I have an app where I am trying to add text shadow to a TextView. The problem is: the shadow is always very thin. I'd like it to be thicker.
I am trying to generate "memes", as some of you might know from the "fun sites" on the internet. My goal is something like this font:
I am using the same exact font, Impact. The problem is, when I add a black border shadow, the shadow is not visible enough and it's not wide enough. It's barely barely noticeable.
I am defining a FrameLayout, with the picture on the bottom and two text fields, one on the top and one on the bottom. The shadow is barely visible for both of them.
I have been using the parameters, shadowDy, shadowDx, etc. I know the shadowRadius is the parameter that actually defines the border size, but I have been experimenting both with values above 1 and below 1, and I can't seem to get any good results. There are minimal changes in size and shadow density, but nothing useful.
I have considered another option, which is a last resort, which is drawing the text twice, a bigger black font in the BG and align the character spacing so that the black text becomes the shadow of the white text on the front.
Thank you in advance !
You won't be able to accomplish that effect with the basic TextView shadows. I'd look at adding a stroke instead:
I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of the padding between the border of the element and the baseline. The padding seems to be there by default, but it gets annoying since it is impossible to properly align the text on top with the EditText baseline. You can see the problem on the screenshot.
If I understand correctly what you're after (based on your drawing), then you're not asking about baseline padding, but rather left padding between the border of the EditText and the start of the text.
If this is the case, then you can use android:paddingLeft attribute:
android:paddingLeft="0px" />
That said, it would only really matter if you are not showing the border of the EditText. If you do, then the text (label?) above it would align nicely against the left border of the EditText.
Update: Based on discussion in comments, it sounds like padding doesn't have an impact on the position of the line. In this case, it may be necessary to either set a custom background, or as an option, set background to white (#android:color/white) or transparent and then use a simply drawableBottom to place a line below the text. Unfortunately, I don't have access to an Android dev environment at the moment to try this out.
I tried both to align a few TextView objects and they gave me the same results. What exactly is the difference between 'baseline' and 'bottom' ?
To visualize the difference, I usually imagine two textboxes in Word or Photoshop.
alignBottom lines up the bottom of the textboxes. (The blue outline)
Text could be uneven, but the boxes they're in would line up on the bottom.
alignBaseline aligns the actual text within the box. This can help ensure that the texts line up on the bottom, regardless of font size or textbox size. (The green line)
What is a Baseline?
Baseline is a typography term that refers to the invisible line text is written on.
(As referenced in What is the baseline in RelativeLayout?)
If you're not careful, using alignBaseline could make your layout look like this:
Details: Watch That Baseline Alignment
I don't know if you're still looking for the answer, but I decided to at least put this out there since this was one of the first results.
I have a few issues and questions regarding some UI development on Android. Firstly look at this image:
Firstly at image A) This is a image that I insert and repeat horizontally to give the zig-zag shape at the top of the screen regardless of screensize and above that a textField with no content and a background color - But as I'm sure you can is that the two colors don't match up quite as perfectly as it should even though they both have the same hex color value (#BF0426). And secondly, you can also see some serious pixelation on that zig-zag image. How do I fix these 2 problems?
And then at image B) Here I have a simple listView. What I would like to do, is firstly indent it a bit on both sides, and round the corners of the top and bottom item. So basically I want it to look like the blue border drawn on the screenshot. (Your typical iOS listView). How do I go about doing this?
Thanks in advance for any tips!
For the image. Just out of curiosity, why wouldnt you simply extend your image to include the top pixels as well? In other words, build your repeating image such that it incorporates the pixels that you are trying to create using the empty textview. This will at least take care of the color missmatch, as the color will all be generated from the same place. In terms of the pixelation. Are you truly repeating the image, or are you spreading the image. A spreading will definitely cause what you are seeing.
For your tableview:
For the left and right indent, you can simply use the margin or padding attributes of tableview item. There are generic padding and/or margin attributes (which will pad all of the top, bottom, left and right), or there are separate padding and/or margin attributes for each top, bottom, left, and right. Here is a great link on padding versus margin that you may want to read.
Difference between a View's Padding and Margin
Example attribute (as called in an XML file) for bottom margin
setMargins(left, top, right, bottom) // for setting margins programmatically
Example attribute (as called in an XML file) for top padding
setPadding(left, top, right, bottom) // for setting padding programmatically
For the custom top and bottom, you should be able to use the following tutorial
From here, you should be able to detect the item as the first and last item and set the background property (image) to a background image that has a rounded top or rounded bottom. This is how I do it on the iPhone. I have also implemented things that LOOK like tableviews but are simply vertical layouts with my own custom views that I have made to look like what you are wanting.
One thing to consider is the file format you use is going to mutate the image as you save it (lossy compression), so a .jpg with a certain color may look different than a .bmp with the same color. Make sure you author using the same application and/or export settings when trying to match up images.
Also, if you created your image with a DPI that is not compatible with the android display it can cause serious pixelation in detail areas, especially with gradients and drop shadows.
In my app I have something similar in appearance to labels in GMail app UI. For those who may not know, they look like this (labels are these colorful bars):
In order to achieve similar effect I use nine-patch drawables - for each label I am creating a TextView and assign drawable to it. This is simple solution, but I don't like it. It's not elegant, it is quite slow as shown by profiler, and I just don't think it's the right way to do it.
I changed the design of the UI to make it more "ICS-y", so I removed rounded corners from the labels. And I started thinking how I could replace 9-patch solution. The most obvious thing is to use BackgroundColorSpan. But it has one, small drawback. I want my labels to have some padding. With drawables, it was easy to achieve. With spans, it's harder. To make horizontal padding, I can just add spaces at the beginning and at the end of the string. But how to make vertical padding larger? To clear things up, this is a screenshot of the label with BackgroundColorSpan:
I want to make the colored parts above and below the text larger. I think I should use some kind of MetricAffectingSpan, but I couldn't figure out which one. Or maybe I should write my own? Or, finally, maybe spans are just not able to fulfill my needs and I should stay with images or create a canvas and "manually" draw everything as in GMail app?
The easiest way to do this, and im pretty sure the GMAIL app is making use of it, are shapes.
Just create a custom shape, in your case a rectangle shape with rounded corners and a solid color, and assign this drawable then to the background property of your textview.
A shape is defined in xml.
You will assign it as follows:
android:background="#drawable/my_awesome_shape" />
I'm trying to create some 9patch images that have some text as their content. I define the stretchable area with a black pixel line top and left. And I define the content area with a black pixel line right and bottom.
However, it seems as though Droid is adding padding to the top and bottom of the content area, messing my layouts up. Has anyone else experienced this?
You say you're putting a black pixel line for the top and left? For the top, you should place just a single pixel for the stretch point. For the left, you can place either one or two pixels (two if there are two separate places you would like to stretch). Let me know if I am misunderstanding you though.