I have the following string declared in strings.xml:
<string name="last_msg">Your last click was on</string>
Now when someone clicks a button, I want a textview to show this string, with a space, then a variable value that is a timestamp.
Unfortunately, using #string/last_msg isn't working, and I'm not sure how to do this properly so I'm not hardcoding in content.
Here's my code for the onClick function:
public void showMsgNow(View view) {
TextView lastMsg = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.textView2);
long currentTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
lastMsg.setText(#string/last_msg + " " + currentTimeStamp);
I'm a newbie, any help would be great !
I found the answer on Google:
you cant access String directly by #, for that you need to have context resource and then just do this...
lastMsg.setText(context.getResources().getString(R.string.last_msg) + " " + currentTimeStamp);
in your case use
<string name="last_msg">Your last click was on %1$s</string>
public void showMsgNow(View view) {
TextView lastMsg = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.textView2);
long currentTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
.getString(R.string.last_msg, currentTimeStamp));
// getString is method of context
if (this instanceof Context)
//If you are in Activity or Service class
lastMsg.setText(getString(R.string.last_msg)+ " " + currentTimeStamp);
//you need to context to get the string
lastMsg.setText(getString(mContext,R.string.last_msg)+ " " + currentTimeStamp);
public String getString(Context mContext, int id){
return mContext.getResources().getString(id);
use below line
lastMsg.setText(getString(R.string.last_msg) + " " + currentTimeStamp);
Try this :
lastMsg.setText(R.string.last_msg + " " + new SimpleDateFormat(d-MM-YYYY).format(new Date()));
1) is there any easy way for screen output like in Pascal: write(A,'+',B,'=',C) ?
I tried :
void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
int A,B,C;
String text = getString(A,"+",B,"=",C);
TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView1);
//Toast.makeText(this,text, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
but ít doesn't work.
Every time I will get "...apliccation has stopped"
the best would be something like :
tv.setText(A,"+",B,"=",C) //without stringing integers;
thanks for all your help.
Concatenate the string and use setText afterwards:
tv.setText(A + "+" B + "=" + C);
For longer text, use a StringBuilder.
This is wrong getString(A,"+",B,"=",C)
you want
String text = A + "+" + B + "=" + C;
getString is used for retrieving package string resources
In android, with SearchNotes.java example and a very simple add from me:
Log.d("something", title + " "+ note.getUpdated() + " "+ note.getNotebookGuid());
Api returns only 0 or null! Did I missed something?
More details of the context of the code:
.findNotesMetadata(filter, offset, pageSize, spec, new OnClientCallback<NotesMetadataList>() {
public void onSuccess(NotesMetadataList data) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), R.string.notes_searched, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
for(NoteMetadata note : data.getNotes()) {
String title = note.getTitle();
Log.d("something", title + " "+ note.getUpdated() + " "+ note.getNotebookGuid());
When you call NoteStore#findNotesMetadata, you can specify what it returns with NotesMetadetaResultSpec.
Make sure you set includeUpdated and includeNotebookGuid to true.
Is there any way to access automatically any Log in Logcat by a double click ?
Actually, when there is an error crashing my Android Application, I can double click on the line saying for instance
at com.myapp.mypackage$Class.function(File.java:117)
And by Double-clicking on this line, I am automatically redirected to the related line of my code.
But, when I try to generate the same line in another Log, example :
Log.e("TAG", "at com.myapp.mypackage$Class.function(File.java:117)");
The Double-Click doesn't work anymore ...
Any ideas ?
If you want to create a log in logcat that can be clicked and go to your line use the following method to create it:
public static void showLogCat(String tag, String msg) {
StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElement = Thread.currentThread()
int currentIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < stackTraceElement.length; i++) {
if (stackTraceElement[i].getMethodName().compareTo("showLogCat") == 0)
currentIndex = i + 1;
String fullClassName = stackTraceElement[currentIndex].getClassName();
String className = fullClassName.substring(fullClassName
.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
String methodName = stackTraceElement[currentIndex].getMethodName();
String lineNumber = String
Log.i(tag, msg);
Log.i(tag + " position", "at " + fullClassName + "." + methodName + "("
+ className + ".java:" + lineNumber + ")");
If you don't mind the clutter in your log, you can easily just add a new Exception() to the log message
Log.e("TAG", "Looky here see", new Exception());
I want to insert a log in LogCat that when I click on it jumps to its line like some error logs that are generated by system.
Is it possible?
