I'm trying to achieve the same results as per thread:
Make certain area of bitmap transparent on touch.
I'm stick to code presented in this answer: Lumis answer and acording to SteD this solution should work.
Unfortunately is not working for me (and also for another user: Make certain area of bitmap transparent on touch doesn't works, it's draw a black circle), I'm just getting black circle.
I tried many things but not get this solve. Make background transparent as per suggestion from second thread do not make any difference.
After many experiments I found that transparency is working, when I'm set this
in my AndroidManifest.xml I can see everything under my application i.e. desktop.
I went through code many times and cant see obvious mistake, only reason I thinking is cause this is Z order, but bitmaps and canvas do not maintenance z orders. Z ordering is done by drawing in certain order (which is correct in this code).
Is this some strange example of optimisation in android code, or I'm missing something in android manifest file?
Finally I found solution that's working:
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas){
//draw background
canvas.drawBitmap(bgr, 0, 150, null);
//copy the default overlay into temporary overlay and punch a hole in it
c2.drawBitmap(overlayDefault, 0, 0, null); //exclude this line to show all as you draw
c2.drawCircle(X, Y, 80, pTouch);
//draw the overlay over the background
//canvas.drawBitmap(overlay, 0, 0, null);
Paint new_paint = new Paint(/*Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG*/);
new_paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.SRC_ATOP));
canvas.drawBitmap(overlay, 0, 0, new_paint);
But I don't understand why is working. I was investigate xfermodes with this source code: android Xfermodes demo and according to this image: Xfermodes image
It not make any sense, apart that xfermode make sure that overlay bitmap is bean drawn second (Z order) and transparency came to play. But Z order should be maintained by drawing order.
If somebody have better idea how to solve this, please share your knowledge.
you can edit onDraw() method:
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas){
canvas.drawBitmap(bgr, 0, 0, null);
c2.drawCircle(X, Y, 10, pTouch);
Paint new_paint = new Paint(/*Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG*/);
new_paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.SRC_ATOP));
canvas.drawBitmap(overlay, 0, 0, new_paint);
I tried and it worked !
Hope this solution helps you
As I am a beginner of Android developement, I need someone to give me an answer or any comments on my question.
When I draw a simple rectangle on a view with the following code, the rectangle doesn't show in the way in which I would expect.
canvas.drawLine(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), framePaint);
But when I changed it like this, it shows properly.
canvas.drawRect(1, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()-1, framePaint);
That looks like the left and the bottom lines are clipped out of the view.
I was expecting that the position of view starts zero-indexed such as 0 ~ (size of view)-1. Do I understand wrong or did i do something wrong?
The framePaint is configured like this;
framePaint = new Paint();
Here's what happens:
When you subtract one from the total pixels, it draws the line(s) in the image, not outside of it.
Also the "1" at the start also helps the code stay in the canvas.
You may want to try replacing the 1's in the code with 2's, as the canvas uses an extra pixel to automatically remove "aliasing".
let's get straight to the point, I was making an android game and I decided to try and use some more android methods like Rect and Path so I can experiment and learn how they work. (in the past I used only bitmaps to draw graphics)
As I was making the game I noticed some weird coloring on my rects, so I tried a lot of things, I made sure my rects are initialized properly and I also tried to simplify my code to make sure the problem was caused there.
For debug purposes my code draws a white square on the top left side of the screen, a black on the top right, and a gray one on the bottom, this is the code:
Paint pGray, pWhite, pBlack;
public myClass()
paintGray = new Paint();
paintGray.setARGB(255, 125, 125, 125);
paintWhite = new Paint();
paintWhite.setARGB(255, 255, 255, 255);
paintBlack = new Paint();
paintBlack.setARGB(255, 0, 0, 0);
public void draw(Canvas canvas)
canvas.drawRect(0, screenHeight/2, screenWidth, screenHeight, paintGray);
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, screenWidth/2, screenHeight/2, paintWhite);
canvas.drawRect(screenWidth/2, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight/2, paintBlack);
(I don't know if it matters but it runs on another Thread)
When I run it on my phone and save a screenshot using Android Studio the screenshot looks like this:
which is t he desired result, the problem is that my phone doesn't display the graphics properly and here is a photo:
As you can see the gray square has 2 colors inside it, a darker and a lighter one. It happens on both phones that I have and I have no idea what it is, even weirder is that saving the screenshot doesn't show this problem!!
I also noticed the colorization changes based on the white square, if I make it bigger or smaller the gray square changes its color where the white box ends.
Another thing I noticed is that these lines of "decolorization" (with multiple white boxes, multiple lines appear) on the gray square is vertical on landscape mode, but on portrait it becomes horizontal.
I've been torturing my self for so much time with this, I have commented out my whole application to try and see why it happens, if I'm missing something or anyone knows anything please let me know!
I don't think it's a software bug. My guess would be that that's the way the display is rendering colors.
I want to make an image transparent in android, so I did some research but came to the conclusion that I did'nt really get it. So I am drawing A couple of bitmaps on my canvas, and in 1 kind of bitmap I want to make the red transparent. i found A piece of code but I doesn't really do anything. this is my code:
Paint Remove = new Paint();
Remove.setARGB(255, 255, 0, 0);
int removeColor=Remove.getColor();
Remove.setXfermode(new AvoidXfermode(removeColor,0,AvoidXfermode.Mode.TARGET));
c.drawBitmap(Stone, x, c.getHeight()/2, null);
Use a transparent PNG. No need to overengineer it ;)
I have a custom view with the following drawing code:
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100, mPaint);
canvas.drawCircle(100, 100, 100, mPaint);
This should draw a square, and then a circle that is twice the size of the square, centred on one of its corners. Instead the circle is the same size as the square.
In other words. It should look like the image on the left, but it actually looks like the image on the right. What gives?
Ok, after testing, this appears to be a bug in the GUI layout editor. I was assuming this would match the results on the device since they actually run the code... and it's a very weird bug that it only affects circles!
Also it is a more complicated bug than just doubling the values. Sometimes drawCircle() draws an ellipse!
Anyway it works as expected on the device.
Hi all:
I'm writing a class that inherit from TextView, and override its onDraw() method, but in the method, my invoke of canvas.drawText() doesn't seems to work, the code just like below:
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// super.onDraw(canvas);
Paint paint = new Paint();
String text = "hello";
canvas.drawText(text, 0, 0, paint);
It isn't drawing anything because the text coordinates are bottom left. Since you're trying to draw on 0,0, it will draw above the screen.
Try changing the last line to:
canvas.drawText(text, 0, 20, paint);
Excellent suggestions all around, great job guys really. Next time though it would be nice if you ask the guy in a comment or something whether or not he's tried the completely obvious before posting it as an answer. Do you really think that the second he got to a point that wasn't working he just came straight to Stack Overflow without experimenting?
I do have an alternate suggestion, that crazily enough is based on the entire question and not just the part that could be answered without much actual knowledge.
I would recommend trying your drawText call on a Canvas that's not in a TextView subclass as that way it won't be overridden by the several hundred lines of code in TextView that manage it's drawable state.