I'm trying to make an app that will take two pictures you specify via editText, compare the colors of each pixel on both images and create a new picture (bitmap) (that you can save to the sd card) containing the differences between the two original pictures.
I'm having a problem with creating this new bitmap. How can I achieve my goal? I don't really know how to do this, do I create the new bitmap first and then write into it, or do I get the differences first and then draw a bitmap from that? The pictures will be approx. 300x300 px.
this code is just out of my head and untested but it should get you on the right track.
final int w1 = b1.getWidth();
final int w2 = b2.getWidth();
final int h1 = b1.getHeight();
final int h2 = b2.getHeight();
final int w = Math.max(w1, w2);
final int h = Math.max(h2, h2);
Bitmap compare = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Config.ARGB_8888);
int color1, color2, a, r, g, b;
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
if (x < w1 && y < h1) {
color1 = b1.getPixel(x, y);
} else {
color1 = Color.BLACK;
if (x < w2 && y < h2) {
color2 = b2.getPixel(x, y);
} else {
color2 = Color.BLACK;
a = Math.abs(Color.alpha(color1) - Color.alpha(color2));
r = Math.abs(Color.red(color1) - Color.red(color2));
g = Math.abs(Color.green(color1) - Color.green(color2));
b = Math.abs(Color.blue(color1) - Color.blue(color1));
compare.setPixel(x, y, Color.argb(a, r, g, b));
I would create the bitmap first and compute the differences between each pixel, but you're welcome to compute the differences first and then use Bitmap.copyPixels, but I think it's easier to understand the first way. Here is an example:
// Load the two bitmaps
Bitmap input1 = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(/*first input filename*/);
Bitmap input2 = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(/*second input filename*/);
// Create a new bitmap. Note you'll need to handle the case when the two input
// bitmaps are not the same size. For this example I'm assuming both are the
// same size
Bitmap differenceBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(input1.getWidth(),
input1.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
// Iterate through each pixel in the difference bitmap
for(int x = 0; x < /*bitmap width*/; x++)
for(int y = 0; y < /*bitmap height*/; y++)
int color1 = input1.getPixel(x, y);
int color2 = input2.getPixel(x, y);
int difference = // Compute the difference between pixels here
// Set the color of the pixel in the difference bitmap
differenceBitmap.setPixel(x, y, difference);
I'm trying to clear unwanted area from picture, in the most efficient way,
My code for now:
Bitmap picture = ...;
ByteBuffer mask = ...;
int height = picture.getHeight();
int width = picture.getWidth();
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
float currFloat = mask.getFloat();
if (currFloat > 0.7) {
req.setPixel(x, y, Color.TRANSPARENT);
My mask (ByteBuffer of (for example) 8*8):
My picture (Bitmap of 8*8):
Excepted result:
Thankfully, it works,
but unfortunately it takes too long since there are a lot of images to process..
There is any way to make it work faster? (something like matrix multiplication?)
I can transform the bitmap into buffer using
Thanks in advance.
In my application I have a seek bar, by sliding it a user can increase or decrease brightness of image. I have done this work but the problem is that its very slow to show, it takes around 3-4 second to show effect on image after sliding seek bar. Below is my code which I have implemented, can anybody tell me that what should I do to make this effect smooth over an image.
public static Bitmap doBrightness(Bitmap src, int value) {
// image size
int width = src.getWidth();
int height = src.getHeight();
// create output bitmap
Bitmap bmOut = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, src.getConfig());
// color information
int A, R, G, B;
int pixel;
// scan through all pixels
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
// get pixel color
pixel = src.getPixel(x, y);
A = Color.alpha(pixel);
R = Color.red(pixel);
G = Color.green(pixel);
B = Color.blue(pixel);
// increase/decrease each channel
R += value;
if (R > 255) {
R = 255;
} else if (R < 0) {
R = 0;
G += value;
if (G > 255) {
G = 255;
} else if (G < 0) {
G = 0;
B += value;
if (B > 255) {
B = 255;
} else if (B < 0) {
B = 0;
// apply new pixel color to output bitmap
bmOut.setPixel(x, y, Color.argb(A, R, G, B));
// return final image
return bmOut;
You're walking every pixel in the image in a single thread of Java code as well as using Color methods to break down the color into its constituent parts. This would be a good candidate for something to be done in RenderScript. RS will either offload the operation to a DSP or GPU (if supported on your device) or parallelize it on the CPU. See this talk for basic usage and background on RenderScript.