I found it:
public static void showLogCat(String tag, String msg) {
StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElement = Thread.currentThread()
int currentIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < stackTraceElement.length; i++) {
if (stackTraceElement[i].getMethodName().compareTo("showLogCat") == 0)
currentIndex = i + 1;
String fullClassName = stackTraceElement[currentIndex].getClassName();
String className = fullClassName.substring(fullClassName
.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
String methodName = stackTraceElement[currentIndex].getMethodName();
String lineNumber = String
Log.i(tag, msg);
Log.i(tag + " position", "at " + fullClassName + "." + methodName + "("
+ className + ".java:" + lineNumber + ")");
Its usage:
showLogCat("tag", "message");
The important thing is to insert "(X:Y)" in your log message, while X is your desired file name and Y is your desired line number in X. (I learned it from #breceivemail's answer). So try:
public static void log(final String tag, final String msg) {
final StackTraceElement stackTrace = new Exception().getStackTrace()[1];
String fileName = stackTrace.getFileName();
if (fileName == null) fileName=""; // It is necessary if you want to use proguard obfuscation.
final String info = stackTrace.getMethodName() + " (" + fileName + ":"
+ stackTrace.getLineNumber() + ")";
Log.LEVEL(tag, info + ": " + msg);
Note: The LEVEL is the log level and can be v, d, i, w, e or wtf.
Now you can use log(tag, msg) instead of Log.LEVEL(tag, msg).
public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
log("Test Tag", "Hello World!");
The output:
12-30 14:24:45.343 ? I/Test Tag: onCreate (MainActivity.java:10): Hello World!
And MainActivity.java:10 automatically would be a link and you can click on it!
You can also assign following value to info variable if you want more verbose log:
final String info = stackTrace.getClassName() + "." + stackTrace.getMethodName() + " ("
+ fileName + ":" + stackTrace.getLineNumber() + ")\n";
So the output of above example would be:
12-30 14:33:07.360 ? I/Test Tag: com.example.myapp.MainActivity.onCreate (MainActivity.java:11)
Hello World!
Please use this Tree with Timber.
class MyLinkingTimberTree : Timber.DebugTree() {
override fun createStackElementTag(element: StackTraceElement): String? {
return makeClickableLineNumber(element)
private fun makeClickableLineNumber(
element: StackTraceElement
): String {
val className = element.fileName
val methodName = element.methodName
val lineNumber = element.lineNumber
val fileName = element.fileName
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder(className)
.append(" (")
.append(") ")
return stringBuilder.toString()
And then just instantiate it like this:
class MyApplication: Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
Then just use Timber normally:
Timber.d("Currently Signed in:")
And this is the result. Nice, isn't it? I hope you enjoy using it as much as I enjoyed making it! ;)
Yes you can do it .. Follow the example as answered on SO - logging
To answer the question in a simple way:
respecter cette règle :
e.g. MainActivity.java:10
which gives a sample as below
Log.d(TAG, "onResume: MainActivity.java:10");
I hope this will help you
This isn't exactly an answer to the question, but perhaps it's a "close enough" workaround.
Highlight the log text
Double-Click on the search result.
If the text is highlighted before you press CTRL-SHIFT-F, then you don't need to type or copy/paste it in.
If your searches tend to produce too many results, you can use live templates to make unique logcat entries:
Create a live template to insert the Class, Method, and Line-Number (at the time of writing). I use "logi." Yes, the line number will become less and less accurate as you continue to write, but it can still function as a way to make your log entries more "findable."
Is there any way to access automatically any Log in Logcat by a double click ?
Actually, when there is an error crashing my Android Application, I can double click on the line saying for instance
at com.myapp.mypackage$Class.function(File.java:117)
And by Double-clicking on this line, I am automatically redirected to the related line of my code.
But, when I try to generate the same line in another Log, example :
Log.e("TAG", "at com.myapp.mypackage$Class.function(File.java:117)");
The Double-Click doesn't work anymore ...
Any ideas ?
If you want to create a log in logcat that can be clicked and go to your line use the following method to create it:
public static void showLogCat(String tag, String msg) {
StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElement = Thread.currentThread()
int currentIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < stackTraceElement.length; i++) {
if (stackTraceElement[i].getMethodName().compareTo("showLogCat") == 0)
currentIndex = i + 1;
String fullClassName = stackTraceElement[currentIndex].getClassName();
String className = fullClassName.substring(fullClassName
.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
String methodName = stackTraceElement[currentIndex].getMethodName();
String lineNumber = String
Log.i(tag, msg);
Log.i(tag + " position", "at " + fullClassName + "." + methodName + "("
+ className + ".java:" + lineNumber + ")");
If you don't mind the clutter in your log, you can easily just add a new Exception() to the log message
Log.e("TAG", "Looky here see", new Exception());