascript code that will load and display that image.

I need to display pdf file from SD Card using iText.jar 5.0.6

I have make an application in which I want to display pdf of images which is captured by camera.
I am able to capture the image and store it in pdf file. But when I open the pdf to display images,it gives me an error . To display an pdf file I have used the iText.jar 5.0.6.
iText is not a PDF viewer. You should have a look at IcePDF instead, although I'm not sure it can be used on Android platforms.

