I'm seeing the following exception in crash logs:
android.app.RemoteServiceException: Bad notification posted from package com.my.package: Couldn't create icon: StatusBarIcon(pkg=com.my.package user=0 id=0x7f02015d level=0 visible=true num=0 )
at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1456)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:146)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5487)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1283)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1099)
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
I'm posting my Notification from an IntentService from a PendingIntent set via the AlarmManager using the following method. All values passed in here are from the bundle extras in the PendingIntent / IntentService.
* Notification
* #param c
* #param intent
* #param notificationId
* #param title
* #param message
* #param largeIcon
* #param smallIcon
public static void showNotification(Context c, Intent intent,
int notificationId, String title, String message, int largeIcon,
int smallIcon) {
PendingIntent detailsIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(c,
notificationId, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
NotificationCompat.Builder mNotifyBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(
if (Util.isAndroidOSAtLeast(Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB)) {
Bitmap large_icon_bmp = ((BitmapDrawable) c.getResources()
mNotifyBuilder.setVibrate(new long[] { 500, 1500 });
NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) c
nm.notify(notificationId, mNotifyBuilder.build());
From what I've seen of other answers - the exception I'm seeing happens when setSmallIcon() is not called properly.
I've checked and double checked that the Resource IDs being passed are all correct.
What was happening was, I was including the integer reference to the icon in the PendingIntent bundle, and that integer was later being referenced while being posted to the NotificationManager.
In between getting the integer reference and the pending intent going off, the app was updated and all of the drawable references changed. The integer that used to reference the correct drawable now referenced either the incorrect drawable or none at all (none at all - causing this crash)
Using VectorXml inside your notification has been known to cause this issue. Use png's
Don't use SVG on Kitkat!
I had the same issue every time when I wanted to show a notification on Kitkat. What caused the problem for me is that I have defined every icon in xml (from svg), the small icon and the action icon also. After I have replaced them with png-s the problem solved at my side.
My problem was that the icon I was using on
wasn't generated accordingly. According to the official doc:
As described in Providing Density-Specific Icon Sets and Supporting
Multiple Screens, you should create separate icons for all generalized
screen densities, including low-, medium-, high-, and
extra-high-density screens. This ensures that your icons will display
properly across the range of devices on which your application can be
So the best way to fullfill the above, I used Notification Generator provided by Roman Nurik on https://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/index.html
In that way, you can use an image (taking into consideration that this has to have transparent background) and let the generator do the job for you generating the different sizes for notification icons.
The most important thing is that if the icon generator after you browse the image you are going to use shows you a white filled circle or square, there are problems with your image, maybe because it doesn't have any transparencies, so make sure that you has this ok.
android.app.RemoteServiceException: Bad notification posted
I had the same issue, but I was resolved. My problem is ".xml file" of Remote view.
In my xml file I was added one View in between the LinearLayout for divider.
android:background="#000000" />
The above View component creating the Bad notification exception. This Exception reason is only xml file of Remoteviews.
After removing that View component, My code executed properly, without any exception. So I felt that Notification drawer not accepting any customized views.
So you don't draw any thing like the above view in the .xml file of RemoteView object.
In my app, this kind of bug happens only during upgrading. If the resource id changes in the newer version, Android RemoteView may fail to find the resource and throw out the RemoteServiceException. If you publish a 3rd version and do not change the resource id, the bugs may disappear only temporarily.
It is possible to reduce this kind of bugs by editing res/values/public.xml and res/values/ids.xml. Compiler will generate an individual resource id if the resource id is not in public.xml or ids.xml. When u change the resource name or add some new resources, the id may change and some devices may fail to find it.
So the step is as following:
Decompile the apk file and in res/values find the public.xml and ids.xml
Find all resources related to RemoteView in your app and copy them ( strings, dimen, drawable, layout, id, color... )
Create public.xml and ids.xml under res/values in your source code and paste the lines u just copied
Gradle 1.3.0 and above ignore the local public.xml. To make it work, u need to add some script in your build.gradle
afterEvaluate {
for (variant in android.applicationVariants) {
def scope = variant.getVariantData().getScope()
String mergeTaskName = scope.getMergeResourcesTask().name
def mergeTask = tasks.getByName(mergeTaskName)
mergeTask.doLast {
copy {
int i=0
from(android.sourceSets.main.res.srcDirs) {
include 'values/public.xml'
rename 'public.xml', (i == 0? "public.xml": "public_${i}.xml")
This script does not support submodules project. I am trying to fix it.
In Android Studio version 3.0.0 and above, when adding a new image in the drawables folder choose drawable instead of drawable-v24.
If the image,you are using, is alread a (v24) just copy it and paste it in its same directory (eg. drawables). This time it will ask you which regular or v24 - just make sure its not the v24 and try it again this should fix the error.
Just in case the icon is not important, you can replace,
This works!