I need to divide an image (ImageViewer) into chunks and assign them the onClick event listener. For divide the image, I use the next code:
private void splitImage(ImageView image, int rows, int cols) {
//For height and width of the small image chunks
int chunkHeight,chunkWidth;
//To store all the small image chunks in bitmap format in this list
ArrayList<Bitmap> chunkedImages = new ArrayList<Bitmap>(rows * cols);
//Getting the scaled bitmap of the source image
BitmapDrawable drawable = (BitmapDrawable) image.getDrawable();
Bitmap bitmap = drawable.getBitmap();
Bitmap scaledBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), true);
chunkHeight = bitmap.getHeight()/rows;
chunkWidth = bitmap.getWidth()/cols;
//xCoord and yCoord are the pixel positions of the image chunks
int yCoord = 0;
for(int x=0; x<rows; x++){
int xCoord = 0;
for(int y=0; y<cols; y++){
chunkedImages.add(Bitmap.createBitmap(scaledBitmap, xCoord, yCoord, chunkWidth, chunkHeight));
xCoord += chunkWidth;
yCoord += chunkHeight;
But with this function only I get an array of Bitmaps and them not accept the OnClickListener. What I do is reconstruct the image with the chunks and be able to zoom in on the selected chunk.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance.
If it is a single image that cant be splitted into mutliple images, you could add a on Touch handler to the to the image view and check the x/y coords
for example in your touch handler
boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent ev) {
if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
if (ev.getPointerCount() > 0) {
int w = v.getWidth();
int h = v.getHeight();
float eX = ev.getX(0);
float eY = ev.getY(0);
int x = (int) (eX / w * 100);
int y = (int) (eY / h * 100);
// x and y would be % of the image.
// so you can say cell 1 is x < 25, y < 25 for a 4x4 grid
// TODO add a loop or something to use x and y to detect the touched segment
return true;
you also could change the int x and y to float x and y to be more precise.
sample code for the TODO
//somewhere in your code..
int ROWS = 5;
int COLS = 5;
// in the place of the TODO...
int rowWidht = 100/ROWS;
int colWidht = 100/COLS;
int touchedRow = x / rowWidth; // should work, not tested!
int touchedcol = y / colWidth; // should work, not tested!
cellTouched(touchedRow, touchedCol);
where cellTouched() is your method where you handle the touch...
(here you also could use float)
You can use grid view to making chunks of you images and set onClickListener on it.
And do you actually need to split the image? I would just set an OnTouchListener on to the whole image. From inside that, you can get the coordinates of the touch event. Then you do some math and you should be able to know which part of the image to zoom on.
I am doing histogram equalization on an image. I first get the RGB image and convert it to YUV. I run the histogram equalization algorithm on Y' of YUV and then convert back to RGB. Is it me, or does the image look weird? I am doing this correctly? this image is pretty bright, other images are a little red.
Here are the before/after images:
The algorithm (the commented values are values that I used previously for conversion. Both yield pretty much the same results) :
public static void createContrast(Bitmap src) {
int width = src.getWidth();
int height = src.getHeight();
Bitmap processedImage = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, src.getConfig());
int A = 0,R,G,B;
int pixel;
float[][] Y = new float[width][height];
float[][] U = new float[width][height];
float[][] V = new float [width][height];
int [] histogram = new int[256];
Arrays.fill(histogram, 0);
int [] cdf = new int[256];
Arrays.fill(cdf, 0);
float min = 257;
float max = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
for(int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
pixel = src.getPixel(x, y);
A = Color.alpha(pixel);
R = Color.red(pixel);
G = Color.green(pixel);
B = Color.blue(pixel);
/*Log.i("TESTEST","R: "+R);
Log.i("TESTEST","G: "+G);
Log.i("TESTEST","B: "+B);*/
// convert to YUV
/*Y[x][y] = 0.299f * R + 0.587f * G + 0.114f * B;
U[x][y] = 0.492f * (B-Y[x][y]);
V[x][y] = 0.877f * (R-Y[x][y]);*/
Y[x][y] = 0.299f * R + 0.587f * G + 0.114f * B;
