How to run single testcase with Monkeyrunner - android

According to official documentation function MonkeyDevice.instrument(className, args) is perfectly suitable for this task.
As I understand this should be done like this:
device.instrument('', {'class':''})
However it still launches all test-cases. Is it bug or my mistake?

It's a chimpchat bug.
I've just uploaded a path that fixes the problem.
Once applied, you will be able to run all the tests in a class by using the same syntax you are using.
If you want to give it a try before the patch is merged you can
download android source
cherry pick patch 37560
set the environment (build/
make chimpchat
make monkeyrunner

Try:'am instrument -w -e class')
For some reason, device.instrument() way doesn't work for me even with latest sdk 20.0.1 and platform 14.


Kivy App working on pc but not in android

I have made an apk by converting .py kivy with the help of buidozer in google colab. The earlier versions were working but now latest version is not working.
May be there is a problem in my .spec file so I am attaching it ...
At first I think my assest(images) are causing this problem but after removing them too it's not working.
I have done some research and got this buildozer -v android debug deploy run logcat but I don't know how to execute and use this command....
.spec file link :
All I want is that my apk should work in android
Thanks for Help
I have same issue in past and I solve by adding requirements in .spec
This requirements work for me:
requirements = hostpython3==3.7.8,python3==3.7.8,kivy==1.11.1, certifi,chardet, lxml, docutils, future, idna, Kivy-Garden, Pygments, requests, six, soupsieve, urllib3, deep-translator, arabic-reshaper, python-bidi, openssl, pyopenssl, numpy, pytz, python-dateutil, pandas, setuptools, zope.interface, datetime
you have to write all modules and parent module in requirements which your app is using.
To know module which you app is using has two method:
run command pip freeze in current app folder in powershell
install all the module as below photo which help to install your application module
I have debugged your code and found missing PIL

React Native Flipper Debugging Issue : "NO APPLICATION SELECTED"

I have managed to connect a device ( I see logs and see the tree of React Native elements), but now I have an issue with connecting the app - "NO APPLICATION SELECTED" is what I see. Any ideas to fix it?
Ran into the same problem on both iOS and Android with Flipper 0.135.0. Managed to make both work by following the steps below.
This answer solved the issue for me.
brew update && brew upgrade idb-companion
Also make sure you are installing the correct Cocoapod of Flipper by specifying the exact version in your Podfile with (for version 0.135.0)
use_flipper!({ 'Flipper'=> '0.135.0' })
Ensure that is in the correct folder, as in this example project.
With for example the applicationId com.domain.appName, the correct path is
In my project this Java file was in the incorrect folder, which resulted in the Logcat error
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.domain.appName.ReactNativeFlipper
Ensure that you are running the latest version of Flipper (0.120.0 as of this message) and then:
For Android:
Bump the FLIPPER_VERSION variable in android/, for example: FLIPPER_VERSION=0.120.0.
Run ./gradlew clean in the android directory.
For iOS:
Call use_flipper with a specific version in ios/Podfile, for example: use_flipper!({ 'Flipper' => '0.120.0' }).
Run pod install in the ios directory.
Go to settings and check if the path for your Sdk is correct
In my case issue was with the Emulator OS and API.
I used following combination and it worked:
Device: Pixel 4a
OS: Android 12
API: (Release Name: S, API level: 31, ABI: arm64-v8a, Target: Android 12
I also faced this issue, I was not seeing android simulator and the app to select, but it was working fine for iOS without any config.
The problem with my setup was that in the Flipper settings, the android SDK's path was not correct, after updating the path and restarting Flipper, it automatically detected the simulator and the app.
Hope this helps.
I was able to solve that on Android, open file
In the first line package com.yourappname; change it to exactly your package name inside AndroidManifest.xml
In the there is a line like
initializeFlipper(this, getReactNativeHost().getReactInstanceManager());
inside onCreate() function. In my project this line was commented. I removed the comment and run react-native run-android and flipper get connected to the app

How to run malloDroid script?

I want to check SSL verification in my application. I downloaded on my santoku and try use it (of course earlier I have read that script is an extansion of Androguard). I simply run mallo app: ./ -f test.apk and i got import error that there is no androguard module. How to run malloDroid script to verify ssl?
In order to use MalloDroid, you need to have AndroGuard. Setting up Androguard is quite straight forward. Read more about installation here .
Once you have Androguard set up along with the proper environment variables, you can use Mallodroid as follows :
./ -f test.apk -x
This will most likely work!

