Destroy an Intent? - android

When I create a Intent:
Intent in = new Intent(this, myclass.class);
I create a new Intent but the last Intent is not destroy
It's still in memory
How can I kill this last destroy?
So I want to create two Intents in two different classes:
in the first class I write this:
Intent in1 = new Intent(this, myclass2.class);
and in second class I write this:
Intent in2 = new Intent(this, myclass1.class);
but when I Click in1 will create and the in2 will destroy, and when i Click on in2 the in2 will create and in1 will destroy.
a want to clean my phone memory.

You can prevent the user from going on to the previous Activity by overriding the back key functionality like this:
public void onBackPressed() {
//doing nothing on pressing Back key
Though this approach is not encouraged.And as everybody knows, the Activity will be automatically killed when certain aspects come up like memory requirement. You cannot destroy one Activity at your free will.
Though for specific cases like a welcome splash screen maybe, you can do one of the following two things:
1) call finish() method on your current Activity as you move onto
your new Activity(generally done when using Thread).
2) use the following in your manifest:
<activity android:name=".WelcomeScreen" android:noHistory="true" ... />
This will tell the device to not keep this Activity on the Activity stack.

Activities remain in memory until Android decides it should be removed. Don't worry about it. It'll get destroyed when more memory is needed. It's effectively "unused" memory until your top activity uses it.

I'm not sure to understand your question...
You want to start a new activity and destroy the previous one?
If this is what you need, you can use:
startActivity(new Intent(this, myActivity.class).setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP));
The "CLEAR_TOP" flag tell "Hey! I want to start this activity and kill all the other ones!"

Since the Android runtime environment uses garbage collection (just like "traditional" Java), you won't need to worry about manually destroying objects in most cases. The memory taken up by the unused Intent object will be recycled if the system needs additional space for new objects.


How to put in foreground an Android activity that is in background

I read several similar questions here, but I didn't find a clear reply to my question.
I launch my Android App and I have my main ActivityA in foreground
after some time I push a button (of ActivityA) and I open (and put in foreground, then visible and ontop) ActivityB. I do it simply by the command myContext.startActivity(myIntent);
It means that now ActivityA is in background (onPause()), then not visible.
After some time I push another button of ActivityB with the target to put in foreground (then visible and ontop) again previous ActivityA
What is the correct and best way to do it? According to my understanding (but I'm not sure it's correct.) it shouldn't be by startActivity(), because startActivity() creates another instance of ActivityA (it calls onCreate() ) and then there will be 2 instances of ActivityA running (one in foreground and one in background). What I want to get is a calling of onResume() for ActivityA (and not of onCreate() ).
The second question is: how can I know if ActivityA is still alive in background? Maybe after sometime the system killed it to free resources.
Note: the solution in my case cannot be to use finish() to destroy ActivityA when I open ActivityB, and then to use startActivity() to reopen it, because I need ActivityA alive as much as possible.
Thank you very much in Advance
What you need is the FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT when starting a new activity. This will cause a background activity to be be brought to the foreground if it's running, or create a new instance if it's not running at all.
From inside ActivityB:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, ActivityA.class);
What is the correct and best way to do it?
Use startActivity(), with an Intent on which you have added Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT.
it shouldn't be by startActivity(), because startActivity() creates another instance of ActivityA
While that is the default behavior, Intent flags can alter that behavior.
how can I know if ActivityA is still alive in background?
If you did not finish() it, and your process has not been terminated, it exists.
Maybe after sometime the system killed it to free resources.
Android terminates processes to free up system RAM. It does not destroy activities on its own.
because I need Activity A alive as much as possible
To be honest, that suggests that you have other architectural issues. Bear in mind that activities are destroyed and recreated for various reasons, such as configuration changes (e.g., screen rotation). Activities should be very disposable.
You can use following
1. For launching new instance (current state of ActivityA) and get ActivityA on Top of Stack
Intent intent = new Intent(this, ActivityA.class);
2. For launching old instance and get ActivityA on Top of Stack
Intent intent = new Intent(this, ActivityA.class);
For more detail please check
Task and Back Task
You can use StartActivityForResult in the place of StartActivity in activity A and on activity B you can setResult when you want to open Activity A again.In that case OnActivityResult() of activity A is called not onCreate().

