How can I have multiple pages of one ListView? - android

I currently have one long ListView in my android application and I would like to separate that one ListView into multiple pages so that when the user selects the next button, that will be in the actionbar, it goes to the next set of ListView items.
How do I go about achieving this?

You can write your own ListAdapter/ArrayAdapter and have it only load the items you want to. The arrayadapter is good and easy enough to use.
ArrayAdapter example,
here is another example


What is the best way to implement multiple spinners?

I want to know that what will be the best way to implement spinner in a listview. My scenario is I am getting products names, prices and their number from server side. For this I am going to make one main Activity (with one xml) that will contain the listview and a separate adapter class to make the adapter for the listview and that adapter layout. Now I want to ask is this approach will be good as I will be having some operations on spinner selection (getting each spinner (or product) dropdown number, spinner (or product) name and position) and also I will have to handle spinner positions as getview() will render each time? Or you people suggest me some good ideas instead of this?
Having many spinners in a ListView is possible but I would imagine in most cases it'd be inconvenient for the user -- too much clutter and moving elements on top of each other. I suggest you create a separate Fragment for item details, and only display static items in your ListView that will take the user to item details fragment (with spinners and anything else you might need). Take a look at this design pattern: Multi-pane layouts

How do you organize an application with a list of items, which link to a lot of activities?

I am making an application and I can't figure out what's best to do.
I have a long list of tableRows. About 200 of them. They are different
models of a specific product. Each row, when clicked, should show a
screen with that item's specs for the user to read.
Here are my options, I would need help and guidance on how to do each one of these as I am a beginner (but I'm getting more advanced)
First Approach
Create an activity for each and every item. The user will click the row and then they will have to press back to get back to the list. (I know how to do this. I'm fine with this)
Second Approach
I read about horizontal page swiping. Similar to the Play Store. I would prefer this option, but would I be safer sticking to lots of activities?
When the user clicks a row, it would bring them to the item spec and they will be able to swipe left and right between all the items. Pressing back will bring them back to the list.
(This is the one I need full step-by-step guidance with, so I can learn for the future, thanks)
Does anyone have any other suggestions how I would handle this amount of data?
You have a long list of items. That suggests you use a ListActivity to show the items. If the items have similarities, use one view to show them and one Activity to show details. If the items are totally different, use different layouts to inflate in getView and different activities. Having the items in one list suggests, however, that there are similarities and it's best to use one layout in the listview and one activity for details.
Alternatively, you can group your items according to similarity in the way you show them. You may end up with ten different views to use in the listview, and ten different activities.

Listfragment divided into sections

I am programming for android 4.0
I would like to create a listFragment divided in 2 sections. This means i want it to be 1 long scrollable list but with a divider between the online items and the offline items. And of course when one item comes online it should jump upwards + the other way around.
All the items are clickable but the divider shouldn't be (and preferably have a differend colour)
How can i do this or is this even possible?
Ok so , a fragment is basically an activity and you can treat it like an activity, in your case you should extend ListFragment (which will act like a ListActivity in a sense).
now, a List Adapter (which populate a list) in its default way will only allow you to display a list in its most simple form so in order to achieve what you want (a list that deals certain list items differently) you will need to write your own Adapter.
its best if you get the data in the order you want them to be displayed so if you can sort the "online" items from the "offline" items straight from your data source you should query it this way. so now the only thing you need to add is a separator between them and you can do it by finding the first "offline" item and inflating a separator above it (this is done inside your adapter).
each task by its own has dozens of tutorials and Q&As around the web and on StackOverflow.
hope it helps and i'm here if you need more help.

Android ListView that opens a subset

I would like to design an item like this that opens a subset of other items when clicked, I have only seen it in other applications I've used, and I can't find any resources on how to create it. Does anyone know how to?
Its not clear if you want to created Nested listviews that look like this
or if you want to open a completely new list when the user clicks on an item.
If you want to use a nested listview look at this question: android nested listview
And if you want to open a new activity, then create a 2nd activity with a listview and open that on an item click
Perhaps you should try to have a look at the ExpandableListView.
Documentation is available from here:
If you wanted to add a ListView that opens another list, you can do it in several ways. I've successfully done it by adding an OnItemClickListener to the ListView and then simply load a new set of data in the ListView and update it using invalidate() or by setting a new Adapter.
You could even add some cool transitions or animations, and create a listener for when the animation is completed. Lots of cool ideas :-)

What is the best way to do multiple listviews in android?

i am writing a software that i have to drill down on content a lot. For example when the program starts a listview is displayed. When user clicks on an item, then a second listview must be displayed. For example:
Select Continent > Select Country > Select State > Select City > Select Address
What is the best way to do this (less memory, faster, easier to code etc)? To create multiple listviews with multiple adapters? Or 1 listview with multiple Adapters? Lists are loaded from an external XML File.
So far i am creating a new adapter and setting it to the listview. How do i create a second listview and after clicking on 1st listview displaying the second one, with animation. Any examples?
Extend my class to ListActivity or Activity?
I would make multiple Activities for this. The first activity to display Continent list, the second the Country list, Third State list, etc...
When the user than click the back button. It will go back to the previous activity (list). Even the scrollstate would be remembered.
This will also add the OS animation between the activities. The code will also be separated and memory freed when closing the list activity.
Sending a value from one activity to another ex CountryCode tot the StateListActivty is done by setting a intent.putExtra("CountryCode", countryCode);
A second approach would be to use a ViewFlipper. Adding each listview as a child. And than setting a custom animation on the show-next and show-previous actions.
Note: Using multiple activities may use abit more memory than the ViewFlipper approach.
I would use separate activities for each list but with only one List Adapter class to be shared by all so you can retain consistency in terms of how the lists look + easy to maintain code. You can use a bundle to pass info from one activity to another.
Another thought: is the info you are referring to part of "settings" info? By that, I mean, is it info the user would put in once into your app, or would they put it in almost everytime they use the app (because each time the info would be different)? If it's an "one-off" type of info, you would be better off using a PreferenceActivity.