Run Python for Android (Qpython) in Android Terminal

Python for Android (Py4A 2.6) is wonderful!!! But QPython (2.7) is a lot more powerful and continuously developed. Now I try to integrate Qpython's Python into Android (5.1 CM12) Terminal / ADB described in this Tutorial:
My Script to import the environment variables qpython needs looks like:
Shell session:
u0_a101#C1905:/ $ source /sdcard/
u0_a101#C1905:/ $ $python
u0_a101#C1905:/ $ hmm do nothing?!
I get no output.
I have found here on Stackoverflow the same Question but the posted solution ist a link how is down.
Other Tutorial on throws only errors
Try this command in your terminal:
$sh data/data/com.hipipal.qpyplus/files/bin/
Terminal will prompt a Python console.
If your script for the environment variables was obtained by running the code from the tutorial link, it should be correct.
If what you have pasted is exactly what you entered, the problem would be that you tried to run pyhton by typing $python when it should have just been python
Pre-fixing with $ is used to reference the value of a variable, so entering $python referenced the value of the variable python but does nothing with it, hence no feedback.
EDIT2: Although it's not a direct answer to this question I suggest having a look at the App 'Termux'. You can install Python2/3 via apt, virtualenv/-wrapper etc... Much more powerfull!
EDIT: Since /data/data... is only accessible as root, the following must be done as root!
Take care that the python executables path is in your $PATH. That wasn't the case even after having run the script from the tutorial (your script). If it's not present simply type:export PATH=/data/data/com.hipipal.qpyplus/files/bin:$PATH
or follow theses steps. In short: create a file in /sdcard (here ".bashrc") with the above line. After that type: source .bashrcsource ( is located in /data/data/com.hipipal.qpyplus/files/bin as well) Then fire up Python with python-android5 which is the PIE compatible executable for Phone with Lollipop and above. But be aware: For whatever reason I couldn't exit() or quit() the Python prompt but I was able to run Script from the Terminal! Have fun!
EDIT: I spotted this: PythonForAndroid. It is a fork of PythonForAndroid that is still alive, and this versions are able to run on Android L (Python3 on 5.1.1 in my case). Also check the SL4A linked there, it works great on Lollipop.
Thanks to the answers above I made a super easy solution. If you have root: Create a file "python" and type the following line in it:
sh data/data/com.hipipal.qpyplus/files/bin/
Place this file in your /system/bin directory and you can access python from everywhere using the command 'python'.

Where is the for Android's monkeyrunner

I just can't find the file in order to create the API reference for the monkeyrunner. The command described at the Android references
monkeyrunner <format> <outfile> does not work when i call monkeyrunner html /path/to/place/the/doc.html.
It's quite obvious that the file is not found and the monkeyrunner also tells me "Can't open specified script file". But a locate on my system doesn't bring me a file that has anything to do with monkeyrunner or Android.
So my question is: Where did they hide the file for creating the API reference?
I cannot find it either. But one can assume that it is simply calling with the passed in arguments. If you just want to get something quick use this script I created also named
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Imports the monkeyrunner modules used by this program
from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice
text ="html");
f = open('help.html', 'w')
Run it just like any other monkeyrunner script:
$ monkeyrunner
After I have all codes in my machine (i.e, repo sync), it is at mydroid/sdk/monkeyrunner/scripts along with other three:
This is brilliant answer but if you really want this file is in android source i.e.
I believe the documentation on the website starts from that script, but I'm pretty sure somebody edits it a bit afterwards as well.
There's an error in monkeyrunner's help documentation (monkeyrunner Built-in Help), you should use parameters in another order:
monkeyrunner <format> <outfile>
And don't forget about specifying a full path to the script, if you're running it outside of the monkeyrunner.bat directory (android monkeyrunner scripts).
If you don't have Repo Sync, described by users above, you can find the sources (including, for example, here: monkeyrunner scripts.
I opened an issue at Google Code (Issue 26259: monkeyrunner Built-in Help Description Error) and I hope that they'll fix it soon.