How do I get my existing Activity to display?

How do I get my app to appear in on the screen after it has been replaced by some other screen/activity? Some network event occurs and my application wants to reappear in the foreground (presumably in a polite manner).
I think I need to do something like:
I don't want to create another instance of my app or cause it to restart, but I want it to appear.
Intent intent = new Intent(contxt, myActivity.class);
In your myActivity onNewIntent is called. I assume myActivity is the top activity in your app current stack

Restarting Android application after process is killed

When my application is idle, Android kills the process.
If user reopens the application after some time, only the top Activity is created - this is a problem for me because the activity depends on initialization of other objects (which are now destroyed).
What I want to do in that case is to re-launch the application.
How can I do that?
Just identify that your Application is being launched after it was previously destroyed by Android, you could do this by keeping a variable in a custom Application class, and set it to true after your applicaiton is initialized. So when the applicaction is re-launched, this flag is false, and then just make an Intent to launch your main Activity specifying FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP :
Intent reLaunchMain=new Intent(this,MainActivity.class);
I think this answer only for you.
After finish progress call this
Intent intent = new Intent(this, sameactivity.class);
You should probably be looking at storing such Objects in your app's implementation of the Application class.
If these objects contain state that needs to be more persistent, you should save the state of such Objects in each Activity's onPause() method, either to the database, in SharedPreferences or remotely.

Android - start multiple activities

is it possible to start multiple activities at once? I mean, from main create 3 activities in some order and just the last will be visible? Up to now, I was able to create only one activity.
You might need something like this in order to launch deep into the app after the user has clicked a notification in order to display some newly added content, for example.
Intent i = new Intent(this, A.class);
Intent j = new Intent(this, B.class);
Intent k = new Intent(this, C.class);
In this way you can start activities A, B and C at the same time and suppress transitions to activities A and B. You get a single transition from your current activity to activity C. I strongly suggest that you log the Activity lifecycle method calls (onCreate etc.) to LogCat, for example. It helps a lot in understanding the order of events.
This can be a common thing to do in response to deep linking or other use cases where you, basically, need to synthetically rebuild the Task (and all the activities it should contain). Sometimes, just specifying parents in the manifest isn't enough.
Take a look at TaskStackBuilder. One common example:
TaskStackBuilder.create( context )
.addNextIntent( intentOnBottom )
// use this method if you want "intentOnTop" to have it's parent chain of activities added to the stack. Otherwise, more "addNextIntent" calls will do.
.addNextIntentWithParentStack( intentOnTop )
Really old question but I thought I still answer it.
public void startActivities (Intent[] intents, Bundle options)
Try startActivity(new Intent(...); at the end of your onCreate-Method of the first Activity.
This will immediatly launch a new Activity and pause the first one.
With back-key you will get back to the last Activity

Android New Intent New Screen

I am still not completely sure of this opening a new screen with a new intent. I have two problems. 1 is getting it to work and the second is more theory.
Firstly I have two packages com.quiz.max and com.reason.max both have activities names accordingly eg Quiz and Reason respectively. Here is the on click code I am trying to execute at the moment in quiz to go to reason.
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setClassName("com.reason.max", "com.reason.max.Reason");
this.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode);
Secondly I heard if I start this intent then everytime i click the button a new intent is created. Does this mean if the user goes to reason page and navigates back and clicks the button again they actually create a new intent instead of going back to the already active one. Thus dozens could be opened via this method. Therefore should I close each reason intent once navigated back or is this a redundant point?
I think you want
Intent intent = new Intent(this, Reason.class);
startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode);
Secondly, you don't "start an intent". You use an intent to ask an Activity to start, in this case the Reason activity. And yes, the default behavior is to start a new instance of the activity each time it is requested.
You can alter this behavior with the launchMode.
Make sure you read and understand the Activity lifecycle. You don't need to worry about too many Activities in existence, Android will handle that for you, but you should properly save state and clean up connections in the appropriate lifecycle methods.