U[x][y] = 0.565f * (B-Y[x][y]);
V[x][y] = 0.713f * (R-Y[x][y]);
// create a histogram
histogram[(int) Y[x][y]]+=1;
// get min and max values
if (Y[x][y] < min){
min = Y[x][y];
if (Y[x][y] > max){
max = Y[x][y];
cdf[0] = histogram[0];
for (int i=1;i<=255;i++){
cdf[i] = cdf[i-1] + histogram[i];
//Log.i("TESTEST","cdf of: "+i+" = "+cdf[i]);
float minCDF = cdf[(int)min];
float denominator = width*height - minCDF;
//Log.i("TEST","Histeq Histeq Histeq Histeq Histeq Histeq");
for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
for(int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
pixel = src.getPixel(x, y);
A = Color.alpha(pixel);
Y[x][y] = ((cdf[ (int) Y[x][y]] - minCDF)/(denominator)) * 255;
/*R = minMaxCalc(Y[x][y] + 1.140f * V[x][y]);
G = minMaxCalc (Y[x][y] - 0.395f * U[x][y] - 0.581f * V[x][y]);
B = minMaxCalc (Y[x][y] + 2.032f * U[x][y]);*/
R = minMaxCalc(Y[x][y] + 1.140f * V[x][y]);
G = minMaxCalc (Y[x][y] - 0.344f * U[x][y] - 0.714f * V[x][y]);
B = minMaxCalc (Y[x][y] + 1.77f * U[x][y]);
//Log.i("TESTEST","A: "+A);
/*Log.i("TESTEST","R: "+R);
Log.i("TESTEST","G: "+G);
Log.i("TESTEST","B: "+B);*/
processedImage.setPixel(x, y, Color.argb(A, R, G, B));
My next step is to graph the histograms before and after. I just want to get an opinion here.
The question is a little bit old, but let me answer.
The reason is the way histogram equalization works. The algorithm tries to use all of the 0-255 range instead of given image's range.
So if you give it a dark image, it will change relatively brighter pixels to white colors. And relatively darker colors to black colors.
If you give it a bright image, for the same reason it will get darkened.
I'm looking to change the hue of my background image (PNG) programmatically. How can this be done on Android?
I tested the accepted answer, unfortunately it returns a wrong result. I found and modified this code from here which works fine:
// hue-range: [0, 360] -> Default = 0
public static Bitmap hue(Bitmap bitmap, float hue) {
Bitmap newBitmap = bitmap.copy(bitmap.getConfig(), true);
final int width = newBitmap.getWidth();
final int height = newBitmap.getHeight();
float [] hsv = new float[3];
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++){
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++){
int pixel = newBitmap.getPixel(x,y);
hsv[0] = hue;
bitmap = null;
return newBitmap;
The linked post has some good ideas, but the matrix math used for ColorFilter may be (a) complex overkill, and (b) introduce perceptible shifts in the resulting colors.
Modifying the solution given by janin here - https://stackoverflow.com/a/6222023/1303595 - I've based this version on Photoshop's 'Color' blend mode. It seems to avoid the image-darkening caused by PorterDuff.Mode.Multiply, and works very well for color-tinting desaturated/artificial-Black & White images without losing much contrast.
* Going for perceptual intent, rather than strict hue-only change.
* This variant based on Photoshop's 'Color' blending mode should look
* better for tinting greyscale images and applying an all-over color
* without tweaking the contrast (much)
* Final color = Target.Hue, Target.Saturation, Source.Luma
* Drawback is that the back-and-forth color conversion introduces some
* error each time.
public void changeHue (Bitmap bitmap, int hue, int width, int height) {
if (bitmap == null) { return; }
if ((hue < 0) || (hue > 360)) { return; }
int size = width * height;
int[] all_pixels = new int [size];
int top = 0;
int left = 0;
int offset = 0;
int stride = width;
bitmap.getPixels (all_pixels, offset, stride, top, left, width, height);
int pixel = 0;
int alpha = 0;
float[] hsv = new float[3];
for (int i=0; i < size; i++) {
pixel = all_pixels [i];
alpha = Color.alpha (pixel);
Color.colorToHSV (pixel, hsv);
// You could specify target color including Saturation for
// more precise results
hsv [0] = hue;
hsv [1] = 1.0f;
all_pixels [i] = Color.HSVToColor (alpha, hsv);
bitmap.setPixels (all_pixels, offset, stride, top, left, width, height);
If you wrap your Bitmap in an ImageView there is a very simple way:
ImageView circle = new ImageView(this);
My guess is this will be faster than modifying each pixel individually.