overridePendingTransition not working in Android - android

The following code is not working for me.
and the XML for animation is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<translate android:fromXDelta="50%p" android:toXDelta="-50"
<alpha android:fromAlpha="0.0" android:toAlpha="1.0"
android:duration="#android:integer/config_mediumAnimTime" />
I searched the web, saw all the threads from Stack Overflow, but not able to fix this.

I made it work out in the following way.
I have removed the
from the above code and placed it in onPause(), and it worked like a charm.

Sometimes animations are disabled on the phone. To check go to settings > display > animation > allow "all animations". This will allow overridePendingTransition to work properly if it was disabled.

If you activate usb debugging mode, it can disable the transitions effects.
Enter Developer options (where you activated debugging mode), find the user's interface section, check if the animation's transition scale have the animations disabled. If so, set it to .5x. Done!

try startActivity before finish()


Genie Effect Animation in Android

I have requirement of implementing Genie Effect animation shown below.
I could not understand where to start. Can anyone suggest me some ideas?
I tried some code with basic animation like translation and scaling but not succeed.
I have implemented this code with Game Library AndEngine
Kindly find the attached code below that will help u to move further..
you can use this code as fragment to ur android code OR make instance
of this code and again extend from activity for reusing this code.
This zip file contain 2 project :
Code implementation for above effect and
AndEngine library which u need to add to my project .
Click here to Download My Code
I tried to make animation like Genie Effect. But its not as perfect as your image show, but It will help you during your research.
Example Video of demo.
Create anim folder in res. copy falling.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:interpolator="#android:anim/linear_interpolator" >
android:toYDelta="50%" />
android:toYScale="0" />
Use following java code to apply animaiton on button click.
final Animation animationFalling = AnimationUtils
.loadAnimation(GenieEffectActivity.this, R.anim.falling);
Hope it helps you.
I have a browser solution.
Check out https://github.com/kamilkp/geniejs
and http://kamilkp.github.io/ for demo.
It works in every browser including mobile (not always smoothly on firefox though). It supports Genie Effect transitions in every direction (top, bottom, left, right). It works even if the target html element is a child of some container that has overflow auto or hidden. It is library agnostic itself, but i also wrote a convenience jQuery plugin. And if you also include the html2canvas library in your project, the plugin lets you animate HTML elements with genie effect (expanding example here: http://kamilkp.co.nf/genie/canvas/)
The only requirement for the browser is that it needs to support CSS transitions. It's a pure javascript + CSS solution.
PS. You can use Phonegap to create an Android app from a web application.

WebView loadDataWithBaseUrl - weird issue in android 4.0.3

In my project there are two WebViews and I am switching these WebViews alternatively to get a smooth animation while loading my url. When I am using Webview.loadUrl() method, it works fine in all devices. But when I am using the same code with loadDataWithBaseUrl() then its not working in 4.0.3 but it's working fine in 2.2, 2.3, 4.0.4, 4.1 devices.
Is this a bug jumping from WebKit?
I tried so many ways to get this done but no way out. I am really frustrated and messed-up with this.
It will be so helpful if someone could show me a right way to get this done.
You can try to add these property with webview-
mWebView.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);
and can use animation because its working well for me like-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
android:fromXDelta="100%p" android:toXDelta="0" android:duration="1000"/>
There appears to be a bug with 4.0.3 altogether with WebView animations.
What fixed it for me was removing alpha from animation.
Basic translate animation is behaving correctly.

"Buttery" fragment animations in "pre-butter" Android

I'm using Google's compat lib to enable fragments in my app (Target SDK 16, Min SDK 8) for devices running on 2.2+. From a functional point of view this runs all fine, but the performance of the view animations that are set up via
FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
transaction.setCustomAnimations(inTransition, outTransition, popInTransition, popOutTransition);
where inTransition is a simple translation like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:interpolator="#android:anim/accelerate_interpolator">
<translate android:fromYDelta="100%p" android:toYDelta="0" android:duration="#integer/animation_duration" />
and outTransition is a fade animation like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<alpha android:fromAlpha="1.0" android:toAlpha="0.0" android:duration="#integer/animation_duration" />
is just plain awful on my Galaxy S2 (4.0.3), i.e. for an animation that lasts about 350ms I'd say approx. half of the frames are dropped. I noticed that the performance gets a little (but not much) better if I disable the fade out, but then of course the complete effect of the animation is gone, because the origin fragment turns black instantly. I also tried a release version of the code, but the performance did not improve either.
What am I doing wrong? How can I make fragment animations smoother?
The first thing I'd recommend is enable hardware acceleration in the Manifest. This will only be enabled on devices with API 3.0+, but will significantly improve performance. With API 11 (3.0) and up, you can also take advantage of View LayerTypes. Set whatever you're animating to LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE then set it back to LAYER_TYPE_SOFTARE or LAYER_TYPE_NONE upon completion.
Pre-honeycomb it becomes far more difficult. You don't have hardware acceleration at all. You may be better off checking if(api < 11) *use this animation* else *use this animation*. Sliding animations tend to work fairly smooth. Alpha animations are a burden on the CPU, especially when views have many layers. Apply any animation on the top-most parent view you can get away with (you're animating entire fragments so it's already happening).

Android R.anim,shake not found

I have followed the tutorial at:
The code is fine until I get to:
Animation shake = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.shake);
It would appear that R.anim does not exist, eclipse suggests creating a field in in type R or creating a constant in type R. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe either are the solution.
I am running Google APIs, platform 2.2, API 8 - I have tried higher levels but it didn't make a difference. All that I am trying to accomplish is a button shake on click...
Any feedback is appreciated,
You need to create the shake animation xml file. It will reside in
and it would look like this:
<translate xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:fromXDelta="0" android:toXDelta="10" android:duration="1000"
android:interpolator="#anim/cycle_7" />
You then also need the interpolator (cycle_7.xml):
<cycleInterpolator xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:cycles="7" />
These files can both be found in

Custom spinner animation not smooth enough: framesCount and frameDuration error

I'm working on a custom indeterminate spinner, I browsed through the SDK for some pointers and found the indeterminate spinner xml file made by Google:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<animated-rotate xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:frameDuration="100" />
When I use this as a drawable in my own project I get errors about android:framesCount and android:framesDuration. After looking on Google for a while I found this link to an issue report.
My questions is: Is there any workaround so i can still use android:framesCount and android:framesDuration? Or is there any other way I can make my custom spinner rotate smooth?
Have you looked at the answer to this question? How to make a smooth image rotation in Android It appears that you are having the same issue. He doesn't use the following:
Since it appears to be internal I would recommend going about it the way he did.
Hope this helps.
I replaced animated-rotate with rotate
<rotate xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:pivotY="50%" />