I had RemoteServiceException when use Notification in my class extends from FirebaseMessagingService. I added the following code to AndroidManifest.xml:
android:resource="#drawable/ic_small" />
Also resource ic_small set in instance of a class Notification.Builder by method setSmallIcon(int icon).
You have pass same icon
android:resource="#drawable/ic_stat_name" />
and you notification
NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder =
new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, channelId)
If you have a notification visible while your app is updated, you might run into this. What you may need to do is create a BroadcastReceiver that waits for a PACKAGE_CHANGED message, at which point you shutdown all your services which will also dismiss their associated notifications.
<receiver android:name=".MyBroadcastReceiver">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED" />
Same issue happened with me as well and I have solved the same
REASON: This is happening because of we are using vector drawable for RemoteViews and vector drawable generates drawable at compile-time. Also I am not sure why some devices are not able to detect the generated drawable resources id while we are upping the app. But yes this was the reason.
1. Install previous build.
2. Send a notification
3. Update the build with next version code
4. After updating the app don't open the app and send notification again
Replace the vector drawable with normal drawable(.png or .jpg) file.
I hope this resolves the problem.
You can put that vector xml file in both drawable and drawable v24. Those android version less than or equal to Android 6 will pick it up from drawable folder, and and newer version above android 6 will pick it up from drawable v24.
Its not about the Image type (vector, png, etc.) but the folder to which you are referring
For me the error caused was due to a device (Nougat) referring to an icon present in v26 folder.
Solution: Just add the relevant icon to the other folder as well and the issue will be gone.
I had the same issue when I set a notification in a bundle.
I tried this and it solved my problem:
Make sure that setLargeIcon() invoked before setSmallIcon().
I too had the same issue. The issue is with the icon which you are using, I was using android.R.drawable.stat_sys_download. Go to drawables.xml and paste this.
<item name="ic_start_download" type="drawable">#android:drawable/stat_sys_download</item>
and then in your code
You can try some other image instead of this image
My way to solve this: I had "bad" views in my layout (ex: a checkbox) - so I removed them.
RemoteViews seem to support only images and texts (to be confirmed by reading the doc).
I had RemoteServiceException when use android.support.constraint.ConstraintLayout. Change it to LinearLayout or Relative
and also android:layout_height="wrap_content" for container
(this is not solution for current question but helps someone with similar core issue) I too had the same issue, But in my case I have used corrupted .png file which is causing same issue. So I have deleted it and re-included correct .png file.
Please replace <android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatTextView with <TextView from custom notification layout.
Because android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatTextView or android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatImageView only works at runtime.
So Use TextView or ImageView
If any one still facing this issue :
Add a png file in your drawable folder with name ic_stat_ic_notification (or any name u like )
and in your manifest add below couple of lines
and u can create your icons over here - >
I got this error due to autolink and linksClickable options in textview in notification view:
android:textColor="#color/white" />
Be careful!
It was a problem of icon location. In my case the notification icon was in drawable-anydpi-v24, I simply copied the icon in drawable folder and the error has gone.
Got this error in my Flutter android app and checked to see that all the resources are present and named correctly but still not working, I was using resources from mipmap. I changed it to drawable and placed the notification icons inside drawble folders and fixed the issue, hoping it might help someone later on
Synchrinize the project and than Clean it,
File > Synchronize then : Build > Clean Project
I hope that will help you all, It's work for me
This worked for me. Comment the reference of the icon and thus be able to use the NotificationCompat.Builder without problems.
$msg_notificacion = [
'title' => "titulonotif",
// "icon" : "myicon",
'body' =>"cuerponotif"
I have a simple Android app (built with Mono for Android), which has a problem with it's icon.
The icon is correct in Launcher and in Task Switcher, but
In Manage Apps and in Task Manager it's displayed a generic Android icon
I've checked the various density resources and the manifest and they all look correct.
(I'm seeing this on a Galaxy S phone and on a Nexus 7)
Most likely you set the icon property for your activities within AndroidManifest.xml, but did not set it for the application.
It occurs to me, that the app icon is somehow being cached in the app manager, so that deinstalling and reinstalling the app does not always change the icon properly. Rebooting the device could help.
Also i found this post very useful: adding application ids in gradle usually solves the problem.
Open "AndroidMenifest.xml" in the Package Explorer and click on the "Application" tab at the bottom. Look at the "icon" field and enter the location for your icon ( Ex: #drawable/iconimage). Next, go into the "AndroidManifest.xml" tab and look for android:icon=, adding the location to that as well (Ex: android:icon="#drawable/iconimage)
Make sure you have the same icon name in both locations!
Oleg and Collin are both right but for completeness - in a Mono app the icon can be set with attributes on the Application object (if you have one):
[Application(Label = "MyAppName", Icon = "#drawable/icon")]
class MyApp: Application
{ ...