Android: Widget Text fit in Widget - android

I have a 4*2 widget which contains a textView which is Fill_Parent.
I have the textSize set to 30dp and works flawless on my HTC Sensation.
On galaxy mini the text wont fit and the user cannot read the text because it's just to much text.
So is there any tip or something I can do to adjust textSize to make my text fit?

If it is too long any easy fix would be defining the ellipse size to marquee. Otherwise I would suggest getting the height and width of the TextView at run time, if it is below a certain threshold then set the textSize to a smaller value.


90º rotated textview gets size to display text as the horizontal space

I have a textview where I want to show text in vertical (just like rotated 90º). With android:rotation="-90" you can get this.
If the text would have no rotation, and you would like to fit a sentence, you would first look at the width of the textview, since text will try to be in 1 line. Since I rotate the text, here I expect to see the height of the object. However, Android is still considering the width. I need to fix the size of the width, but this causes me a problem for the text: Although the textview has a big vertical dimension and text would fit, Android thinks it needs to use the width to calculate the available space. At the end this causes me overflow of the text, appearing for example, just one word as multiple lines of 1 char.
How can I make android to understand that the space for the lenght to fit the text is now the vertical, instead of the horizontal?

Android - Button height not decreasing to wrap text

I set the button's height via XML. Suppose it to be X
android:textSize = " <X> dp"
If I set X to greater than 15 dp, the button's height grows to fit the text. But when I set it to something lower like 2dp, the button's height doesn't change and I can see a thick border around it as shown below:-
As shown above, text size is so small but still height doesn't decrease!
How can I force it to be of appropriate height?
Thanx in advance!
Font size does not depend on button height. If you set it too small to fit the text, you will get the result you observe
wrap_content would usually do the trick, however Button class sets some layout parameters like margin, background so it takes more space. You may get rid of Button and use i.e. TextView class, styled by hand to match your design. onClickListener will work perfectly fine with it and you will get result you want and full control over your button
As this is bit related - there's AutoFitTextView widget on Github that deals with automatic text size scalling:
Just Set android:minHeight="xxdp"

Resizing the textview size based on the screen width for all devices

I have problem in resizing the text view .
I have a Layout like this with below components
ImageView| TextView | ImageView
placed in relativelayout(horizontal) and each one width is wrap content and height is fill parent.
I have a text like this "My name","My name is xyzmnop" now, i have fixed the TextView size to 15sp, so what is happening is in larger devices since Textviews width increases the text "My name is xyzmnop" will fit but in smaller devices since the width is small it will spill out to second line. But i want it to be in same line, as I have the flexibility to decrease the size of the text if the text is lengthy.
please help me with this problem.
i have seen this
Android TextView doesn't resize after changing text size
Android EditText Resize Programatically
Resizing TextView does not shrink its height on Android 3.1
I have also added setSingleLine = "true"; in my xml
Say, tv is your TextView.
Just call tv.setMaxLines(1);
TextView has the setMaxLines (int maxlines) method:
Makes the TextView at most this many lines tall. Setting this value overrides any other (maximum) height setting.
I suppose this might help you if you set the maximum number of lines to 1.
Note: there is also the android:maxlines attribute if you need to set it in your XML layout.
i have solved it using ViewTreeObserver.

Proper layout for EditText Boxes

I was wondering about what is wrong with my layout.
Here is a screenshot.
Problem being that the text is being cut off in edit text boxes.
I suppose there is something wrong with the text's XY co-ordinates at the time of typing in those edit text boxes; the cursor blinks fine to me.
Here is the pastebin of my XML layout (not putting it here because its quite lengthy).
Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks
The text size of the text inside edittext is large for hardcoded 30dp height of edittext. You can either set edittext height to wrapcontent or reduce the textsize of edittext (10-14sp)so that it fits inside.
It is advised by android to set minimum height of clickable area to at least 48dp.

how to make the size of a textview in proportion to the device's physical size

I've been digging around for a while about this issue. In my layout, I have a textview. How do I make the width of my textview's width half of the screen's physical width? Can I do it in the xml layout directly or I should have a function in the java code,which gets the physical size and set the textview's size one half of that?
I don't care abou the resolution.
Thanks in advance!
You should use the layout_wheight attribute for yout TextView:
Use the same property (and same weight) on the layout you want to place on the side of your TextView, they will have both the same size = 1/2 of your physical screen.

